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(综合之五)p姓名_一…一、单项选择题(每小题5分,共75分)1.如果点P分有向线段ABM成的比是3,那么点A分有向线段PM成的比是()。3。_、4/一、、3。_\(A)一千(B)一:=H(t?)4(D)一34”一”3”-’4”“””一2.实数X满足IOg3X一卜一coso,BCLO,2。),贝0X-9 X--l的值是()。(A)ZX—10(B)10.-ZX(C)8(D)与日有关3.从P点出发的三条射线PA、PBPC两两成60o角,则直线PA与平面PBC所成的角的余弦值是()。j。。1,t、、J3。一、、o。、、、JZ(A}7(B)H(C)y(l))5’““”2”““’3’一1’“””24.设复数ZI、马在复平面卜对应的点分别为M,N,…  相似文献   

1.(l)_15 well known toall,the earth 15 round (2)_15 well known to all that thee斌h 15 round. A.That B.With C.It D.As 2.(l)It’5 good_you to take a walk硫er sup- per every day. (2)It was really stupid_him to refose the in- vitation. A. 3. of B .to C.肠r D.at (1)He isu浦t for the job,_; (2)He isn’t fit for the job,_ A .isn’t he C .doesn’t he B .15 he D .does he 4.(l)15 this museum_”u visited the other day? (2)15 this the museum_you visited the Other day? A .that B.where C .in whie…  相似文献   

1.单项选择(15分) ()l一15 this your baekpaek?一_·A .Yes,this 15 B.No,it isn’t.C.Yes,it isn’t ()2.一15 that an_?一Yes,it 15·A .notebook B.baseball C.eraser ()3 .15 this your即ld ring?Please eall me_555一6879. A.at B.肠r C.in (羚.Here_aphoto_myfamily. A .15,of B.are,of C.15,in ()5.一_?一B一A一S一E一B一A一L-L A .What’5 that B.15 this your baseball c.How do you svell it ()6一x_a set ofkeys.Doyouseethem?一50侧,but you ean即to the lost and found. A .lost B.found C.have ()7._…  相似文献   

听力部分(共25分)略 笔试部分(共95分) 一、词汇(共15分) A.根据汉语、首字母或句意写出所缺单词。(5分) 1 .Whieh eount叮15_(远),Canada or Australia? 2.Don‘tg。_(穿过)th。、treet when thetraffie light 15 red. 3 .He 15 one of the greatesr seientists in the 18‘h .(世纪) 4.一What‘5 thep_of your eountry? 一About 1300 million. 5._25‘l’15 ChristmasD盯· B.用所给单词的正确形式填空。(5分) 6 .He looked_at his son,but he didn‘t sayanything.(ang即) 7 .Today 15 her_birthday.(twenty) 8 .Have they found a…  相似文献   

一、听录音,选出正确的回答。(1×5=5分)()1.A.Yes,it is.B.No,I can’t.C.Yes,there are.()2.A.I can see10.B.There are10.C.I have10flowers.()3.A.Yes,there are.B.No,I’mnot.C.Yes,I do.()4.A.That’s all right.B.That’s a good idea.C.That’s a slide.()5.A.Yes,I like.B.Yes,I do.C.Yes,I like to.二、听录音补充句子。(1×25=25分)1.It is the first the term.2.There are two,a and asitting-room.3.Nowit’s the.4.Shall we the song“Weand”now?5.you a book head?6.you ice cream?7.dothey?8.Theydon’t …  相似文献   

一、听力测试(25分)A)听下面10段对话,每段对话后有一小题。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。(每小题1分)1.What colour is the woman’s car?A.Red.B.Red and blue.C.Blue.2.Howold is his brother?A.16.B.17.C.19.3.What does the woman mean?A.She doesn’t want himtosmoke.B.She doesn’t have anycigarettes with her.C.She wants himtosmoke.4.Where does this conversation take place?A.In the restaurant.B.In the library.C.In the classroom.5.What’s the flat like…  相似文献   

