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高等教育行政管理是高等教育管理的重要组成部分,在高等教育管理中具有主导性和决定性的作用。探讨高等教育行政管理法治化,促进教育行政机关依法治教,依法行政,既是一个理论问题,也是一个有重大意义的现实问题。对高等教育行政管理的法治化历程、高等教育行政管理法治化的主要内容以及目标进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

经济社会的发展正推动着高等教育的改革持续深化,大学治理的现代化已成为重大的时代命题。依法治校是实现大学治理现代化的基本路径。要构建完善的教育法律法规体系,以保障大学自治,实现办学自主权。要以法为据,以大学章程和内部制度为基础,构建完善的大学内部治理制度体系。  相似文献   

摘要随着依法治国方略的不断落实,以及我国教育法制建设的不断完善和发展,在党的十七大报告坚持依法治国基本方略,树立社会主义法治理念,实现国家各项工作法治化精神的指引下,高校必须用法治的理念和精神来实现学生管理的法治化。  相似文献   

从依法治校的角度探析我国高职院校学生管理的法制化意义,探析其中存在的无法可依、执法不严、违法难究等现状,提出相应的增进学生管理法制化的路径,以此促进我国高职院校学生管理工作的法制化进程。  相似文献   

针对高校学生管理过程中,存在侵犯学生权益的现象,主要原因为法律法规的滞后性等。依法治校、依法管理,这是高等学校实现教书育人、以学生为本的教育理念的要求,更是依法治国方略的要求。要实现高校学生管理工作的法治化状态,应完善相关教育法律体系,促使高校管理者转变观念,增强法治意识,并依法管理。  相似文献   

伴随社会主义市场经济体制的发展完善和改革开放的不断深入,新的时代对社会主义各项事业的发展建设提出了新的要求。教育作为民生之首,为国家各项事业的建设和发展提供重要基础,直接决定了新时代下国家发展水平和发展潜力。教育的发展依赖于法律的支持和保障,在深化改革和社会主义建设发展的关键时期,厘清认识我国高等教育发展中面临的问题,深化高等教育改革,制定立法应对策略,促进高等教育法治化进程,对优化我国的高等教育、推进教育体系和治理能力现代化具有重要意义,可为社会主义现代化建设提供坚实的根基。  相似文献   

对高校管理法治化的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依法治校是依法治国方略在高等教育领域的具体体现,高校管理法治化,是高等教育管理体制改革的必然要求。当前高校依法治校方面还存在“人治”传统影响、法制不健全、普法教育力度不够等影响因素,因此必须采取“推进民主政治建设、健全制度体系、构建法治环境、建设法治文化”等措施,以实现高校管理法治化。  相似文献   

高校的教育是国家未来发展的希望,所以对此要从多方面加强管理,对学生的管理也要法治化。基于此,本文主要就依法治校背景下高校学生管理法治化的重要性及现状进行分析,并结合实际探索高校学生管理法治化的优化策略,希望此次理论研究对我国高校学生管理效率的提升起到积极作用。  相似文献   

麦智杰 《大学教育》2023,(10):12-15+34
高校学生管理工作是高校治理体系的有机组成部分,实现学生管理工作法治化,是推进落实高校法治化建设,把法治理念融入高校教育管理工作全过程和各环节的重要举措。法治化建设是高校实现治理现代化的内在要求,新时代的高校治理赋予了学生管理工作法治化良法善治、依法治理、公平正义、遵章守法的基本内涵。在学生管理工作法治化进程当中,存在影响和阻碍法治化进程的因素和问题。文章归纳总结了阻碍法治化进程的表面原因、过渡原因和根本原因,从技能素养、规章制度、参与管理三个层面,探寻提升管理能力和管理效能、实现高校学生管理工作法治化的进路。  相似文献   

Developments in Chines higher education since the creation of the People's Republic in 1949 are reviewed with special reference to the periods before and after the Cultural Revolution. Recent changes in admission policies the use of work experience, the linking of theory with practice, length of course, and teacher-student relationships are discussed.  相似文献   

