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高洋 《编辑学报》2020,32(1):112-117
开放存取(open access,OA)是当前科技期刊出版的焦点,为科技期刊的发展带来了机遇和挑战。本文概述OA运动中占有主导地位的两方在OA出版中的现状:公共基金资助机构对OA出版的诉求和传统大型出版商的OA转型;结合Web of Science数据库对OA出版现状进行计量学调查,提出了OA出版处于初级阶段的论点并总结了各学科OA出版的发展程度。从论文的出版数量和期刊的数量及影响力来看,传统期刊和混合期刊是目前主要的出版模式。  相似文献   

根据2011年版《中国科技期刊引证报告(核心版)》(CJCR)数据,对高校学报开放存取(OA)情况进行调查,分析高校学报OA的总体情况、各个学科学报OA的情况和OA的途径分布.调查结果表明:OA高校学报的数量占其总数的80.9%;可1个途径OA的学报数量最多,占OA学报总数的40.0%.通过自建网站和编辑办公管理系统实现OA的学报为118种,占学报总数的38.2%.认为高校学报办刊人应努力变革办刊理念,加快数字出版进程,即时OA,缩短出版周期,主动展现自己,提高论文显示度.  相似文献   

文章回顾2021年科技期刊出版表现,分析OA期刊、转换协议、钻石OA模式的最新实践及其背后OA2020、S计划的影响,指出全球科技期刊正加速向OA出版过渡;聚焦开放科学实践和开放生态的构建,从政策、基础设施、评估和激励标准3个方面分析各级各类相关利益主体对开放科学的部署、规划及其对科技期刊出版的深远影响;探讨巨型期刊、预印本、Overlay期刊、同行评议创新模式如何积极尝试、相互配合,以解决科研成果快速增长和质量控制之间的巨大矛盾,构建更加健康的OA出版生态;指出在开放背景下全球领先的科技出版商战略转向端倪初现,竞争重心已不局限于科技期刊出版,而向数据出版和数据化、科研及相关管理工具化、出版流程及服务智能化等领域拓展。  相似文献   

以我国69种高水平的开放存取中文科技期刊作为调查对象,通过检索OA出版和三大期刊全文数据库,采用期差的办法,比较了它们的时效性。提出加大我国学术期刊开放存取的力度、创办原创性OA期刊、缩短OA出版和CNKI、维普和万方等收录的期差,提高期刊数据库商开放存取意识,并对OA期刊进行跟踪和整合等建议。  相似文献   

文章通过调研我国科技期刊开放存取(Open Access,简称OA)的发展现状,对我国科技期刊OA的数量、分布以及开放全文的特征进行了分析,找出目前我国科技期刊OA存在的主要问题,并对影响开放存取发展的各类因素进行了探析,最后从提升影响力、营造良好的宏观环境等方面对我国的科技期刊OA的发展提出有效的策略及建议。  相似文献   

掠夺性科技期刊与科技期刊中掠夺性现象的特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张俊 《编辑学报》2020,32(4):376-379
近年来,由于开放存取(OA)出版模式的兴起,掠夺性科技期刊的出现也引起国内外学者的关注。国内科技期刊中也存在着类似的管理和学术信誉差、商业利益至上的现象,并对正常的科研成果和出版资源形成了干扰和掠夺。本文将这些存在于国内外科技期刊中的掠夺现象一并回顾和总结,认为一方面国内科技期刊从业者,应重视和适应新兴OA期刊的发展趋势,另一方面相关科研管理部门也应逐步建立措施,完善掠夺性期刊预警制度。  相似文献   

陈竹 《编辑学报》2011,(Z1):7-8
数字化出版已成为中国科技期刊发展的必然趋势。科技期刊的数字化出版应向规模化、集约化方向发展,期刊社应与数字出版技术商合作开发数字出版平台,采取开放存取出版模式,辅以提供不同需求的个性化服务等方式实现科技期刊的管理、内容、服务的数字化。  相似文献   

中国英文科技期刊出版现状及发展思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科技期刊是展现国际科研成果的重要载体,各国均对其国际化程度非常重视.我国作为母语非英语的国家,英文科技期刊的建设需要国家给予大力支持.文章就我国英文科技期刊的现状进行了统计分析,指出目前我国英文科技期刊数量增长但质量不高、期刊规模小而地域分布不平衡、期刊研究领域局限、学科分布不均、期刊数字化建设程度较低、过度依赖国际科学出版机构等的现状.在此基础上,提出从形式入手进行专业化转变等建议.  相似文献   

不同学术出版模式的特征及其影响研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着学术交流方式的演变,传统学术出版模式已经不能有效服务于学术信息的交流和传播,导致不同学术出版模式的产生。学者们的深入研究发现当前情况下出版模式还不可能完全转变,实现理想中的免费且无限制的模式,因此,订阅出版、开放存取和自存档三种学术出版模式并存的同时,还产生了一些混合模式和可选择模式。文章在系统分析订阅出版,开放存取和自存档三种学术出版模式的特征之后,从宏观角度探讨了不同学术出版模式对科研和社会经济产生的影响,并从访问和许可两个角度分析了不同学术出版模式的影响因素和影响机制。该文为2009年第六期“医学OA期刊”专题文章之一。  相似文献   

网络传播正在悄然改变学术信息交流方式、传播方式和阅读方式,直接影响了作为知识传播的传统期刊。通过对OA出版概念的阐述,介绍了OA期刊的特点及中国目前OA期刊的现状,指出了这种新的出版模式面临着的问题。  相似文献   

