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从研究内容来看,教研员要努力实现从单一的“研教者”到“研学”和”研教”并重的双重角色的转变。顾名思义,教研员即教学研究人员。我们知道“教学”普遍地被认定为“教师的教”,因此,研究“教师的教”在我们看来天经地义;这是我们最熟悉、最擅长的领域,是我们的拿手好戏。在传统教育教师中心、教材中心和课堂中心的大背景下,无论是一线教师,还是教研员都存在着重“研教”轻“研学”的问题。但近20年来,一线教师在历经数次新教育理念的洗礼和教育改革实践的多次涤荡之后,其传统的知识传授者的形象已经日渐丰富和饱满,尤其是基础教育的课程…  相似文献   

太极拳文化作为世界非物质文化遗产,保护和传承极为重要,太极拳文化的保护传承主要从三个方面深入研究,一是研学中华优秀传统文化的代表武术文化;二是太极拳文化进入中小学校园路径研究;三是太极拳文化研学旅行项目基地建设研究。并从如何利用太极拳文化研学旅游项目建设,做大做强焦作市文化旅游产业,进行分析研究,为弘扬与发展焦作市太极拳文化提供了理论支撑。  相似文献   

近几年,我们根据自己学校的实际,开展了以“周问题研究”为主的校本教研活动。这是一个教师通过思考,发现并解决问题的实际操作过程,也是一个研究计划付诸实施的过程。它重视在教、学、研一体化中,让青年教师主动参与和探究,通过解决实际问题的方式,促进青年教师专业素养的提高和发展。  相似文献   

多功能实验装置改进的研究兴山县教研室李祥清(443700)实验是人们认识世界、改造世界的一项重要手段,是探索事物发展规律的一条基本途径。为了适应教育改革的需要,实验技术需要不断改进,探究各种实验的借鉴与创新。下面几例实验装置的改进是我们在实践中进行研...  相似文献   

随着基础教育课程改革的不断推进和课程标准的实施,校本教研已是小学进行教研活动的重要形式。校本教研是否到位,已严重影响着基础教育工作和新一轮课堂质量工程的实施。究竟如何搞好校本教研是摆在我们小学教育工作者面前的一项重要任务。我们认为,校本教研应贯穿于学校教育教学工作的时时刻刻,落实到教育教学工作的方方面面。为此,我们提出了“教中研,研中教;学中研,研中学”的校本教研理念,引导广大教师把每节课作为研究的空间,把每位学生当成研究的对象,在研究中完成教学任务,在研究中实现教学相长。  相似文献   

黄文龙 《河北教育》2008,(10):36-37
教师的本职在于教,但教师的发展在于研,教与研相辅相成,相互促进。古人说“教然后知困”。如何解“困”,我们的答案就一个字:“研”!“研”才能使我们对教育现象和问题有深度认知和自觉认知,才能提升教师职业自尊感。越是寻求“教好”,就越会投身于教育教学研究。但是应该看到,时下中小学教育一线普遍存在重教轻研的现象。必须挖出病根才好对症治疗。  相似文献   

校本教研是以学校为基地,以教师为研究主体,以促进师生共同发展为直接目的,以行动研究为主要方法的教、学、研、训相整合的教育实践活动。在当前的教育体制下,开展有效的校本教研,必须具备以下五个基本要素。  相似文献   

我校地处平谷区城乡结合部,具有生源差、教师流动性大的特点。随着教育改革的不断深入,我们只有不断地学习,认真地研讨,努力做到以学促研,以研促学,使学研工一体化,才能跟上时代的步伐。一、树立正确的学习观经过思考我们达成了这样的共识:学习是为了促进研究,研究是为了更好地工作;学习、研究就是工作;工作、研究就是学习。不要为学习而学习,为完成任务而学习,将学习视为额外的负担。二、加强领导,建设学习型团体我校成立了学习活动领导小组,并努力做到讲座与自学相结合,分散与集中相结合,理论与实践相结合,学习与研讨相…  相似文献   

