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BACKGROUND: The strategy for NHS Scotland Knowledge Services is set in the context of a global transition to a networked model of management within health services. OBJECTIVES: Development planning for NHS Scotland aims to establish strategic vision and operational delivery systems which meet the needs of this changing health environment. METHODS: Analysis of knowledge needs at strategic organizational level and through consultation with healthcare staff form the basis of a vision of seamless knowledge support throughout all stages of the patient journey, based on a hybrid model of complementary human- and technology-based knowledge networks. RESULTS: The central role of the NHS Scotland e-library as a system-wide technology infrastructure facilitating management of both explicit and tacit knowledge is described. The implementation pathway and approaches to evaluation are outlined, based on practical steps to translate the concept of knowledge networks into a working reality. CONCLUSIONS: The model emerging is that of a knowledge matrix, with the primary delivery system comprising inter-dependent human, organizational and technology-based networks focused on the overriding common purpose of improving patient care.  相似文献   

With the introduction of clinical governance and the move towards evidence-based practice, there is a growing need to provide health professionals and patients, and the public, with high quality information. Developments in the health service have added weight and urgency to this need. The National electronic Library for Health (NeLH) has a key role to play in providing health professionals with a core knowledge base of accredited and evaluated information. The Pilot NeLH was launched in November and this article outlines the progress and achievements made during this time. The NeLH is based around a central website featuring core resources and links to commissioned specialist collections. Over 70 information resources, including bibliographic databases and full text publications, are accessible via the NeLH, which aims to act as a one-stop shop to support evidence-based decision-making. Much work has been undertaken on national procurement and licensing, particularly in partnership with National Health Service (NHS) libraries. Partnerships as a whole are crucial to ensure true seamless access for health professionals. Key partners include NHS libraries, NHS Direct Online and the electronic Library for Social Care. A short glossary is included for those readers less familiar with current health service developments in the UK.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Indexing policy for the NHS Scotland e-Library needs to maximize future inter-operability with other significant health- and social-care-related resources. The strategic drive towards integration and partnership working means that the indexing system has to be widely acceptable to the full range of disciplines within the integrated health-care family. METHODS: Indexes identified by various means and then shortlisted using predefined criteria. RESULTS: Three subject indexes have been chosen--Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), CareData and the Government Category List (GCL), plus mapping between natural language and MeSH terms. This decision was a reasonable compromise between the strategy-driven aim of seamless access for all 'partners in care', and practical constraints of time/manpower. Other authority files (e.g. geographical area, language) are also standards based, and customised to reflect the information needs of an increasingly integrated health-care system. CONCLUSIONS: No single index could provide the scope required to meet the widening range of NHS information need. The influence of high-level strategic aims and objectives have extended their reach to influence indexing policy for the e-Library. Our indexing policy will continue to evolve and contribute to a knowledge management infrastructure capable of supporting current and future NHS Scotland information needs and strategy. Layperson terminology was identified as a gap; additional measures to address this gap are highlighted.  相似文献   

This paper defines what is meant by Knowledge Management, investigates how it interlinks with new ways of delivering health care and gives a synopsis of a study that investigated issues around implementation of Knowledge Management across a sample of healthcare librarians. Areas of investigation that are related to Knowledge Management include: HSG(97)47, evidence‐based medicine, clinical governance, information and communication technologies, and the changing role of the healthcare librarian. A diagram is included in this paper which illustrates how the healthcare librarian interacts with resources, staff and practices, so contributing to the knowledge base of health care. The paper concludes that Government policy, new technologies and the push towards the practice of information age medicine are forcing changes throughout the NHS. Recognition of Knowledge Management is still in its infancy in the NHS—it calls for major change in organizational thinking and acceptance by the librarian that their service must also be subject to continuous improvement.  相似文献   

