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关于中学数学教材编写的几点思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中学数学教学内容的2种基本呈现方式应该是:问题情境-建立模型-求解、应用和拓展;(2)问题情境-激发动机-展现知识-实现应用,教材应该留给学生更多的思考空间,其实现方式可以是:(1)改变教材中一些问题的提问方式;(2)教学内容的叙述中适当留下一些空白。  相似文献   

应用内容分析法对我国改革开放以来人教版初中化学教科书中科学—技术—社会(简称STS)、化学实验、插图内容进行分析,研究其总体数量、分布、呈现形式等方面的演变,获得我国初中化学教科书发展特点,为教科书的编写与使用提供参考.  相似文献   

示范性高中与农村高中学校教育的发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高中教育作为我国基础教育的高级阶段,在整个教育体系中起着承上启下的作用。示范性高中与非示范性高中在升学率、提高学生学业成绩方面存在比较显著的差异。对高中学校进行有效管理和资源配置是地方政府加强高中管理的重点工作。真正的示范性学校一定是实现了有效管理的学校,而不是资源的绝对集中或者享有特权的学校。  相似文献   

法国中学数学教材的特色及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
法国中学数学教材具有鲜明的特色.如:以现代数学内容及方法为统领;注意与多学科联系,突出数学的文化价值和应用意识;以实验、探究等活动方式展示“活生生的数学”,等.这对我国中学数学教材编写具有一定的启示作用:中学几何内容应融入现代数学内容及其方法;应注意数学与其他学科的联系;妥善处理信息技术与数学教育的关系.  相似文献   

通过对样本教材词汇教学活动的标注和量化统计,本研究发现,语法功能和形式意义两个词汇知识范畴得到了所研究教材过度的关注,语音形式范畴获得了一定的关注,而对其他几个知识范畴,如拼写形式、概念指称、词汇搭配等则鲜有涉及。换言之,中学英语教材未能为教师和学生提供系统全面的词汇知识,这势必对学习者综合外语运用能力的发展造成负面影响。  相似文献   

Axelsson, R. 1979. Evaluation of Vocational Education in the Swedish Upper Secondary School. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 23, 169‐184. The present evaluation is part of a continual evaluation of the new upper secondary school, with particular emphasis on vocational lines of study. It considers the view taken by school‐leavers of their vocational situation in relation to the goals of their education as a preparation for vocational activity and as a means of personal development. The study is primarily concerned with those students who completed their vocational studies in the spring of 1974. In October 1975 a questionnaire was sent to over 8,000 of the 23,000 in the target group, and a number of individuals were interviewed from each of the thirteen lines in question. Though the responses to the questionnaire were often positive, the interviewed students pointed out a number of deficiencies in their situation.  相似文献   

This paper explores the occurrence of conceptual incoherence in upper secondary school textbooks resulting from the use of multiple historical models. Swedish biology and chemistry textbooks, as well as a selection of books from English speaking countries, were examined. The purpose of the study was to identify which models are used to represent the phenomenon of gene function in textbooks and to investigate how these models relate to historical scientific models and subject matter contexts. Models constructed for specific use in textbooks were identified using concept mapping. The data were further analyzed by content analysis. The study shows that several different historical models are used in parallel in textbooks to describe gene function. Certain historical models were used more often then others and the most recent scientific views were rarely referred to in the textbooks. Hybrid models were used frequently, i.e. most of the models in the textbooks consisted of a number of components of several historical models. Since the various historical models were developed as part of different scientific frameworks, hybrid models exhibit conceptual incoherence, which may be a source of confusion for students. Furthermore, the use of different historical models was linked to particular subject contexts in the textbooks studied. The results from Swedish and international textbooks were similar, indicating the general applicability of our conclusions.  相似文献   

谈高中模块课程的教学   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
“模块课程”是新高中课程结构的基本单元。从理论分析与实践体会出发,探讨模块课程的特点和意义、模块课程的教学、模块课程的学业成绩评价以及一些实践中应注意的问题。  相似文献   

初中化学教材是学生学习化学的启蒙教材,由于初中生首次接触这一学科,对一些化学概念会很难理解,而教材插图是重要的教学资源,通过教材的插图,可以使学生更好地学习化学。  相似文献   

20世纪50年代汉语、文学教科书是我国中学汉语、文学分科教学实验的产物,它们具有体系完整、内容丰富、选材经典、插图精美等特点,对当时及后来我国中学语文教学产生了深远的影响.  相似文献   

中国大陆中学语文教科书中的国际理解教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国大陆的国际理解教育主要渗透在各个学科的具体教学中。在中学语文领域,虽然没有明确提到国际理解教育的字样,但语文课程标准的制定贯穿了国际理解教育的理念,语文教科书的设计和选文体现了国际理解教育的追求,综合性学习活动实现了语文实践与国际理解教育的结合。中学语文教科书的内容与国际理解教育的目标有着多方面的契合,但也存在一些不足,需要今后继续加大实施的力度。  相似文献   

自历史学科在晚清成为中国学校教育体系中一门独立的课程以后,中学历史教科书在民国时期便日新月异,而其发展的一个重要表现,便是教科书结构体系的不断完善与趋于多元。章节体、大小字、前言与课后习题,以及史料与图表等的普遍运用,奠定了我国现代中学历史教科书结构形式发展的基础。  相似文献   

