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张超华 《山东教育》2003,(11):36-37
使学生保持强烈的好奇心和求异精神,并将其引向真正的创新行为,是目前初中历史课堂教学面临的重要问题。在课堂教学中,多角度、多层次地设计探究性教学问题,积极创设问题教学情境,引导学生进行积极的问题探究,在创造性思维中升华对历史知识的学习,将有助于学生研究性学习意识的培养和解决问题能力的提高。一、设计探源式问题历史教材中有许多问题仍具有神秘的色彩,在课堂教学时进行有效的引导,将有助于学生产生浓厚的探究兴趣,从而收到良好的教学效果。例如,人们曾长期对古代埃及的象形文字莫测高深。针对这一问题,我在进行亚非文化的教学时…  相似文献   

问题情境及创设问题情境在探究教学中具有重要意义,物理课堂中创设问题情境的基本策略即:创设的问题情境要新颖、生动;创设的问题情境要能激发学生思维,使学生产生学习动机;创设的问题情境要考虑学生解决的可能性。  相似文献   

在问题探究中培养学生的思维能力   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
问题探究在培养学生思维能力上占居十分重要的位置。下面谈谈如何利用问题探究培养学生的思维能力。一、加强技巧性问题的训练 ,培养学生思维的敏捷性教师在课堂教学中若能设计一些技巧性比较强的问题 ,有意识地引导学生探索出一些解题的技巧、方法 ,对于培养学生敏捷的思维能力 ,必将会产生一举多得的效果。例如 ,讲到铁的氧化物可以设计这样一道题 :2 .8g一氧化碳在高温下跟 5.8g某种铁的氧化物完全反应 ,这种氧化物是  。A .FeO B .Fe2 O3  C .Fe3 O4一般方法是写出三个化学方程式 ,选择2 8g一氧化碳作已知量进行逐…  相似文献   

高中政治课问题情境探究教学新模式构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

新课程下的物理课堂教学需不断引导学生进行科学探究和科学思维。本文的实例阐述了如何创设物理问题情境、实施探究教学。  相似文献   

新课程下的物理课堂教学需不断引导学生进行科学探究和科学思维.本文的实例阐述了如何创设物理问题情境、实施探究教学.  相似文献   

丘伟红 《考试周刊》2008,(49):102-103
新课程改革倡导探究教学,探究性学习旨在培养学生分析问题、解决问题,以及发现、提出问题的能力,从而增强学生的学习兴趣和提高学生的科学探究能力。本文就创设问题情境应遵循的原则、基本方法及应注意的几个问题进行阐述。  相似文献   

本结合教学实践讨论了初中物理探究教学中创设问题情境的途径。  相似文献   

数学课程与教学的改革,旨在改变原有的单纯接受的学习方式,建立和形成充分调动、发挥学生的主体性、创造性的探究式学习方式.数学课堂探究式教学,是教师通过课堂教学的组织形式,把学生数学学习过程中的发现、探索、研究等认知活动凸现出来,使学生的数学学习更多地成为发现问题、提出问题、分析问题、解决问题的一种教学方法.本文通过课本一道习题的教学,谈谈实施探究式教学的做法.  相似文献   

情境的创设往往和问题的设计是密切相关的,即常说的问题情境。数学情境教学中的"情境"是架起直观到抽象、感性到理性、教材到生活、旧知到新知的桥梁。创设数学问题情境,实施探究教学十分有利于调动学生学习的积极主动性,体验感悟知识技能背后更为本质的东西,提高数学素养。创设数学问题情境,实施探究教学的方法有:联系生活法、知识迁移法、故弄玄虚法、游戏体验法、变式训练法、以错导对法、动手操作法、故事情境法等。  相似文献   

徐学福 《教育科学》2006,22(2):20-23
根据教学论,科学教学中的“探究”可有三层含义:作为教学目标,指学生应掌握的科学探究技能,要理解的科学探究特性;作为教学原则,指激发学生积极探究未知、主动建构意义的基本教学要求;作为教学方法,指学生在教师指导下所采用的类似科学探究过程的学习方式或程序。  相似文献   

It is the intent of this article to provide a basis for reducing the ambiguities and confusions that have been widely acknowledged to surround the use of the terms instruction and curriculum. A definition for the specialized concept of instruction is offered, together with a parallel definition for the concept of curriculum. These two definitions are distinguished from the general sense of instruction (which is equivalent to teaching or training) and the concept of education.  相似文献   

This study investigated how professional development featuring evidence‐based customization of technology‐enhanced curriculum projects can improve inquiry science teaching and student knowledge integration in earth science. Participants included three middle school sixth‐grade teachers and their classes of students (N = 787) for three consecutive years. Teachers used evidence from their student work to revise the curriculum projects and rethink their teaching strategies. Data were collected through teacher interviews, written reflections, classroom observations, curriculum artifacts, and student assessments. Results suggest that the detailed information about the learning activities of students provided by the assessments embedded in the online curriculum motivated curricular and pedagogical customizations that resulted in both teacher and student learning. Customizations initiated by teachers included revisions of embedded questions, additions of hands‐on investigations, and modifications of teaching strategies. Student performance improved across the three cohorts of students with each year of instructional customization. Coupling evidence from student work with revisions of curriculum and instruction has promise for strengthening professional development and improving science learning. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 47: 1037–1063, 2010  相似文献   

当我们从传统的授受教学模式向探究教学模式转变的时候,总会遇到一些阻力。本文分析了学生在一定程度上抵制探究教学的原因和部分教师对探究教学怀疑的原因。提出了形成克服探究教学阻力有利于学生学习的探究氛围的方法。  相似文献   

支架式教学的生物学探究性实验教学,主要包括创设探究情境、搭建探究支架、学生独立或小组合作探究、探究性实验的效果评价以及开展表达和交流活动五个环节。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of open inquiry instruction with low achieving, marginalized high school students. Students with long histories of scholastic failure were asked to participate in question generation, experimental design, and argument construction as a part of their General Science course instruction. Videotapes were collected from daily science instruction, and entrance and exit instruction interviews were conducted using identical open‐ended problems. From this dataset, comparisons were made between students' entrance and exit interview responses representing change over time. Shifts in student responses coincided with renegotiated classroom norms for scientific discourse. Results are reported for five students in the form of assertions. Students' arguments were observed to shift toward those more consistent with the nature of the scientific arguments including: (1) students' tentativeness of knowledge claims, (2) students' use of evidence, and (3) students' views regarding the source of scientific authority. Implications are discussed for research and practice in light of the national standards' call for universal scientific literacy. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 37: 807–838, 2000  相似文献   

Education and Information Technologies - This current study investigates the use of online role-playing, in an online discussion forum, in learning the community of inquiry framework – an...  相似文献   

回溯推理独立存在的合理性问题探微   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
回溯推理是一种独立于演绎、归纳的推理类型,但有学者对此提出非难。回溯推理独立存在的合理性,在国内外学术界关于该推理的几种典型模式中,从哲学、逻辑学、心理学的不同视角提供了理论支持证据。科学发现、医疗诊断和刑事侦察等在实践上提供了经验支持证据。  相似文献   

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