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This study reviews the literature on academic environments with particular reference to the academic department which is seen as the most important factor in the teaching and learning environment. Departmental environment characteristics as identified by faculty and by students are described. For students the most important are:-
  • Student-Faculty Relationships;
  • Interest and Engagement in Teaching; and
  • Satisfaction with Instruction.
  • Differences between teaching and between learning environments are explained, especially differences between social science and natural science departments. These differences reflect the interaction between discipline, personal styles of faculty and students, and faculty-student relationships. Student academic satisfaction seems to be heavily dependent upon the relationships between students and faculty. Student achievement in relation to students' perception of the academic department seems to be dependent on the degree of their adaptation to the department. The studies reviewed clearly show that there are differences between departments. They also show that these differences may be explained not only by differences with regard to the characteristics of the academic discipline concerned, but also by differences concerning student-faculty relationships, faculty interest in students and teaching and the interaction between these factors. Teacher and student satisfaction and student achievement are affected by these variables.  相似文献   

    Authentic activities in school are rare although they probably lead to longer lasting learning. In our study, 185 fifth to seventh graders participated in an out-of-classroom lesson at a major water supply institution. After an introductory film presentation, participants proceeded to authentic learning sites with the major machinery involved in water purification. We monitored participants’ environmental attitudes (using 2-MEV scale), newly acquired knowledge, and responses to semantic-differential-items. While knowledge and the value of Preservation correlated significantly with cognitive learning achievement levels, the one of (exploitative) Utilisation did not, neither short- nor long-term. Selected semantic-differential-items such as ‘easy to understand’ and ‘motivating’ showed positive correlation with acquired knowledge levels. The relevance for school is discussed.  相似文献   

    In this paper, we have developed a classification model for online learning environments that relates the Instructors Overall Performance (IOP) rating (according to students’ perceptions) with the course characteristics, students’ demographics and the effectiveness of the instructor in his/her teaching roles. To that end, a comprehensive Student Evaluation of Teaching (SET) instrument is proposed, which includes not only conventional teaching elements, but also items that encourage twenty-first century skills. The goal of the study is twofold: (i) to quantify the extent to which the selected variables explain the IOP rating, and (ii) determine which teaching and non-teaching variables most affect the IOP rating. The best performing classifier achieved a competitive accuracy, highlighting that the selected variables mainly determine the IOP values. Other important findings include: (i) the IOP value is mainly influenced by the effectiveness of the instructor in his/her teaching roles; (ii) teaching strategies that involve the cooperation between the technical and pedagogical roles should be promoted; (iii) the pedagogical role has the highest impact on the final IOP value; and (iv) the most influential demographic variable is the student’s status (working commitments and family responsibilities).  相似文献   

    This article on secondary schools science laboratories in Portugal focuses on how school space functions as a pedagogical and political instrument by contributing to shape the conditions for teaching and learning dynamics. The article places the impact of changes to school layouts within the larger context of a public school renovation programme, discussing how school space functions as a pedagogical and political instrument. The focus is on science laboratories as a particular learning environment for science education. The study, conducted between 2010 and 2011 in 13 renovated schools within the framework of the Portuguese Secondary School Modernisation Programme, drew on document analysis, interviews, pupil and teacher surveys and site-specific focus groups. One of the main findings is that teachers found that science laboratories were the most controversial and debated of all the renovated learning spaces. Considering that the science laboratory layout was intended to be universal across all schools, there was little intervention by the architects responsible for the renovation of the schools. Focusing on the analysis of the decision to change the science laboratory design within the aims of the education policy, this article discusses how teachers’ criticisms were a response to some of the educational policy goals underlying the renovation of school buildings and the potential impact on science education, namely, the relationship between flexibility of space organisation and pedagogical approaches.  相似文献   


