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切实解决词汇体系性问题,对词汇学的进一步研究很重要,本全面回顾了我国上个世纪五六十年代对词汇体系性问题进行的探讨,认为这场讨论基本局限于理论方面,所提出的观点还值得人们进一步研究。  相似文献   

台湾的留美学生是中国近代留学运动中的一部分。当时包括公教人员的进修、军官的培训,此类人员属短期性质,与学位无关。此外大多为学生赴美,分为自费、公费两类,都要参加“教育部”主办的留学考试。公费生通过留学考试以后,还要参加教育部门的讲习会,了解中国各方面情况,以便以后在国外作中外文化交流之用,还要呈缴学成归来的保证书。1950-1970年代,台湾赴美人员总数在25000人左右。到1971年,返台者2341人,1971-1981年,返台总数为19639人,其中大部分为学生。滞留未归的文科学生多数成为美国高校东方图书馆和东亚系的专职人员,为传播中华文化作出了贡献,而理科学生基本上任教于教育机关及其他部门。回台的学生对台湾的社会发展和经济起飞有较大贡献。当选“中央研究院”院士的有20多人;丁肇中、李远哲等获得诺贝尔奖。此期台湾留美政策有摇摆不定的缺点,留美学生过于重视理工,忽视人文。中国150多年的留学史以美国为中心,值得多加探讨。  相似文献   

在1950年代戒严体制下,台湾的经济、教育、文学和艺术的发展,都受到“反共复国”方针的钳制。在诗歌创作上,出现了许多反共的“战斗诗”。1950年代中期,台湾诗坛的一些诗人想打破现状,提出“新诗再革命”的口号,试图朝现代主义迈进。1960年代的台湾新诗属西方现代派狂飚突进时期。当“创世纪”为代表的激进现代主义与以余光中为楷模的温和现代主义汇成一股巨流,并生成新的典律的时候,诗坛的另一角,出现了一股反现代主义的力量,这主要以标榜乡土的“笠”诗社为代表。  相似文献   

电影作为20世纪50—70年代文化时尚和特殊的叙事方式,深刻影响了一代青少年精神的成长。从文化研究的角度进入这一重要文本,出现了寻找一种新的话语的可能性。  相似文献   

This paper considers African-American student protests in secondary schools during the 1960s and early 1970s. Taking a national perspective, it charts a growing sense of independence and militancy among black students as they made the schools a focal point of activism. Activist students challenged established civil rights organisations on a variety of questions. They also engaged in an escalating series of protest activities to make schools change. Much of this focused on curricular change, particularly adding black history courses and hiring African-American teachers and principals. Generally, these protests proved quite successful. Black students also protested against conditions encountered in integrated schools, where they often met hostility from whites. Distinct regional patterns characterised such activities, with more protest over school issues in the North and greater conflict regarding desegregation in the South. By the mid-1970s the era of black secondary student protest concluded, although its legacy continues to live.  相似文献   

This paper attempts an account and evaluation of the historical development of psychology of education in the 1960s in the UK. It contributes to both the history of the academic discipline of educational studies and to the history of higher education. Progress of the subject is introduced in the general context of university developments and the research environment of educational studies and then examines the growth of research and scholarship in psychology of education through an assessment of the contributions of individual psychologists, including the inheritance from pre‐1960s scholars, an analysis of the authorship of papers in the British Journal of Educational Psychology, and case studies of selected university centres of research excellence. A brief discussion of external research funding is followed by a consideration of advanced course development and the provision of suitable textbooks. The paper concludes with suggestions for further research.  相似文献   

20世纪五六十年代,中国科学家在"向科学进军"的系列科技攻关行动中,形成了内涵丰富的中国科学家精神。这一精神以爱国为核心信念,以科学精神为基础构成,以奉献为价值取向,以奋斗、协同、育人为实践和方法论原则,是爱国主义精神、科学精神、奉献精神、奋斗精神、协同精神和育人精神六个方面的有机集合体。继承和弘扬20世纪五六十年代中国科学家精神,有利于我们坚持和完善党对科学技术工作的领导,激励科学家接力建设世界科技强国,丰富和发展中国精神,实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦。  相似文献   

美国社区学院老年教育于二十世纪六七十年代兴起并取得了显著的成绩。老年人从被视为社会累赘到社会力量、涉"老"法律从无到有、社区学院生源转向、老年教育研究渐成体系等变化是美国社区学院老年教育的初创背景。当时,美国社区学院老年教育主要包含了老年志愿者组织与培训、退休教育、营养教育、继续教育、老年服务人员培训、社区老龄事业领导等内容。总结该时期美国社区学院老年教育的经验发现,树立"大老年教育观"、以合法性建设为重点、以社区为依托等是我国社区学院老年教育可以借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

