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简要分析建构主义教学的特征,并从建构主义教学的角度,对目前英美等国许多大学普遍采用的大学生学习评估方法以及各种方法的利弊进行阐述和比较。同时,对提高中国高校学习评估的可靠性和有效性提出建议。  相似文献   

作为全球第二个实现高等教育普及化的高等教育强国,加拿大高校学生学习成果评估体系富有特色:在评估内容方面,构建起了高等教育系统、院校以及学科(专业)等不同层面的学生学习成果体系;在评估方法方面,形成了由标准化测试、评价量规、表现性评估以及问卷调查等四种类型构成的多元化学生学习成果评估方法体系。其对我国的启示是:构建和完善高校学生学习成果评估的内容体系,为学生学习成果评估奠定共识基础;开发多元化的学生学习成果评估方法与工具,提高评估活动的科学性;加强以结果为导向的评估制度建设,促使学习成果评估常态化。  相似文献   

美国“学生学习成果评估”研究评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1980年代评估运动以来,随着学生学习成果评估在美国高等教育领域的开展,学界对这一质量保障方式的理论研究也日益丰富。研究内容主要包括学生学习成果评估相关概念的界定、学生学习成果评估的历史演进、学生学习成果评估的运行机制、学生学习成果评估的理念之争等四个方面。美国现有的学生学习成果评估研究的成果可谓卷帙浩繁,但相关理论探讨和实践摸索依旧在路上。这一方面说明学生学习成果评估正走向专业化、科学化,另一方面也说明学生学习成果评估实践为理论研究提供了丰富的研究资源。  相似文献   

学生学习结果评价是美国高等教育评价由关注资源输入到全面注重受教育者学习结果的一次转变。它侧重评价学生学习后所获得的各方面知识、能力和品质。该评价成为一场运动的主要原因是培养高技能劳动力的需求、政府问责的加强以及认证组织的推动。学生学习结果评价的实施在政府、高校以及专业、课堂等众多层面展开,并表现出以学生为中心的价值取向、评价参与者广泛以及评价方法灵活多样等特点。  相似文献   

真实性评价迎合了当代高职教育人才培养改革和发展的需要.真实性评价中的"真实",是要求在课程学习成果评价的任务、能力、产出、标准四个要素上同时体现真实性,是对高职能力本位教学实践的补充与衔接.通过与职场现实工作情境及评价操作的参照比对,构建高职课程真实性评价设计模型,按照评价设计过程分为六个环节:能力要求、评价任务、任务条件、学生成果、评分规则、评分情境,并在真实性评价体系设计中融入对评价信度和效度的考量,以期促进真实性评价在教学实践中的应用.  相似文献   

赋能型评价倡导创新性和先进性的教育实践观,体现以人为本的教育价值观,凸显可持续的教育发展观,是一种新时代中小学学业质量综合评价的区域评价范式。通过协同化赋能、项目化赋能和数据化赋能等方式,赋能型评价既可以全面评价区域内某一学校或班级的学生的学业表现与发展现状,也可以依据评价结果分析与反馈,实现精准帮扶与改进,全面优化教育质量。  相似文献   

This article provides an outline and critical review of assessment, an evaluation of learning outcomes, in vocational education and training (VET) in Finland. Assessment of VET is formative, development-orientated and criteria-based. There are no national tests and information from vocational skills demonstrations is used instead. Assessment targets are individual and communal learning focusing on processes instead of reports. Interactive, multifaceted assessments and qualitative methods promote learning and are based on trust – not control. The developmental assessment of learning outcomes started as an experiment in 2002 and as a permanent system in 2007. The whole process has been included and still includes also many challenges of methods, which this article tries to open.  相似文献   

The use of neutral or unsure on an instrument designed to measure identity development in college students was explored. The nominal response model from item response theory was used to evaluate whether neutral or unsure was used more frequently by those at low or middle levels of development; the results depended on the subscale and sometimes on the item within the subscale. Scoring based on the nominal response model allows for this category to be treated differently for different items.  相似文献   

Prematurity and low birth weight (LBW) are two major biological factors that put infants and young children at high risk for developmental delays or disabilities. While survival rates for premature and LBW children have improved, incidence figures have changed little over the past 20 years; in fact, the incidence of LBW has increased. Although the vast majority of LBW children have normal outcomes, as a group, they have higher risk for subnormal growth, illnesses, and neurodevelopmental problems. The purpose of this article is to examine the factors that influence the effectiveness of early intervention for premature, LBW children and to describe a strategy for linking assessment and early intervention. Linking assessment and intervention involves comprehensive assessment; a team approach to both assessment and intervention; empowering and enabling families; and the development of functional goals and objectives.  相似文献   

Higher education institutions are becoming increasingly accountable to stakeholders at many levels as the federal government, accrediting organizations, and the public place a stronger emphasis on student learning outcomes. Evidence of student learning that is comparable across institutions is of urgent demand. Various accountability initiatives such as the Voluntary System of Accountability (VSA) mark a milestone in the evaluation of instructional effectiveness of higher education using standardized outcomes assessment. Although the current accountability initiatives hold great potential in evaluating institutional effectiveness, some design and methodological issues need to be addressed before outcomes assessment can be best utilized. In this paper, I (a) review the need for outcomes assessment in higher education, (b) discuss the VSA initiative, (c) summarize the most prominent challenges facing outcomes assessment for accountability purposes, and (d) discuss future directions of research in advancing accountability assessment in higher education.  相似文献   

