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采用文本分析的方式,对独立学院俄语专业学生英语写作中定冠词使用和误用情况进行分析和归纳,发现独立学院非英语专业学生在英语写作中定冠词使用多集中在其特指用法上,缺乏泛指用法;定冠词误用情况表现为误用、滥用和漏用。  相似文献   

人称指示语是语用学研究的重要内容。保险营销员在进行推销时使用的第一人称指示语有一定特点,对第一人称指示语的使用除了有一些常规用法之外,还有一些非常规用法,主要表现在:1.第一人称单数指称听话人;2.第一人称单数泛指一部分人;3.第一人称复数指称第一人称单数。这几种非常规用法是对礼貌原则的遵循。  相似文献   

在英语中,way,road,route,path,street等都可以表示路,但它们所表示的概念却不尽相同,在实际应用中常常容易混淆。下面对它们的用法进行分析,希望同学们以后能够正确地使用它们。1.way(道路,街道):是词义比较广泛的词,一般是指去某地的走法,也可泛指在途中。  相似文献   

代词“你”一般是指单数第二人称,通常都是在称呼对方时用的。可是在具体的语言环境中,“你”字的用法远远超出了这一范围,有不少灵活的用法。试看语言大师老舍《猫》(六年制第八册4课)中的“你”字,就别具匠心,具有特殊的用法。一、表示泛指任何人例句:你见了,绝不会责打它们,它们是那么生气勃勃,天真可爱! 这句中的“你”没有固定明确的对象,并非确指特定的一个人,而是泛指任何人,意思是“不管是谁”。  相似文献   

人称指示语的语用分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文从语用的角度出发,通过一些典型事例,对人称指示语的非常规用法进行分析,指出了它们之间的交叉互指、单复数互用、泛指等用法,肯定了语境对人称指示语的制约作用,揭示出其背后隐藏的语用内涵,总结出其非常规选择的语用原则。  相似文献   

中学俄语教材中对这两类副词最高级的用法是这样描述的:单二式比较级+BceFo(泛指各种不同类的事物或现象),单一式比较级+Bcex(泛指同类事物或指人)。笔者根据自己的教学总结和体会,结合资料,对其用法做出如下介绍。  相似文献   

中文“谁”有跟法文对等词qui相同的疑问代词用法和泛指代词用法,但是起连接从句作用的第三种用法有形式的不同。泛指和疑问之间的关系在中国传统语法中表现得很清楚。但是连接紧缩从句用法代表了不具体的变量人的意思,并且清晰地连接两个分句(我们称之为整合连词)。我们把这两种用法区别于法语qui的“关系代词”用法,因为“关系代词”用法在汉语中是不存在的。“谁”这个词很典型地说明了汉语中非具体变量标记词的功能。  相似文献   

关于SUCH的用法李世琴such是英语中使用率极高的一个词。在句子中有时单独使用,有时与其它词结合使用。本文就such作为限定词和与其搭配的一些固定结构加以叙述,谈谈其用法。一、such作为限定词的用法“限定词是在名词词组中对名词中心词起特指、泛指、...  相似文献   

一、基本用法归纳1.用于泛指人们或任何人,包括说话人和听话人,其用法与表泛指的you相似。如:One must believe in something.人一定要有信仰。  相似文献   

助词 和 是韩国语学习和教学中非常重要的语法知识,两者在实际使用中都有各自的用法,但也有些相似的,初学者经常分不清它们的用法。本文就其用法及区别作了简要的阐述和归纳。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of various alternatives for generic pronoun usage on judgments of speaker credibility. The effects of pronoun usage were examined in interaction with the sex of speaker, sex of listener, and the sex‐typicality of speech topics. Four dimensions of speaker credibility were investigated: composure, dynamism, sociability, and competence. In terms of generic pronoun usage, the results of this study indicate that using “she” can negatively affect perceptions of social attractiveness for all speakers and, in particular, affect a male speaker's perceived competence. The generic “they,” however, did not hinder perceived credibility in any way and, in fact, for females enhanced listeners’ perceptions of their competence. In general, results of this study suggest that if a communicator wishes to use a nontraditional generic pronoun, especially “they,” to express a commitment to greater equity between the sexes, then their credibility will not be significantly diminished.  相似文献   