《Higher Education Policy》1997,10(2):151-157
Reforms of higher education in P.R.C. since the overall promulgation of the socialist market economy have impacted both the employment of graduates and the funding mechanism of higher education. All students are charged tuition starting from the academic year of 1995/96 and are “employed” rather than “assigned to jobs” after graduation. It is evident that market forces start to have a role to play in marketization of higher education in P.R.C. because it influences both the students' choices of disciplines leading to future career opportunities and the government's allocation of public spending in higher education. British universities are ahead of their Chinese counterpart in experiencing the impact of market forces on higher education. The framework of marketization of higher education in Britain will be discussed with considerations of unique characteristics of higher education in the P.R.C.  相似文献   

In the early 1980s, the Chinese government introduced limited economic markets accompanied by educational reforms to counteract an internal brain drain. This article explores the effectiveness of four years of recruitment and enrolment reform in technical-professional higher education in meeting the objective.In view of the extreme scarcity of higher education places, the modest enrolment biases evident in the findings are unexpected. Through the recruitment reforms the planned proportion of students from the targeted marginal groups were enrolled. On the other hand, enrolment patterns showed aggravated social class reproduction at the upper and lower end of the stratification. Gender stratification in overall proportions was modest but strongly mediated by social class and subject choice. Though upper and middle class students were poised to gain greater socio-economic mobility than the lower class, nearly half of the latter would be upwardly mobile through technical-professional higher education (TPHE).The findings show that, though economic pull factors were in evidence, the recruitment reforms were effective in preparing a suitable pool of students to carry out macro-economic plans. The reforms advanced the historic function of technical-professional education-extending access to populations hitherto largely excluded.  相似文献   

我国法学高等教育的几个问题   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对当前我国法学高等教育本科培养目标定位不当、培养模式单一与培养途径混乱并存、师资队伍的知识结构不能适应目标模式转向三个问题,提出相应的解决方案。  相似文献   

This article addresses the rapidly changing situation in higher education in the People's Republic of China. Although it is impossible to predict the nature of the final product, there can be little doubt that the present vibrant period of intellectual searching and questioning in China is having beneficial effects on Chinese higher education, and on educational exchange with foreign universities. The article examines the state of higher education in China today and investigates why, rather than just the ten bad years of a Cultural Revolution (1966–1976) for the entire country, higher education has suffered from a full twenty bad years. The effects of constant changes in the Party line and the use of class struggle to achieve objectives in higher education are examined as they relate to university administration, curriculum, the university structure, faculty, and libraries. The article focuses on the issues that are now being raised, and the parameters within which future changes in higher education will occur.  相似文献   

This article describes the resumption and development of graduate education in China since the end of the Cultural Revolution, the death of Mao Tse-tung, and the rise of a new Chinese leadership headed by Deng Xiaoping in 1976–1977. Based on field research conducted in China in 1980 and 1981, statistical documentation provided by Chinese education officials at national and local levels, and other primary and secondary source material, this study explores admissions patterns and statistics, admissions requirements, examinations and the continuing controversy in graduate enrollment, the stress on enrollment in science and engineering specialties, the different types of institutions training graduate students, the graduate curriculum and academic dissertations, the new Chinese academic degree system and the methods for conferral of degrees, and teaching and research employment patterns. The study stresses the interrelationship of graduate programs and educational and political debate within China since the mid-1960s, and the important problems Chinese graduate programs and educational administrators face in continuing the development of graduate education.  相似文献   

刑事法治的实现不仅要有优良的刑法典,而且也要有公正、及时的刑法适用。民国时期,效仿西方的刑法典制定了优良的刑法规范,但是由于各方面条件的限制,并没有很好地适用到社会现实当中。其原因是多方面的.既有社会政治方面的原因,也有刑法典本身的问题。通过研究,本文认为有三个方面的问题影响了民国时期刑法典的适用,这些问题是:长期缺乏安定的社会环境、不完善的司法体系、不发达的法学教育。  相似文献   

Conclusions This new series of Chinese olympiads is admittedly experimental. Chinese educators are studying the results of these contests. Building upon this acquired experience, they hope to improve and expand such competitions in the future. New standards of mathematical excellence are now being established in the PRC and future mathematical olympiads will accordingly be more demanding. It appears evident that in the near future, a team from the People's Republic of China will participate in the International Mathematical Olympiad [10].  相似文献   

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