校 本 研 究 不同 于 纯 理 论 研 究 , 也 不 同 于 专 业 研 究者 的 研 究,在 一定 程 度 上 它属 于 实 践 者 的 研 究 ,属 于 解决 问题 的 研究 。从 校本 研 究的 含义 及 目的 要求 出 发,校本 研究 应 该定 位于 以 下几 种类 型的 研 究。 一 、应 用 研究 。与 应用 研究 相 对的 是基 础 研究 。基础 研 究 以抽 象 、一般 为 特 征 ,目 的 是揭 示 、描 述 、解 释 某些 现象 和 过程 ,以 及它 们 的活 动机 制 与内 在规 律 。它 所设 计 的 研 究 将 对 研 究 领 域 具 有 直 接 增 加 知 识 的 价 值 。应 用 研 究以 具…  相似文献   

百年大计,教育为本。一个有远见的民族,国家应该是重视 教育的。包括作为基础教育的学前教育。本期我们特约中国科学院研 究员陈厚云先生为我们介绍美国政府重视学前教育的情况,尤其是他 们提出的学前教育研究的重点问题可为我们所借鉴。  相似文献   

Building on research emphasizing the importance of task in reading performance, the present study examines students’ conceptions or definitions of five common academic task assignments (i.e., argument, essay, opinion, summary and research tasks). Results showed that while students have robust schema for some task assignments (e.g., argument, research report), citing a large variety of task elements in defining each of these assignment, other task assignments are only superficially conceptualized by learners (e.g., opinion, essay). While prior work has demonstrated the important role of task assignment in students’ text processing and performance, this is among the first studies to associate emergent differences not only with the tasks assigned but also with students’ task conceptions. Given the emphasis placed on argument tasks in supporting deeper level processing, we were especially interested in students’ conceptions of argument tasks vis-à-vis summary tasks. Students’ conceptions of these and other task assignments were compared using Cochran’s Q, a non-parametric alternative to the repeated measures ANOVA. Finally, linear regression found students’ conceptions of an argument task to be associated with performance on an argument writing task assignment. For instance, students considering argument construction to require citation use was associated with their inclusion of citations in their written responses. This study is among the first to examine students’ own conceptions of common task assignments and to link task conceptions with performance. Implications for instruction are discussed.  相似文献   

Design Elements for a CSCL Environment in a Teacher Training Programme   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the design of a Telematic Learning Environment (TLE) in which student teachers learn collaboratively, we consider three clusters of design elements as important: the Telematic Work Environment, the guidance of the instructor and the task instruction. We will have a look at the way group and task behaviour, triggered by these design elements influence the collaborative outcomes. Experiments have revealed that the technical environment is not as important as we had expected beforehand. This research shows that the task instruction (pre-imposed structure, role taking and intrinsic motivation for the task) and the group process itself have far more impact on the online collaborative work of the student teachers.  相似文献   

This study deals with the quality requirements that are needed for teacher educators. The tasks teacher educators have to do and the competencies they should possess (a professional profile), according to their fellow teacher educators, were identified. On the basis of a literature search on tasks and competencies of teacher educators, we made a first overview of tasks and competencies. Next, we conducted a Delphi study in three rounds, during which we held open-ended interviews and sent out two rounds of questionnaires. The resulting profile consists of five task areas and four areas of competence. For university-based teacher educators, a sixth task area (carrying out research) has been added.  相似文献   

从教学实证研究的合理性说开去   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
那些以教学效果为标志的教学实验的成功并不能被复制,那些教学实验也无法证明或者验证任何理论命题,当然成功的秘诀也就无法推广。教育研究至少存在2种研究立场:理解的立场和知识的立场。理解的立场面向个人的教育体悟,知识的立场面向教育学理论知识。知识立场的教育理论研究将教育教学系统作为研究对象,它可以分为3个分支:教育技术学、教育现象学和教育价值学。  相似文献   

