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1.After you.你先请。2.I just couldn’t help it.我就是忍不住。3.Don’t take it to heart.别往心里去。4.Let’s get started.咱们开始吧。5.I’m really dead.我真要累死了。6.I’ve done m y best.我已尽力了。7.Is that so?真是那样吗?8.Don’t play gam es with m e!别跟我耍花招!9.I’m not going to kid you.我不是跟你开玩笑的。10.That’s som ething.太棒了。11.Brilliant idea!这主意真棒!12.Do you really m ean it?此话当真?13.I couldn’t be m ore sure.我再肯定不过了。14.I am behind you.我支持你。15.I’m brok…  相似文献   

Hare:Oh,a turnip!A big turnip!I’m hungry.I’ll pull it out.Ai-Hay-Yo,Ai-Hay-Yo.The turnip is too heavy.I can’t pull it out.Dog:I’m a dog.I’m hungry.Oh,Miss Hare,What are you doing?  相似文献   

1.—Jane,your dress is beautiful.—#$A.No,it isn’t.’B.Yes,it is.*C.Where?,D.Thank you.2.—Help yourself to some fish,please.—12.A.Thanks.I’ve had enough6B.No,I can’t8C.I don’t like it:D.OK3.—I’m sorry I broke the window.—>?.A.That’s rightB B.Not at allDC.Never mindF D.My pleasure4.—Shall I close the window,Mr and Mrs White?—??.A.Don’t do that?B.No,you mustn’t?C.No,please don’t?D.No,you can’t5.—Don’t make any noise in the living room!My baby is sleeping.—??.…  相似文献   

请同学们在空格处填上合适的单词。A:Oh,What a funny picture!It seem s that it’s a strange TV set.B:Yes.There is a person with a face like a1.W hat does it2,can you guess?A:I think it m eans that people today spend too m uch tim e in3TV.Am I right?B:You’re  相似文献   

易婉 《今日中学生》2013,(10):25-26
6.How’s that?①用于征询意见:"你认为这个怎么样?"—There,the picture’s on the wall.How’s that?—I don’t think you’ve got it quite straight(挂得不太直).②用于提出疑问:"为什么?"—I’m not sure I’ll be able to come and visit you again.—How’s that?  相似文献   

Lee has a toothache. He’s goingto  the  dentist.  It’s  two  o’clockand he’s late. Pat offers to drivehim to the dentist. Lee: What time is it? Pat: It’s two o’clock. Lee: Oh no, I’m late! Pat: Where are you going? Lee: To the dentist. Pat: Can I drive you there? Lee: Sure! That will help. Pat: Do you have a toothache? Lee: Yes, and it’s very bad. Pat: I’m sorry to hear that.        李 牙疼,他 要 去看 牙医 …  相似文献   

Peter:Well,I finallydid it.Alice:Did what?Peter:Last Thursday,I said enough is enough.No more,that’s it!I made upmymind...and I did it!Alice:Did WHAT,Peter?Peter:I smoked mylast cigarette.I’ve given it up.I’ve quit smoking.Alice:(GROAN)Not AGAIN...!Pet…  相似文献   

Aren't you David Smith? 你是大卫·史密斯吗? A:I say,aren’t you David Smith? B:Yes,but I don’t think we’ve mel before. A:I’m a cousin of Tim Lawford.We did meet once before at my uncle’s cocktail[鸡尾酒] party. B:I see!Well,in that case,it's a great pleasure to meet you again!  相似文献   

Where is my bag?【情景对话】Peter:Oh!My bag!I can’t find it.Where is it?Simon:Is it in your desk drawer?Go and have a look!Peter:No,it isn’t.Simon:Ah!Here it is!Peter:Where?Simon:It’s under your chair.Peter:Yes!Thanks,Simon.Peter:噢!我的书包!我找不到它。它在哪里?  相似文献   

TnB ins豆gntsIn the di图ogue above,can you seehowl,m making my Iearner feelPowerless?l,m imP!ying that it,sher fault,and that she,5 forgettul.l,mheIPingtoreinforceherfearthatshe ean,t Iearn English!The in-sights in this artiele are:Never blame your leamers.HeIP them to feel Powerful.Make mo沦COnnectionS.飞1 1 them,刀切721甲lO尼脚想阴办就’:四P『09『eSS 20%:,2 wqrds;make uP 20%of all Englishl(1 minute);1 draw a box on the board,shade;in 20%of it and write乙力e She恋;政日风‘伦城加况ha…  相似文献   

