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明初,兴学重教,广设儒学.儒学教官多途并举,严格选任,使这一时期的教官选举呈现出独特特点,促进了明初儒学教育的勃兴.  相似文献   

重视儒学教化既是清朝崇儒政策的一个重要组成部分,也是清朝贯彻其治国方略、实现社会稳定的一项重要举措。清代的儒学教化具有制度化、大众化以及重视典型教育的特点,因而清代的儒学教化扎实有效,对清代地方社会的稳定发挥了积极作用。  相似文献   

史浩的王府教官身份对其应制诗的创作有重要影响。首先,品学老成、政治可靠是王府教授选拔的两个重要标准,史浩的老成催生了他精粹练达、雍容和平的应制诗风,高宗的亲擢则令其所作多有感戴之语;其次,教授内容上的重德轻艺的特点使得作诗不被提倡,故史浩应制诗的数量较少,且少声色之娱的描写,语言也不涉华丽奇险而略显质朴雅淡;最后,与教授方式上的寓诫于读相一致,史浩的应制诗也能委婉箴讽。在出任建王府直讲期间,其所作应制诗中,抒情言志有所加强,对建王与皇孙皆有影响。  相似文献   

国子监是明清时期全国最高学府和最高教育行政管理机构,也是为朝廷提供决策咨询服务的智囊团。之所以能承载如此多的职责与重任,主要是国子监聚集了一批学养丰富、管理有方的教官,而这些教官的选聘有严格的程序和标准,任职后进行分类管理,并且还要进行严格的业绩考核,旨在优化教官队伍结构,提高教官素质,促使其尽心尽力地施教与管理。  相似文献   

在大庆油田提起“何教官”,知道的人挺多。由他带的学员更是“桃李”不少.“胜于蓝”的也挺多。  相似文献   

岁贡生是清代国子监最基本的贡生,做岁贡生是生员们的出路之一。岁贡由学政录取,有着较为严格的标准和名额。学政要对该省各府州县的廪膳生员进行考试,非优等者不能录取。在康熙中叶之前,经学政选拔后,廪生们还要参加中央举行的廷试,后此例废止。廪生升为贡生时,需办理严格的公文手续、证明书等。总的来说,这种制度是一种弊大于利的制度。  相似文献   

为期三天的艰苦军训终于在欢送教官的掌声中结束了。这三天里,恐怕只有“累”能形容我们这些在温室长大的孩子最最真切的感受。  相似文献   

高校"自训"模式是解决当下军训资源与人才供需不均的成功尝试,研究承担此模式的学生教官心理健康水平对军训任务完成、人才培养等都有重要意义,本文尝试以学生教官积极心理品质的培养为研究点,通过调查统计样本在"自训"模式下积极心理品质的现状,从而得出高校应通过三种途径培养学生教官积极心理品质.  相似文献   

职官考试是测试官吏文化水平的重要手段,不断扩大考试范围,改进考试办法,是清代加强官吏宏观管理采取的一项重要举措,清代职官考试的对象,是三品以下的官员和为数众多的吏员。这一考试主要由更部组织实施,考试坚持公开,公正的原则,严格考试程序,依据考试成绩,划分等次,作为取舍,升降,将惩的依据。这一举措的实施,促进了官吏的新陈代谢,提高了官吏的文化素质,也有利于澄清吏治,为后人提供了值得重视的借鉴。  相似文献   

对师范院校学生教育实习的探索与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国教育实习伴生于我国师范教育的成立。虽然研究者对教育实习的界定不尽相同,但都认同教育实习是师范院校的重要课程,是教师教育的重要组成部分。随着师范教育的发展,我国教育实习模式经历了仿日、仿美、仿苏、应用型等数次变革。与基地式、游击式、委托式、分散式教育实习模式相比,顶岗实习模式更能体现教育实习的特性,具有较高的价值取向。  相似文献   

Legitimate teacher authority is fundamental to effective teaching, but is often a thorny issue that teachers need to grapple with when teaching in cross-cultural teaching contexts. By interviewing 18 pre-service Chinese language teachers on their understanding of legitimate teacher authority throughout teaching practicum at international schools in Hong Kong, this study revealed that the teachers changed their perception about the essentiality and the nature of the pedagogical and interpersonal components of legitimate teacher authority. They developed a more nuanced and balanced understanding about legitimate teacher authority over time. However, their abilities in reaching the balance were constrained by their cultural knowledge and skills in achieving positive interpersonal dynamics when implementing student-centred pedagogies.  相似文献   