The use of intranets as knowledge management tools in the NHS has been applied with varying success. This study set out to evaluate the effectiveness of the NHS Lanarkshire intranet site FirstPort as a knowledge management tool and to capture opinions on what would be required of a new FirstPort 2 site to be launched in the summer of 2012. The research was conducted in June 2011 by Paul Herbert as part of MSc in Health Informatics at the University of Sheffield, supervised by Nigel Ford. At the time of the study, Paul was working at NHS Lanarkshire and he was able to give his employers a useful set of recommendations. He moved to his present post with Healthcare Improvement Scotland in June 2012. This article is the first in the Dissertations into Practice series to investigate web‐based tools for information and communication inside the NHS, but there are more in the pipeline. AM  相似文献   

In response to the information management and technology changes proposed by the Government’s NHS modernization initiative this article examines the issues that GPs feel to be of major significance to their work. Although information and communications technology is widely used in general practice there is no one agreed standard system. The level of technology and the manner in which it is used is also diverse throughout the profession, as are the attitudes that exist amongst GPs regarding the value of information management and technology, and the benefits efficient information management offers to them and to their patients. The views of three local GPs from practices with varying levels of information technology were obtained through semi‐structured interviews and the findings developed in the light of current discussions in the published literature. The GPs chosen reflect the disparity within general practice and, perhaps, other units of the NHS in the use and understanding of information management. The main conclusions were that there is ambivalence and scepticism about what NHSnet currently has to offer; that local electronic records benefit patient care, but when networked more widely problems of confidentiality and security result. Practitioners were also mindful of the financial costs of changes and concerned, given the impact of PCGs and clinical governance, as to who will be responsible for ensuring a common level of electronic records, IT provision, and financial and technological support.  相似文献   

AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: The aims of the study were to examine whether and how librarians with a generalist background can transfer to roles demanding more expert knowledge in the health sector. The objectives were (i) to compare the education and training needs of health librarians with science degrees with the education and training needs of health librarians with arts and humanities degrees; (ii) to compare the education and training needs of librarians working in the National Health Service (NHS) sector with the education and training needs of librarians working for the health sector but within higher education. METHODS: Face-to-face interviews with 16 librarians, a convenience sample of librarians working in the Thames Valley NHS region. RESULTS: The main findings confirmed that structured continuing professional development (CPD) is required to meet the rapidly changing needs in the health sector. The emphasis ought to be on teaching skills, outreach work, marketing and promotion, research skills and methods, subject knowledge and terminology, and management skills. Library school curricula do not appear to meet the demands of medical library posts. A first degree in scientific subjects is advantageous in the early stages of a career but diminishes with continuing training and experience. There is no evidence of a significant difference in training needs and provision between the librarians in NHS posts as opposed to those in higher education (HE) posts. CONCLUSIONS: The conclusions suggest that library schools need to update their programmes to include teaching skills, advanced search skills, project management skills, research methods, with more practical exercises. Particular attention should be given to librarians with a first degree in non-scientific subjects in terms of time allocated for CPD, quality of training and access to reliable mentorship.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Doctors need information skills to deliver health care in the 21st century. There is concern that those who trained before the 'information age' will be inadequately equipped for their work. OBJECTIVES: To assess doctors' use of computers for clinical tasks, and their knowledge and skills in health information management and technology. DESIGN: Questionnaire survey. SETTING: An acute NHS trust in the UK. PARTICIPANTS: 96 (83%) of all doctors in the trust responded. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Proportion of respondents reporting the following: use of computer-based systems for clinical tasks, knowledge in eight health informatics topics, skills in using specific hardware and software applications. Also comparison of reported skills between senior and junior staff; proportion of doctors identifying specific training needs. RESULTS: All but one (1%) of the responding doctors used a computer regularly. Over three quarters of respondents reported they were semi-skilled or fully skilled in basic office applications, though the juniors scored significantly more highly than the seniors for some applications. However, 44% of doctors reported no skills in database software, identifying this as a training need. Around half of the doctors were unaware of health informatics topics, including electronic patient records, the Caldicott report and data protection law. In each case the senior doctors were significantly more aware than the juniors of the topic in question. CONCLUSION: Both junior and senior doctors have basic computer literacy, but nearly half of this population identify the use of database software as a training need. In addition, there are several health informatics topics of which a large proportion of doctors, particularly the juniors, have little knowledge, but which have not been identified as training needs. Some recommendations are made for provision of in-house health informatics education for doctors.  相似文献   

