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从大学发展战略规划的制定和实施两个层面对实际存在的问题进行了分析探讨。在规划的制定中存在着科学性不强,难以得到认同;配套执行计划缺乏可操作性,规划落实困难;规划一味追求大而全,高而精,脱离学校实情等问题。在实施中存在着实施过程缺少监控机制;缺乏有效的评估反馈机制和实施中很少体现问责制等问题。  相似文献   

In the shifting environment of higher education, characterised by financial constraints, institutional competition and governmental steering, universities adopt a new stream of missions. In Japan, internationalisation and the acquisition of a global outlook have become a key strategy. The trend is endorsed through competitive public funding schemes, based on the belief that competition fosters so-called world-class universities. These schemes necessitate not only internationalisation of curriculum and research but also a wide range of projects and programs, which require talents that may not be readily found in the existing cadres of university workers. This empirical research assesses experiences and perceptions of project-based professionals in Japanese universities. It found unique ways in which ‘Specially appointed academic staff’ are given project and administrative responsibilities but with limited access to environment and/or support system for research. Discussions focus on impacts of such appointment on their academic career and explore how these institutional projects may be handled in regards to university organisation.  相似文献   


This paper describes one child voice enabling strategy that allowed children in sixth class in an urban primary school in Ireland to have a say in the organisation of their learning. The lack of involvement that children have in the organisation of their school week was questioned and this prompted an investigation into a new approach to enabling child voice in the classroom. Action research is an iterative process that develops through a self-reflective spiral of planning, acting and observing, re-planning and further implementation. Each cycle followed a similar approach, of planning, acting, observing and reflecting. This research found that child voice can be effectively incorporated into the organisation of their learning when neither the teacher nor the children take total control but work together as equal individuals. In this enquiry the children design, implement and adhere to their own weekly timetable while adhering to the regulations set out by the Ireland’s Department of Education and Skills (DES). This research which aims to consider child voice when determining a timetable can be seen as a first step to integrate child-centred approaches into the classroom.  相似文献   

大学发展战略实施是将战略规划转化为现实绩效的过程,从某种意义上讲,战略实施的成效直接决定着战略管理的成败。因此,大学发展战略实施需要讲策略、讲谋划,良好的实施策略将有利于提高战略实施的水平和效率。  相似文献   

Interchange - The implementation of academic freedom can be difficult both for policymakers and university authorities. A good example of these difficulties is the case of Poland. These...  相似文献   

Shrinking financial support from governments and forecast declines in the college-going population have combined to exert tremendous pressure on institutions of higher learning. Branding as a strategy has become more popular as a way of differentiating an institution from its competition, but the complexity of higher education makes branding an even more difficult task than in traditional, commercial contexts. This paper describes the process adopted by a particular state university in the USA to navigate the branding terrain. Armed with research evidence, the university defined a brand position and implemented it through creative executions that resonated with diverse stakeholders. The paper suggests that the branding process, by taking several factors into account, generated a successful branding campaign measured in terms of receptivity to communication messages, but still does not answer the difficult questions about the role of branding in higher education.  相似文献   

This paper explores issues to do with the organisation of academic work in higher education in the U.K. When universities were well resourced elite institutions much internal university organisation involved little more than the limp administration of dull, steady state, routines. Tighter times in the 1980s encouraged the call for more efficient university management and in the 1990s the issue of good university governance has pushed to the fore. Efficient management and good governance are important but the nature of academic work and the professional sentiments of academic workers mean that management, bureaucracy and governance can only take universities so far in the organisation of teaching and research in turbulent times that call for change and entrepreneurship. “A refusal in the universities to give rational discussion of their administration a high priority must result either in tyranny mitigated by muddle or in time-wasting reduplication of effort.” (Lord Franks, University of Oxford: Report of Commission of Inquiry, 2 vols. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1966, vol. 1, para. 491.)  相似文献   

