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This study extended validity evidence for multidimensional measures of coaching competency derived from the Coaching Competency Scale (CCS; Myers, Feltz, Maier, Wolfe, & Reckase, 2006) by examining use of the original rating scale structure and testing how measures related to satisfaction with the head coach within teams and between teams. Motivation, game strategy, technique, and character building comprised the dimensions of coaching competency. Data were collected from athletes (N = 585) nested within intercollegiate men's (g = 8) and women's (g = 13) soccer and women's ice hockey (g = 11) teams (G = 32). Validity concerns were observed for the original rating scale structure and the predicted positive relationship between motivation competency and satisfaction with the coach between teams. Validity evidence was offered for a condensed post hoc rating scale and the predicted relationship between motivation competency and satisfaction with the coach within teams.  相似文献   

This study extended validity evidence for measures of coaching efficacy derived from the Coaching Efficacy Scale (CES) by testing the rating scale categorizations suggested in previous research. Previous research provided evidence for the effectiveness of a four-category (4-CAT) structure for high school and collegiate sports coaches; it also suggested that a five-category (5-CAT) structure may be effective for youth sports coaches, because they may be more likely to endorse categories on the lower end of the scale. Coaches of youth sports (N = 492) responded to the CES items with a 5-CAT structure. Across rating scale category effectiveness guidelines, 32 of 34 evidences (94%) provided support for this structure. Data were condensed to a 4-CAT structure by collapsing responses in Category 1 (CAT-1) and Category 2 (CAT-2). Across rating scale category effectiveness guidelines, 25 of 26 evidences (96%) provided support for this structure. Findings provided confirmatory, cross-validation evidence for both the 5-CAT and 4-CAT structures. For empirical, theoretical, and practical reasons, the authors concluded that the 4-CAT structure was preferable to the 5-CAT when CES items are used to measure coaching efficacy. This conclusion is based on the findings of this confirmatory study and the more exploratory findings of Myers, Wolfe, and Feltz (2005).  相似文献   

This study extends validity evidence for the Coaching Efficacy Scale (CES; Feltz, Chase, Moritz, & Sullivan, 1999) by providing an evaluation of the psychometric properties of the instrument from previously collected data on high school and college coaches from United States. Data were fitted to a multidimensional item response theory model. Results offered some supporting evidence concerning validity based on the fit of a multidimensional conceptualization of coaching efficacy (i.e., motivation, game strategy, technique, and character building) as compared to a unidimensional conceptualization of coaching efficacy (i.e., total coaching efficacy), the fit of the majority of items to the measurement model, the internal consistency of coaching efficacy estimates, and the precision of total coaching efficacy estimates. However, concerns exist relating to the rating scale structure, the precision of multidimensional coaching efficacy estimates, and misfit of a couple of items to the measurement model. Practical recommendations for both future research with the CES and for the development of a revised instrument are forwarded.  相似文献   

Coaching efficacy (CE) represents the extent to which coaches believe they have the capacity to affect the learning and performance of their athletes, and the CE model details antecedents, dimensions and outcomes of CE. Based around the CE model, the present paper had two main aims. First, to present a comprehensive and critical review of the research underpinned by the CE model. Studies were categorised by whether they investigated antecedents, outcomes or athletes’ perceptions of their coach. Twenty-one published studies were identified for the review. Overall the review provides support for the main tenets of the CE model, with researchers establishing links between CE and many of the antecedents and outcomes proposed in the model. The second aim was to assimilate findings from the review, limitations in the CE model and relevant conceptual models to present a revised CE model. Whilst retaining the essence of the original model, the revised model also incorporates explicit processes linking coach beliefs and athlete perceptions, antecedents of athlete perceptions and an intrarelationship source of CE. It also incorporates specific categories of coach behaviour and athlete-/team-level outcomes. The paper concludes by identifying limitations in the literature and review, and by proposing key directions for future research.  相似文献   


