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Library integration into the medical school curriculum is a crucial aspect of meeting Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) Accreditation Standards and the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Medical School Objectives Project (MSOP) guidelines. To accomplish this, academic health sciences libraries seek to develop evidence-based medicine (EBM) literature searching classes within the medical school curriculum. Establishing a basic understanding of the fundamental concepts behind health sciences database searching among medical students is a prerequisite for a more demanding evidence-based literature searching curriculum. The George T. Harrell Health Sciences Library, Penn State College of Medicine, sought to incorporate an evidence-based medicine literature searching structure by working within the existing problem-based learning system during the preclinical years. Students in the clinical years will participate in evidence-based assignments during their rotations. A fourth-year EBM elective will be created to reinforce and round out students' exposure to these concepts.  相似文献   


A library-led introductory informatics theme has been part of the Albany Medical College undergraduate medical school curriculum as a concurrent theme since 1993. Initially, classes were limited to large group sessions focusing on general searching skills. Over the past several years, course content has been expanded and increasingly integrated into other themes and clerkships. Web-based self-paced tutorials have replaced many classroom sessions, and Web 2.0 technologies have been introduced. Collaborations with clinical and basic science faculty in other themes supplement and strengthen the theme.  相似文献   

王平 《图书情报工作》2015,59(9):136-142
[目的/意义]了解国外社群信息学(community informatics, CI)研究与教育基本情况,为国内开展相关研究与教育提供借鉴.[方法/过程]通过网络调查和文献分析,考察国外CI课程设置、教学方法、研究机构、学术会议和学术期刊的基本情况和特点.[结果/结论]研究发现国外CI教育与研究实践呈现出资金支持下的以项目为导向、教育与实践一体化的特征,具体表现为:① CI研究与教育紧密结合,相互支撑;② CI研究与教育受惠于研究基金支持;③ CI研究与教育凸显实践特色;④CI研究与教育重视方法论指导.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]对比分析中美高校医学信息学本科、硕士教育概况,为我国未来医学信息学教育提供参考和借鉴。[方法/过程]以院校开设时间、院校层次为筛选标准,从中美开展医学信息学教育的高校中各选取10所代表性高校为研究对象,通过网络调研,从基本要求、课程设置、师资力量、教育教学方式、就业前景等方面对中美医学信息学本科、硕士教育概况进行综合分析。[结果/结论]我国医学信息学本硕教育虽经历几十年的探索和实践并取得一定成就,但与美国相比,我国还存在一些不足,如在入学基本要求方面,注重本科教育,高层次人才培养体系不完善;在课程设置方面,课程内容设置单调,非医学基础课程占比过高,学科交叉融合不明显;在师资力量方面,教师学科背景单一,职称结构分布不平衡;在教育教学方式方面,教师教学方式简单,学生实践机会较少;在就业前景方面,学生知识体系不系统,就业前景局限。未来我国应顺应大数据科学研究范式发展要求,加快培养高层次医学信息学人才;改善课程体系和内容设置,拓宽学科知识体系;优化师资力量配置,吸引多学科背景人才;丰富培养方式,注重理论与实践相结合。  相似文献   


Integration of information literacy as a core component into a new online undergraduate nursing course proved to be a learning experience in course design and teaching. This article describes the framework for the course design that combined cultural competency, informatics, and information literacy and was grounded in informatics competencies for nurses at the beginning level, an informatics textbook, and the Neurnan Systems Model. The librarian's role in this process and the information literacy unit's content and written assignment are detailed, and challenges in the collaboration are also addressed.  相似文献   

This program evaluation reports on the curricular development and integration of library, biomedical informatics, and scholarly communications (LBS) skills into a required informatics course for a new graduate degree program in the University of New Mexico's Clinical and Translational Sciences Center (CTSC). The course built on the opportunity presented by the new degree program to integrate LBS competencies rarely included in most traditional clinical research training programs. This report tracks the experiences and evaluations of two cohorts of graduate students who have completed the course. This article presents lessons learned on curricular integration and offers thoughts for future work.  相似文献   

This column describes a process for integrating information literacy (IL) and evidence-based medicine (EBM) content within a new school of medicine curriculum. The project was a collaborative effort among health sciences librarians, curriculum deans, directors, and faculty. The health sciences librarians became members of the curriculum committees, developed a successful proposal for IL and EBM content within the curriculum, and were invited to become course instructors for Analytics in Medicine. As course instructors, the librarians worked with the other faculty instructors to design and deliver active learning class sessions based on a flipped classroom approach using a proprietary Information Mastery curriculum. Results of this collaboration may add to the knowledge base of attitudes and skills needed to practice as full faculty partners in curricular design and instruction.  相似文献   

A wiki group project was integrated into a neuroscience course for first-year medical students. The project was developed as a self-directed, collaborative learning task to help medical students review course content and make clinically important connections. The goals of the project were to enhance students’ understanding of key concepts in neuroscience, promote active learning, and reinforce their information literacy skills. The objective of the exploratory study was to provide a formative evaluation of the wiki group project and to examine how wiki technology was utilized to enhance active and collaborative learning of first-year medical students in the course and to reinforce information literacy skills.  相似文献   