In many countries in the western world thegovernment is stepping back in the steering andfunding of higher education. As a consequence,institutes for higher education try to find additionalincomes on the market. Sometimes, this happens onlyfor financial reasons, sometimes as a result of adeliberate market-focused strategy. In this way,former publicly funded universities turn intoso-called hybrid organisations. The maincharacteristic of these hybrid organisations is thatthey try to combine the traditional task- and themodern market-steering. These hybrid universities haveto solve a number of problems in the field ofstrategy-making, internal organisation and thematching of different cultures. In this contributionnew concepts will be presented forstrategy-development and internal organisation of thehybrid university. The differences between thecultures of the traditional academia and the modernmarket are discussed and it is indicated how to bridgethe observed gap between these cultures. The hybriduniversity will be presented as the university conceptfor the 21st century.  相似文献   

Teachers with years of experience in the classroom rely on that experience to help them develop behavior intervention plans for students with behavioral challenges. New teachers, however, may struggle with the complex steps needed to develop successful plans as they address other aspects of their professional work for the first time. DESCRIBE IT is a strategy that novice teachers can use to help generalize the process of behavior intervention planning they learned in university courses to their practice in the field. The purpose of this article is to demonstrate how DESCRIBE IT guided one special education teacher through the process for behavior intervention planning and implementation. Use of DESCRIBE IT may help new teachers plan and monitor behavior interventions as they start their careers.  相似文献   

商标战略是企业的一项战略任务,对企业具有极其重要的意义,关乎企业市场竞争力的提升以及企业的长远发展.但是,由于商标战略是一项长期、艰巨的系统工程,因而在战略的实施过程中,不少企业存在商标意识薄弱、战略执行力不强等诸多问题.通过深入研究并结合湖南企业的具体情况,认为科学实施商标战略应从意识和行为两个方面同步进行.  相似文献   

论高校新闻网的新闻策划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,国内高校正在努力建设信息化校园,新闻网作为校园信息化工程的重要组成部分,其发展面临良好机遇。文章在分析高校新闻网存在的不足及其原因基础上,对高校新闻网新闻策划的内容、实施策略和技巧等问题开展初步探讨,以期能对高校新闻网的建设有所裨益。  相似文献   

学科群是学科建设在高等教育发展过程中的必然产物,也是目前许多高校提升学科建设水平的主要抓手。地方高校在国家"双一流"建设的战略背景下,学科建设的整体水平难以比肩部属高校,只有通过错位发展战略,走特色化发展之路,才能在高等教育的改革浪潮中立于不败之地。以校城融合的研究视角,将学校的学科建设置于城市发展的视野中,有利于优化学校学科结构,提升学科群建设水平,提高学校服务地方经济社会发展的能力,实现大学与城市的良性互动。  相似文献   

Branding is a phenomenon that has become increasingly common in higher education over the last few years. It entails defining the essence of what a university “is”, what it “stands for”, and what it is going to be known for, requiring precision and consistency in the formulations as well as internal commitment to the brand. This article details what happened in the process of defining the essence of a regional university in Northern Norway. Addressing the challenges, the article reveals that the notions of consistency, precision, and commitment generated resistance from faculty members and made the process very difficult to fulfill. An important finding is that a university may be too complex to be encapsulated by one brand or identity definition. The article describes this process, explains the reasons for the difficulties, and discusses some implications for higher education branding.  相似文献   

Academic work has traditionally been seen as relatively stress free. However, a growing number of studies have reported increases in occupational stress experienced by university researchers. In order to explain stress among this group, we build on a new perspective in occupational stress research: the so-called stress-as-offence-to-self perspective. In line with this perspective, we have investigated the incongruence between the researchers’ work values and their perceptions of the working conditions provided by the organisation. The analysis is based on a sample of 2127 Danish university researchers. The results show that person-organisation incongruence with regard to freedom and independence in the job, job security, personal and professional development at work, and receiving peer recognition are associated with higher levels of stress among the researchers. Based on these results, we suggest three strategies for managers at universities to mitigate stress among academic employees: a tough recruitment process, a team-based organisation and a proactive human resource strategy.  相似文献   