This article introduces a new theoretical and psychometric framework describing moment-to-moment development and inter-dependencies of achievement motivation in terms of the situated expectancy-value theory, by introducing dynamical systems concepts into this line of research. As a first empirical example of a study using this framework, we examined whether task values, costs, and success expectancies measured in a learning situation (time point t) predicted themselves and each other at the next situation (t + 1; 27 min later) within a weekly university lecture.Situational task values, expectancies, and costs were assessed using the experience sampling method in 155 university teacher training students during weekly lectures for one semester, with three surveys during each weekly lesson. Data were analyzed with multilevel cross-lagged structural equation models.There were significant auto-regressions from one learning situation to the next in success expectancies and effort costs, but not in intrinsic, utility, or attainment value nor emotional or opportunity costs. There were no significant cross-lagged effects from one situation to the next in any of the measured situated expectancy-value components.As a framework to integrate dynamical systems concepts into the research on situated learning motivation, we expect the proposed DYNAMICS framework to have a substantial impact on further theory development.  相似文献   

The ability to accurately evaluate one's understanding of text information is critical for optimum learning to take place. One widely used paradigm for examining the accuracy of individuals' self-assessed comprehension has been termed calibration of comprehension. In this paradigm, students read a passage and are asked to make predictions about their future performance on a comprehension test. Calibration of comprehension is the relation between students' confidence and performance or between predicted and actual performance. In the present paper we review research on calibration of comprehension, examining a number of variables that have been found to influence calibration ability. In the first three sections of our paper we focus on the effects of individual, task, and text variables on students' calibration of comprehension. In the final section, we discuss implications of research on calibration for education and instruction.  相似文献   

As part of a project to develop an intelligent computer tutor for basic algebra, we have been investigating task sequencing. In this paper we present an approach to task sequencing that is based on a component-skills view of intelligence and learning. We postulate that tutors use inferences about past and present student performance to determine a current skill set that will be the new target for learning. The skill set is then used as a basis for generating tasks that should elicit those skills. Current skill sets are modified slowly over time so that lessons appear coherent and well-planned. We first describe the approach at a general level, where it can be viewed as a cognitive model of human task sequencing. Then we discuss the implementation of the model in our intelligent algebra tutoring system.  相似文献   

The piece that follows had its first hearing as part of a symposium at the 1990 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association in Boston. Sigrun Gudmundsdottir and Grace Grant were at the podium, presenting their two narrative accounts of one schoolteacher’s practice. The schoolteacher was present as well, through the medium of a 10‐minute video presentation of her perspective as a research participant. My task as discussant was to bring the three different accounts of one teacher’s practice together, partially reconcile their differences, and thereby teach us all something about the possibilities and limitations of qualitative research on teaching.

At this early point in her academic career, Sigrun Gudmundsdottir showed a good deal of professional courage. She invited us to re‐examine critically her doctoral research project, something that few of her peers would have agreed to do. Her stance, it seemed to me, was ‘Let’s see what more we can learn about good teaching through a critical, public examination of this work’. Sigrun’s stance remains a worthy model for all of us today.  相似文献   

学校体育开展和实施心理健康教育是学校体育教学工作的一项重要内容,也是体育教育研究的紧迫课题.针对现代学生的心理健康问题的日趋严峻,结合体育的现状和未来的发展趋势,采用理论研究的方法,对在学校体育中开展心理健康教育的现实意义、内涵、作用、内容和方法等几个方面进行了概述和探讨.  相似文献   

吴汉全主编的5卷本《中国马克思主义学术史》以学科建设立论,将建设中国马克思主义学术史学科作为基本任务,梳理中国马克思主义学术历史进程,提出了进一步推进中国马克思主义学术史研究的努力方向。5卷本《中国马克思主义学术史》对于推进马克思主义学科体系的发展也有重要的启示:一是多学科研究马克思主义理论;二是"立足中国"来研究马克思主义理论;三是高度重视并发掘马克思主义理论研究的学术基础;四是注重史料的积累及整理。  相似文献   

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