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论科学哲学与霍姆斯比较教育方法论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
霍姆斯是当代较有影响的比较教育学家,其比较教育方法论在比较教育领域具有重要的地位和深远的影响。本文试图深入分析霍姆斯基于波普尔科学哲学的比较教育方法论,包括反归纳主义、理论先于观察和以经验证伪为原则的假设-演绎法,以期对他的比较教育方法论有一个较透彻的理解。  相似文献   

MARK BRAY 《比较教育学》1997,33(2):157-170
While in some respects the nature of Hong Kong's colonial transition seems unique, several parallels exist with transitions elsewhere. This paper begins by identifying major differences and similarities in the macro-framework. It then turns specifically to the education sector, noting that the parallel operation of multiple education systems within the boundaries of a single country is quite common and, therefore, that models already exist for continued plurality of the type that might be envisaged for Hong Kong and the rest of China. Examining changes at various points in time, the paper observes that some reforms were made in Hong Kong's educational provision well ahead of the commencement of colonial transition and far in advance of parallel points in the history in other colonies. The paper then turns to specific changes which occurred during the period 1984-1997 and to commentary on the further changes that may be expected in the continuing period of transition that commenced in 1997. Analysis of the currents and counter-currents makes Hong Kong an important case to study, both in its own right and as a case to compare and contrast with patterns elsewhere.  相似文献   

Talk of the rise of a global war for talent and emergence of a new global meritocracy has spread from the literature on human resource management to shape nation‐state discourse on managed migration and immigration reform. This article examines the implications that the global war for talent have for education policy. Given that this talent war is a product of neoliberalism, it raises many of the same concerns for educators as neoliberalism in general: the embrace and promotion of social, economic and educational inequality; and a narrow, market‐based conception of education, skill and talent. This article argues, however, that the global war for talent represents a new phase in neoliberalism, as it seeks to liberalise the global movement not just of capital and commodities, but of high skill labour as well. In this, it threatens to undercut some of the founding assumptions and goals that have shaped national education policy in OECD countries throughout the post‐World War II period, and raises serious concerns for how we are to think about and pursue equality, inclusion and fairness in and through education in the future.  相似文献   

“三个代表”思想具有坚实的马克思主义哲学基础 :它以历史发展的合规律性为根本前提 ,充分尊重历史规律的客观性 ,顺应历史发展的需要 ,反映了历史规律 ;它以历史发展的合目的性为基本依据 ,从根本上体现了“符合生产力发展的需要”、“符合最大多数人的利益”、“趋向于人的自由全面发展”的历史合目的性 ;它以共产主义为最终目标 ,是未来社会的现实纲领  相似文献   

从哲学视域来看,自由是一个复杂的难题。网络作为一个虚拟的空间,与现实世界不同,网络自由也和现实世界的自由不同,有其自身的特征;鉴于互联网是一把双刃剑,对于造成好的社会效果的网络自由,要保护甚至扩大;对于利用网络自由进行违法犯罪活动的,则要用法律进行规制。此外,光靠法律的约束还不够,还需提高网民的公民道德意识和自律意识。  相似文献   

On what might a comparative discussion of philosophy of education that takes Europe as one of its terms be based? This paper begins by addressing the complexity that attaches to the name 'Europe' in this context in order to lay the way for a more detailed consideration of so-called 'Continental' philosophy--specifically of poststructuralism. It makes reference to the ways in which the work of poststructuralist thinkers has often been interpreted in 'postmodern' educational theory and seeks to reveal certain errors in this regard. Distinctions are drawn between postmodernity, postmodernism and poststructuralism, illustrating the last of these in terms of two influential strands of thought drawn from Levinas and Nietzsche, and indicating their value for education. In conclusion, some brief remarks are offered regarding the institutionalization of philosophy of education in Europe.  相似文献   

The thesis examined in this paper is that comparative educationists, far from following intellectual trends, have introduced new dimensions to methods of enquiry developed first by historians, then by social scientists and, finally and perhaps marginally, by conceptual philosophers. In so far as comparisons can be made, it is asserted that, in the twentieth century, paradigms in comparative education reflect revolutions in the natural sciences, and that to the extent that these preceded shifts in social science paradigms after about 1900, comparative educationists debated and rejected positivism before sociologists did, in the Anglo-Saxon world at least.A second assumption which is examined is that comparative educationists have anticipated issues which subsequently became important in the growth of national and parochial research in sociology, and for that matter in political science.A disclaimer is necessary: little attempt has been made to examine the causal influences in either field or between comparative educationists and sociologists. The history of such interaction at a personal and institutional level is very recent, the participants in the interchanges are, in many cases, still alive, and a substantive recent history of comparative education has yet to be written, although to some extent E. Shils' analysis of the history of sociological enquiry provides a schema against which the growth of comparative education can be compared.
Zusammenfassung In dieser Arbeit wird die These überprüft, daß vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaftler, weit davon entfernt, intellektuellen Trends zu folgen, neue Dimensionen für Untersuchungsmethoden eingeführt haben, die zuerst von Historikern, dann von Sozialwissenschaftlern und am Rande auch von konzeptuellen Philosophen entwickelt wurden. Soweit es möglich ist, Vergleiche anzustellen, wird dargelegt, daß im 20. Jahrhundert Paradigmen der vergleichenden Erziehungswissenschaft tiefgreifene Veränderungen in den Naturwissenschaften widerspiegeln. Softern diese den nach ca. 1900 stattfindenden Wandlungen in sozialwissenschaftlichen Paradigmen vorausgingen, haben vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaftler noch vor den Soziologen den Positivismus erörtert und verworfen, zumindest in der angelsächsischen Welt.Zweitens wird die Annahme überprüft, daß vergleichende Erziehungswissenschaftler Fragen vorweggenommen haben, die später in der Entwicklung nationaler und örtlicher soziologischer Forschung und auch in der Politologie Bedeutung erlangten.Eine Einschränkung muß noch gemacht werden: Der Autor hat weitgehend darauf verzichtet, die kausalen Einflüsse in den beiden Einzelbereichen sowie die gegenseitigen Einwirkungen von vergleichenden Erziehungswissenschaftlern und Soziologen zu untersuchen. Die Geschichte solcher Wechselwirkungen auf persönlicher und institutioneller Ebene ist noch sehr jung, die Teilnehmer an ihnen sind in vielen Fällen noch am Leben, und eine substantielle neuere Geschichte der vergleichenden Erziehungswissenschaft ist noch nicht geschrieben. Dennoch bietet E. Shils Analyse der Geschichte soziologischer Untersuchungen eine gewisse Grundlage für einen Vergleich mit der Entwicklung der vergleichenden Erziehungswissenschaft.