Political rhetoric in a democracy is, in at least some sense, educative and constitutive even as it is instrumentally persuasive. For members of ethnic, racial, or cultural groups that lie outside of the dominant culture, the educative processes that underlie policy advocacy require attention to specific cultures, traditions, historical experiences, and group interests. Thus, even though all out‐groups share many common challenges, they all face unique situations as well. This essay explores these rhetorical challenges and some of the strategies designed to meet them through an examination of the political rhetoric of American Indian activists from the 1972 Trail of Broken Treaties through the 1973 siege at Wounded Knee, South Dakota. Particular attention is paid to the question of audience.  相似文献   

This historical multi-case study uses the concepts of coloniality of knowledge, critical hybridity, and indigeneity in examining higher education development in Africa through the efforts of Nnamdi Azikiwe of Nigeria and Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, two educational reformers and former international students in the USA. We develop a framework for examining how transnational interactions between the Global North and the Global South shape higher education development. Implications are presented for the importance of flexible theoretical understandings of transnational higher education interactions as well as higher education practices in international student and scholar exchange and other transnational higher education engagement.  相似文献   

This study stems from research on the ‘Standing Conferences of Rectors and Vice-Chancellors of the European Universities' (1948–), an experimental initiative for co-operation among European universities, emphasising the reformative ideal that appeared in international circles in the years following the Second World War. These conceptions were gradually received in the sphere of Portuguese national education, enabling an internal and already on-going debate on the role of the university in Portugal to proceed and possibly providing a base for a ‘last-minute’ and delayed attempt to reform higher education in Portugal during the 1970s – just before the outbreak of the Revolution in 1974. Based on a historiographical methodology, this article attempts to understand how and in what shape recommendations from international circles (mainly from these European University Conferences) were assimilated by the thought and philosophical insights of the Portuguese elite, mainly concerning the gauge of National Education and the concept of the university. Thus, an effort is made to understand the official view of the Portuguese ‘New State’ regarding the ‘aims of the university’, contextualising the Portuguese higher education problem in the 1950s and 1960s, and in its relation to Portuguese national science policy rationales.  相似文献   

20世纪50年代初期及60年代初期,中国农村私人借贷的突出特点是实物借贷比较活跃.农村实物借贷经历了从主角到逐渐退居配角、由配角再度成为主角的过程.这一时期,农村实物借贷之所以成为私人借贷的主要信用形式,是在社会动荡、通货膨胀、自然灾害严重或者某些特殊情况下,借贷双方出于规避通货膨胀风险、降低交易成本的需要而共同选择的结果.  相似文献   

Jane M. Agee is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Language Education at The University of Georgia. She is completing dissertation research which examines preservice English teachers' perceptions of literature.  相似文献   

《夜读偶记》和《燕山夜话》两部文本集中反映了革命知识分子在20世纪五六十年代夜晚的思想探索,关于科学的启蒙是两部作品思想探索的核心。夜晚所特有的时间氛围给革命知识分子的思想探索带来了平静心态和反思思维,使得书写文体也表现出了一种异质性。  相似文献   

“南来诗人”,不是一个流派的概念,通常是指从中国内地到香港的作家。这其中有南来后北返的,有南来后成了当地永久居民的,还有的是从东南亚到内地再到香港的。有的早先在内地成名,有的去港后才成名。这些作家中有左翼与右翼之分,现实主义与现代主义之别。这里不按“主义”也不按意识形态而以时间段先行论述上世纪五六十年代的作家。  相似文献   

20世纪50、60年代,冯友兰在以其新理学的哲学基础接受马克思主义哲学的过程中,逐步形成了颇具个性特色的哲学观和哲学史观:以改变世界的实践哲学取代以境界哲学为棱心的新理学,以两个“对子”——唯物与唯心、辩证法与形而上学作为中国哲学(史)的主题,显示出冯友兰哲学思想的时代特色。  相似文献   

中国古代蒙书是中华民族传统文化的重要组成部分,其用字反应了汉民族人民表情达意的基本信息。我们对岳麓版14部蒙书的用字的字次、字种、流向等做了全面的统计分析,对其与古今汉语常用字的关系做了概要的阐述,并进而提出了"古今惯用字"的概念。  相似文献   

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