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There is significant irresolution in many countries concerning the design of student loan schemes. In no country recently has there been more uncertainty as to the form that loans should take than Thailand. The Student Loans Fund (SLF), a conventional approach to financing, was introduced in 1996, discontinued at the end of 2005, and re-introduced in 2007. In its place an income contingent loan (ICL) was implemented for one year only, 2006. As part of this debate we contribute to an understanding of the repayment burdens associated with the SLF in Chapman, Lounkaew, Polsiri, Sarachitti and Sitthipongpanich (in this issue).  相似文献   

英国《卫报》2008年1月2日报道,英国高等教育部长Bill Rammell称,预计在2006-2007学年进入高校的女生大约需要花费16年时间才能偿还完学费贷款,而男性只需要11年。这个预测是根据英国家庭调查所、劳动力调查提供的毕业生终生收入的数据测算得出的。  相似文献   

国家助学贷款是高校家庭经济困难学生资助政策体系主要内容,不仅直接关系家庭经济困难学生及其家庭的切身利益,而且直接关系国家人才培育和社会稳定的大局,以及教育公平和社会正义的实现。然而,大学生在国家助学贷款中的失信行为却严重地影响和困扰着国家助学贷款的正常开展。本文主要探讨了国家助学贷款中大学生诚信教育的相关因素,结合其中存在的各种问题,进行深入的探析,提出加强大学生诚信教育的相关建议。  相似文献   

Government‐sponsored student loans have emerged over the decades as a primary method of financing post‐secondary education across most North American jurisdictions. Despite this, the empirical literature examining the correlates of repayment difficulty and default in Canada has remained stagnant in recent years. This study taps into an underutilised data source—the 2013 National Graduates Survey—to examine the relationship between demographics, human capital, borrowing behaviour and other known predictors and repayment difficulty. Our logistic regression models demonstrate that disability status, geographic region and borrowing behaviour are correlated with loan default and repayment difficulty, while failing to verify the existence of other demographic effects routinely found in the existing literature. We discuss the implications of these findings, along with multiple avenues for further empirical work on this topic within Canada.  相似文献   

Expansion of high education in Vietnam will be undermined without an effective student, loans policy to assist with tuition and living costs. We show the significance of this issue is by, constructing a hypothetical loans system and calculating repayment burdens (RBs) (the proportion of, a graduate's income required to repay the debt) for male and female in four different parts of Vietnam, and with respect to two levels of loans. Importantly, the exercises examine RBs across the whole, distribution of income using unconditional quantile techniques. We find that RBs involving loans for, tuition only are likely to lead to significant RBs for poor graduates, with much higher loans being, associated with critical financial difficulties for perhaps the majority of debtors. This will result in high, default rates and consumption difficulties for borrowers, implying strongly that a student loan system, with such high RBs is unlikely to be successful in Vietnam.  相似文献   

We study student loan behavior in the Netherlands where (i) higher education students know little about the conditions of the government's financial aid program and (ii) take-up rates are low. In a field experiment we manipulated the amount of information students have about these conditions. The treatment has no impact on loan take-up, which is not due to students already having decided to take a loan or students not absorbing the information. We conclude that a lack of knowledge about specific policy parameters does not necessarily imply a binding information constraint.  相似文献   

This empirical study examined postsecondary-student attitudes and preferences regarding five discrete student loan plans and loan plan features. Certain demographic variables were examined for their relationship to student attitudes toward the various loan plans. The study addressed the following questions: What debt ceiling do students identify as acceptable? Are students willing to indebt themselves over an extended time span? What percent of annual income do they feel reasonably can be applied to loan repayment? Will students alter their repayment plan choices given additional and more detailed information about loan options? A random sample of 218 recipients of federal higher education loans during the 1973–74 academic year was drawn from the population of 6,765 undergraduate borrowers at the University Park Campus of the Pennsylvania State University.  相似文献   

中美国家助学贷款制度比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
始于1999年的中国国家助学贷款,目前正面临着前所未有的考验,中国国家助学贷款将何去何从?这是摆在我国政府面前的一项艰巨任务。而美国的国家助学贷款经过长期的发展日臻成熟,取得了政府、银行和学生的“三赢”。通过中美国家助学贷款制度的相互比较,吸取美国在此方面比较成熟的经验,结合中国的实际,制定出“三赢”的中国国家助学贷款制度  相似文献   