本文突破传统观念,从管理科学的高度阐释教务工作的管理要素和方法思路,力求对学院的改革发展提供借鉴和支持。  相似文献   

高职机械创新设计与制造课程是一门综合运用机械设计与制造相关知识进行产品创新设计、制造和装配的课程。沈阳航空职业技术学院对该课程采用项目教学法,以"项目驱动"为主线,将"教、学、做"进行了有机结合。并根据该课程理论与实践并重的特点,考核方法和学业评价方式采用以各项目为基础的过程考核加以理论试卷为基础的结果考核相结合的模式,以给学生全面、真实、客观、多元、重个性全面发展的评价。  相似文献   

论学术编辑工作的学术评价功能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对编辑审稿活动的考察,指出原本服务于编辑出版的学术审稿已逐步演化为服务于社会的学术评价。既然编辑出版具有了社会的学术评价功能,编辑出版部门就应该承担起学术评价这一社会责任,以促进科学研究事业的发展和编辑出版事业自身的发展。  相似文献   

The Centre for Industrial Management at Katholieke Universiteit te Leuven has developed, since 1990, a total quality approach in its organization. This process resulted, in 1992 in a total quality system based upon the implementation of a quality handbook. Although there was at the beginning no intention to implement an industry standard in this academic environment, it was decided later to apply for ISO certification. The ISO 9001 certificate was awarded in early 1994. This paper describes this unique experience of ISO 9001 in an academic unit.  相似文献   

Specifying learning outcomes (LOs) in higher education as part of the European Qualification Framework (EQF) has resulted in a variety of experiences in the national contexts of England and Norway, as well as in different institutional and disciplinary settings. This article contributes to a contextualised understanding of the kind of management tools that higher education learning outcomes (HELOs) are, based on a conceptually‐informed comparative empirical analysis. The comparison is based on two types of disciplines (the humanities and STEM) in two national contexts (Norway and England) at two research‐intensive universities in each country. These settings offer an opportunity to look for evidence – inspired by public administration literature – as to whether HELOs have some specific characteristics as management tools. HELOs share the characteristics that afflict most reform policies – that of ambiguity and the potential of being shaped by a number of circumstantial factors. Higher education institutions are highly dependent on, and embedded in, multiple relationships to the environment. Hence, as decision making structures, they are ‘penetrated’ and influenced in ways that are likely to vary across countries, types of institutions and academic disciplines. Because institutions and disciplinary groups are embedded in different policy (varying degrees and forms of state steering and policy implementation) and organisational environments (different degrees and forms of hierarchical leadership, managerial control, and autonomy) and different disciplines (different perceptions of scientific‐, professional‐, educational mission, and relationships to external stakeholders) they also constitute different organisational spaces for participation and engagement in shaping and using HELOs.  相似文献   

评估是当前美国高等教育界学生事务领域热门的话题。一般认为,评估指收集、分析、说明有关描述学校、院系、部门或机构效率的资料的各种努力。目前主要的学生事务评估模型有厄普克罗夫特和舒恩提出的全面学生事务评估模型、巴勒姆和斯科特提出的新全面评估模型。1996年美国高等教育协会提出有关学生事务评估的九个原则得到广泛认同。目前美国高校学生事务评估主要包含机构评估、人员评估和活动评估等三个方面。  相似文献   

This study explores the effect of three distinct living-learning community models on a variety of student experience and academic performance outcomes. Central to the analysis is an investigation of whether there are differences in outcomes for learning communities with different missions and structures, all three of which fall into the Linked Course learning community design. Even in the least coordinated, most basic, learning community model, students show more positive outcomes (first semester GPA, retention, first-year experience) than nonlearning community students. The fact that simple structures that facilitate student interaction around academic work (even without coordinated faculty involvement) have a positive effect for students of all preparation levels provides encouragement to campus leaders with limited resources who are working to develop methods for improving the undergraduate educational experience on their campuses.  相似文献   

成长记录袋的创建与使用   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
成长记录袋有意识地收集学生的作品或有关证据,以反映学生在某一领域的努力、进步与成就。任课教师创建和使用成长记录袋一般要经过明确目的和用途、对内容选择提供指导、明确学生角色、确定评分程序和标准、交流和使用等几个主要步骤。在当前的评价实践中,学校和教师还要注意谨慎选择成长记录袋的应用领域、将成长记录袋的应用与教学有机结合、给教师和学生足够的自主权并加强教师培训。  相似文献   

Innovative models that focus on learning outcomes engage faculty in new ways of facilitating and assessing learning, while their institutions seek to support and reward their participation. Innovators from four different institutions provide an overview of their approaches to implementing principles of outcomes-based education, compare their models, and explore the changes that are precipitated in the roles, rewards, resources, structures, and models. While the four institutions and models differ on several significant variables, the innovators identify common key elements and issues that the academy must address in order to transform the educational experience and culture to a more learning-centered enterprise.  相似文献   

Over the past decade, state legislatures have experienced increasing pressure to hold higher education accountable for student learning. This pressure stems from several sources, such as increasing costs and decreasing graduation rates. To explore the feasibility of one approach to measuring student learning that emphasizes program improvement, we administered several open-ended tests to 1365 students from 14 diverse colleges. The strong correspondence between hand and computer assigned scores indicates the tests can be administered and graded cost effectively on a large scale. The scores were highly reliable, especially when the college is the unit of analysis; they were sensitive to years in college; and they correlated highly with college GPAs. We also found evidence of value added in that scores were significantly higher at some schools than at others after controlling on the schools mean SAT score. Finally, the students said the tasks were interesting and engaging.  相似文献   

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