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BTEC教学的核心思想是以学生为中心开展教学活动,整个教学过程及教学评价以课业为主要途径和手段,因此,做好课业设计对BTEC课程教学非常重要。本文介绍在BTEC电视课程教学课业设计中的一些尝试与做法。 一、课业整体设计 BTEC电视课程教学是电子工程学的一门重要专业课程,它集电路分析、信号分析、整机分析为一体,是一门综合性较强的专业课程。它几乎涵盖了电子线路所有的典型电  相似文献   

根据我国政府报告汉译英实例,归纳出在4种情形下必须进行灵活处理的翻译策略以及灵活处理的理论依据和方法。  相似文献   

Conclusion Garrison’s (2000) review of distance education theories describes the current need for ”sustained real two-way communication ... that refiect(s) a collaborative approach to distance education” (p. 13). One way to apply such theories to research and coursework is to use collaborative documents to promote transactions culminating in deliberation among the key players. Such deliberation can create ”a particular kind of democratic public culture among the deliberators: listening as well as talking, sharing resources, forging decisions together rather than only advocating positions taken earlier, and coming to disagreement” (Parker, Ninomiya, & Cogan, 1999, p. 129). Her research interests are collaborative learning in distance education, impact of culture on online learners, and design of online instruction for constructivist learning environments. Her primary research interests are in design considerations for collaborative online environments and in the powers of shared multimedia for enhancing personal growth, multicultural understanding, and global awareness. She investigates visual messages: how they can be shared and interpreted by learners, their impact, and how their impact can be researched. Her research interests are in computer and network-based foreign language and cultural learning.  相似文献   

本文对闻一多研究中较薄弱的环节杂文进行多层面的文本解读及风格论析。指出闻一多的杂文继承发扬五四反封建的精神,从对儒家思想的剖析出发,进而批判了传统文化中的糟粕,标志其批判理性的成熟。闻一多的大部分杂文写于抗战后期——内战爆发前,是用生命写就的争民主,争自由,追求光明的诗篇,具有现实战斗意义。诗人本质的闻一多,其杂文体现了诗与政论结合的特色,是其真善美人格的集中体现,有审美教育意义。  相似文献   

教师自我评价是教育评价的一个重要组成部分,教师如何有效地实施自我评价还缺乏必要的策略指导。在反思性教学中,教师从本人视角、学生视角及同事观察的策略能有效地进行反思性自我评价;自我评价过程中还需注意科学性与人文性相结合。教师在自我反思,自我评价过程中实现自我专业的发展。  相似文献   

In Australia, new technologies for course delivery have coincided with rapid enrolment growth in postgraduate coursework programs. During 1995 we conducted a national study of flexible delivery in postgraduate education, by questionnaire and case study. We discovered an increasingly complex blend of delivery options, but only a modest uptake of electronic technologies. This paper examines the broad management implications, by addressing factors that inhibit implementation. Three issues are discussed: concern about academic standards, the impact on academic work, and cost and infrastructure requirements. We argue that the realisation of widespread flexible delivery of postgraduate education will depend on further attention to policy in these areas.  相似文献   

Students who were required to write three short essays for a university level course on photochemistry at the Open university of the Netherlands received either audio-cassette or written feedback on their essays. The students receiving the audio feedback described their experience as personal, enjoyable, complete and clear. Those receiving written feedback described their experience as adequate. The amount of time spent by instructors supplying the feedback differed minimally (Xaudio=53 minutes per student; Xwritten=49 minutes) with the major difference lying in the amount of time spent in preparation. This difference, possibly attributable to novelty with audio as a mode for feedback, was not significant. The amount communicated to the students with audio feedback (per instructor) was significantly greater than the amount communicated with written feedback. There was no difference in the final grades for the two groups of students.Paul A. Kirschner received his Masters in Educational Psychology from the State University of Amsterdam. He has worked as educational technologist at the Open university of the Netherlands since 1983, primarily with the faculties of Natural Sciences and Engineering. Henk van den Brink received his Masters in Educational Psychology from the State University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. He has worked at the Open university of the Netherlands since 1984 as an educational technologist, primarily with the Faculty of Economics. Marthie Meester received her Ph.D. in Chemistry from the State University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. She has worked since 1983 at the Faculty of Natural Sciences of the Open university of the Netherlands as course team chair for a number of undergraduate and graduate level chemistry courses.  相似文献   