为公共卫生应急管理提供档案知识服务是推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化背景下档案工作的重要职责.本文基于公共卫生应急管理特点,结合其档案知识服务需求,分析了当前档案馆为公共卫生应急管理提供档案知识服务的优势与不足.在此基础上,笔者提出了面向公共卫生应急管理的档案知识服务发展对策,包括提高档案知识服务的主动意识、提升档案知...  相似文献   

高校图书馆知识管理水平测度指标体系初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
近十年来,图书情报界做了很多关于图书馆知识管理的研究,对高校图书馆知识管理水平进行测度势在必行.应根据图书馆知识管理的内涵和指标体系的设计原则,科学合理地设计出可行度较高、操作性较强、适用性较广的高校图书馆知识管理水平测度指标体系,引导高校图书馆知识管理的发展.  相似文献   

Working together: supporting projects through action learning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recent years have seen tremendous growth in knowledge management projects within the NHS. Project staff must acquire rapidly a wide range of task-related skills. Conventional training courses may be inappropriately timed or unavailable to project staff. Action learning provides a group-based means of meeting skills deficits associated with project management and delivery. This paper describes an action learning set for project staff on five knowledge management projects within Trent Region. A brief evaluation aimed to identify most and least useful and most and least enjoyable features of the action learning set. Comments on the facilitation and the content of the action learning sessions are analysed. Action learning is feasible in meeting the training needs of project staff. It may also provide a means of meeting the shared learning needs of communities of practice within a virtual environment. Knowledge management does not merely involve management and delivery within innovative projects but also requires exploiting shared learning across projects.  相似文献   

NHS knowledge and library staff are a highly specialist workforce delivering an economic benefit of £77 million per annum to the health service in England. To achieve their full potential and meet the changing needs of the NHS, it is vital that the workforce remains up to date through the continuing development of their skills, knowledge, and behaviours. This article outlines the work of Health Education England to gain Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP—The Library and Information Association) quality accreditation for the short course offers delivered through the NHS Knowledge for Healthcare Learning Academy. It summarises the benefits of this accreditation for Health Education England, for employers, and for knowledge and library staff participating in the short courses. Learning points from the experience of the accreditation process are described and shared.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]近些年来,创业生态系统已经成为创业研究的热点,但是从创业生态系统治理模式角度探索知识流动的研究尚不多见.因此,通过研究创业生态系统不同治理模式下企业间的知识流动特点,促进企业自身创新以及创新成果的扩散,进而带动整个创业生态系统良性发展.[方法/过程]结合创业生态系统治理模式的演化过程,对创业生态系统及其治...  相似文献   

The Research Governance Framework for Health and Social Care published by the Department of Health in 2001 provides a model of best practice and a framework for research in the health and social care sector. This article reviews the Department of Health Research Governance Framework, discusses the implications of research governance for library and information professionals undertaking research in the health- and social-care sector and recommends strategies for best practice within the information profession relating to research governance. The scope of the Framework document that covers both clinical and non-clinical research is outlined. Any research involving, amongst other issues, patients, NHS staff and use or access to NHS premises may require ethics committee approval. Particular reference is made to the roles, responsibilities and professional conduct and the systems needed to support effective research practice. Issues such as these combine to encourage the development of a quality research culture which supports best practice. Questions arise regarding the training and experience of researchers, and access to the necessary information and support. The use of the Framework to guide research practice complements the quality issues within the evidence-based practice movement and supports the ongoing development of a quality research culture. Recommendations are given in relation to the document's five domains of ethics, science, information, health and safety and finance and intellectual property. Practical recommendations are offered for incorporating research governance into research practice in ways which conform to the Framework's standards and which are particularly relevant for research practitioners in information science. Concluding comments support the use of the Research Governance Framework as a model for best practice.  相似文献   

A review of the archival literature, including records and information management, indicates that archivists’ have shown over the last two decades an interest in program evaluation. The sparceness of the literature on the subject suggests a gap in an articulate body of knowledge, based on solid theoretical and methodological foundations, for evaluation of archival programs and activities. However, if they have not particularly investigated the subject from a theoretical perspective, archivists have developed in their different organizations and working environment practical knowledge of and experience with program evaluation. In large corporations as well as in public bureaucracies, they have been part of or subjected to specific or generic program evaluation initiatives conducted by internal and external evaluators. But archivists might need now to go some steps further and to look from a critical perspective at what is needed in order to get full benefit from program evaluation.  相似文献   

