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Teach for India is an alternative teacher credentialing program in India that is part of Teach for All, a global organization with strong ties to Teach for America, the American alternative credentialing program. This exploratory study employs institutional discourse analysis to raise questions about the appropriateness of Teach for India for its cultural context. This study compares Teach for India and Teach for America, describing how the programs are similar, and why these similarities might be problematic, given the dissimilar historical, cultural, and economic contexts.  相似文献   

全球化是当代世界发展的最根本特征和不可抗拒的历史潮流,对各民族国家产生了广泛而深刻的影响。全球化是一把双刃剑,它在为我们借鉴人类文明成果,丰富民族精神内涵,培育民族精神提供条件的同时,又对民族精神的培育带来了严峻挑战。全面理解全球化时代对民族精神的呼唤和影响,深入探讨弘扬和培育民族精神的途径,对于增强我国在全球化进程中的竞争实力具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

如何改进高校的思想政治教育,提高高校思想政治教育的实效,一直是世界各国教育界面临的主要课题,更是我国高校关注的一个重点。本文力图通过研究世界各国思想政治教育的特征,从而为我国加强和改进新时期大学生思想政治教育工作提供借鉴和启示,具有十分重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

临床医学是一门严谨的学科,培养出的医学人才必须具备很强的理论和实践相结合的能力.只有加强医学生的思想教育和能力培养,全面提高医学生的素质水平,才能为今后造就合格的医学人才打下坚实的基础.  相似文献   

摘要:中华文化对外传播对于中华文化世界影响力的提升以及中国形象塑造具有重要意义。文化全球化语境下中华文化对外传播面临着重重困境。汉语国际教育的蓬勃发展为中华文化的对外传播提供了重要平台。在汉语国际教育过程中要加强中华文化传播意识,明确中华文化对外传播的使命与责任;要全面发挥孔子学院在中华文化对外传播过程中的功能与作用;注重对来华留学生的文化熏陶。  相似文献   

Recent contributions have argued about the depoliticisation of citizenship education (CE), mainly through theoretical and documentary analyses, and based on the European context. Nonetheless, there is a lack of field studies which can provide empirical evidence about how does the depoliticisation of CE actually operate. Based on a mixed-method research in Mexico City’s secondary schools, this paper shows how the contemporary approach to CE, instead of looking at nurturing children’s and adolescents’ politicity, contributes to pupils’ depoliticisation. Among different potential characterisations of political participation (PP), the curriculum of CE circumscribes it within the arena of formal politics, from which students are largely excluded in the present. Additionally, CE promotes a range of practices of participation which are deprived from a political meaning. Students appropriate them discursively, but perceive limited opportunities for perform them, especially in school. Through the depoliticisation of CE, adolescents mostly learn that PP is a promise of inclusion in the future, while the idea of active citizenship becomes reduced to a correct discourse about largely imperceptible practices in students’ everyday life. The article stresses the need of shifting the priority of CE in Mexico from the formal curriculum to the transformation of school practices, in order to develop students’ politicity through participation.  相似文献   

当代大学生思想政治教育的文化原则包含了四个方面的原则:坚持先进性与继承性、创新性相结合:坚持针对性与差异性、多元性相结合;坚持集体教育与外在教育、自我教育相结合;坚持现实性与系统性、主体性相结合。  相似文献   

Most anatomists agree that cadaver dissection serves as a superior teaching tool in human anatomy education. However, attitudes toward body donation vary widely between different individuals. A questionnaire was developed to determine the attitudes toward body and organ donation among those who learn the most from cadavers: medical students, medical student teaching assistants, medical students involved in research, and anatomy professors. A cross‐sectional, prospective study was designed in which the questionnaire was distributed among first‐year human anatomy students before undertaking cadaver dissection at the beginning of the semester, and then again after a commemoration service at the end of the course. The questionnaire items included demographic data, as well as questions designed to characterize participants' attitudes regarding body/organ donation from strangers, family members, and whether participants would consider such practices with their own bodies. Out of a total of 517 students enrolled in the Human Anatomy course in the Medical School at the Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Mexico during January to June 2016, 95% responded to the first (491) and second (490) surveys. Participants' opinions on their own organ donation was similar before and after exposure to cadaver dissection, with between 87% and 81% in favor of such practices, and only 3% against it, in both surveys. Participants' willingness to donate their own bodies, as well as those of family members, increased, while reluctance regarding such practices decreased by half (P < 0.0001 and P < 0.05). Professors had the highest rates of positive opinions regarding their own body donation (74.9%), with 18.8% undecided. Low opposition toward organ and body donation remains prevalent among both anatomists and physicians in training in Mexico. Anat Sci Educ 10: 589–597. © 2017 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