Learning Environments Research - To provide ongoing learning for busy professionals, universities are increasingly offering postgraduate opportunities by distance and online. This research examined...  相似文献   

作为保证高校教学质量的重要方式,教学评估已不仅仅限于教育部和各高校为主体的工作了。高校各院系作为专业建设和承担教学的直接主体,其教学评估工作具有更加具体和更有针对性的效果。本文通过院系教学评估的意义、功能、对象几个方面的阐述来说明高校院系开展自我教学评估的必要性及重要作用。  相似文献   

Using the textbase-situation model of discourse processing and assuming a distinction of learning (recall of text contents) and understanding (relating different parts of text contents or text to non-text contents), it was found that individuals reading text contents from a number of sources who wrote an argumentative essay about the contents and then rated content elements for importance developed a better understanding of the contents than individuals writing a narrative essay and making importance ratings either before or after writing.  相似文献   

General Education requirements, active learning, and interdisciplinary coursework are key concepts related to the renewed interest in giving students a more coherent, more meaningful undergraduate education. Although rhetoric grows apace on innovations in the undergraduate curriculum, little research has been completed on the relationship between intellectual growth of students and innovations in general education. This study is an examination of the relationship between intellectual growth and interdisciplinary general education courses designed to promote lifelong learning. In particular, the study looks at the impact of this curriculum on students in the professional schools at the University. Most students in the sample demonstrated significant growth and had taken on new perspectives, had adopted new ways of dealing with information, and had become more open to new ways of learning.Sheila P. Wright directs and teaches in the All-University Curriculum at the University of Hartford. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Connecticut. Dr. Wright is particularly interested in how general or liberal education affects the perceptions and behaviors of students.  相似文献   

审理与修改文章是编辑的基本工作,也是体现其业务能力的两个重要方面.审稿过程从文章的材料、观点等内容角度,编辑应看选题、见解、材料、论证;从文章处理问题的角度,编辑应看提出了什么问题、分析了什么问题、解决了什么问题;从文章创新的角度,编辑可以进行四点审察,即看是否有选题创新、有见解创新、有材料创新、有方法创新.文章的修改主要有:改正错误、增删材料、美化文章等.此外,为保证审稿与改稿质量还应健全编辑制度、加强编辑自身修养.  相似文献   

自主评估对于自主学习具有特殊意义,而自主学习是网络英语教学的重要特征。文章讨论了自主评估的重要性。介绍了自主评估工具及其在网络英语教学中的应用,探讨了网络英语教学自主评估存在的问题及解决办法。  相似文献   

Coursework masters degrees in Australia have experienced rapid, decentralised growth since deregulation at the end of the 1980s. The result is an extraordinarily high level of diversity and some confusion as to standards, strategic positioning, purpose and educational approaches. Throughout this period of growth, a sense that large-scale (often distance-education based) collaboration between universities and with industry would be beneficial has not always led to successful outcomes. Using a new collaborative, industry-funded postgraduate coursework program as a case study, this paper describes the issues that decision-makers need to address and evaluates the challenges and benefits of the coursework masters in higher education. The outcomes of industry surveys, student interviews and action research suggest that postgraduate coursework can facilitate technology transfer and aid capacity building, through mechanisms similar to ‘mode 2’ research. With some additional systems to ensure sustainability and standards, this could position coursework masters to be uniquely valuable nationally.
H. ForsythEmail:

We ask whether estimated wage payoffs to college majors change when we account for skills acquired in college by including college major dummies and detailed coursework measures in log-wage models. Using data from the 1997 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth, we find that students in all majors differ considerably in the percentage of credits taken within-major, as well as in their overall credit distributions. When credit distributions are taken into account in modeling log-wages, estimated coefficients for college majors often fall by 50% or more. Moreover, estimated log-wage gaps between select pairs of majors often change by orders of magnitude depending on whether we compare individuals whose overall credit distributions correspond to obtaining a low, medium, or high level of credit concentration within the major.  相似文献   

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