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在当前教育领域内,远程学习、数字化学习与在线学习环境这些专业术语并不少见,学习者和相关研究人员在面临这些专业术语时往往会存在一些理解上的偏差,在使用过程中也会存在一些困惑,因此很有必要对这些术语进行深入研究。目前数字化学习、在线学习与远程学习环境领域相关的研究较多,他们之间的差异不仅仅是表达术语层面,重要的是不同学习环境的侧重点和呈现特点有一定的差异。为此,我们通过实证方法分析研究该问题,总结学习者是如何认识这些学习环境的。结果表明,不同学习者对数字化学习、在线学习与远程学习环境有不同的期望和认知。  相似文献   

采用分层抽样的方法,通过对爱课程网中国大学视频公开课中的“精彩评论”进行内容分析发现:在线学习者来源广泛,他们对讲课教师、课程内容、学习帮助等评价较高,且期望能够持续共享这些优质学习资源.不过中国大学视频公开课目前也还存在着开放性程度不够、师生网上交互较少、与国外高校公开课差距较大、课程学习资源还很缺乏等不足之处.因此,中国大学应在新技术媒体革新背景下,努力探索教学范式的转型,以满足广大社会学习者的终身学习需求.  相似文献   

Schools play a crucial role in preparing students for a technology-driven world. Although schools incorporate technology for teaching and learning in promising ways, reviewing their organisational strategies would enhance their digital capacity—namely, the effective integration of technology in teaching and learning practices. This article presents insights for improving schools' digital capacity provided by school leaders, teachers, and students from fourteen European countries, through open-ended questions on the SELFIE online tool for collective reflection. This article presents the thematic analysis conducted on 5247 excerpts collected through SELFIE questionnaires, referring to participants' perceptions of their schools' digital infrastructure, the usefulness of technology for teaching and learning, and the perceived need to make the most of technology. Findings align with international studies, which confirm that schools' digital infrastructure still needs improving, while teachers need more training on embedding technology in their teaching practices. Findings also reveal differences in school leaders, teachers, and students' viewpoints and experiences on technology use in their schools. Comparing viewpoints and experiences regarding a school's digital capacity by using a comprehensive and structured process of collective reflection, the SELFIE tool is unique within the field and can offer insights to school communities, education policymakers and researchers.  相似文献   

数字化课程平台——课程支撑系统对于网络科技时代的学习者来说是重要的学习环境,是有效实现课程目标的重要条件。因此,基于学习环境的内涵,从学习者的"情况"和开展科技活动需要的"条件"来分析科技活动课程支撑系统的架构,是实现该课程信息化建设的重要思路。  相似文献   

More and more educational institutions are moving towards online distance learning. Although asynchronous online learning overcomes the constraints of time, place and pace, online distance learners feel isolated due to the lack of real-time communications. One possible solution for overcoming this sense of isolation is regulating student online behavior by assigning specific roles and protocols for participation to learners in order to stimulate online learning activities. This qualitative study explored the use of such a technique in a fully online class in order to find out how the interdependence of roles and role rotation support a sense of community among learners. Data was collected through observations, discussion archives, surveys, and interviews. The results indicate that interdependent roles and role rotation provide students diverse learning experiences and interdependence in different ways. Students’ tendency to depend on their classmates and to participate is enhanced when using the starter-wrapper with roles technique.  相似文献   

Understanding what is lacking in the online teaching literature is critical to helping researchers and practitioners develop programs and support mechanisms for online teachers in higher education. This review formulates a critique of the standards- and competency-driven vision of online teaching from the perspective of transformative learning theory, in order to offer an alternative exploration of the professional development of online teachers as adult learners. The results indicate that while research about online teacher roles and competencies guides the development of teacher preparation and training programs, it lacks in terms of addressing the issues of empowerment of online teachers, promoting critical reflection, and integrating technology into pedagogical inquiry. An alternative perspective is suggested that considers teachers as adult learners who continuously transform their meaning of structures related to online teaching through a continuous process of critical reflection and action.  相似文献   

随着AI、5G、物联网、大数据、传感与全息等新兴技术的快速发展,尤其是虚拟现实技术从VR、AR、MR到XR的不断演进,促使数字孪生技术开始走向应用并备受学者关注。其正从制造业、城市管理、医疗服务向社会其他领域不断衍生拓展,并在教育领域呈现出广阔的应用前景。在数智融合驱动下,从“AI+大数据+学习分析”加持下的学习者数字画像,向“AI+5G+XR”与全息技术支撑下的数字孪生学习者的迭代更新,将成为AI赋能教育的一个演进趋势。数字孪生学习者基于“四个关键要素”和“五个基本原则”这一现实前提,遵循刻画学习者画像、仿真学习过程、预测学习发展、生成学习结果和共享学习智慧的生成过程,具有高度仿真、动态映射、虚实共生、迭代进化和智能应用的特征,可为“AI+学习者”呈现更精确的学习过程分析、更精准的学习内容推送、更科学的学习评价与无边界的学习生态;并助力学习者进行学习资源共享、学习行为调整、学习兴趣提高、学习体验改善、学习效率提升。因此,对数字孪生学习者进行前瞻性研究,可为数智融合驱动下的学习变革提供全新的视角与思路。  相似文献   