This study investigated differences across four countries in the amount and nature of above‐average ability and average‐ability pre‐adolescents’ everyday life, scientific, moral, spiritual and religious questions. The participants (N?=?975) of this study were fifth‐and sixth‐grade elementary school students from different schools in Finland (N?=?367), the USA (N?=?164), Hong Kong (N?=?169) and Bahrain (N?=?275). Approximately half of the students in each country came from special programmes or schools serving above‐average‐ability students. The results showed that above‐average‐ability students from each participating country asked more scientific and moral questions than their average‐ability peers. This finding was not found to be gender‐related. Furthermore, in each country the average‐ability students asked more everyday life questions than their gifted peers. The Christian influence in the Finnish and US data, and Muslim influence in the Bahrain data were seen in the spiritual and religious questions asked by pre‐adolescents. Additionally, in all the data sets girls asked more spiritual and religious questions than boys. The results point to the need for teachers to discuss moral, religious and spiritual questions influencing pre‐adolescents’ futures.  相似文献   

The study aims to investigate the views of Omani post-basic education students (Grades 10–12) about religious and cultural tolerance. The sample consisted of 1390 male and female students in grades 10, 11 and 12, from four of Oman’s seven regions. A questionnaire was used to gather data, which consisted of 27 items divided into five domains. The results showed that students place a strong emphasis on the importance of religious and cultural tolerance, both within Oman society and worldwide. They are also not in favour of any type of aggression, religious and cultural symbols or the fuelling of disagreements between religions or cultures. The results also indicated that female students are more strongly concerned with tolerance than males, grade 12 students more concerned than those in grades 10 and 11, and students from Muscat more concerned than those in other less urban areas.  相似文献   

开展课外创新实践教育,培养务实创新型人才   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
杨杰 《高教论坛》2007,(5):71-75,47
办学特色是衡量高等学校办学水平和办学实力的重要指标,也是各高等学校在办学过程中不断探索和努力追求的目标。对于办学历史不长的一般本科学校,办学特色的探索和形成更是一个十分重要和困难的课题。以25年本科教育的实践为基础,桂林电子学院(现桂林电子科技大学),以培养务实创新型人才为目标,通过开展课外创新实践教育,逐渐形成了深受学生欢迎、深受用人单位肯定和深受评估专家认可的"以教育引导人,以实践锻炼人,以环境熏陶人,以机制激励人"的办学特色。  相似文献   

论大学生文化素质教育与思想政治教育的整合   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
面对大学生文化素质教育深入实施中出现的一些问题,以及大学生思想政治教育遭遇的严峻挑战,研究者尽管见仁见智,但大多拘泥于各自领域。事实上,这二者在教育目的、教育内容及教育途径与方法上都有着极大的相关性和互补性。因此,对二者进行机构、人员、课程等的有机整合,不仅是可行的,而且能克服二者由于“工作化”所导致的弊端,收到事半功倍的教育效果。  相似文献   

Faiths have long used education as a means to preserve and transmit cultural values from one generation to the next. However, they have also employed education to unite people of different cultures and proselytise others to their worldview. Over the last two centuries, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Latter-day Saint, LDS, or Mormon) has exercised these same patterns in its educational programmes, especially internationally, as it has sought to expand around the world. Using Mormonism's Juárez Academy in northern Mexico as a historical case study, our paper demonstrates how transnationally governed religion-led school systems can confront the challenge of exceptionalism by embracing local culture and customs while maintaining the heritage of their faith tradition. The study advances the field of international education, highlighting the issues of globalisation, cultural transfer, and transnational educational governance.  相似文献   