生源地信用助学贷款政策给国家助学贷款带来的可能影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
2007年5月中央政府出台新的高校学生资助政策,把生源地助学贷款纳入国家助学贷款体系试点推广。校园地和生源地助学贷款的互相替代政策会改变贷后管理主体,给校园地和生源地助学贷款市场带来大的波动,进而影响整个国家助学贷款体系的稳定。应由当地信用社负责生源地信用助学贷款的贷后管理,高校参与协助监督;谨慎变动两种助学贷款条款,促进助学贷款市场整体稳健发展。  相似文献   

The program of research on teacher–student relationships described in this issue is an important part of the field of classroom learning environments, although it has its own distinctive and significant features. The questionnaire on teacher interaction (QTI), the main instrument used in this research, follows the strong tradition in learning environments research of using the perceptions of the participants in the classroom. Although this research program originated in the Netherlands, it now is truly international and the QTI has been translated into and validated in over a dozen languages. Not only has past research consistently replicated the advantages of positive teacher–student relationships in terms of promoting improved student outcomes, but positive teacher–student relationships also are worthwhile process goals of education. In the future, it would be desirable for the QTI to be used more frequently by teachers as a feedback instrument for guiding improvements in their classroom relationships with their students, and that qualitative data-collection methods are used more often in conjunction with the use of the QTI in research on teacher–student interaction.  相似文献   

完善国家助学贷款工作的切入点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
完善国家助学贷款工作可从以下方面切入:更新观念,建立国家助学贷款风险担保制度,明确助学贷款额度在银行贷款业务中的最低比例,制定实施国家助学贷款的具体政策,尽快建立个人信用系统,培养大学生的信贷观念和诚信意识,改变还款方式,出台国家助学贷款的减免条款。  相似文献   

生源地信用助学贷款作为大学贫困生资助项目之一,已经广泛在全国各地实施。本文以淮阴师范学院历史学院的生源地信用助学贷款开展情况为例,简述其当前实施现状,探析其现存困境,并提出一些措施用以解决困境。  相似文献   

This paper studies the importance of dynamic earnings modeling for the design of income contingent student loans (ICLs). ICLs have been shown to be theoretically optimal in terms of efficiency in the presence of risk aversion, adverse selection and moral hazard, and have attractive equity properties. Recognition of their benefits has led to their adoption for tertiary education tuition fees in countries including Australia, New Zealand, and the UK. Since the design of ICLs relies on the prediction of the underlying costs, we explore the extent to which the complexity of earnings modeling affects the estimation of loan subsidies. The use of Australian data allows us to compare our simulated debt repayments to actual repayments under the Australian Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS). Our findings reveal that the complexity of earnings modeling has considerable implications for the calculation of loan subsidies.  相似文献   

香港地区学生贷款:贷款机构的视角   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
根据政府对资本市场干预程度的不同 ,香港地区形成了三类教育贷款 ,即政府补贴性贷款、成本回收型教育贷款和盈利性教育贷款。这三类教育贷款在满足不同群体的教育需求上是互补的。香港入息教育款的成本回收率达 71 .4% ,这表明香港的教育贷款已形成了一个良好的资金发放与回收体系 ,1 %的贷款拖欠率亦表明香港已具备了完备的个人信用制度与金融网络体系  相似文献   

Student loans program is one of the most controversial phenomena in financing higher education in Ghana, but its importance as a cost sharing mechanism is incontestable. This paper describes the challenge of financing higher education in Ghana. It provides a critique of the Social Security and National Insurance Trust (SSNIT) Student Loans Scheme, and analyzes the present Student Loan Trust Fund (SLTF) policy. The paper outlines the new policy framework, critically looks at some implementation problems and provides some practical policy recommendations. The paper questions the mechanisms put in place to ensure the sustainability of the new policy? It concludes that a more efficient student loans scheme should strike the balance between lenders risk and borrowers aversion.  相似文献   

This paper re‐centres the discussion of student learning in physics to focus on context. In order to do so, a theoretically motivated understanding of context is developed. Given a well‐defined notion of context, data from a novel university class in electricity and magnetism are analysed to demonstrate the central and inextricable role of context in student learning. This work sits within a broader effort to create and analyse environments that support student learning in the sciences.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the growing literature on student loans as a means of financing higher education. The country focus of the paper is the People's Republic of China. Although student loans are very much a capitalist form of financing, the context of this paper is a socialist system. The paper analyses the tensions which confront a loan system in this type of framework, and presents a preliminary evaluation of the loan scheme in China.  相似文献   

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