    Informal learning experiences have risen to the forefront of science education as being beneficial to students' learning. However, it is not clear in what ways such experiences may be beneficial to students; nor how informal learning experiences may interface with classroom science instruction. This study aims to acquire a better understanding of these issues by investigating one aspect of science learning, scientific reasoning ability, with respect to the students' informal learning experiences and classroom science instruction. Specifically, the purpose of this study was to investigate possible differences in students' scientific reasoning abilities relative to their informal learning environments (impoverished, enriched), classroom teaching experiences (non-inquiry, inquiry) and the interaction of these variables. The results of two-way ANOVAs indicated that informal learning environments and classroom science teaching procedures showed significant main effects on students' scientific reasoning abilities. Students with enriched informal learning environments had significantly higher scientific reasoning abilities compared to those with impoverished informal learning environments. Likewise, students in inquirybased science classrooms showed higher scientific reasoning abilities compared to those in non-inquiry science classrooms. There were no significant interaction effects. These results indicate the need for increased emphases on both informal learning opportunities and inquiry-based instruction in science.  相似文献   

    The authors discuss some of the psychological effects associated with the increasing capabilities of new technology with a particular emphasis on issues involved with multi-media teaching systems and the development of the self on emotional, intellectual and social levels. It includes a review of technology attitudes and individual differences in relation to the voluntary use of technology and contrasts that with the psychological measures associated with the rejection of technology. Consideration is given to which psychological measures are typically cited by the literature as being associated with emotional, intellectual and social "success" and compares them with those measures that appear to predict successful technology adoption. These different measures and outcomes are compared to see if they are compatible. The authors then summarise the likely effects of the latest trends in technology on the mental world in which a developing self operates. The paper concludes with a discussion of other issues and factors that determine effective design solutions within the paradigm of increasing design spaces and diverse user populations.  相似文献   

    The current focus on identifying criteria for academic teaching practice is influencing performance goals for teaching academics. This has produced a strong imperative to engage with the scholarship of teaching and learning; however, it is not always clear how teaching academics continue to build capacity to do this during their academic career. Drawing on the literature, this paper analyses the outcomes from two years of faculty and institutional teaching grants to gauge their role in generating effective engagement in the scholarship of teaching and learning. The paper identifies some improvements to the grants programs which have contributed to quality outcomes.  相似文献   


    Wright and O'Neil's (1995) international survey of promising teaching improvement practices in higher education (HE) placed the existence of teaching support centres close to the top of the thirty‐six item scale. One conclusion that may be drawn from their findings is that many of the responding institutions see the role of academic developer as significant in helping to monitor trends and planning activities that can lead to quality of educational provision. This paper outlines several scenarios relating to learning environments potentially emerging in HE, describes implications for institutional change, and defines key assumptions for bringing about a development culture. Additionally, the paper reviews how these contextual factors may impact on the role of academic developer and concludes with a suggestion for a ‘developers’ curriculum’ that may merit consideration by members of the International Consortium for Educational Development in Higher Education (ICED).  相似文献   

    A total of 245 business studies students (115 females and 130 males) responded to the Revised Approaches to Studying Inventory (RASI). Consistent with earlier studies, the purposes of the present study were (i) to examine some of the psychometric properties of the RASI; (ii) to investigate whether the RASI was predictive of academic success; and (iii) to investigate the effects of gender, age and programme of study on approaches to studying. The data were analysed using principal components factor analysis. The resulting fit of the RASI subscales to the hypothesised structure was good, thus providing support for the notions of deep, surface and strategic approaches and the lack of direction and academic self‐confidence orientations. The reliability of the ‘lack of direction’ subscale was low. The RASI's ability to predict academic performance investigated using a range of learning performance measures. These data were further analysed in terms of degree programme. Subjects’ mean scores on each of the scales were analysed in terms of age and gender. This revealed a number of significant effects. These findings, and the use of the RASI, are discussed in terms of their implications for the requirements for increased learner autonomy in further and higher education.  相似文献   

