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2012年,OECD国际学生评估项目(PISA)在原有的数学素养、科学素养以及阅读素养的测试中,增加了财经素养(FinancialLiteracy)测试领域。18个国家和地区参加了这一新领域的测试。本文将结合具体题目对PISA2012中财经素养的基本评价维度进行介绍,分析其与数学素养的联系,探讨财经素养对我国数学教学的意义。  相似文献   

教学评价一直是教育界研究的重点,PISA项目考核给了人们启示,即在现有数学素养目标的基础上,融合PISA测试的指标来创编情境化习题,多角度评估学生的数学素养。在教学实践中对比融合数学核心素养和PISA数学素养,确定情境化习题评价目标。基于认知水平,创编适合评价小学生数学素养的情境化习题。多角度评价学生的数学素养,为教师工作提供教育信息。  相似文献   

刘敏 《上海教育》2014,(2):18-26
2013年年底,OECD公布了PISA2012核心测试领域(数学、阅读、科学)的各国表现,引发国际社会的关注;而到了2014年3月,关于PISA的讨论恐怕又要掀起一轮高潮,因为PISA2012新增的一个国际选项-财经素养(Financial Literacy)测试的各国成绩届时将公布。  相似文献   

陈蕾 《现代教学》2014,(3):15-17
PISA2012侧重于数学素养的测试,而在三年后的PISA2015中,测试的重点将是科学素养。目前,已有超过70个经济体报名参加PISA2015。届时,学生的表现会怎样?细观2015科学素养评估框架,较之PISA2006,结合PISA2012,有如下值得关注之处。  相似文献   

使用参加PISA2012年数学素养测试的1725名上海市十五周岁在校生的测试数据,探讨数学焦虑、数学自我效能感对数学素养的影响及其作用机制。结果发现:数学焦虑对数学素养有消极影响;数学自我效能感在数学焦虑对数学素养的影响中起调节作用,即数学焦虑对数学素养的影响会随着被试数学自我效能感的不同而不同。  相似文献   

数学作为学生在学习生涯中的一门必修学科,其数学核心素养的高低将直接关乎到学生的未来发展,这也使学校对学生数学核心素养的培养变得愈发重视。PISA作为一门科学的测评方法,能够对学生的数学核心素养进行客观评价,进而为学校的数学教学工作提供科学的指导,从而进一步增强数学教学的针对性,提高数学教学成效。鉴于此,本文针对多所学校高一年级共计600名学生进行了PISA数学测评,并根据数学教学内容及方法,通过SPSS进行因子分析,最后提出能够提高学生数学核心素养的相关建议。  相似文献   

经济合作与发展组织(OECD)在发布的PISA2021数学素养测评框架中对数学素养的内涵界定以及测评框架都进行了修订和调整。通过梳理和分析PISA2003、PISA2012、PISA2021数学测评框架的理论内涵和框架演变,发现其内容维度主体稳定,重视技术;情境维度覆盖广泛,凸显真实;过程维度强化推理,融合建模。结合这些特点,从课程目标、课程内容、课程设计和课程实施四个方面对以核心素养为导向的数学课堂提出具有可操作性的建议。  相似文献   

随着经济合作及发展组织PISA测试的进行,有关核心素养的研究越来越热。数学核心素养是数学教育的关键,也是未来教育教学的目标。数学核心素养的发展预示着未来数学教育的走向。在核心素养指导下的中学数学观更值得关注。数学教育的发展应围绕数学核心素养发展课程体系、改进教学方法、提升教师素养、改革评价体系等进行,逐渐形成依托数学核心素养的中学数学教育观。  相似文献   

核心素养及学科核心素养正成为推动教学改革的新的力量.对于高中数学教学而言,在知识教学中培育学生的核心素养,离不开对生活的关注.PISA对数学素养的阐述,明确了数学核心素养与生活的关系;一线教师在教学中,努力让数学知识形成、应用于生活,可以有效培育学生的数学核心素养.  相似文献   

黄华 《上海教育》2013,(35):106-108
2012年PISA测试的主项是数学,目前结果也已揭晓,上海15岁学生在数学素养上的表现仍是非常优秀。这不仅在数学教育界是振奋人心的事,对整个教育界甚至全社会都将带来深刻影响。  相似文献   

Mathematics competency is fast becoming an essential requirement in ever greater parts of day-to-day work and life. Thus, creating strategies for improving mathematics learning in students is a major goal of education research. However, doing so requires an ability to look at many aspects of mathematics learning, such as demographics and psychological dispositions, in an integrated way as part of the same system. Large-scale assessments such as the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) provide an accessible and large volume of coherent data, and this gives researchers the opportunity to employ data-driven approaches to gain an overview of the system. For these reasons, we have used machine learning to explore the relationships between psychological dispositions and mathematical literacy in Australian 15-year-olds using the PISA 2012 data set. Our results from this strongly data-driven approach re-affirm the primacy of mathematics self-efficacy and highlight novel complex interactions between mathematics self-efficacy, mathematics anxiety and socio-economic status. In this paper, we demonstrate how education researchers can usefully employ data-driven modelling techniques to find complex non-linear relationships and novel interactions in a multidimensional data set.  相似文献   