The purpose of this research was to provide further evidence for the construct validity (i.e., convergent, concurrent, and discriminant validity) of the Prosocial and Antisocial Behaviour in Sport Scale (PABSS), an instrument that has four subscales measuring prosocial and antisocial behaviour toward teammates and opponents. We also investigated test-retest reliability and stability of the PABSS. We conducted three studies using athletes from a variety of team sports. In Study 1, participants (N = 129) completed the PABSS and measures of physical and verbal aggression, hostility, anger, moral identity, and empathy; a sub-sample (n = 111) also completed the PABSS one week later. In Study 2, in addition to the PABSS, participants (N = 89) completed measures of competitive aggressiveness and anger, moral attitudes, moral disengagement, goal orientation, and anxiety. In Study 3, participants (N = 307) completed the PABSS and a measure of social goals. Across the three studies, the four subscales evidenced the hypothesised relationships with a number of variables. Correlations were large between the two antisocial behaviours and small between the two prosocial behaviours. Overall, the findings supported the convergent, concurrent, and discriminant validity of the scale, provided evidence for its test-retest reliability and stability, and suggest that the instrument is a valid and reliable measure of prosocial and antisocial behaviour in sport.  相似文献   


The high prevalence of insufficient physical activity (PA) among adolescents is an important public health issue. Studying reasons for disliking PA might help researchers better understand its underlying mechanisms, yet this psychological construct has been understudied. This study established the psychometric properties of the German language version of the Girls' Disinclination for Physical Activity Scale (G-DAS-Ger). Data were collected on a sample of 257 adolescent girls in Austria (mean age: 13.0 ± 0.7 years) using the G-DAS-Ger and the Physical Activity Enjoyment Scale. One week after the first assessment, the questionnaires were re-administered to 78 girls. Between two administrations, PA of 215 girls was monitored for seven consecutive days using the ActiGraph GT3X+ accelerometers. Confirmatory factor analysis of G-DAS-Ger showed good fit for a three-factor model (χ2/df = 2.025; Bollen–Stine (B-S) p = 0.159; root mean square error of approximation = 0.063; standardised root mean square residual = 0.054; comparative fit index = 0.950). Cronbach's alphas for G-DAS-Ger factors/subscales ranged 0.64–0.76. The test–retest reliability assessed by Spearman's rank correlation ranged 0.62–0.75. Only one subscale correlated significantly with vigorous-intensity PA (Spearman's rho = ?0.16) and none with moderate-to-vigorous-intensity PA, which indicated poor predictive validity of the G-DAS-Ger. Correlations between G-DAS-Ger subscales and enjoyment of PA ranged from ?0.29 to ?0.41, indicating satisfactory convergent validity. The G-DAS-Ger may be used in its present form to assess disinclination for PA among adolescent girls in German-speaking countries. However, our results put into question the stability of the originally proposed factor structure of the questionnaire and its predictive validity among German-speaking adolescent girls. Methodological refinements to the G-DAS-Ger may be required to improve its psychometric properties in this population.  相似文献   

在近二十年文献资料的基础上,综合、分析了心理学、运动心理学、社会心理学、人格心理学等领域有关人格、领导行为的研究成果,详细查阅、借鉴和记录了有关运动员、教练员在人格特征、执教效能方面的科研成果,旨在帮助我国排球教练员了解自身,提高从业水平,为排球教练员队伍的建设提供理论和实践依据。  相似文献   