教师在线专业发展以网络技术作支持,集文本、视频、音频于一体,通过虚拟学习社区,即在线学习者共同体中的阅读、交流、讨论和实践反思等活动来促进教师的专业提高;其核心理念是帮助教师将专业发展融于日常生活和教学实践,最大程度地促进教师的自主学习和个性化的专业发展。作为一种新的教师专业发展模式,教师在线专业发展项目的成功实施需要采取多种基于理论和实践的策略。  相似文献   

Lifelong learning opportunities are readily accessible through the hybridization of digital learning contexts—from formal to informal—in today's globally networked knowledge society. As such, expanded learning opportunities generate a continuum of learning contexts and experiences mediated through digital technology. Consequently, there is an urgent need to actively examine the interconnections and complex relations between what is learned in formal university scenarios and the everyday learning that happens outside of the classroom, particularly the informal learning that is afforded through expanded and emerging digital contexts. The current research problem illustrates that expanded and emerging professional development scenarios require new pedagogical designs for empowering lifelong learners to harness the affordances of the web across both formal and informal contexts and practices. This study outlines ways in which students shape their learning ecologies in virtual contexts to support formal academic learning in online higher education. The paper presents qualitative results from a larger mixed methods interpretive case study. The multicase and multisite study examines three fully online graduate programmes in Education and Digital Technology during the 2017–18 academic year, collecting data in the form of online programme documentation, student interviews and online participant observation. Purposeful and criterion sampling were used to select 13 participants across three sites in Spain, the UK and the USA. The study was underpinned by a lifelong learning ecologies theoretical perspective to analyse learning processes across a continuum of practices and contexts. Findings illustrate how students conceive of, as well as how they organize their learning ecologies through a unique configuration of activities, digital resources and networked social support, indicating that academic programmes and teachers have an essential role in empowering student learning ecologies across contexts, recognizing past trajectories and supporting the development of valued disciplinary practices and perspectives across a continuum of learning.  相似文献   

教学视频因其多通道展现教学内容的特性而成为数字化学习资源的首选形态。线索作为教学视频中的重要引导性教学设计手段,探究其类型及学习者先前知识经验对学习效果的交互影响,有益于优化教学视频的设计策略。基于学习者先前知识经验水平(高水平和低水平)和线索类型(言语线索和视觉线索)两个维度,运用眼动追踪技术和认知负荷、学习满意度、学习效果等测量工具,通过实验考察二者对学习的影响及其内在机制后发现:学习者先前知识经验水平对认知负荷的影响显著;线索类型对学习满意度的影响显著,且线索类型与学习者先前知识经验水平在学习满意度上的交互效应显著;学习者先前知识经验水平对学习效果的影响显著,且线索类型与学习者先前知识经验水平在迁移测验成绩上的交互效应显著。实验结果表明,线索类型与学习者先前知识经验水平对学习满意度和学习效果存在明显的交互作用,即只有低知识经验水平学习者在学习含有视觉线索的教学视频后,学习满意度与学习效果才有显著提升。这可能是由于该类学习者在信息选择时存在困难,视觉线索可以帮助其提高信息搜索效率,而言语线索却会使其认知负荷超载。  相似文献   

Many instructors in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields are striving to create active learning environments in their classrooms and in doing so are frequently moving the lecture portion of their course into online video format. In this classroom-based study, we used a two group randomized experimental design to examine the efficacy of an instructional video that incorporates a human hand demonstrating and modeling how to solve frictional inclined plane problems compared to an identical video that did not include the human hand. The results show that the learners who viewed the video without the human hand present performed significantly better on a learning test and experienced a significantly better training efficiency than the learners who viewed the video with the human hand present. Meanwhile, those who learned with the human hand present in the instructional video rated the instructor as being more humanlike and engaging. The results have implications for both theory and practice. Implications for those designing instructional videos are discussed, as well as the limitations of the current study.  相似文献   

真实语境下学习外语对于提高跨文化交际能力有着重要的作用。但是在学习者母语环境下,学习者很难有机会接触到目标语真实语境。通过构筑以日语影视作品为语境语料的智能视频语料库,提供基于字幕、场景、功能的视频片检索功能,建设基于影视作品中准真实语境的多媒体立体语境平台,将会有效改善、弥补目标语语境匮乏的学习现状。  相似文献   

The R2D2 method—read, reflect, display, and do—is a new model for designing and delivering distance education, and in particular, online learning. Such a model is especially important to address the diverse preferences of online learners of varied generations and varied Internet familiarity. Four quadrants can be utilized separately or as part of a problem‐solving process: the first component primarily relates to methods to help learners acquire knowledge through online readings, virtual explorations, and listening to online lectures and podcasts. As such, it addresses verbal and auditory learners. The second component of the model focuses on reflective activities such as online blogs, reflective writing tasks, self‐check examinations, and electronic portfolios. In the third quadrant, visual representations of the content are highlighted with techniques such as virtual tours, timelines, animations, and concept maps. Fourth, the model emphasizes what learners can do with the content in hands‐on activities including simulations, scenarios, and real‐time cases. In effect, the R2D2 model is one means to organize and make sense of the diverse array of instructional possibilities currently available in distance education. It provides new ways of learning for diverse online students, and demonstrates easy‐to‐apply learning activities for instructors to integrate various technologies in online learning. When thoughtfully designed, content delivered from this perspective should be more enriching for learners. The R2D2 model provides a framework for more engaging, dynamic, and responsive teaching and learning in online environments.  相似文献   

