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Head Start Teaching Centers are a national demonstration project designed to provide participatory training in all Head Start component areas within the context of an exemplary Head Start program. Each Teaching Center employs an independent evaluation to study this alternative approach to Head Start staff development. This paper presents the results of the outcome evaluation for the first year of the New England Head Start Teaching Center. The New England Head Start Teaching Center was designed to provide intensive training during a 3 or 5 day period of residence at the Teaching Center. This paper briefly describes the national Head Start Teaching Center model, the implementation of this model in the New England region, the outcome evaluation plan, and the results from the first year of training. The analyses of year one data indicated that training provided by the New England Head Start Teaching Center produced significant gains. As compared to similar Head Start employees who did not participate in training, both trainees and their supervisors reported significant gains in trainees' knowledge, skills, and expertise after participating in the New England Head Start Teaching Center training.  相似文献   

Learning environments have been studied less thoroughly in European universities than they have in American colleges and universities. Several research strategies which have been developed in the United States are discussed. One strategy, adapted to analyze the special conditions found in European universities, and an instrument which provides evidence about student perceptions of their environments, are described. The results of a study of one university in the Netherlands indicate that there are distinctive atmospheres found in various departments; departments differ from one another in understandable ways, and each department has its own kind of educational problems. It is argued that systematic analyses of learning environments might identify problems in universities and permit solutions to be found so that more effective educational contexts may be created.This paper is based on a study conducted at the Educational Research Center, University of Leyden, The Netherlands. Dr. Gaff was invited to spend a year at the Center, Dr. Crombag is the Director of the Center, and Dr. Chang is a member of the Center staff. A full report of the study, The university as a learning environment: An empirical analysis, Report No. 13, January, 1973, may be obtained from the Educational Research Center, University of Leyden, Leyden, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

程旼是由中原南迁至世界客都梅州定居并有确切记载的第一人,且对当地的文明教化产生重大影响,因此被称为世界客都人文始祖。长期以来,人们都不知程旼为何时人,或说南齐人,或说晋人,或说隋人。现依据史料,对程旼的生卒年进行考证,大致确定其时间范围约401-499年。  相似文献   

学习科学最早起源于美国,它是在认知科学、计算机科学等学科基础上发展起来的关于学与教的交叉学科,目前全美已经设立了非正规与正规环境学习中心,视觉语言与视觉学习科学中心,匹兹堡学习科学中心,教育、科学与技术中的卓越学习中心,学习的时间动力学中心,认知与教育神经科学中心等七个学习科学研究中心,每个研究中心均有不同的研究重点,但都采用"基于设计的研究"范式,从不同的视角研究学习。其研究主题为如何学以及学什么,以进一步提高人类的学习绩效。美国学习科学的研究能为我国学习科学研究的深入发展提供新的研究思路,同时拓展教育技术学领域的研究视角和研究范畴。  相似文献   

An earlier version of this paper was delivered as a keynote address at the annual meeting of the Association for General and Liberal Studies, Memphis, TN, October 15, 1993.Patrick T. Terenzini is a professor and senior scientist in the Center for the Study of Higher Education at Penn State University. He is the associate director of the National Center on Postsecondary Teaching, Learning, and Assessment. His Ph.D. is from Syracuse University. His major research interest focuses on how college affects students.  相似文献   

This article describes the establishment in fall 2002 of a School of Education Research Center designed to support faculty in increasing productivity and quality in research. Details are provided about center goals, services, staffing, space, resources, and logistics during the first year of operation. In addition, data are shared about faculty usage of the Center, the level of faculty satisfaction with center services in the first year, and initial increases in faculty productivity. The article concludes with plans for continued data collection to monitor the impact of the Center, a discussion of lessons learned at this point in the Center's development, and possibilities for the evolution of the Center. All authors are at the University of Colorado, Denver. Laura Goodwin, Ph.D., University of Colorado at Boulder, is Interim Associate Vice Chancellor for Faculty Affairs and continues to serve as a Faculty Research Associate. Elizabeth Kozleski, Ed.D., University of Northern Colorado, is the Associate Dean for Research in the School of Education. Lynn Rhodes, Ed.D., Indiana University, is the Dean of the School of Education. Rodney Muth, Ph.D., Claremont Graduate School, is a professor of Administrative Leadership and Policy Studies in the school and chaired the Research Center Advisory Board. Kim Kennedy White, M.A., University of Oregon, was the original School of Education Research Center Coordinator and was responsible for collecting most of the data included in this study.  相似文献   

The aim of the research was to examine the output of the Center for Technological Education (CTEH) in relation to its main goal, the training of teachers for the technological education system. To this end, a follow-up study of graduates from 1976 to 1984 was conducted and their occupations analysed and classified. It was found that only 22% were employed as ‘Educators’, 6% as ‘Educators in Industry’ while the rest, 72%, were engaged in various engineering and technological occupations. The distribution by sex of CTEH graduates employed as ‘Educators’ was 17.2% for males and 33.4% for females. Graduates in teaching jobs expressed more satisfaction in their work than those engaged in other occupations. The main reasons given for abandoning teaching were: low salary, lack of significant advancement opportunities, dullness, dissatisfaction and discipline problems. It is recommended that an effort be made to encourage women to become qualified as teachers of technological subjects, and that a way be found for engineering teachers to combine work in industry with leaching in the technological education system. This paper is based on the findings of a follow-up study of graduates of the Center for Technological Education for the years 1976 to 1984.  相似文献   