同学们都笑我说一朵鲜花插在牛粪上。他们懂个屁,鲜花只有插在牛粪上,养分才最充足,才会开得更鲜艳,永不枯萎!“Please accept it.”“I don!t want it.”“Why?”“The classmates will ridiculeme:I!m a flower that is in cowdung.”“They don!t know only sucha flower is full of nutrition.Itcan turn bright-coloured but notwithered.”牛粪@李茜 @闻隆~~…  相似文献   

Hello Yes, A Bi刊流甸Pa抑 Sam!What a beautiful day! it’5 beautiful,isn’t it? 1 hope you ean eome to my party tomorrow· Party?What party? A B AB A:It’5 my birthday,andl’11 have a party.Didn’t you know? B:No Sorry Yes, 1 didn’t. ,1 forsot to tell you.Would you like to eome? I’d love to.Thanks a lot.I’11 give you a niee pre- AB Sent (礼物). In a Shop A:Can 1 helP you? B:Yes,I’m looking for a blue dress· What size(尺寸)do you wear? S汤eTwelve.Thisonelooksniee.WhereeanIt叮…  相似文献   

About laughter关于笑 A:Hey!What’s up? B:I am watching Mr.Bean. A:Cool!You know,everytime I Watch it,I am in stitches[忍俊不禁] B:Yeah.I just can’t keep a straight face[板着面孔, 不露笑容].I once got into trouble because of Mr.Bean. A:Really?What happened? B:I burst out laughing[突然大笑起来]in class when I was thinking of Mr.Bean’s stupid acts.  相似文献   

Dialogue 1"It is/was…that/who/whom…"这是一个很正式的强调句型,可以用来强调除了谓语外的其它成分。A:Who ate all the cookies? B:I think it was the dog that ate them.A:Are you sure? B:It’s possible.A:I think it was you that ate all the cookies,but you're trying to cover it up[隐瞒真相].  相似文献   

Hello,everyone! It’s that time of year again! Hualin’s fantastic sale! You name it and we have it at a very good price.Do you like sweaters? Do you like them at low prices?We have  相似文献   

M y favorite anim als are m onkeys.T here are threem onkeys in m y grandfather’s house.I like them!哈尔滨市道里区新阳路小学四(3)班李金松动物是我们的好朋友,小作者们是怎样描绘各自的宠物的呢?来看看这期丰富多彩的小作品!我喜欢的宠物I have a little pet——"H eim ei".It’s a lovely dog and it’s tw oyears old.哈尔滨市滨才少儿英语专修2级班刘思侬M y fish is very clever.W hen I’mgoing to feed it,it’llstop sw im m ingand stay there.哈尔滨市滨才外国语专修学院剑桥国际英语1级班柴若琪其他优秀配画者:赵静…  相似文献   

Gloria:Did you watch the game last night?Roy:I sure did.I wouldn’t have missed it for anything!Gloria:I think it was one of the best games I’ve ever seen.Roy:Me too.I thought both teams played super ball.Too bad one hadto lose(可惜总有一方得输).Gloria:Yeah.I thought they were evenly matched(水平相当).Itcould have gone either way!Roy:That shot that won in the last fifteen seconds was really something(真了不起)!  相似文献   

想知道地道的美语吗?想学会最新、最酷的口语吗?Please join us。G od knows。天晓得!例句:G od know s where he w ent。天晓得他去哪儿啦!It’ll cost G od knows how m uch.天晓得要花多少钱。Thank G od。谢天谢地!例句:Thank God you’re safe。谢天谢地你平安无事!H ow com e?怎么回事,怎么搞的?例句:H ow com e he didn’t find out?他怎么会没有发现呢?D on’t push m e.别逼我。例句:I’m not pushing you,if you don’tw ant the job,don’t take it.我不想勉强你,如果你不想做这份工作,就不要接受。H e pushed her into m …  相似文献   

1 TEACHER:George,go to the map and find North America. GEORGE:Here it is!TEACHER:Correct.Now,class,who discovered America?CLASS:George! 2TEACHER:Didn’t you promise to behave?STUDENT.Yes.sir.TEACHER:And didn’t I promise to punish you if you didn’t?STUDENT:Yes,sir,but since I broke my promise,I don’t expect you to keep yours. 3  相似文献   

“爱你不言放弃”是Dido写给曾和她论及婚嫁却又分手的未婚夫的,歌中充满了对恋人的不舍和抱歉。I know you think that I shouldn’t stilllove you I ’lltellyou that B ut ifI didn’t say it W ell,I’d stillhave feltit W here ’s the sense inthat? I promise I’m not trying to make your life harder O r return to where we were W ell I willgo down with thisship A nd I won ’t put my hands up and surrender T here willbe no white flagabove my door I ’m inloveand always willbe I know I lefttoo much mes…  相似文献   

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