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本从职业性的特点出发,着重从教学内容、教学方法、学分制和教师培训四个方面提出了新世纪成人高等教育改革的主要思路。  相似文献   

In a pluricultural and multi-religious world, with high levels of social secularisation, the role of religious education in schools (especially in state-funded schools) has inundated political and academic debate throughout Europe, which is becoming increasingly more committed to integrating, non-confessional models. In this context, it is essential to analyse how religious education is managed in countries whose relationship between state and religion is still firmly rooted (as is the case of Spain), and what the action of schools and families is in contexts where confessional religion is maintained in schools. Based on a quantitative study of 380 representatives of primary school management teams, it is seen that one in four schools does not teach any type of religion, either due to a lack of demand from families or because the school chooses not to do so. In addition, the study shows the practical limitations of the confessional model to provide a response to the religious and secular diversity of our time, as the implementation of minority confessions is very scant while there is a primacy of the catholic confession in the religion subject.  相似文献   

This paper critically considers the notion of educational policy transfer by addressing the roles of significant actors, based on an analysis of educational reforms made during the Soviet and US military occupation in the two Koreas. Using evidence from the Korean cases, the paper challenges the state-centric, linear, and static views of educational policy transfer, and proposes a new conceptualisation which involves multiple actors from different levels including international, domestic, and individual players. While the educational reforms in the two Koreas were developed by the Soviet and US military in order to maximise their long-term security interests in the Korean peninsula, the key actors who implemented the reforms were Korean policy-makers, who had been appointed to key positions of the educational administrations through the bureaucratic politics between the military authorities and the Korean polity. Thus, specific programmes and policies for implementation of the reforms depended on the Korean policy-makers’ understanding and interpretations of the different ideologies of the Soviet Union and the USA.  相似文献   


The rule of law presents a new path for understanding and handling religious affairs in contemporary China. The field of religious education is no exception and current legislation has to be improved so that China’s religious education can be further promoted. This research examines the legislation and legislative regulations governing China’s diversified and dynamic religious education, which includes professional religious studies, religious education embedded in ethnic education, missionary religious education, religious education included in general education, and education on religious policies and regulations. It argues that how to understand and implement the principle of separation of education and religion stands out as the core issue, as China requires a more dialectical and pluralistic religious education.  相似文献   

本文分析了德国职业教育法制建设的现状,归纳了德国职业教育法制建设的特点,并借鉴其经验提出了新时期加强我国职业教育法制建设的对策。  相似文献   

伴随着近年来高等教育的跨越式发展,高等职业教育也取得了不菲的成就。音乐教育也随着这个发展过程得到了蓬勃发展。但是,我国高职院校的音乐教育专业起步较晚,还没有形成专业规模。高职院校音乐教育专业虽然经历了一些改革,但是效果并不太明,发展前途也令人担忧。鉴于此,本文将从高职院校音乐教育专业的发展现状入手,分析其发展中存在的问题并提出发展对策。  相似文献   

Sun Kim 《教育政策杂志》2017,32(3):372-385
This paper investigates the influence of cultural and historical factors on educational policy transfer, drawing on an analysis of the curricular reforms made during the Soviet and US military occupation of the two Koreas. In South Korea, curricular changes were made, such as the introduction of the subject of social studies, in order to teach democratic procedures and concepts. In North Korea, a socialist–communist ideology was extensively promoted, along with an attraction to the Soviet Union as a model state to follow. In both contexts, the localization of the reforms was influenced by the authoritarian legacy of Confucianism and Japanese colonization, and the nationalism that had been fostered for the purpose of state formation. The Korean case indicates that while investigating the influence of culture on educational policy transfer, it is important to identify the unique characteristics of educational traditions and nationalism of a country, and to analyze how the newly transferred policies and ideas are received by local actors in their searches for meaning and power.  相似文献   

通过对北京市优秀运动员文化教育工作方法的研究,探讨运动员文化素质提高与我国体育事业可持续发展的规律,构建运动员文化教育“多维育才体系”职业教育工作模型,提出“行动学习法”干预与职业专业技能融合研究,把运动员的文化教育与职业教育有机结合。  相似文献   

职业素质是劳动者就业的基本条件,影响着学生就业和未来的发展。所以,加强高职生的职业素质教育是提高劳动者社会竞争力,保证高职院校就业率的关键所在。对高职生进行有效的职业素质教育,必须选择适当可行的教育途径,构建科学的职业素质教育体系,将职业素质教育贯穿于整个在校学习的全过程,落实在高职教育的各个方面。文章通过对职业素质的分析和加强高职学生职业素质的必要性出发,结合实际情况提出了培养实施学生职业素质的方式和培养途径。  相似文献   

近年来,随着高校不断扩招,当前大学生的就业形势日益严峻.基于职业生涯规划下的高校大学生思想政治教育则是当前高校思想政治教育的一大突破.本文首先简述职业生涯规划与思想政治教育的相关内容;其次探究基于职业生涯规划下的高校大学生思想政治教育的重要作用;最后论述建立科学合理的思想政治教育理论课实效性长效机制的理性思考,以期更好的推动高校思想政治教育的实效性  相似文献   