Résumé La thèse soutenue dans cet article est que les théoriciens de l'éducation comparée, loin de suivre les courants intellectuels, ont introduit de nouvelles dimensions dans les méthodes d'enquête élaborées d'abord par les historiens, puis développées par les spécialistes des sciences sociales, et enfin — marginalement peut-être — par les philosophes conceptuels. Pour autant que l'on puisse établir des comparaisons, on constate qu'au XXe siècle, les paradigmes de l'éducation comparée reflètent les révolutions qui surviennent dans les sciences naturelles et qu'ils se modifient avant même ceux des sciences sociales, aux alentours de 1900, au point que les théoriciens de l'éducation comparée contestent et rejettent le positivisme avant que les spécialistes des sciences sociales soient parvenus à cette démarche, du moins dans les pays anglosaxons.Une autre assomption de la thèse est que les théoriciens de l'éducation comparée ont anticipé des situations qui devaient se révéler importantes par la suite, avec le développement de la recherche sociologique nationale et locale, et également avec celui des sciences politiques.Il est juste de reconnaître néanmoins qu'une timide tentative a été faite dans l'intention d'étudier les influences causales, que ce soit dans chacun de ces domaines ou entre théoriciens de l'éducation comparée et sociologues. L'histoire d'une telle interaction au niveau individuel et au niveau institutionnel est très récente; les hommes qui ont participé à ces échanges sont encore pour la plupart vivants et une histoire récente autonome de l'éducation comparée reste à écrire. Toutefois, l'analyse que E. Shils a fate de l'histoire de l'enquête sociologique fournit, jusqu'à un certain point, une base permettant d'évaluer le développement de l'éducation comparée.

This article analyses differences in the availability of school choice in The Netherlands, England and Scotland. A 10 variable model is used to determine that the increased availability of choice leads generally to an increased presence of the market mechanism in the three countries. However, the functioning of the market is most obvious in The Netherlands, to a lesser extent in England and even less in Scotland.  相似文献   

教育哲学是对教育问题的哲学思考,用哲学的方法和语言来研究教育问题,对教育起着指导性的作用,不同的哲学取向影响课程的目标、内容、方法和材料的选择。对课程背后的意识形态和哲学构想的讨论直接影响课程的目标定位、课程设置和发展方向。本文作者从现在的大学英语四级考试听力、口语改革谈起,从教育哲学的角度讨论改革时期大学英语视听说课程开设的理据、定位和教学内容等问题。本文作者认为,改革时期大学英语视听说课程应从人本主义哲学思想出发,以培养"全人"为目标,"人文性"与"工具性"相互交融。  相似文献   

马克思主义哲学具有独特的人文内涵 ,马克思主义哲学课应以人文精神为中心 ,将人文素质教育贯穿于马克思主义哲学教学的全过程 ,充分发挥马克思主义哲学的育人功能 ,从世界观、人生观和价值观上对青年学员进行马克思主义理论教育 ,引导他们正确地认识社会 ,认识自己 ,发展自己  相似文献   

This article dialogues with Matthew Weinstein’s paper named “NGSS, disposability, and the ambivalence of Science in/under neoliberalism”, in which he explores the argument that at the same time the NGSS framework is largely identified with neoliberal discourse, it presents points of ambivalence and resistance within. In this dialogue, we focused on two topics that we believe are important for the discussion of the ambivalences highlighted in the author’s argument, namely: the the social production of indifference as a consequence of the neoliberal ideology and the production of a version of science streamlined for the neoliberal technoscientific job market within the ‘neoliberal ecosystem’. Based on the thesis of the Canadian philosopher Charles Taylor on ethics and on the concept of hybridism, we linked Weinsteins’ analysis to issues related to individualism and instrumental reason, pointing out that it is possible that the ambivalences highlighted by Weinstein are, in fact, a component of neoliberal discourse. Nevertheless we agree that this kind of text presents loopholes that allows practices oriented for social change and for the improvement of democracies in progress. We conclude that for those who dedicate themselves to reflect upon educational strategies to cope with the hegemonic model remains the challenge of finding spaces and times in the curriculum in order to explore the gaps in policy texts and, more important, to promote the experience of democratic practices throughout the school communities.  相似文献   

任何社会形态中,都将追求社会长期稳定作为最终的目标,当前我国进入社会转型加快发展时期,发展过程中,伴随新的社会问题出现的同时,产生不少社会不稳定因素,对我国社会的健康稳定,可持续发展构成了威胁。以社会哲学为视角探讨社会稳定问题,很有实际意义,可以做到从实际出发解决当前社会出现的新情况和新问题。  相似文献   

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