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采用实验法、观察法等科研方法,以河南自行车队短距离项目组男、女运动员为实验对象,从生物力学角度重新设计改进了自行车场地项目原地起动技术动作,通过实践取得了很好的效果。  相似文献   

环青海湖国际公路自行车赛依托高原的独特性和挑战性,在短短的几年内,已经发展成为最具成长力的国际性体育赛事,成为世界洲际顶级公路自行车赛事.环湖赛虽已初具规模,但资金支持力度有限.通过多元化的融资渠道不仅可以拓宽赛事资金来源,突破赛事发展的瓶颈制约,还可以使赛事得到可持续发展和推广,同时也是实现企业和赛事共同发展的良好平台.  相似文献   

This article compares East Germany's Cold War-era approach to doping to that of the USA's in terms of their respective impacts on medical risk. Although deserving of criticism on many levels, the GDR doping programme featured a number of safeguards designed to minimise medical dangers. Unlike their East German counterparts, American governmental units were not directly involved in the administration of performance-enhancing substances. The US approach to doping was not ideal in terms of medical risk, however. As a result of the country's regulatory approach to doping, the country's athletes frequently turned to black market sources for doping agents. It was also relatively common for American athletes to use performance-enhancing drugs without the benefit of medical supervision. The US approach to doping was in these ways inferior to that of East Germany's on the subject of medical risk.  相似文献   

在对第2届环青海湖国际公路自行车赛全体中、外参赛运动员比赛成绩进行统计处理和全面分析基础上,着重对成绩较好的中、外运动员进行相对成绩、平均排名、速度方差和相对速度方差各项指标的对比分析。结果显示:我国优秀运动员有与国外优秀运动员抗争的实力,而团队整体实力与国外强队仍有一定差距,处于中等水平;在全程速度分配上较为合理,但相对速度能力较差,关键性赛段波动较大,参与激烈竞争的能力远不如国外优秀运动员。  相似文献   

St Louis staged the third modern Olympics in 1904, an event most historians have labelled as a less than memorable occasion and some have contended nearly derailed the nascent Olympic movement. Consigned to a regional hamlet rather than a global city, the 1904 St Louis games were supposedly a model of how not to conduct an Olympian spectacle. Taking a different perspective, however, the St Louis games had a profound influence on how the United States has staged Olympics. The Olympics have not been held in established or well-known American metropolises but have consistently gone to up-and-coming cities in border regions eager to make national and global reputations. In addition, the 1904 St Louis games were held in a legally segregated city but permitted the inclusion for the first time of African-American athletes in Olympic competition. Race and region provided foundations for American interpretations of the 1904 Olympics and have remained paramount in national memories of Olympian events ever since. From St Louis in 1904 through Atlanta in 1996 race and region have been central themes in American Olympic experiences.  相似文献   

Skiing underwent substantial changes during the post-war years when the sport turned into a multi-billion dollar industry and a leisure activity for the masses. Despite its global nature and popularity, skiing in academic writing has not gained much recognition. This paper explores the role of knowledge transfer during the pioneering phase of post-war skiing in Australia. It describes the life of Charles William Anton, an Austrian refugee from the Anschluss who migrated to Sydney and subsequently became one of the founding fathers of Australian post-war skiing. The following pages show the multi-layered nature of skiing as a global sport by exemplifying how ideas spread from pre-war Europe to post-war Australia. The paper will also provide a case study about refugee knowledge transfer and the ‘productive process of absorption, adoption or rejection of knowledge’ that takes place once an idea has been introduced into a new environment.  相似文献   

王志军 《收藏》2013,(3):118-119
鼎最早是中国古代烹饪食物的器皿,有金属、陶瓷等材质之分。由于还要用它盛满食物摆列在宗祠内,被赋予了祭祀天地、神灵、祖先等重要功能,所以坚固、美观的铜鼎成为中国古代的重要礼器。古代的王公贵族在自己的宗庙中一定要摆放象征权势和地位的不同数量的列鼎,遂有古人的"问鼎"之典;死后往往要放入一、三、五、七等不同数量的铜鼎陪葬,以  相似文献   

Despite the apparent benefits of Title IX, the implementation of the law remains controversial, and there are divergent beliefs regarding its impact on collegiate sport. The purpose of this study was to examine how members of a university community, whose intercollegiate sport programs have changed, perceive and make sense of Title IX and the changes it incurred. Using a gendered lens (Birrell, 2000) and qualitative interviews with 13 individuals connected to the university community, insight was gained into their perceptions of Title IX and women's and men's athletic opportunities. The theme of opportunity gained and lost was central to how these individuals perceive Title IX and resonates with the liberal (feminist) concerns out of which Title IX was born.  相似文献   

《Sport in History》2013,33(1):49-68
This article invites historians to reconsider the nature of sport, which is here defined as essentially aesthetic. The sporting aesthetic, however, is a by-product of competition as athletes struggle to outperform their rivals and to overcome their own limitations. It is argued here that these aesthetic qualities have been captured in two documentaries by the Danish film-maker J?rgen Leth – Stars and Water Carriers (1974) and A Sunday in Hell (1976) covering the 1973 Giro d'Italia and the 1976 Paris-Roubaix cycle races respectively. Leth's films effectively challenged contemporary Marxist views that sport was simply a banal distraction or a means of legitimizing the capitalist system. Their power, it is suggested, lies in their depiction of grand, heroic themes that echo classical myth and legend. Indeed, sport's enduring popularity may reside in its capacity to offer a glimpse of an mythological universe that has been marginalized by modernity.  相似文献   