Learning management systems traditionally provide structures to guide online learners to achieve their learning goals. Web 2.0 technology empowers learners to create, share, and organize their personal learning environments in open network environments; and allows learners to engage in social networking and collaborating activities. Advanced networking mechanisms, UGC, flat-structured architectures, RSS, and social tagging, permit online learners to define their own learning structures. This article reports an online course built within multiple Web 2.0 technologies designed to empower learners to construct their own personal learning environments within open network learning environments. Lessons learned, examples, and critical issues are discussed. This paper concludes that effective instructions should prepare “online” learners to become “network” or “open network” learners.  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了什么是反思性学习——它的优点以及如何改变教师和学生的角色,接着阐述了这种方法应用于网上学习所需的三种技术,即学习内容、博客、即时信息。论文以英国开放大学的硕士课程为例,分析了这些技术的应用。评价表明,学生们认为这种学习尽管费力,但很刺激。让学生自己决定学习内容也受到一些学习能力强的学习者的欢迎。所有学习者在体会到反思性学习方法的优点之前,都需要获到一些支持,也需要经过一段时间的适应。博客是一种常用的反思载体,即时信息也常被用于社会的交往联系。尽管这些课程的教学完全是通过网络进行的,但随时可以获得在线教师的辅导也是学生们取得良好学习成效的必要条件。  相似文献   

In this paper, I demonstrate a way of conducting narrative inquiry that is oriented towards understanding and improving teachers’ experiences in a particular Toronto–Shanghai/West–East Sister School reciprocal learning partnership. I show how this narrative inquiry process is informed by a Deweyan way of thinking about experience and is enriched by the Confucian idea of being a good guest. I illustrate how this inquiry process involves teachers and researchers as collaborative and reciprocal learners on the Dao of further personal and professional growth and learning. I suggest that conducting narrative inquiry in a Canada–China interschool setting could give rise to West–East reciprocal learning communities that have the potential of bridging the cultural and historical narratives that underlie Chinese and North American education. It could also create the harmonious and democratic educational conditions for fostering global citizens as learners in our 21st century.  相似文献   

以教育的信息化带动教育的现代化已经成为教育领域的广泛共识。千禧年一代的学习者,是所谓"数字土著"的一代,伴随信息技术成长的经历,造就了他们特有的认知、态度及行为习惯;与此同时,发展学习者的创新与终身学习的能力,是时代的要求也是当前教育变革所面临的挑战。为了更有针对性地为千禧年的学习者提供基于数字技术的创新学习机会,有必要对千禧年学习者的数字土著特征进行调研,对其学习方式的特点、行为习惯以及数字技术在其学习活动中所扮演的角色进行分析,并据此找到适合千禧年学习者的、基于数字技术的创新学习方式需求,提出适合"他们"的学习技术。  相似文献   

大学英语阅读肩负着"促进语言学习,为应用能力的培养奠定基础"的使命。语言学习是模因传播过程,必须遵循模因传播规律。提供汉语信息的课文复述,要求用英语"表达"汉语信息,促使学生带着表达需要去注意英语,是从汉语信息到英语形式的"内容相同形式各异"的模因传播。准实验研究表明:提供汉语信息的课文复述的语言学习效果显著优于没有复述或只提供关键词的复述的语言学习效果;完全参与这一复述活动的学生的语言学习效果显著优于部分参与的学生的语言学习效果。  相似文献   

Currently available web page accessibility guidelines focus more on reading and writing, with inadequate attention to other aspects of online learning such as computer-mediated communication. This study aims to explore the engagement of Malaysia secondary school students with dyslexia and students without dyslexia on various synchronous and asynchronous communication interaction technologies in an online collaborative learning environment. Multiple case within subject qualitative study was employed to investigate the engagement of students using a semi structured interview guideline. The findings revealed that (1) text chat is unsuitable for learning discussion for all learners, (2) forum affords self-paced and organized formal discussion for most learners and (3) video conferencing is suitable for interactive face-to-face, verbal discussion for most learners.  相似文献   

This article addresses the ways in which learners’ silence plays out within asynchronous and synchronous text‐based, online communication. Our study takes an ethnographic perspective in examining how learners and instructors in two online courses use and interpret silence. The ways in which those learners and instructors eventually integrated silence into their online communication were interpreted as non‐participation, confusion, marginalization, and thoughtful reflection. These findings have implications that are relevant to instructors’ efforts to create constructive online learning environments and view silence as an important aspect of social presence. We thus propose the need for the development of a deeper analysis—both empirical and theoretical—on the notions of online silence, social presence, and communication.  相似文献   

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