    Conceptual and empirical studies on the impact of physical environments in educational settings are lacking. In comparison, consumption environments research has a rich history. In this paper we bring together these two research streams to develop (Study 1) and test (Study 2) an ‘Eduscape’ model of the effects of emotions and servicescape factors in higher education settings. Study 1 (423 students) explores aspects of the physical environment. Building on Study 1, Study 2 uses structural equation modelling (209 students) to test the proposed conceptual model. The results highlight that comfort, temperature/humidity, functionality/design and acoustics/visual features are key in determining students’ pleasure within the environment. Although Study 1 highlights that cleanliness/upkeep is important to students, Study 2 does not find statistical support for this association. The proposed model also emphasizes the links between students’ pleasure derived from the environment and their satisfaction, engagement/involvement and approach behaviour.  相似文献   

    A Future Learning Space (FLS) is a dynamic and a technology-rich learning environment that enables teaching and learning using innovative pedagogical methods. However, introducing innovation and technology into any educational setting, whether in K-12 schools or higher education institutions, is known to be challenging. This paper introduces design patterns (DPs) for teaching in FLS. The patterns emerged from creative teaching in a college of education, which was preceded by mentoring for some of the lecturers. The patterns involve hybridity, including both formal and informal social structures and a combination of physical and digital tools mediating individuals’ interactions with peers. Based on a process of mining patterns, we extracted four DPs for teaching in academic FLS. The patterns, which encapsulate threads of hybridity, are: convergent groups; teaching in an interactive orchestrated learning space; presentation fair; and Think-Join-Share. These patterns can be used as learning design scaffolds in a social constructivist approach in which pedagogy, technology and space interact.  相似文献   

    Developments in society and business, and related changes in higher education and lifelong learning, require educators and educational designers or technologists to rethink education. Examples of such changes are the growing importance of achieving complex learning, the integration of learning and work in education, and the need for improved flexibility with regard to time, place, and individual needs. These changes cannot simply be responded to by adding technological solutions implemented according to existing educational approaches. Instead, an integrated view of e-learning is necessary, characterized by the combination of pedagogical, technical, social, and organizational factors. This two-part special issue elaborates on the different characteristics of integrated e-learning, from design through future topics for research. He would like to give special thanks to Jan Elen and Brent Wilson, who took on the task of reviewing and discussing all of the contributions, both at AECT 2003 in Anaheim and for this issue, and J. Michael Spector, Development Editor of this journal, for his faith in all of us.  相似文献   

    The purpose of this study was to investigate the relations between academic rational/irrational beliefs, academic procrastination, and time preferences to study for exams and academic achievement by using the structural equation model. The sample consisted of 281 undergraduate students who filled in questionnaires at the 7-week-long summer course. Students responded to questionnaires assessing their levels of (a) academic procrastination, (b) academic rational/irrational beliefs, and (c) time preferences to study for exams and demographic information sheet. In general, the results showed that rational academic beliefs have a direct impact on academic procrastination and time preferences to study for exams. Academic rational beliefs also have an impact on academic achievement indirectly by mediation of academic procrastination and time preferences to study for exams. The results also showed that academic procrastination has an impact on academic achievement both directly and by mediation of time preferences to study for exams. This study suggested that there is a relation between academic procrastination and rational academic beliefs, which should be addressed further in counseling intervention. Knowledge about the role of irrational academic beliefs and their relations with academic procrastination may assist school/ college counselors to develop interventions for students that suffer from delaying behaviors that negatively affect academic success.  相似文献   

    Higher education policy is seeking, in the interest of ‘quality assurance’, to reward teaching and the scholarship of teaching and learning (SoTL). Academic language and learning (ALL) advisers, who work closely with students to improve their performance in their courses of study, have much to contribute to SoTL. ALL advisers who adopt an ‘academic literacies’ approach share with lecturers in the disciplines an engagement with issues of ‘‐ography’ (i.e. writing in and for a discourse community)—including the relationships between epistemology, form, and language—yet, misconceptions about ALL advisers’ work can prevent discipline lecturers from consulting them when thinking about questions of teaching and learning in their own field. This paper discusses ALL advisers’ access to insights into students’ experiences of learning and of being taught, with relevance both for particular disciplines and for academic culture across the disciplines; their contributions to SoTL; the difficulties they encounter in trying to communicate across the borders of the disciplines; and ways of improving this situation in the context of the new emphasis on encouraging improvement in the quality of teaching.  相似文献   

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