Motor simulation (MS) interventions incorporating motor imagery (MI), and more recently action observation (AO), are readily accepted as effective interventions to enhance motor skill performance. Existing models in the MS literature fail to consider the entire spectrum of MS interventions, focusing on MI or AO alone. This paper examines the theoretical basis and current understanding of MS efficacy, and introduces a novel, conceptual, Motor Simulation and Performance Model (MSPM) representing the performance improvements predicted to be associated with engaging with MS across expertise levels. The MSPM also outlines the multiple factors which regulate the efficacy of MS interventions. Based on the available evidence, the model suggests that MI will have a greater relative effect on performance as expertise increases, AO will have a greater effect in low skilled compared to high skilled performers, and that combined AO and MI (AO?+?MI) will be more effective than either MI or AO in isolation. The MSPM also depicts the additive effect of physical practice in conjunction with MS interventions. The MSPM represents for the first time the relative effects of various methods of motor learning based on evidence provided by the existing literature. It also highlights areas of research requiring further attention.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationships between perceptions of coach autonomy support, basic psychological need satisfaction and the frequency at which youth soccer players engage in additional soccer activity outside of team sessions. We employed structural equation modelling to test a two-wave (T1 and T2) half-longitudinal study to see if basic psychological need satisfaction mediated the relationship between coach autonomy support and additional soccer activity across a competitive season. The sample consisted of 527 youth soccer players, aged 10–15 years. Results revealed moderate to strong temporal stability for autonomy, competence, relatedness and frequency of additional soccer activity. Furthermore, no support is offered for mediation as T1 coach autonomy support was not related to any of the three basic needs at T2 when accounting for their T1 levels. However, a positive relationship between T1 autonomy and T2 additional soccer activity emerged. This suggests that those who experience high levels of autonomy in the team setting at the start of the season report an increased frequency of additional activity at the end of the season. Results are discussed in light of the Self-Determination Theory and the Trans-Contextual Model.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to examine the factorial and convergent validity of the German translation of the Exercise Identity Scale (EIS; Anderson & Cychosz, 1994). We introduce a bifactor model as a possible alternative to the previously discussed one- and two-factor models. Using an online study with 530 participants, our results suggest that the EIS should be considered a unidimensional measure. For this one-factor model, temporal invariance (time interval: 2 weeks) and invariance between men and women could be established. Relations to similar constructs were in the expected directions. We provide a psychometrically sound German version of the EIS, which demonstrated factorial and convergent validity in this study. The use of the scale in German samples is likely to advance research on exercise adoption and maintenance by integrating the exercise identity construct.  相似文献   

运用文献资料、专家访谈、问卷调查和数理统计等研究方法,对中小学生羽毛球技战术能力评价量表的编制进行研究。结合中小学生的实际情况,对制定评价量表的原则、构建评价指标体系、确定评价指标权重等几个方面进行了阐述,对评价量表的信度和效度进行了检验。  相似文献   

《中学体育教师教学策略量表》的改编及信效度检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙有智 《浙江体育科学》2010,32(4):103-105,125
在已有的其他学科教学策略量表的基础上,对15名体育教师进行了有关体育课教学策略的开放式问卷和访谈,根据问卷调查和访谈结果,对原有的中学教师教学策略量表进行修订,以适宜体育课的教学情况,在征求2名体育课程专家和中学特级体育教师的建议的基础上,建立了中学体育教师教学策略初始量表。运用初始量表对182名中学体育教师进行问卷调查,根据调查结果对初始量表的每一个条目进行项目分析,删除了CR值不显著的题目后,对量表进行进一步的探索性因素分析,共抽取了8个因素(Total分别为:10.200,3.712,1.637,1.596,1.508,1.316,1.217,1.195,Cumulative:58.9%),删除了在8个因素负荷值〈0.4的题项。通过验证性因素分析,对原有题目进行了调整,最终得到了由34个题项构成的中学体育教师教学策略量表。同时,对量表的信度和效度进行了检验,结果表明,该量表具有良好的信、效度。  相似文献   

采用资料及分析法对优秀运动队的思想政治工作的特点作了分析,并针对这些特点提出了具体的工作方法。并就一些常见的难点重点问题加以讨论,以期有助于实际的工作。  相似文献   

运用秩和比综合评价法以及录像观察、数理统计等方法对参加第26届亚洲女篮锦标赛的12支球队的攻防竞技实力进行量化评价,并将前4名球队之间的攻防技术指标进行比较分析,结果显示:12支参赛球队的进攻能力分为4个等级,最高的是中国队,进攻RSR值为0.833并处于A级水平;防守能力分为3个等级,最高的是日本队,防守RSR值为0.783,属于B级水平;攻防综合能力分为5个等级,日本队和中国队同属于A级水平,攻防RSR值均为0.958但日本队排在第1.经检验,攻防能力排名与比赛名次的相关系数r=0.587(P<0.05),两者之间呈显著性相关.在进攻方面,日本队与韩国队和中华台北队分别在2分球命中率和进攻篮板球方面存在显著性差距,并与中华台北队在失误上存在非常显著性差异.在防守方面,中国队在防守篮板方面与日本队和中华台北队存在显著性差异,与韩国队存在非常显著性差异;在犯规这一指标上与其它3支前4名球队均存在非常显著性差异,但在抢断方面较差且与日本队相比呈显著性差异.  相似文献   