This article reports on a qualitative small-scale case study that investigated what pre-service teachers learned from a former generation of teachers about the context and nature of teaching and teacher education during the 1950s and 1960s. Data comprised semi-structured interviews and a grounded theoretical approach was used to analyse the data. A process of coding and re-coding of the data resulted in the identification of emergent patterns and broad overarching themes and subthemes. Findings suggest that the pre-service teachers drew inspiration from the older teachers’ emotional connection to the profession, and their own passion for teaching developed or intensified as they came to understand teaching as a rewarding lifelong career. It is suggested that mentor relationships between pre-service teachers and those from an older generation have the potential to support novice teachers in developing a passion for teaching and, ultimately, resilience and longevity in the profession. Recommendations are made for the inclusion in teacher education of opportunities for intergenerational learning through such relationships.  相似文献   

目前高职教师实践教学能力普遍缺失,原因在于,人才引进机制不尽合理,考核评价机制不尽完善,师资培养机制不够健全,人才培养模式和评价体系不尽科学。提升教师实践教学能力的途径:建立科学的教师培训和考核激励机制,建立高职特色的教师评价体系和标准,建立校内职称评聘制度,积极搭建教师培养平台。  相似文献   

Just as surveillance in general has become more sophisticated, penetrative and ubiquitous, so has the surveillance of teachers. Enacted through an assemblage of strategies such as learning walks, parental networks, student voice and management information systems, the surveillance of teachers has proliferated as a means of managing the risks of school life, driven forward by neoliberal notions of quality and competition. However, where once the surveillance of teachers was panoptic, a means of detecting the truth of teaching behind fabrications, this article argues that surveillance within schools has become a simulation in Baudrillard’s terms, using models and codes such as the Teachers’ Standards and the Schools Inspection Handbook as predictors of future outcomes, simulating practice as a means of managing risk. And if surveillance in schools has become a simulation, then so perhaps has teaching itself, moving beyond a preoccupation with an essentialist truth of teaching to the hyperreality of normalised visibility and the simulation of teaching. This article argues that surveillance – including external agencies such as Ofsted – no longer exists to find the truth of teaching, the surveillance of teachers exists only to test the accuracy of the models and codes upon which the simulation is based.  相似文献   

1906年,中国历史上第一次审定初等小学教科书的活动正式实施,并产生了重大影响,显示了清朝统治集团被时代潮流裹胁,向着现代教育制度迈进了一大步.晚清学部第一次根据国家统一的教育宗旨、学制课标准,统一制定初等小学教科书审定之标准、审定之项目、审定之时间范围、审定之科目数量及具体书名,旨在求得学校教学用书、教学内容上的统一,一定程度上对全国的新式教科书起到榜样与督促作用.  相似文献   

大学英语教师始终站在教学改革第一线,理应把握三种基本理念:教学理念——阅读是基础性的,要强化写作对阅读质量的监控作用,以听说教学为主。学生理念——激发学生学习英语的兴趣和积极性是教师角色转变的根本目的。科研理念——加强理论学习,提高理论修养,把教学过程变为科研过程。  相似文献   

A large proportion of teachers throughout the world teach in multigrade classrooms, or classes with more than one grade level. It is reliably predicted that the number of multigrade classes will increase in the future. This paper addresses the issue of teacher education for multigrade. The main thesis of this paper is that the professional knowledge and skills that are relevant and necessary to teaching effectively in single-grade contexts are also relevant and necessary for effective multigrade teaching. However, many of these skills need to be given a specific multigrade emphasis in the context of the preparation of teachers for multigrade teaching. This does not necessitate separate teacher education programmes for multigrade teachers. The paper makes comparisons between multigrade and single-grade teaching in terms of outcomes and teaching practices and highlights the importance of effective teacher education programmes that cater for the needs of teachers in a broad rather than a narrow sense. The content of programmes aimed at the specific preparation of multigrade teachers are examined, and a categorisation of specific areas of content that need particular emphasis in the context of teacher education for multigrade is provided.  相似文献   

体育教学是学校体育工作最重要的内容,体育教师教学能力的改善和提高是顺利完成学校体育教学工作的根本保证.本文提出体育教师教学能力所包含的具体内容,并对组成体育教学能力的诸因素进行了分析论证,有助于提高广大体育教师的教学能力,改进体育课教学质量,增进学生身心健康水平.  相似文献   

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