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理性认识信息公平   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信息公平理论是西方民主制度的产物,而中国特色的政治制度的民主形式与西方并不等同。中国语境下的信息公平只能是相对的而不是绝对的、是动态的而不是静态的。信息公平并不是要排斥和否认信息差异的存在,而是要追求有效地协调差异,让差异本身构成有序的和谐等级。因此,信息公平问题毋宁说是信息差异的合理调节问题。相应地,政府也不是信息公平诉求中的唯一责任主体,政府之外的信息保障机构和各类信息主体应该承受更多的担当。  相似文献   

Understanding the language of information literacy is necessary for the effective use of library resources. The results of a recent study indicate that undergraduate students lack such an understanding, and the authors recommend that librarians, working with faculty, reassess information literacy terms. This article examines what is involved in reassessing these terms by drawing on several ideas from the philosophy of language, which provides a foundation for grasping the semantic challenges librarians face in educating users. Any reassessment of information literacy terms should recognize their ordinary and specialized use and aim for the holistic expression of core concepts, however complex they may be.  相似文献   

The utility of conceptual analysis for archival science is assessed by means of an exploratory evaluation in which the concept of evidence is analyzed. Usage of the term “evidence” in the philosophies of science, law, and history is briefly reviewed; candidates for necessary conditions of evidentiariness are identified and examined; and taxonomies are built of evidentiariness and of archival inference. Correspondences are shown to exist between the concepts of evidentiariness and relevance, and between the domains of archival science and social epistemology, thereby pointing in promising directions for further research. The tentative conclusion is reached that conceptual analysis may profitably be used to improve understanding of archival concepts.  相似文献   

This study examines end-user interactions with indexing language information during subject searching in a library catalog and their understanding of this information and its function in term selection. Participants were asked to interact with the indexing language (Library of Congress Subject Headings) and were asked to express their general understanding of the information provided and each specific type of information included in the indexing language. In addition, participants were asked to express their understanding of the function of indexing language information in term selection, its usefulness and desirability as an integrated tool into the information retrieval system during subject searching. Study findings and their implications are discussed and future research is considered.  相似文献   

情报调研的实践与认识张家珏(大理州科技情报所)大理州科技情报研究所80年代创建初期,即把情报调研作为科技信息工作的中心任务。以此为突破口,扩大与科学技术及社会各届的交流联系,以此打开地县科技信息工作的局面。80年代初,结合本所实力,充分利用社会技术优...  相似文献   

对社区图书馆为老年人健康信息服务的意义、可行性以及老年人健康信息需求等问题进行了探讨,并提出社区图书馆为老年人群体提供健康信息服务的方式.最后指出在健康信息服务过程中应注意的几个问题.  相似文献   

The roles of hospital librarians have evolved from keeping print materials to serving as a focal point for information services and structures within the hospital. Concepts that emerged from the Integrated Academic Information Management Systems (IAIMS) as described in the Matheson Report and the 1994 Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO) standards have combined to propel hospital libraries into many new roles and functions. This paper will review the relationship of the two frameworks, provide a view of their commonalities, and establish the advantages of both for hospital librarianship as a profession.  相似文献   

This study uses the contemporary debate over agricultural biotechnologyto conceptualize a theoretical model that can be used to explainhow citizens reach judgments across a range of science and technologycontroversies. We report findings from a mail survey of NewYork State residents that depicts a ‘low information’public relying heavily on heuristics such as value predispositions,trust, and schema to form an opinion about agricultural biotechnology.Science knowledge does play a modest role, with the news mediaserving as an important source of informal learning. Contraryto expectations and past research, we do not find any directeffects for news attention on support for agricultural biotechnology.Deference to scientific authority is a central value predispositionshaping support for agricultural biotechnology. Positively correlatedwith education, deference to scientific authority is the strongestinfluence on support for agricultural biotechnology in our model.Part of the variable's influence is direct, but part of it isalso indirect, as deference to scientific authority is a keypredictor of both trust in the sponsors of biotechnology andgeneralized reservations about the impacts of science. Received for publication July 18, 2005. Revision received December 2, 2005.  相似文献   

文章从本体论和认识论的视角出发,对不同语境下的信息含义进行评述,进而探讨了情报学中分类理论、主题分析、信息检索和信息分析预测四个领域对信息的理解与运用。  相似文献   

Human behaviour is complex and demographics are insufficient to understand information behaviour. More nuanced analyses are required to understand the factors that drive action. Focusing on digital archiving and online protection strategies as manifestations of information behaviour, factors that influence perceptions of online risk were investigated. The relationship between perception and behaviour was analyzed by focusing on people’s risk responses and their archival habits. Using Bates’ theory of Information Behaviour, information behaviour paradoxes, what people do versus what they say they would do in online situations, were analyzed. By applying a mixed-method approach to 101 semi-structured interviews, individuals’ self-perceived internet skills and having a third-party negative experience are two key factors that influence perceptions of risk online. A three-part typology of internet users (cautiously optimistic offliners, confident onliners, and utopic onliners) is introduced. Perceptions of online risk have consequences for information behaviour and informs a theoretical modification.  相似文献   

于良芝 《图书馆杂志》2005,24(12):6-18,37
本文回顾了20世纪90年代以来,国外有关“信息分化”和“数字鸿沟”的研究成果及其政策启示综述显示,虽然以上两种研究都是为了从信息资源分配的角度考察当代社会分化,但从文献来源和话语体系看,它们事实上构成了两个相互交叉的研究社区。前者的研究内容和话语特点主要由三种不同的研究视角(政治经济学、社会学和认知学视角)所决定,具有较强的伦理色彩;后者则主要由四种不同的政治立场所决定,具有较强的政治经济色彩。两大社区之间以及它们的内部分歧导致现有研究中存在很多相左的结论和政策建议,令研究继承者和政策选择者经常面对甄别和调和困难。本文在分析相关研究的特点和分歧的基础上,为未来研究和政策选择提出了建议。  相似文献   

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