我国优秀女子足球队技战术特点的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1996年全国女子足球锦标赛第二阶段北京、上海等6支优秀女子足球队比赛情况表明,我国优秀女子足球队以阵地进攻为主要方式,以中路进攻为主要区域。其中,中路进攻的技战术运用方式、及比赛中传球、接球、抢球三项主要技术运用状况又各具特色。旨在揭示我国优秀女子足球队技战术运用现状和特点,为我国女子足球运动水平的进一步提高提供参考依据。  相似文献   

The aim of this narrative review was to propose a deterministic model based on a review of previous research documenting the evidence for the associations between average kayak velocity and kinematic variables in sprint kayaking. Literature was reviewed after searching electronic databases using key words ‘kayak,’ ‘biomechanics,’ ‘velocity,’ ‘kinematics,’ and ‘performance.’ Our kinematic deterministic model for sprint kayaking performance shows that the average kayak velocity is determined by kayak stroke displacement and stroke time. Stroke time had the strongest correlation with 200-m race time (r = 0.86, p < 0.001), and stroke rate (inversely proportional to stroke time) was strongly correlated with average horizontal velocity over two consecutive strokes at race pace (r = ? 0.83, p < 0.05). Increased stroke rate via decreased absolute water phase time and increased relative water phase time were indicative of more elite performance. There was no significant relationship between stroke displacement and velocity; however, a large decrease in stroke displacement may be detrimental to performance. Individual characteristics may be responsible for a paddlers’ ability to achieve and sustain a given stroke rate. Coaches should theoretically focus interventions on increasing stroke rate while maintaining stroke displacement; however this hypothesis should be confirmed with prospective studies.  相似文献   

我国高等师范院校田径运动队竞教结合状况的调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计与分析对我国高等师范院校田径运动队竞教结合的现状进行了调查与分析,并针对问题提出几点建议,为我国高校田径运动队的工作实践提供理论依据。  相似文献   

体育创收--解决学校体育经费匮乏的出路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
徐峰 《湖北体育科技》2002,21(4):499-500,503
从解决大专院校体育工作经费不足的问题出发,就学校体育走自主创收的道路是否可行、能否为学校节约经费开支、能否使学校体育工作摆脱发展被动的尴尬处境,走上良性循环的发展轨道以及体育搞创收所带来的负面影响等一系列敏感话题进行简要剖析与探讨,力求探讨出一条既能解决自身经费问题,减轻学校经费负担,又能使学校体育健康发展的最佳途径。  相似文献   

从CUBA与NCAA的比较谈高校高水平运动队的发展对策   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
通过查阅文献、比较分析等方法,对CUBA与NCAA进行比较,借鉴NCAA成功的经验,提出中国高校高水平篮球队的发展对策。即加强后备人才基地的建设、学练并重、建立教练员竞争上岗机制、发展体育产业、争取校企联姻等。  相似文献   

有规律的体育锻炼对人们的身心健康具有积极的促进作用,而社会支持是影响锻炼行为的重要相关因素。因此本研究的目的在于编制和检验锻炼社会支持量表。通过结合现有研究文献和质性研究,确立了初测量表,并通过两轮定量研究,应用探索性和验证性因子分析,信度分析以及校标效度检验对该量表进行了标准化的信效度检验。结果表明锻炼社会支持量表由4个因子构成,即情感性支持、信息性支持、工具性支持、同伴性支持,共24个条目。统计分析显示,量表具有良好的结构效度、内部一致性、重测信度和校标效度。锻炼社会支持量表符合我国文化背景,可以作为在中国人群中进行锻炼社会支持测量的工具。  相似文献   

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