The attack on the World Trade Center occurred less than a quarter of a mile from Pace University in Lower Manhattan. This paper represents a compilation of the recollection of the events of September 11, 2001, and its aftermath from the four senior staff members of the Counseling Center. Our purpose is to share our experiences and perspectives of these events from the point of view of the closest university to the attack. We will also share some of the ways in which we coped as a staff, how we helped the larger community to cope, and some ofthe lessons we learned from both a professional and personal point of view.  相似文献   

The authors present the University of Florida treatment program which is the result of cooperative efforts by the Psychological and Vocational Counseling Center and the Alcohol and Drug Resource Center. This program includes outreach programs and a Student Assistance Program as well as individual and group treatment for ACOA and substance abusing students. Illustrative case material is presented. Some general principles drawn from the development of a university based substance abuse counseling program are presented as well. The importance of understanding the social context of a student substance abuse, psychological awareness, and the need for multidisciplinary cooperation in the treatment and prevention of student substance abuse are emphasized.  相似文献   

Learning assistance is in increasing demand in postsecondary institutions. This study investigates the students accessing the services offered by the Learning Skills Center (LSC) in a Canadian community college. Students are compared with the general student body. Results indicate that students requesting assistance tend to be predominantly female and in their first year of study. Mature students appear to use the Center more readily than younger students. The increasing number of students who speak English as a second language may place special demand on the instructional techniques used by LSC staff. Suggestions are provided for increasing the student demand from underrepresented groups.  相似文献   

The National Center for Educational Statistics, in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Education, compiles statistical data for U.S. schools. As charts indicate, in 2001, it reported that nationwide, 76% of high-income graduates immediately enroll in colleges or trade schools. However, only 49% of Hispanic and 59% of African Americans enroll immediately after graduating from high school. Research demonstrates that high academic achievers from low-income families are only one-fifth as likely to enroll in college as high achievers from high-income families (U.S. Department of Education, Center for Educational Statistics, 2001). This article is an examination of the components of a college prep program, GEAR-UP, which is a federally funded comprehensive intervention program to determine if African American participants improved predictors of achievement (PSAT, SAT, and GPA scores).  相似文献   

自从世界科学中心转移现象被日本科学史家汤浅光朝发现以来,世界科学中心的形成与不同国家高等教育发达期之间的惊人一致成为学术界不遗余力探索的重要课题。世界科学中心由意大利-英国-法国-德国-美国的四次转移揭示出一条重要的规律:大学的发展与科学中心的形成呈正相关关系,发展教育是促进科学繁荣乃至国家昌盛的必由之路。  相似文献   

创业能力是一个多维度概念,是多项能力指标的综合体现与反映。而高职院校的创业孵化器是学校创业教育的重要载体,承担着培养和提升学生创业能力的重要功能。同时创业孵化器作为一种校内创业组织,其自身的发展规律和运行特点对于学生创业能力培养有着重要作用。基于金华职业技术学院、湖州职业技术学院这两所典型的高职院校创业孵化器的实地调研,对创业孵化器的实际培养效用进行了分析与探讨。  相似文献   

近年来,高校的家教服务中心成为帮助大学生从事家教活动的主要机构.高校家教服务中心的工作质量在很大程度上影响了家教大学生的家教活动.本文以来高校家教服务中心为个案研究对象,通过对该中心工作现状进行调查研究,进而分析该中心在市场宣传、家教信息、网站运行、开展活动、工作人员的等方面存在的问题,探讨提高家教服务中心工作质量的途径和措施,以期为研究我国类似高校家教服务中心机构提供相关资料.  相似文献   

高校教育技术中心一直以来保持着"教学技术支持者"的角色。"教学促进"是高校教育技术中心的本质要求。在信息技术迅猛发展和高校大力推进内涵建设的时代背景下,实现从"教学技术支持者"到"教学促进者"的角色转变成为新时期高校教育技术中心彰显其价值的关键。在从"教学技术支持者"到"教学促进者"的角色转变过程中,高校教育技术中心需实现从"技术服务者"到"教学服务者",从"教学支持者"到"教学促进者"、从"技术引入者"到"应用推广者"的转变。文章最后分析了高校教育技术中心实现角色转变面临的主要困难及其对策。  相似文献   

中外合作办学成了高等教育国际化的一个重要组成部分 ,这已经是毋庸置疑的了。南京大学与美国霍普金斯大学在两国政府的支持下共同建立起来的合作办学项目—中美文化研究中心已经走过了 17年的历程 ,作为一个比较早的中外合作办学项目 ,它在中美两国的影响正在不断扩大。文章从建立的历史背景、办学特色、办学中存在的问题以及其大致概况等各个方面对其进行了介绍和研究 ,以图对中国的其他合作办学有所借鉴。  相似文献   

中国科学技术大学工程科学学院初步建成了学院一级的教学实验中心,并在实验教学中发挥了重要的作用。中介绍了中国科学技术大学工程科学学院教学实验中心的构成及管理机制,介绍了教学实验中心的建设原则与初步成效,以及下一步建设目标。  相似文献   

大学生法律援助中心与法科学生实践能力的培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文从大学生法律援助中心的特征入手,以广西师范大学法律援助中心为个案进行调查和分析。提出为了更好地办好大学生法律援助中心,应以“学以致用,服务社会”为宗旨,提高学生实践能力为目的。  相似文献   

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