Generics (“Dogs bark”) convey important information about categories and facilitate children's learning. Two studies with parents and their 2‐ or 4‐year‐old children (= 104 dyads) examined whether individual differences in generic language use are as follows: (a) stable over time, contexts, and domains, and (b) linked to conceptual factors. For both children and parents, individual differences in rate of generic production were stable across time, contexts, and domains, and parents' generic usage significantly correlated with that of their own children. Furthermore, parents' essentialist beliefs correlated with their own and their children's rates of generic frequency. These results indicate that generic language use exhibits substantial stability and may reflect individual differences in speakers' conceptual attitudes toward categories.  相似文献   

对一般应用系统的结构和Web应用系统结构进行了讨论和比较,并对COM技术在Web应用系统设计中的运用和特点进行了分析,这有助于开发基于COM的应用系统.  相似文献   

The development of generic capabilities or graduate attributes in communication, teamwork, critical analysis of information, problem solving and ethical practice is widely recognised as a desired outcome of higher education. This emphasis on generic capabilities has emerged despite ongoing debates about the concept and development of such capabilities. A recent review of comprehensive audits of Australian universities has found little evidence that such outcomes are being achieved. We used data from four different evaluations, both qualitative and quantitative, to explore whether these important generic capabilities are being learned by undergraduate students in the University of New South Wales (UNSW) new Medicine Program. University of New South Wales medical students are significantly more positive than other UNSW students that their university experience is developing several generic capabilities. Measurements concerning generic skills development from the Australian 2009 Learning and Teaching Performance Fund process support these findings. Analyses of qualitative data from two methodologically different student surveys found consistent evidence that medical students value generic capability development in the UNSW program. Furthermore, we report evidence that current UNSW medical students rate their clinical learning in professional placements as a significantly better experience than students in the previous discipline-based program. We believe this is a consequence of generic capability learning in the early years of the new program, such that our students are better prepared to maximise the value of learning from professional experiences. Our results represent consistent evidence of successful generic capability development as a result of a program-wide innovation in undergraduate education. To validate further our conclusions, external assessments of our graduates' generic capabilities in-action in the workplace are currently being obtained.  相似文献   

Researchers have recently suggested that teachers must undertake important dual self- regulation roles if they want to become effective at improving their students’ self-regulation. First, teachers need to become proficient at self-regulated learning (SRL) themselves, and then teachers need to learn explicitly how to proactively teach SRL – termed self-regulating teaching (SRT). Considering that both roles are difficult to attain by novice teachers, supports (prompts) are essential. We examined an intervention comparing the usefulness of two prompting conditions – generic versus specific – for developing both SRL (as learners) and SRT (as teachers) among 90 preservice science teachers engaging in explicit self-regulation instruction and reflective group discussion about learning/teaching experiences (observed learning clips, in-action teaching). We compared the two group conditions by using two SRL assessments and two SRT assessments. Mixed methods indicated that, as expected, the specific-prompts condition outperformed the generic-prompts condition on self-awareness of own SRL, skills for accurately noticing authentic videotaped students’ SRL, and explicit usage of SRT during actual teaching experiences. As expected, no differences emerged between generic and specific prompts in applying SRT to a novel lesson-design task (far-transfer measure). These findings, supported by two case studies’ sequential pattern analysis, offered an important contribution to theoretical and practical understanding of novice teachers’ self-regulation prompting approaches, practice modes, and multidimensional assessments of teachers’ professional development.  相似文献   

