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ItisMondaytoday.Thesunisshiningandthebirdsaresinging.Itsabeautifulday!PeterandMrMousearegoingtotakeatriptoDogland.TherearemanydogsintheDogland.Itsabigfamily.DogFathersays,“WelcometoDogland,PeterandMrMouse.”Petersays,“Nicetomeetyou.”TheygivePeterandMrMouseaverywarmwelcome.Theyarenowatdogshome.DogMotherisbusycooking.DogFatherisreadingapieceofnewspaper.MrMouseisplayingwiththelittledogs.AndPeterisgivinghispresentstoeverybody.TheDogsfamilyisveryhappytoday.Theyhave…  相似文献   

征稿启事:亲爱的读者朋友们,你们是否也希望自己的得意之作能够得到熊教授的亲笔指点并被刊登呢?别犹豫了,把你最满意的英语习作(字数500词左右,并写清你的姓名和详细联系方式)发送到salonshizhan@163.com,或寄到北京市东城区干面胡同51号《英语沙龙·实战版》编辑部(收)(100010)。请在邮件主题词一栏或信封上标明“熊教授改作文”。被选中并刊登文章的作者将得到熊教授亲笔签名的精美明信片。  相似文献   

<正>TAO Xin is one of the two English majors among this group of scheduled interviewees who had surprised us with a very high IELTS score.  相似文献   

Goldie's Dream     
看来Goldie昨天跟露西娅和爱娜阿姨谈论画册里奇怪的动物时还没尽兴,她晚上又做了一个有关这些动物的奇异的梦。On market day, the girls got up very early to help prepare the flowers. "I had the wildest dream," Goldie said. "I met that huge tortoise we saw in Auntie's book, and he talked to me!" "Talked!"  相似文献   

A Dream     

Tom's Dream     
Tom's father is a doctor,and ever since Tom was a little boy hisparents have wanted Tom to become a doctor too.Tom,however,wouldrather be an artist.All his life Tom has loved to draw and paint.Peo-ple say that he is very talented.Tom's parents say it would be foolish for Tom to become an artist.His father tells him that doctors help people and artists don't.His mothertells him that artists don't make enough money to support themselves.  相似文献   

My Dream     
I’vedreamtaboutaplace—Apeacefulplace.Therearenomother’spainfulfaces.Thereisnochildren’ssadcrying.Icanseebirdsflying.Icanhearsheepbleating.Thereisnowarordeath.It’sfullofsunshineandwarmth.Ahh!Whatapeacefulplace!Thatismydream—Apeacefulplace.点评:这首小诗写于英美联军攻打伊拉克之际。小作者以梦境的形式表达了对伊拉克人民的同情以及希望和平的光芒洒遍世界的每一个角落的美好愿望。小诗简洁易懂,虽然在押韵及句式方面还没有完全达到英文诗歌的要求,但是,对于一个初中生来说,能够以诗歌的形式…  相似文献   

Mary''''s Dream     
上面的文章写了自己温馨的家庭,下面再让我们来看看南宁市陈德安同学充满想像力的梦吧!  相似文献   

My Dream     
这是一篇想象力很丰富的作文。小作者通过一个梦表达了自己对月球和美好事物的向往。作文写得简洁,充满情趣。特别提醒同学们的是要掌握好动词的过去式的构成规则,以及一些固定词组的意思。恰当地使用好这些词组会让我们的作文妙笔生花。  相似文献   

Blue Dream     
I often dream thatI'm a fish,Swimming in the blue sea.I also dream thatI'm a bird,Singing in the blue sky.  相似文献   

My Dream     
When aseked what kind of career they will pursue upon graduation, most of college students say that they would choose a job which will bring them a lot of money and a comfortable life. Working in a big bank or company is what they desire.But Liao Qi thinks quite differently.She would prefer a career which will help realize her potentials …  相似文献   

My Dream     
I'm Wang Mengyuan. Mengyuan means "梦远 "in Chinese. I like this name. My parents wanted me to have a great dream and be great. So they gave me this name.I have m any dream s. O ne of the great dream s is to be a scientist when I grow up. I hope I can fly to space like Fei Junlong and N ie H aisheng. I hope I can m ake new things to m ake our world better. O f course,I know its not easy.But I have m ade up m y m ind to study better than before. I have m any subjects at school. A nd I …  相似文献   

Blue Dream     
Offen『了10dreomfish,thQtSwimmingjn1 QISO dreaml’ma bird,Singing in thetheb}Ue Sea. thotb lueskyBlue Dream@斑布  相似文献   

My Dream     
Ihaveadream熏abeautifuldream———tobeadesigner.WhenIwasachild熏Ilikeddrawingverymuch.AndnowI’mgoodatit.Drawingmakemehappyandmakemylifebeautiful.SoIwanttobeadesigner熏todesignthehighestbuilding熏todesignthesky熏todesignthebeautifulworld.Fromnowon熏Imuststudyhardtoletmydreamcometrue.Icantakethefuture.Ibelievemyself选Oneday熏Iwillstandinthehighestbuildingdesignedbyme熏toseeeverycorneroftheworld.My Dream@高莹!543001广西梧州市西江三路13-3号402#…  相似文献   

My Dream     
新的学期又开始了,大家在新的学期里,有什么打算?有什么理想?下面我们来看看卢若颖同学的理想吧。  相似文献   

My Dream     

Road Safety     
Everydaywealluseroads.Wewalkonthem.Wewalkeitheralongthepavement(人行道)oracrosstheroad.Ifwearecareless,wecancauseaccidents.Accidentsoftenhappenwhenpeoplearecrossingtheroad.Hereissomeadvice.Alwaysuseafootbridge(人行天桥)orsubway(地下过街地道)ifyoucanfindone.Youcannotbehitbyacarwhenyougooverorundertheroad.Whenyouhavetocrosstheroad,herearesomerulesforyoutofollow:1.First,findasafeplacetocross.2.Thenstopandstandonthepavementneartheedge(边缘).3.Lookallroundandlistenfortrafficandwaitpatiently(耐心…  相似文献   

人们经常把埃德加·爱伦·坡这个名字和恐惧暴力等一类概念联系在一起,这本身并无足为奇,因为埃德加·爱伦·坡所写的作品大都要么涉及奇怪的幻想,要么关于人的心理失常。但是仅仅把他当作是一位刻画恶梦、疯狂、病魇的艺术家是大错特错了,对他的最好称谓该是“一个做梦者”。英美文学史上没有任何人能像他一样,在如此大的程度上和不正常的心理探索融合在一起,他提供的世界画面又是如此变幻无常,他一直处于一种  相似文献   

In Our Dream     
Aye 《同学》2002,(3)
站在几十米高的大楼天台上,从这里抬脚就可以去另一个世界。痂痴地看着脚下的我,竟没有注意到泪水已淌满脸颊。一阵冷风吹来,我不禁打了个寒颤,往后退了一步。可恶!老天似乎存心和我作对,又将一阵冷风吹过来,把我向后推了一步。我虽然倔强地站着,还是不得不坐了下来,任泪水流淌……我叫杨叶云,15岁,高一学生,哈韩族;他叫张雨元,16岁,我的同班同学,也是哈韩族,我们在去年圣诞节参加了《Happy Saturday》的“震撼舞台”并获得一等奖。  相似文献   

My Olympic Dream     
On July 13th,2001,the president of OA lighted every Chinese's heart by announcing Beijing was to be the host country for the host country for the 2008 Olympics. This means Beijing finally get the chance to show development in recent years to the world o…  相似文献   

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