认为如何通过组织管理策略有效激发员工知识共享行为是学术界和实践界共同关注的问题。以社会交换理论、组织认同理论和动机理论为基础,采用结构方程建模技术,研究团队性绩效考核对员工知识共享行为的影响。实证结果表明:团队性绩效反馈对员工知识共享行为具有显著正向作用,并通过规则服从、集体情感与责任动机的完全中介作用间接促进员工知识共享行为;没有发现个体工作控制源对团队性绩效考核、知识共享动机和知识共享行为之间的关系具有显著调节效应。最后讨论研究结果的理论价值和管理启示。   相似文献   

Literature shows there is a growing interest in studies involving Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the public sector; and while there is evidence of many governmental initiatives that have been established to harness the power of AI, empirical research on the topic and evidence-based insights are rather lacking. The aim of this Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence for Data-Driven Decision-Making and Governance in Public Affairs is to extend both the theoretical and practical boundaries of AI research in the public sector in order to improve governmental decision-making and governance, thus enhancing public value creation. The papers in this special issue focus on AI risks and guidelines, AI governance, the risks of governmental implementation of AI to citizens' privacy, increasing citizen satisfaction through AI-enabled government services, the enablers and challenges of AI implementation in specific public sectors, and using AI to study political opinion. These papers not only advance our knowledge and understanding of the use of AI in government and public governance, but they also help to set out a renewed research agenda. Future research should, among other things, focus on inter- and multi-disciplinary empirical studies that call for the collaboration of a variety of stakeholders; on the longitudinal dynamics of creating public value through the breadth and depth of AI assimilation; and on the investigation of the ethical challenges (particularly data privacy) in AI implementation.  相似文献   

While administrations, and especially e-government “followers,” have been recommended adopting service-oriented architecture (SOA) for the purpose of implementing G2G interoperability, the challenges of reaching this objective remain significant. General guidelines for service development and SOA governance are published, but in view of many self-contained units and IT departments on all administrative levels as well as widespread outsourcing of software development there is a lack of sharing “best practices” how to implement SOA step by step in the area of e-government. In particular, it is unknown to what extent administrations are able to follow existing service development approaches, and there is no research addressing the contribution of service development methods towards governance, i.e. developing and managing government interoperability. In this research the case of Egypt, where SOA was chosen as the main interoperability approach, has been explored in terms of to what extent the current approach to service development supports the interoperability governance, and what kind of changes in the development methods and their application would yield improvements in interoperability governance. The case analysis on practical and strategic level leads to proposing success factors related to linking the methodology of developing G2G services to the overall effort of interoperability governance. These factors, divided into interoperability problem perception, method scoping and deliverables, measurement of goal achievement, and methodological commitment, can be used as hypotheses in future research and as guidelines for improving the interoperability governance in administrative practice.  相似文献   

Librarian involvement in Evidence‐based Health Care provides many opportunities at a local level. Unfortunately, the potential for innovative projects to inform future developments is generally lost by a failure to ‘pass the baton’—to identify lessons learnt and transferable principles. The ‘Library Support for Evidence‐based Health Care’ Project, funded by the NHS Executive Northern and Yorkshire, resulted in the implementation of locally responsive packages of hardware and software in six of the Region’s libraries. The opportunity to evaluate the collective experience of these sites, and to synthesize principles of good practice, was provided by a separately funded post‐hoc evaluation, the Research Evaluation to Audit Library and Information Support for EBHC (REALISE). This paper reports on how this evaluation was conducted, documents the strengths and weaknesses of the Project itself, and attempts to provide a checklist for use in similar projects. The paper concludes by outlining the relevance of the findings to the introduction of planned organizational approaches to quality (clinical governance) and the development of local implementation strategies across the UK, required by the NHS Information Strategy, Information for Health.  相似文献   

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