Based on the 1,608 journals covered by the Chinese Science & Technology Journal Citation Reports (2005 edition), we analyzed the open access (OA) publishing situation of Chinese scientific journals. From this database we identified 91 journals offering full OA; a further 139 journals offered delayed OA. Data collected at three different time points (January 2006, July 2006, and January 2007) showed that the OA status of these journals is not stable; some OA journals subsequently became non‐OA. Most of the Chinese OA journals are not part of a larger aggregation, but are published independently. Relatively more OA journals are published in the fields of medicine and biology. Citation indicators of OA journals were found to be higher than those of non‐OA journals.  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of a survey on Chinese researchers' perceptions and use of open access journals (OAJs). A total of 381 Chinese researchers from different universities and disciplines were investigated through an online questionnaire survey in August and September 2018. The results showed that most Chinese researchers are familiar with and have positive attitude to OAJs. They know OAJs mainly through their peers, colleagues, and friends. PubMed Central, PLoS, and COAJ (China Open Access Journals) are the most well‐known OAJ websites among Chinese researchers. As for use, most of the respondents read and cite OAJs frequently and have experience of publishing in OAJs. However, they strongly prefer to use OAJs indexed in reputable databases (e.g. Web of Science, WoS) when making publishing decisions. Significant differences can be seen among disciplines, with researchers in HSS areas using OAJs less frequently than researchers from other disciplines, although they have the same positive attitudes and are equally well informed about them. Younger researchers preferred to rely on prestigious institutions and authors when using OAJs.  相似文献   

中国大陆开放存取期刊实践现状研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国际上开放存取期刊的发展取得了巨大成就,我国学者关注开放存取期刊的研究也超过5年,但我国大陆地区的开放存取期刊建设现状却很落后。据国际开放存取期刊收录目录DOAJ数据统计,到目前为止我国大陆地区仅注册33种。文章从开放存取期刊建设现状入手,分析其建设落后的原因并提出建设建议以加快我国大陆地区开放存取期刊的建设步伐。  相似文献   

Pillars of open science are often included within the editorial policies of scholarly journals, including policies on open access publication, availability of underlying research data, preprints and open peer review. The aim of this paper is to examine and analyse perceptions and editorial practices related to open access, preprints, open research data and open peer review, from the perspective of editors of scientific journals published in Spain, to gain an insight into editorial policies related to open science. Results and data were obtained by a combined method of online interviews and an online questionnaire. The online survey was sent to editors from journals indexed in the Dulcinea directory, which at the time of the study included 1875 academic journals. A total of 420 responses (22.4%) were obtained. The results indicated that 92% of the journals were open access journals, 2% of the journals conducted open peer review, 15% of the journals had instructions to allow archiving preprints, and out of 375 responses, only 59 journals (16%) reported having a policy on underlying research data. Based on these results, there is a trend in favour of open access, but the perceived barriers to open peer review outweighed the advantages. There is also some reluctance to allow preprints to be made available. This concern might be because editors want authors and readers to read and cite the contents published in their journals, rather than their preprint versions.  相似文献   

Using data from Web of Science, this research investigates how physical science researchers funded by the Canadian Institutes of Health Research complied with its open access policy, and compares the citation counts of articles published through gold and green models.It was found that, for articles published between 2008 and 2015, 9% were available through gold open access routes and 13% were available through green routes; most were not openly accessible. Citation rates were comparable for green open access and non-open access articles, but citation rates for gold open access articles were lower. After controlling for publication year, citation rates of gold, green, and non-open access articles were comparable. Among gold open access articles, citation rates were highest for open access journals with article processing charges, but after controlling for publication year, articles published in hybrid journals, followed by those in open access journals with article processing charges, achieved the highest citation rates. Articles published in free open access journals had the lowest citation rates. The results suggest that green open access is the most economical approach to comply with open access policies, and that it provides researchers with at least as much research impact as gold open access.  相似文献   

根据中国科学院金属研究所的"联合期刊"实际发展状况,介绍"联合期刊"开放获取出版现状,通过分析开放获取对期刊影响力的促进作用,认为科技期刊应积极投入到开放获取出版运动中,最终实现期刊的可持续发展。  相似文献   

林章碧 《编辑学报》2021,33(1):114-118
通过分析国外综合开放存取(OA)期刊的发展历程,为我国创办OA期刊提供借鉴.以《PLoS One》和《Scientific Reports》为例,分析国外大型综合OA期刊的现状和存在的问题,指出我国创办同类型OA期刊的意义,并提出3种运作模式.我国创办大型综合OA期刊可缓解国内期刊资源不足与发表需求之间的突出矛盾、确保...  相似文献   

[目的/意义]基于STS的思路考察科学信息的开放获取模式,以多学科、多元化的视角分析其实现过程和相关问题。[方法/过程]从社会各界主体意识的觉醒、网络环境提供的技术支持以及政府部门的有力参与3个方面探索科学信息开放获取模式实现的动力机制,进而从科学信息的版权归属、科研论文的发表费用、科学知识的质量控制、开放期刊的社会认可度4个方面考察开放获取政策实施中的相关问题。[结果/结论]科学信息的开放获取为我国这样的发展中国家提供了打破既有利益格局的良好机遇,我们应该在增强政府作为的同时,积极发挥高校和科研机构、出版商、科技社团、科学共同体乃至社会公众的不同作用,以更好地推进我国的开放获取事业。  相似文献   

开放存取期刊质量的学科差异与动态变化研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
采用平均影响因子、平均即年指数、平均IF百分位数和平均ImInd百分位数等指标,对2001年-2005年的9个学科领域596种OA期刊进行统计分析。研究发现,OA期刊的质量总体上处于中等偏上水平,但是存在学科差异。其次,OA期刊的质量稳步增长,并逐渐被科研人员所接受,已成为科研人员进行学术交流的重要工具。  相似文献   

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