The case for integrating generic skills in university accounting programmes is well documented in the literature, but the implementation of strategies designed to teach generic skills in the context of accounting courses has posed ongoing challenges for academics and course administrators. The imperative for generic skills in accounting programmes derives from an economic view of the role of universities, reflecting the views of government and employers who perceive graduates as economic assets to business and the economy. It is argued that the role of universities extends beyond the economic imperative to encompass a greater social and cultural role. This paper traces the historical evolution of the generic skills discourse with an emphasis on accounting and places it in the broader context of the social and economic roles of universities in an era of transformation in the sector. The generic skills discourse, however, transcends disciplinary boundaries and international borders. The new knowledge economy, emerging as a result of technological advancement, needs graduates across disciplines with flexible mindsets and transferable skill sets, capable of innovating and adapting to a dynamic work environment. Consequently, universities must develop the transferable, generic skills required by graduates to advance their careers and contribute to economic innovation and social development. The generic skills debate must, therefore, be addressed from a systemic perspective, reaching beyond national and disciplinary borders. The lessons learned from the generic skills debate in accounting have wider interdisciplinary application for university policy-makers and educators facing the challenges of a new era in higher education.  相似文献   

英汉摘要的体裁结构潜势由相同的结构成分构成,其中研究目的在两组摘要中均为必要成分,但就实际语篇来看,英汉摘要在结构成分的选取、成分的排序及出现频率上则有一定的差异。相比而言,英文摘要在结构成分的排序上更为灵活,其具体语篇结构也更为复杂。  相似文献   

In this illustrative case study we examine the three forensic interviews of a girl who experienced repeated sexual abuse from ages 7 to 11. She disclosed the abuse after watching a serialized television show that contained a storyline similar to her own experience. This triggered an investigation that ended in successful prosecution of the offender. Because this case involved abuse that was repeated on a weekly basis for 4 years we thus investigated the degree to which the child's narrative reflected specific episodes or generic accounts, and both the interviewer's and child's attempts to elicit and provide, respectively, specific details across the 3 interviews collected in a 1 month period. Across the 3 interviews, the child's account was largely generic, yet on a number of occasions she provided details specific to individual incidents (episodic leads) that could have been probed further. As predicted: earlier interviews were characterized more by episodic than generic prompts and the reverse was true for the third interview; the child often responded using the same style of language (episodic or generic) as the interviewer; and open questions yielded narrative information. We discuss the importance of adopting children's words to specify occurrences, and the potential benefits of permitting generic recall in investigative interviews on children's ability to provide episodic leads. Despite the fact that the testimony was characterized by generic information about what usually happened, rather than specific episodic details about individual occurrences, this case resulted in successful prosecution.  相似文献   

简单把职业教育理解为促进个体就业,促进经济发展的逻辑是值得商榷的;一般技能并非完全通过教育和培训能够获得,不同职业或同一职业不同工作对于职业技能要求有很大不同,对于一般技能的过于强调,存在负面影响;职业教育政策制定时必须考虑政府、个体、企业和学校等主体的利益需求,任何一者不能游离于职业教育的责任之外,当然,它们的责任是不一样的。  相似文献   

This study analyzed a stratified random sample of 1,707 senior students at 60 four-year universities in South Korea to explore the gender-specific pathways to Korean students?? development of generic skills??analytical thinking and problem-solving skills. Multiple regression analyses were performed to investigate the involvement factors differential effects on the development of students?? generic skills. The findings suggest that college student involvement plays a critical role in developing the important generic skills. Furthermore, male and female students do have different routes to the development of such skills. In the case of Korean students, at 4-year institutions of higher education, male students tend to develop generic skills more through formal and independent activities in and out of the classroom, whereas female students do so typically in an informal and interdependent way. These results call for additional scholarly investigation into gender influence on college impact and gender-dependent activities during college; moreover, they encourage institutions of higher education to adopt more gender-specific approaches to relevant institutional policies and practices.  相似文献   

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