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<正>【Career职场】妙招:传统型文字记者与网络编辑融合美国文字编辑协会主席,《芝加哥每日先驱报》副主编特里萨·施密丁(Teresa Schmedding)本月在接受采访时透露其在先驱报实行传统报纸向数字报转型所做的大胆改革。她认为应将传统文字记者与网络编辑二者融合而不是剥离,传统型记者应在保证新闻质量的前提下转变思维,从舞文弄墨者变为搜索引擎达人(Turning Wordsmiths into‘Web Smiths’)。她创办了多功能数字编辑室,要求文字编辑从以往每周提交材料变为每天提交,这样有利于记者每天更新网络版本的内容。网络版通  相似文献   

浅谈工具书ICMaster和D.A.T.A.Digest的应用高雪青(北京航空航天大学)随着电子产品的大量进口,设备中的元器件型号,种类、功能、封装,管脚图等都各自不同。现各国各公司的产品都具有自己特点,面对日益纷杂的品种,如何查找某产品型号,这个产...  相似文献   

Amy Reynolds and Brooke Barnett (Eds). Communication and Law: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Research. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., 2006 394 pp., ISBN 0805849424 (hardcover).  相似文献   

乐视网COO刘弘表示,乐视网将充分发掘行业最全影视库、最完整产业链布局、最强明星资源与最专业制作能力优势,全面吹响2013乐视娱乐整合行销的号角。乐视网广告价值不断提升乐视网COO刘弘介绍:2013年将是乐视网广告价值进一步提升的一年。虽然乐视网第三季度广告营收增至1.1亿,同比增速高达358%,品牌广告主从年初的60余家增长至目前的210余家,  相似文献   

笔者在香港《印艺学会月刊》第197期(2000年5月)上曾发表《DAM与CTP》一稿,后《中国包装报》曾予转载。但为了进一步引起国内出版及印刷业界的重视,特借上海《出版与印刷》的专栏,再谈D.A.M.。    相似文献   


There is limited literature on hospital archives projects. Hospitals understandably have a strong focus on patient care, but there is still a critical need to keep institutional archives. Among their many uses, institutional archives preserve corporate memory, provide evidence of interactions with community, and assist in contemporary decision making. This column describes a university-hospital partnership to undertake a one-year project to preserve, detail, and digitize ten boxes, or approximately 3.8 meters, of materials dating from 1980 to 2006. This project serves as a model for other hospital or health care facilities wanting to preserve and more actively engage with their archival collections.  相似文献   

The unprecedented growth in U.S.-China film coproductions and Chinese companies’ high-profile investment in Hollywood studios and U.S. cinemas signal a shift in global power relationships and a reshaping of the global media structure. Combining textual and document analysis with interviews of policy makers and film professionals in China and Hollywood, this article explores the implications of U.S.-China coproduction for global communication. The article proposes three ways of understanding coproductions: as a market-driven and profit-seeking partnership, as a policy and power negotiation, and as a brave experimental adventure. This article contends that the current state of U.S.-China coproduction manifests the contradiction between desire and reality. Although coproductions have the potential to create a space for a new global culture, to develop innovative communication models, and to achieve a China-U.S. consensus, the fulfillment of these potentials will require a steadfast effort and the commitment of more than one generation of filmmakers from both China and the U.S.A. Nevertheless, a global culture and a reshaping of the global media structure are in the making.  相似文献   


Hospital libraries serving military bases offer a different perspective on library services. Two libraries located on islands in the Pacific Ocean provide services to active duty service men and women, including those deployed to other regions of the world. In addition, these hospital libraries serve service members’ families living on the base, and often citizens from the surrounding communities.  相似文献   

The daily “Morning Report” is a fixture in many residency programs. In the past, librarians have attended this meeting and, in various ways, worked to enhance the resident learning experience. At the academic children's hospital discussed in this study, the concept was taken a step further. Together with the chief residents, the librarian provided a complete “learning package” consisting of the case write-up along with relevant, librarian-filtered, evidence-based information. The learning package was then e-mailed to all residents and some of the attending physicians. This program led to a huge increase in the use of library resources and services as well as a renewed recognition of the value of the library and the librarians.  相似文献   

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