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孟岳 《英语沙龙》2009,(6):54-56
《芝麻街》是一部美国儿童教育电视系列节目,在后来的发展中更专门注重于学龄前儿童教育。该片寓教于乐,是当代电视教育节目的开山之作。《芝麻街》中由吉姆·汉森设计的提线木偶角色闻名遐迩。截至目前,《芝麻街》播出了38季共计4160集,是美国电视史上播出时间最长的节目之一。  相似文献   

钟琴 《高中生》2011,(2):63-63
父亲坐在办公桌旁,正盯着那些堆积了一个月来的账单。这时,他的小儿子冲了过来,大声宣布:“爸爸,因为今天是你55岁的生日,我想给你55个吻,一年一个!”  相似文献   

钟琴 《高中生》2011,(6):63
父亲坐在办公桌旁,正盯着那些堆积了一个月来的账单。这时,他的小儿子冲了过来,大声宣布:"爸爸,因为今天是你55岁的生日,我想给你55个吻,一年一个!"当男孩正要兑现诺言时,他爸爸大声说:"哦,安德鲁,现在不行,我太忙了!"小男孩马上不吭声了,蓝色的大眼睛里涌满了  相似文献   

研究性学习是学生在教师指导下以类似科学研究的方法去获得知识和应用知识的一种学习方式。它注重学生在教师的指导下自主学习,从而提高学生学习的积极性和主动性,培养学生分析问题、解决问题的能力,为学生进一步了解社会,学会学习奠定了基础。而社会调查是实施研究性学习的一种重要途径,也是对新形势下历史教学法的一种探索。  相似文献   

This paper presents a model dealing with the teacher as manager of self‐directed and interactive learning programs and discusses the value of this model for educators working within continuing and professional education contexts. It provides a framework for the planning, implementation and evaluation of learning programs which promote self‐directed and interactive learning and comprises an outline of phases of learning programs and the roles of teachers (and learners) in these programs.

Major goals related to the process of continuing and professional education today include: promotion of the learners’ ability to work and interact effectively together, fostering their commitment to lifelong learning and development of their self‐directed learning skills. The model presented in this paper is a means of promoting the achievement of these goals. It emphasises the development of skills of independence, self‐direction, interaction, communication, leadership, group membership and conflict resolution. Such skills can be transferred to the workplace to enable adults to accomplish their tasks effectively, achieve their goals, work co‐operatively in teams as leaders and team members and take greater responsibility for their work and continued learning.  相似文献   

物理实验课程的整体优化与实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了物理实验教学对高等教育中创新型人才培养的重要作用,讨论了目前高校物理实验教学中存在的问题,结合南昌大学的具体实践,对综合性、设计性实验与基础性实验进行整体优化,培养和提高学生的创新意识和创新能力.  相似文献   

Although preterm birth has been a major focus of study for the past two decades by health care providers in several disciplines, it remains more prevalent in the United States than in many developed countries and continues to be a prime reason for infant death (mortality) and illness (morbidity). In the past 10 years, preterm rates have risen in the United States from 10.6% in 1990 to 11.6% in 2000. Low birthweight rates have increased from 7.0% in 1990 to 7.6% in 2000. This column reviews recent studies addressing preterm and low birthweight births, including changing demographics, the role of assisted reproductive technology, smoking, domestic violence, the experience of women, and treatment strategies.  相似文献   

Continuing education is a defining characteristic of work in the professions. Yet the approach various professional groups take to continuing professional development (CPD) differs widely in terms of regulatory frameworks and requirements, modes of delivery and funding. Importantly, little is understood about how CPD impacts on practice.This paper compares the regulatory context of different professional groups and devises a two‐dimensional model to explore differences in CPD practice by mapping control over CPD content and mode. The emergent quadrants we label as liberal, regulated, managed and controlled. The paper continues by using empirical data from two studies of continuing education in dentistry and the wider literature to explore factors affecting CPD impact. The paper ends by considering how the regulatory context may affect impact and concludes that changes in the control of CPD have potential to influence the power of education to make a difference to professional practice.  相似文献   

党的十六大提出了全面建设小康社会的奋斗目标。同时指出了要有完善的现代化教育体系以促进人的全面发展,将宏伟目标与实现途径联系在一起,这使我们有幸生活于现今社会中这一代不能不进行深深的思考:小康社会将会给我们带来什么?我们为它的实现又该做些什么?笔者不揣冒昧,在此发表自己的粗浅认识。  相似文献   

Educational technology research and development - Due to the rapid changes in global economic environments, enterprises have to continually enhance their business competitiveness. To improve...  相似文献   

The HIV/AIDS pandemic in South Africa has prompted a need for extensive efforts to educate citizens of all ages about the disease and ways of coping with its impact. This paper describes the process of developing an HIV/AIDS education curriculum for Takalani Sesame, an educational media project for young South African children. The process began with formative research with adults and children, and extensive discussions with HIV/AIDS health specialists. Guided by the research and advice from specialists, a team of educators developed a comprehensive curriculum that the Takalani Sesame production team will use to create HIV/AIDS education messages for television, radio and outreach materials for children ages 3-7 and the adults who care for them.  相似文献   

The HIV/AIDS pandemic in South Africa has prompted a need for extensive efforts to educate citizens of all ages about the disease and ways of coping with its impact. This paper describes the process of developing an HIV/AIDS education curriculum for Takalani Sesame, an educational media project for young South African children. The process began with formative research with adults and children, and extensive discussions with HIV/AIDS health specialists. Guided by the research and advice from specialists, a team of educators developed a comprehensive curriculum that the Takalani Sesame production team will use to create HIV/AIDS education messages for television, radio and outreach materials for children ages 3-7 and the adults who care for them.  相似文献   

以龙岩市街道景观形象建设为例 ,认为城市街道是城市最重要的公共场所之一 ,也是影响一个城市形象的重要窗口 ,应在满足其功能需求的基础上 ,着重从以人为本、空间形态、整体协调、绿化建设等四个方面去寻求建立城市街道景观形象发展之路  相似文献   

流浪儿童属于特殊儿童种类的一种,他们的出现已经引起了各级政府的关注,政府陆续出台了一系列法律和政策维护流浪儿童的合法权益。然而流浪儿童正当权益的维护随着社会的发展仍面临着更多的问题。本文从维护流浪儿童正当权益的角度,分析了流浪在城市中的那些无家可归的未成年人的特点,并通过对他们权益现状满足现状的阐述,发现在权益维护中存在的问题,进一步提出了对应的解决措施,便于更好的维护流浪未成年人的合法权益。  相似文献   

以教学评估为契机,全面提高实验教学质量   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提高高等学校人才培养质量,必须以强化实践教学为着力点,加强实践教学环节,改革实践教学内容,完善实践教学体系。该文结合教育部本科教学工作水平评估指标,介绍了安徽理工大学在加强实验室建设、提高实验教学质量方面的一些做法和取得的成效。  相似文献   

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