Many studies have found a strong relationship between the mathematics students study in school and their performance on an academic or school mathematics assessment but not on an assessment of mathematics literacy (ML). With many countries, like the USA, placing emphasis on finishing secondary education being mathematically literate and prepared for college or career, this raises the question about the relationship between the mathematics studied in school and any ML students may have. The Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) ML assessment is embedded in real-world contexts that provide an important window on how ready students are to tackle the situations and problems that await them whether they intend to pursue further education beyond high school or intend to go directly into the labour force. In this paper, we draw upon the PISA 2012 data to investigate the extent to which the cumulative exposure to rigorous mathematics content, such as that embedded in college- and career-ready standards, is associated with ML as assessed in PISA. Results reveal that both exposure to rigorous school mathematics and experiencing the instruction of this mathematics through real-world applications are significantly related to all the real-world contextualized PISA ML scores.  相似文献   

In today’s world, scientific literacy has become essential to full participation of citizens. Certainly, important components of scientific literacy include resource use and environmental quality. The 2006 Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) centered on scientific literacy and included resources and environments as two contexts for the test and student questionnaire. The article first introduces PISA 2006, and then provides a general overview of results. Using two released units from PISA 2006, I then turn to results and a discussion of students’ science competencies and attitudes relative to environmental and resources issues. The article concludes with a discussion of educational policies for science education programs and teaching practices.  相似文献   


Many students from disadvantaged homes participating in Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2012 were classified as academic resilient (called disadvantaged high achiever, the DHA in this study). In comparison with peers of comparable home background status, there were also students from advantaged homes performing far behind standard in mathematical literacy performance (called advantaged low achiever, the ALA). Drawing data from the PISA 2012, this study sought to examine the similarities and differences in learning mathematics characteristics (ie gender, family and academic background, and resilience in learning variables) amongst students of the top five high-performing Asian economies, ie Shanghai, Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Korea. The results of the logistic regression analyses showed that variables like family and academic background, as well as resilience in learning mathematics variables (eg familiarity with mathematical concept, mathematics self-efficacy, mathematics self-concept and mathematics anxiety) are able to predict whether a student of comparable disadvantaged (or advantaged) home background is more likely to be classified as DHA (or ALA) or not. The findings are important to shed light on the principles and methods of mathematics education so as to help the low achievers, whether advantaged or disadvantaged, to advance to higher level of mathematical literacy attainment.  相似文献   

In Italy, from the 2003 reports to the present, the National Institute for the Educational Evaluation of Instruction and Training (INVALSI) has conducted research on Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) results in order to understand Italian students’ low achievement in mathematics. In the present paper, data from a representative sample of 15-year-old Italian students who participated in PISA 2012 were analysed. This study’s primary aim is to verify how students’ linguistic competences are associated with their performance in mathematics. For the evaluation of the impact of item reading demand on students’ performance, we selected 24 mathematics items with a high reading demand and 31 mathematics items with a low reading demand, as classified by Italian language and methodology experts. Repeated measure variance analyses were conducted. The results showed differences in function of gender: females are advantaged in mathematics items with a high reading demand, independent of their level of reading literacy. In contrast, males are advantaged in mathematics items with a low reading demand, independent of their level of reading literacy. Possible policy implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The Programme for International Assessment (PISA) is an important cross-national study of 15-year olds academic achievement. Although it has traditionally been conducted using paper-and-pencil tests, the vast majority of countries will use computer-based assessment from 2015. In this paper, we consider how cross-country comparisons of children’s skills differ between paper and computer versions of the PISA mathematics test. Using data from PISA 2012, where more than 200,000 children from 32 economies completed both paper and computer versions of the mathematics assessment, we find important and interesting differences between the two sets of results. This includes a substantial drop of more than 50 PISA test points (half a standard deviation) in the average performance of children from Shanghai-China. Moreover, by considering children’s responses to particular test items, we show how differences are unlikely to be solely due to the interactive nature of certain computer test questions. The paper concludes with a discussion of what the findings imply for interpretation of PISA results in 2015 and beyond.  相似文献   

以有理数为例,基于文献研究提出发展数学核心素养的教学策略:以数学核心素养的双向细目表为导向,在数学思想引领下整体设计与数学核心素养相匹配的教学活动。用教学对比实验的方法研究这种教学策略对学生学业水平及数学核心素养发展的影响。通过数据分析发现:在前测和后测显著相关的前提下,实验班和控制班前测数据没有显著性差异,而两次后测中,实验班成绩显著高于控制班。研究结果表明:这种教学策略,对学生学业水平和核心素养的发展,都具有显著促进作用。  相似文献   

数学核心素养是人们通过数学学习建立起来的认识、理解和处理周围事物时所必备的思维品质与关键能力,文章对如何加强数学教学提高学生核心素养进行研究。要转变原有教学理念,注重提升教学能力;巧妙运用多元化教学方法,激发学生学习兴趣;利用小组合作探究学习,增强学生团结合作意识;注重学以致用,增强学生实践能力。  相似文献   

基于现代阅读认知理论,国际学生评估项目(PISA)以读者、 文本和任务为核心要素构建阅读素养框架,PISA2018的最新修订更是充分彰显了其促进学生未来发展的主旨,顺应数字信息化时代的努力以及强调在真实场景下对学生运用阅读认知策略解决实际问题能力的考查等导向特征.以其为鉴,我国阅读教学需拓展国际视野,实现从关注"阅读技...  相似文献   

数学核心素养的培养已成为当前小学数学教学的重要任务。核心素养的养成需要学生具备一定的自主学习能力,数学自主学习能力的培养也是小学数学教师要重视的方面。本文从核心素养的内涵出发,对小学生数学自主学习能力培养的现状进行了分析,并提出了一些基于核心素养培养小学生数学自主学习能力的有效策略和建议。  相似文献   

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