法国数学教育比较优秀,数学教材是数学教育的重要载体,但国内对法国数学教材的研究比较少。首先介绍法国的教育体制,然后通过实例,对使用比较广泛的法国初中数学教材进行剖析。法国初中数学教材对中国教育工作者的启示:注重“低起点,小步子”;讲究直观实验与严谨推理相结合;注重分层教学;合理设计课前准备活动、课后活动。研究对中国初中数学教材的发展及数学教学改革具有一定的参考价值与意义。  相似文献   

台湾地区的教育自由化加速了教科书自由化步伐,中小学教科书作为其"重要阵地",出现了该领域研究的繁荣局面。台湾中小学教科书开始从"圣经式"传统逻辑语境转向"草根化"现实境遇,以教科书为依托突出基础教育课程的适应性便尤为重要。以台湾地区教科书专门研究刊物《教科书研究》为研究文本,对创刊以来的2008-2018年间149篇文献进行梳理、编码,使用NVIVO 8.0质性研究工具,进行描述分析并分类综述,研究得知:台湾教科书在学科(学习领域)、社会、学生、教科书自身等维度的适应性研究取得了一定的成果。同时,存在着研究方法单一、研究范围不全面、研究角度较单一等问题,需要进一步探讨。  相似文献   

《全日制语文课程标准(实验稿)》明确指出:“语文课程,必须面向全体学生,使学生获得基本的语文素养。语文课程应培育学生热爱祖国语文的思想感情,指导学生正确地理解和运用祖国语言,丰富语言的积累.培养语感,发展思维,使他们具有适应实际需要的识字写字能力、阅读能力、写作能力、口语交际能力。  相似文献   

The Committee on the Upper Secondary School has submitted its report to the Minister of Education. The report contains proposals which could result in a major restructuring of upper secondary education to take account of the new role being attributed to the upper secondary school, namely that of giving all pupils who have completed comprehensive school either vocational training or a basis for further studies at higher education level. In 1960, 24 percent of 17-year-olds continued in upper secondary education. Pupil numbers can be expected to go on increasing until 1985.  相似文献   

There seems to be limited work addressing how depression is linked to elements of student functioning in the school setting other than academic achievement. This study investigated possible correlates of depressive symptoms with school engagement and disengagement. We examined four specific school variables (school motivation, intentions to quit, absence, and truancy) in a sample of 791 adolescents between 15 and 18 years of age in a Norwegian upper secondary vocational school. The results indicated that symptoms of depression could be a risk factor for school disengagement, and particularly for intentions to quit school. However, as only moderate associations were found, it appears that many depressed students manage to keep up their school engagement. This applied to both genders. However, the findings underline the importance of developing effective methods to identify and help depressed students who do have difficulty keeping up school engagement. Implications for practice are suggested.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to assess how the different aspects of nature of science (NOS) were represented in Finnish and Swedish upper secondary school chemistry textbooks. The dimensions of NOS were analyzed from five popular chemistry textbook series. The study provides a quantitative method for analysis of representations of NOS in chemistry textbooks informed by domain-specific research on the philosophy of chemistry and chemical education. The selection of sections analyzed was based on the four themes of scientific literacy: knowledge of science, investigate nature of science, science as a way of thinking, and interaction of science, technology and society. For the second round of analysis the theme of science as a way of thinking was chosen for a closer inspection. The units of analysis in this theme were analyzed using seven domain specific dimensions of NOS: tentative, empirical, model-based, inferential, technological products, instrumentation, and social and societal dimensions. Based on the inter-rater agreement, the procedure and frameworks of analysis presented in this study was a reliable way of assessing the emphasis given to the domain specific aspects of NOS. All textbooks have little emphasis on the theme science as a way of thinking on a whole. In line with the differences of curricula, Swedish textbooks emphasize the tentative dimension of NOS more than Finnish textbooks. To provide teachers with a sufficiently wide variety of examples to discuss the different dimensions of NOS changes to the national core curricula are needed. Although changing the emphasis of the curricula would be the most obvious way to affect the emphasis of the textbooks, other efforts such as pre- and in-service courses for developing teachers understanding of NOS and pedagogic approaches for NOS instruction to their classroom practice might also be needed.  相似文献   

教育出版是出版界的重要领域,教材出版在多种大型出版机构产品线中占有重要比重。目前,传统的教材出版市场开始与数字出版形式交集,逐渐步入全新业态。蒙古族中小学教材出版,是民族出版事业的重要组成部分。引进数字化出版技术,加快蒙古族中小学教材的数字化出版,推进蒙古族学生使用数字化教材的进程,是发展民族教育,发展民族教育出版事业的共同任务。必须重视研究蒙古文中小学教材数字化的发展趋势,落实蒙古族中小学教材数字化建设策略,构建少数民族教材数字化出版的新业态。  相似文献   

对中小学教科书循环使用的几点思考   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
中小学教科书循环使用问题,在广泛热议了若干年后,终于出台了教育部、财政部联合发布的《关于全面实施农村义务教育教科书免费提供和做好部分教科书循环使用工作的意见》。但目前的循环使用仍然是局部的,有限的,全面实施中小学教科书循环使用还有很长的路要走,还有很多问题需要思考、研究,如循环使用后学生学习模式、教师教学模式、学业评价模式如何改革,教科书蕴涵的文化情结问题如何解决,出版行业如何面对由此引起的挑战,教科书循环使用管理工作如何做深、做细等等。唯有深入分析、跟踪研究、切实解决这些问题,才能推动教科书循环使用成为一项长远的、利国利民的教育制度。  相似文献   

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