There is currently renewed interest in transnational education (TNE) amongst UK universities as a means of taking education to the 98% of tertiary students worldwide who are geographically immobile. In this discourse, the home universities are characterised as the dominant players, seeking strategic opportunities to commercially expand into foreign markets. This paper argues that, in contrast, there are four key stakeholders in TNE—the home university, the partner organisation, the host government and students in the host country—and a TNE partnership is shaped by their relative power and motivations. The paper finds that unless the motivations of stakeholders are broadly aligned to the form of TNE partnership, it is unlikely to succeed. It highlights the fluid nature of these motivations which change over time—often slowly, but sometimes abruptly when there is a change in university strategy or policy on the part of the host government.  相似文献   

科学制定和实施高校发展战略规划,是新形势下实现我国高校跨越式发展的有效途径。在我国高校应用型人才培养转型过程中,可借鉴香港理工大学战略规划的制定与实施过程,找准自身发展战略规划制定和实施的关键点,为国内高校战略转型提供有益参考。  相似文献   

大学与企业联合研究机构管理模式的探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学与企业共建联合研究机构已经成为国内一流研究型大学融入“以企业为主体、市场为导向、产学研相结合的技术创新体系“的重要方式,如何规范其建设和管理以实现大学与企业的互利双赢,已经成为大学迫切需要解决的问题.本文结合清华大学的经验,提出从功能定位、权益责任、组织机构和过程管理四个方面加强对联合研究机构管理的思路,并介绍了清华大学在此思路下形成的基本管理模式,将为高等学校以联合研究机构的形式进一步推进产学研合作提供有益借鉴.  相似文献   

使不同体育运动背景的学生,具有其不同的运动内容与组织方式的学习要求,是体育多元化教学组织与实施研究的出发点。以文献资料法、专家访谈法、归因法对本题目进行的实践研究中。针对高校体育教育中千人一面,万人一腔的发展现状,研究并提炼出高校体育多元化教学组织的思想目标;制定出体育多元化教学组织与实施方略;实践中总结出公共体育多元化教学组织与实施取得的成效。创建高校体育教学工作,以课堂体育教学为核心,以课外体育活动为中心的教学思想体系,形成符合大学生身心健康的体育多元化教学组织实施方案。体现大学生体育教育综合培养的工作要求,并为其发展“终身体育活动能力”打下基础。  相似文献   

There is a shift going on in Dutch higher education from traditional, teacher centred education to student learning activities. The trend is to structure these activities in real-life tasks, projects or case situations in which Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is integrated. This paper discusses results of a two-year project implementing this type of education. The focus of the project was on task-based team learning with Information and Communication Technology. In this project two Dutch universities worked together. One partner was the Hogeschool van Utrecht, a university for applied science and professional development. The other was the University of Utrecht, a general university. A large department and an educational expert centre were involved in each university. Learning environments were developed in two settings: Economics and Management (Hogeschool van Utrecht) and Medicine (University of Utrecht). An example of a task-based team learning environment is described. It is a course on E-business of 280 hours of study for part-time students in Economics and Management. The didactical model of task-based team learning underlying this course is presented. The results confirm that the model is relevant and useful. In an analytic part of the project good practice for design, development and implementation was identified from literature and assembled in two sets of guidelines, one design of task-based team learning with ICT and one for development and implementation. Substantial implementations of new learning imply changes in the organisation of education, the roles of students and teaching staff, and the infrastructure. Because of this, the design and development process become complex activities and have to be split into sub-processes for effectiveness. A process model for design, development and implementation was therefore introduced in the project and is presented here. The developed guidelines were reviewed with respect to (critical) success factors contributing to success or failure of the courses developed. There are always risks in course design and development, and specifically so in task-based team learning, because students have an explicit responsibility for their own activities. What are then the essential factors decisive for success or failure of design, development and the running of such courses? Design and development guidelines were reviewed to identify success factors and the actors involved. Some of these success factors were deemed to be critical, others non-critical. In the last stage of the project these success factors were validated with experienced designers and developers. Some examples are presented.  相似文献   

A number of Dutch universities are engaged in a decentralization process, strengthening faculty management and considering the institutional level as the center of a divisionalized organization. This development gives rise to the following question: To what extent is university management able to implement change according to university strategy? The article investigates the role of the budget as an instrument for change. It distinguishes between a base component and a special-purpose component in budgeting. It analyzes several approaches of budget development in relation to the implementation of change. Conclusions are formulated about the use of budgeting and control procedures.  相似文献   

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