职业教育是我国教育体制的重要部分,但上世纪九十年代中后期以来,我国中等职业教育开始走下坡路。在探寻职业教育发展原因的过程中,针对一些研究中提出传统观念是制约职业教育的主因这一观点,文章提出传统观念并不是职业教育发展滞后的主要原因,职业教育的发展是受多种因素影响的同时强调职业教育在为人们提供工作的意义系统方面的重要作用。  相似文献   

高等职业教育与普通的大学本科教育不同,不是教授学生理论知识,而是主要培养学生们的操作、实践能力,这就决定了其主要方向是以学生的综合动手能力和实际作业能力为主。所以,现代高等职业教育教学就要以增加培养学生实际实践能力为重点来进行。尤其是近些年来,许多高职院校积极使用改变教学方针,对传统教学进行改革,积极探索、大胆突破,为学生获得良好的职业教育方面有着不俗的成绩。并且在改革中使用多种现代教育技术相结合的手段,取得了非常丰硕的改革成果。本文就对高职教学改革中现代教育技术的应用策略做出一些研究。  相似文献   

Religious Education (RE) has the potential to identify as gifted many students who might otherwise be missed. The findings discussed here are based on a study of Heads of Department in three very different secondary schools in Cambridgeshire, which investigated how their training and praxis affected the way they identified and challenged students gifted and talented in studying religion. Reasons are given for the gap between RE and gifted education, internationally, nationally and regionally. The lack of student challenge in much RE is identified and ways are suggested to extend and enrich all. Strategies are discussed for doubly exceptional students, with profound insights but poor written skills. Questioning the dominance of pragmatic approaches in the UK, the article suggests how the RE profession could develop a critical and theoretically informed approach to giftedness, with direct implications for classroom practices.  相似文献   

为适应高职院校人才培养目标,改变"思想道德修养与法律基础"传统的教学模式,以职业观教育为主线的项目化教学改革是一种行之有效的方法。一方面,把职业观教育作为主线开展项目化教学改革有利于"基础课"彰显高职教育特色、有利于提高项目化教学改革的针对性、实效性;另一方面,项目化教学改革,有利于"基础课"落实职业观教育的主渠道、主阵地作用。  相似文献   

近年来,我国大力发展职业教育,为国家培养了大批的应用型人才,如何在有限的教学资源下发挥无限的教学功效,是当前职业教育研究的一个重要问题,其中基于共享模式的高等职业教育专业教学资源库的建设就是解决以上教学问题的一个有效途径。本文从教学资源库的总体框架谈起,然后就教学资源库的建设进行说明,最后对教学资源库管理平台的构建进行介绍。  相似文献   

日本高等教育改革:回顾与展望   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
日本高等教育正面临着 1 2 0年来从未有过的危机。虽然日本高等教育在第二次世界大战后实现了民主高等教育体制下的大众化 ,但是今天它却缺少 2 1世纪全球化时代所必需的国际竞争力。此外 ,近年来 1 8岁人口的急剧减少 ,也严重影响了依赖学费办学的私立大学的经营状况。在这样一种困难的局面下 ,日本文部科学省出台了“大学结构改革方针”(2 0 0 1年 6月 ) ,其主要内容包括国立大学的重组及“法人化”和建立大学的外部评价体制。  相似文献   

本文结合高职数学课程与经管类高职学院的专业课程相对接的教学实践,阐述了基于培养职业素养的高职数学教学模式与传统教学模式的不同,分析了在以工作实践为教学依托,着力于提高学生的职业素养培养方面对专业课程的基础性作用,从构建高职数学课程体系、改进教学模式和完善评价体系三个方面给出了具体方案。  相似文献   

国家针对农民工子女义务教育出台了一系列政策,很大程度上解决了农民工子女义务教育的问题,提高了他们的个人素质和文化水平。现有的教育政策和制度在一定程度上造成了农民工子女后义务教育的"断裂",现有的政策在一定程度上强化了农民工融入城市社会自身条件的先天性不足。因此,注重农民工子女后义务教育公平和加快发展职业技术教育,是新生代农民工城市融入的路径选择。  相似文献   

在广大农村全面建设小康社会、推进城乡一体化,关键就是要解决农业、农村、农民即"三农"问题。农村职业教育与农村经济发展有十分密切的联系,在解决"三农"问题,在提高农业产业化水平、加快农村城镇化进程、提高农民收入方面发挥着不可替代的作用。农村职业教育与"三农"互动关系分析,给出二者互动的实质,提出互动关系模型,打破了以往单纯从职业教育或"三农"的角度看问题的框架,具有一定的现实意义。  相似文献   

格林斯潘经济学:当今美国高等教育危机的根源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文详尽分析了格林斯潘经济学对美国高等教育的影响,指出在格林斯潘经济学指导下,以市场为导向的美国高等教育在缺乏国家监管的情况下,产生了学院资本主义、贷款学生和私有化进程.这一进程将使美国高等教育产生严重的危机,而这一危机的始作俑者就是格林斯潘经济学.  相似文献   

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