本文就河南女子自行车队的成功经验,对女子自行车运动的训练原则与方法进行了探讨。  相似文献   

中长跑运动员运动损伤的预防与治疗   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
主要是为了更好的阐明造成中长跑运动员损伤的原因,加强运动员自我保护意识尽量避免其受伤,中长跑运动员对训练前的准备活动注意,运动员训练前充分的准备活动可以预防运动损伤,在出现伤病时运动员能初步的为自己进行简单的治疗。  相似文献   

常罡 《收藏》2013,(1):160-161
古之诗筒,多以竹简为之,竹节一端留底,诗稿、信札储简内,封另一端,可防水、防揉折,目.轻便易携,藉以传寄友朋间。古法初行何时,待考。然诗筒之名,最晚于唐代已见载文辞。  相似文献   

The resistance against a cyclist while riding on rollers is due mainly to rolling resistance produced by the deformation of the tyre as it rolls against small diameter drums. Resistance is then combined with wheel speed to set power output. The effect of tyre pressure and cross-section on power was investigated by systematically altering the pressure (552 kPa, 690 kPa, and 827 KPa) in a 20c, 23c, 25c, and 28c tyre of the same design while riding at a wheel speed of 45 kph. Average power over 1 minute was measured with a Power Tap Hub (Tune Corporation, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA) on five occasions. Statistical significance was evaluated at p < 0.05. Power requirements increased significantly with each reduction in tyre pressure for all tyres and pressures except the 25c between 690 and 827 kPa. The 20c tyre required significantly more power from the cyclist at each tested tyre pressure when compared to the other tyres (which were not different from each other). The differences in resistance from tyre size were not observed when ridden on the road. Additionally, a slightly different tyre design from the same manufacturer responded similarly in the 20c, but was significantly different in the 23c size. It was also observed that power requirements increased significantly when both the wheels were ridden on the rollers as compared to just the rear wheel. These results indicate that the power requirements may be significantly altered by the cyclist by adjusting tyre pressure, tyre cross-section size, tyre type, and with the number of wheels contacting the rollers. However, the magnitude of these power requirements may not be suitable for intense workouts of trained cyclists.  相似文献   

自行车骑行是一项有利于健康的运动项目,在日常生活中鼓励人们更多地采用自行车代步出行和骑车锻炼对于促进公共健康、降低慢性疾病发病率具有重要意义。近年来许多国家和地区在大力推行自行车骑行和自行车复兴的政策、项目和规划。但自行车骑行同时也存在一些不利于健康的负面因素,通过在道路骑行中采取一些保护措施可以在一定程度上抵消道路骑行对健康的负面影响,达到骑行健身的效果。综述了近年来有关自行车骑行对健康的促进作用、与骑行有关的负面影响,以及国内外自行车骑行的现状,为与自行车有关的健康研究和政策制定提供理论依据。  相似文献   

试论自行车、铁人三项等赛事医疗急救和转运模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过总结分析三类高危体育赛事医疗急救和转运服务及急性伤病的案例资料,探索和研究行之有效的赛事医疗服务模式.应用实证研究和理论分析相结合的方法,回顾性地对1995年8月~2009年10月22场次自行车、铁人三项、摩托车赛事医疗急救和转运服务的思想理念、组织管理及赛事中突发的368例急性伤病的现场诊断救治进行了总结分析.赛事涉及国内国际、室内室外、陆地水中、高原平原、炎热寒冷、潮湿干旱、人体器械、耐力竞速、对抗性非对抗性、超长距离极短距离等因素,由政府、协会、企业等举办.急性伤病包括内科急症10类144例,外科急症7类224例;总转运率19.02%、总入院率14.40%,实现零死亡率和现场救治归队率80.98%.形成了 "超前预防、安全高效、和谐顺畅"思想理念模式; "规范化、科学化和国际化"组织管理模式:遵循国际惯例政策,制定个性化预案流程,"场(馆)运行团队"下的医疗团队"一盘棋"、"三人急救单元"模式,针对性培训演练,"医疗代表"模式; "标准化和专业化"现场急救和转运模式:遵循运动医学医疗服务道德准则和急救技术标准规范等,以"先救命、后治病"为主的评估诊断、实施救治、稳定病情的现场急救总则,各类急性伤病的现场急救和转运模式,院前创伤生命支持流程.为相关赛事医疗服务确立了切实可行的模式.促使了针对生命复杂体和具有"突发性、时效性、风险性、灵活性和实用性"的赛事医疗服务更加注重超前预防和运行中的简捷顺畅、规范精确、安全高效.这些模式成为了后续服务实践的基础.  相似文献   

丝绸之路是一条贯通东西方的交通要道,在其1 500多年的历史中,不仅促进了东西方经济的交流,而且也对丝路沿线的国家和地区的文化有着深刻的影响。以丝路文明为背景,通过对丝路与西棍的文化解析,归纳出丝路文明对西棍的影响,从而不仅丰富和完善了西棍的文化基础理论,而且有助于拓展丝绸之路影响的研究。  相似文献   

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