Objective:Health sciences librarian roles are evolving to better meet the needs of faculty. This study explores nursing faculty needs at the University of British Columbia through the research lifecycle framework of planning, conducting, disseminating, and assessing the impact of their research.Methods:A mixed methods survey study with Likert scale, multiple-choice, or ordinal ranking-scale questions and six open-response questions was conducted. The format was a web-based Qualtrics survey; participants had approximately three weeks to respond.Results:Nursing faculty identified the dissemination phase as benefiting most from library support prioritizing reference management and archiving research data as the top needs in that phase. Assessing impact skills such as citation analysis and Altmetrics training was ranked second. The Planning phase was ranked third with systematic review and literature review support most needed. The Conducting phase was identified as the phase where they needed the least support.Conclusion:Understanding the needs of researchers and enhancing scholar productivity is vital to offering responsive library research services. Across the research lifecycle, nursing faculty identified reference management, data management, metrics evaluation, systematic reviews, and literature reviews as the key areas for which they need support.  相似文献   

项目课程法在文献检索课教学中的应用探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
论述在当前的文检课教学改革中,问题探究式教学法具有代表性,但这种方法存在很大的局限,未能根本解决教学中理论与实践相脱节的问题,指出项目课程法可以全面培养学生综合信息素质;并介绍项目课程法的主要理论,提出了运用项目课程法改革文检课教学模式的设计思路。  相似文献   

基于项目课程的“文献检索”网络课程设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对现阶段文献检索网络课程教学中存在的问题,提出将项目课程法引入文献检索网络课程的教学,着重论述了基于项目课程的文献检索网络课程的教学设计以及结构和功能方面的设计思想,并简述构建网络课程的关键技术。  相似文献   

王平 《图书情报工作》2015,59(20):73-76
[目的/意义]在图书馆学专业本科教育与教学改革面临挑战的背景下,介绍一种新的图书馆学课程教学方法--工作室教学法(studio-based learning)来促进图书馆学教学、研究与实践的结合。社群信息学工作室则是在社群信息学教学过程中应用工作室法的课程尝试。[方法/过程]采用案例研究法,以郑州大学信息管理学院社群信息学工作室教学实验项目的设计、实施、具体内容和评价为例,对工作室教学法的价值进行讨论。[结果/结论]该教学模式一方面给学生带来课堂教学的变化--以学生为主、以实践为主;另一方面,学生在该教学实践中也遇到以下障碍:教学模式改变带来学习模式的变化,教学管理和设计需要进行调整,教师角色变化促使语言等沟通方式进行调整。学生对该教学实践的评价为:满意度较高,参与度提升,学习方法得到改善。  相似文献   

Presidential libraries—each a unique combination of archival depository and historical museum—offer visitors an invaluable opportunity to examine millions of papers, records, and artifacts from the administrations of our chief executives. In response to a congressional directive to consider means of reducing costs and improving the preservation of and access to presidential records, the National Archives and Records Administration has proposed five alternatives to the current presidential library system. This article analyzes these alternative models from the perspective of the legal research community. After discussing the role of presidential libraries in legal research, this article considers the merits of each model and concludes that a central archival depository would best meet the information needs of legal researchers.  相似文献   

This study reports the findings of research undertaken by health sciences librarians at the University of Queensland Library into how medical students use information for their studies, particularly resources and services provided by the Library. The methods utilized were an online survey and focus groups. Results indicated that students favor print resources over electronic, value accessing resources on a one-stop basis, and prefer training to be delivered flexibly. The implication of these results for future resource selection, service provision, and instructional design and delivery is discussed.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to provide data on one aca-demic medical library's experience with first and second year medical students’ use of interlibrary loan at the Indiana University School of Medicine–Northwest, Steven C. Beering Medical Library. The results of a study of 18 years of data show a substantial decline of interlibrary loans by medical students. Several factors, including the unique problem-based learning curriculum and the availability of online journals, which has expanded a small medical library's collection, may be responsible for the reduction of interlibrary loan. This study suggests the need for collection development librarians to understand their medical school curriculum and to invest in the most useful electronic journals for their medical students’ education needs.  相似文献   

Your Health® Radio is a weekly one-hour radio show about consumer health produced by the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Department of Family Medicine. It provides practical, health-related news and information to listeners in an easy to understand style. Hosted by a family medicine physician faculty member and co-hosted by other health professionals, it airs on a local radio station. Since 2009, Health Sciences librarians have collaborated on the show, bringing their expertise in information discovery and organization, consumer health, and health literacy to this consumer health endeavor. In the process, the librarians and libraries have also benefitted.  相似文献   

The digital shift has provided easy access to academic library users, and yet, the usage of archival collections continues to be low. At the same time, the need for innovation in library services for cultural heritage scholarship and its advancement is emerging. This paper outlines a library-led service-learning program that connects students with lighthouse artifacts, archival collections, scholars in global academia, and wider communities. Student engagement cases are provided to illustrate the way in which the librarian utilizes the Framework of Information Literacy for Higher Education by ACRL to work closely with students. These cases also demonstrate how students can contribute to knowledge creation and preservation efforts for a specific cultural heritage topic that is not static, but which keeps receiving new contributions or additions to the depository. Thus, this paper is an answer to the ACRL's call for pilot projects to be assessed and shared with the wider community of academic librarians and support staff. It also builds on emerging roles for academic libraries like engaged learning. Librarians must move beyond simply seeing themselves as partners. Instead, librarians should see themselves as prime facilitators that co-create and co-develop cultural heritage research and historical projects by connecting actors and resources more effectively than any single actor can do alone.  相似文献   

The ‘Dissertations into practice’ feature began life in March 2012 with a dual aim: to encourage students and new professionals to write for publication and to highlight the impact of student research on policy and practice. This article reflects on the initiative and to summarise what has been achieved so far. It highlights the diverse range of contributions to the feature so far and proves that student research can and does influence policy and practice. It also demonstrates that, with a bit of encouragement and support, students are willing and able to write for academic publication. AM  相似文献   

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