Comparative research in multilingual urban primary schools indicates that the pedagogical and political goals of schooling may operate at cross-purposes. Classroom observations and teacher interview-discussions were conducted in classes for immigrant children in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, where the language of instruction is French, and in classes in Pretoria, Gauteng Province, South Africa, where children from many different language backgrounds are taught in English. Two main themes emerged: (1) pedagogically, effective teacher–learner communication can break down when teachers are unaware of the roles that language and culture play in second language classrooms; (2) politically, efforts to assimilate learners into new socio-cultural/political contexts sometimes take precedence over sound pedagogical practice, such as drawing on the linguistic and cultural repertoire that learners bring to the classroom. This ongoing qualitative research underlines the importance of preparing pre-service and in-service teachers for the linguistic and cultural diversity they are bound to encounter in their classrooms, and of deepening their understanding of the influence of such diversity on the teaching–learning process.  相似文献   

通过对当前在枝中职学生心理特征具体表现分析,探究由此而产生问题行为偏差的起因,采取有效措施和对策.加强对学生心理问题学习研究,以此促进学生心身健康发展。这是学校素质教育的重要内容。也是全体教育工作者的一项重要任务。  相似文献   

Attrition rates from the foundation science programme at the University of Papua New Guinea are high and related to an inability to use formal thought. An intervention measure with marginal students in this foundation course is reported here. This five‐week intensive intervention was intended to assist these marginal students to perform better on formal elements of the chemistry course. Short‐term beneficial effects of intervention were observed but these were not maintained once the intensive programme ceased.  相似文献   

To better understand factors underlying educational and career choices, this study used both survey data from an online networking tool and data collected in college classrooms to gauge differences between Asians (primarily Korean) and white students in the United States. More Asians (41%) than whites (9%) prioritized prestige over happiness, while more white students (67%) than Asian‐American students (28%) deemed happiness as paramount in selecting a college. When assessing their parents, more Asian Americans thought their mothers (51%) and fathers (34%) emphasized prestige in choosing a college than white mothers (9%) and fathers (17%). In addition, Asian parents were assessed as much more prone to stress the importance of financial independence in career selection while white parents were perceived as prioritizing career enjoyment. Certain parenting techniques were much more common among Asians, such as reminding children of parental sacrifices made for the next generation, teaching them that academic performance is a matter of family honor and prodding academic success by comparing their accomplishments with those of children of family and friends. These findings may reflect a conscious strategy to overcome racial discrimination if education is seen as the primary path to upward social mobility. Awareness of the social and emotional cost of the staunch emphasis on the duty to succeed is important for those involved in educating and providing career counseling for college students with an Asian family background. Acknowledgement of pressure to honor parental expectations of narrowly defined acceptable academic and career achievement should be a part of counseling sessions that might otherwise focus exclusively on individual aspirations without due recognition of an interdependent, collectivistic orientation where upholding family expectations is integral to perceived success.  相似文献   

中职生思想道德教育是教育工作者面临的重要课题,构建和谐的德育教育是社会、学校、家庭的综合任务。  相似文献   

远程教育的全球化趋势——论远程教育系统(四)   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
开放与远程教育的全球化趋势和现状,在趋同与一体化的同时,多元化与多样化是全球化中同时并存、相辅相成的两大趋势,中国加入世贸组织后,人才共享、教育共享将加速中国的现代化进程,同时使我们对人类明的进步作出更大的贡献。  相似文献   

大学生网上虚拟群体:高校思想政治教育的新对象   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
大学生网上虚拟群体是网络环境下的新型学生组织。与传统群体相比,网络虚拟群体具有虚拟性、自由性、平等性、机械性等特点。网上虚拟群体的出现对高校思想政治教育产生了积极的影响,同时亦带来了新的挑战。高校应主动适应新的形势,积极构建校园网络社区,激发学生参与社区建设和管理的热情,加强对社区虚拟群体的正面引导,努力实现虚拟和现实的良性对接,充分发挥虚拟群体在大学生思想政治教育中的积极功能。  相似文献   

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