(综合之四)姓名一一、选择题《每小题5分,共75分)1.函数f(X)=X会主主的定义域是()。—”——””““”…”“—”一—一(A)IXX<0}(B)IXX>of,_、;.-。。2、._、;.、__,2;(C)Zxgx<0且x一一号【山厂xlX>0且x学引’一”‘“—”“——-”5’一”一———“-’5’2.若6*(0,吾),则既edlhagl的值为()。—””“”—’-’2”””“——“”——”“——”“”.j。、1,一、。,_、1,_、。(A)6(B)2(C)一t(D)一2””““’2”一’一”一’2’一”“、。__、。。。___。ZI、、、._.、3.设非零复数已是满足仅十Al=IZI一41,则(芝)‘必是()。“’…  相似文献   

l一Would you like 10 90 swimming with京市) n】e this afternoon?(北一I’d love to.Butl’m afraidl A .ean’t B.mustn’t .1 have C .needn too mueh work to do. 2一Whieh do you Prefer,a bottle of orange ora D .may not bottle of milk? (天津市)一_,thanks .1’d  相似文献   

1.在四线格内写出邻近的两个字母,注意大小写。(每小题1分,共计lO分) L一一嘴一—“一一-子一—n.看图用英语单词填空。(每小题1分,共计5分)卿///寥.:.’尹B〔’D E 1 1.In Pie 12.In Pie A 1 ean see B 1 ean see月。五rere崖UU奋.鑫. 13.In Pieture C 1 ean see 14.In Pieture D 1 ean see 15.In Pieture E 1 ean see nl.选择填空。(每小题1分,共巧分) ()16·Mum,_卿teacher,Mr Wang. A.he 15 B.it 15 ()17.一15 this your wateh?一一A .No,it isn’t B.Yes,it isn’t ()18·一_do you spell ruler?一尺一刀‘乙一E…  相似文献   

听力部分(加分)1.根据你所听到的内容,填上互为同音词。(l()分) 1 .Mr Green’s_15 reading in the_. 2 .Whar ean you_on the_. 3 .They often 90 to sehool_bu。,50 they don’t say“一一.二,r。eaeh other. 4.—Does Tom ofte,l_to his Penfl.iend ir- the USA? —Yes,you,re_. 5.— Do you_the man under the tree? —_,1 don.tn.听对话及问题,选择正确的答句。(5分) 1 .A.A bus.B.A big one. C .A ear.D.A big ship. 2 .A.Yes,he 15.B.Yes,he does. C .No,he isn,t.D.No,he doesn,t. 3 .A.About ten minutes. B .About t…  相似文献   

(三角之二)百姓名一一一、单项选择题门分)1.gae(7t.Z州八ga一个.则sina COSa的但是()B,_、3B,_、2B,_、3Bk一号(B产于K卜干并出厂十X5‘一’5’一’5”一’52.函数y=4cosZx 4cosx-2的值域是()(A)卜2,6](B)卜3,6〕(C)卜2,4」(D)卜3,8」。_gX7Tsff37t。。_。,3.Zoos兴cos六十cos兴十coS的值是()“’“——“13—一13“一13——13”“————”(A)0(B)lK)一l{D)24.函数y—COS(ZX十个)的图象的一条对称轴方程是()、””“”““一”-2’””””””“”””’“”””’—”“’—~”,。、冗/_\冗,_\冗/_\_^。_一、__._striA十d…  相似文献   

试题(一)听力部分(40分)一、听录音,选单词。(10分)()1.A.apple B.ant C.under()2.A.forest B.fresh C.friend()3.A.river B.fever C.flower()4.A.closet B.close C.cold()5.A.jeep B.jump C.leaf二、听音,标序号。(15分)三、听录音,填空。(15分)1.What would you like,Chen Jie?I’d like some2.What would you like,Zhang Peng?I’d like some3.What would you like,Sarah?I’d like some4.What would you like,John?I’d like some5.What would you like,Bai Ling?I’d like some笔试部分(60分)四、选择填空。(10分)()1.—…  相似文献   

.单项选择(10分) )1 .U Rng_breakfast at sehool· A.hasn’t B.haven’t )2一poes he_a wateh? 一Yes,he does. A .have B.has )3 .Let’5 play_footbalL A./B .a )4一Does TOm arrV? 一Yes.He Often_sports games on A .has:watch:/ C .have;watehes;/ )5一Does JOhn like即Ples? C .don’t have D.doesn’t have C .do D.15 having C .a们 D .the TV. B .have:watehes:the D .have/wateh;the A .Yes,he 15 B.No,he isn’t )6,旧he五kes即ples and eggs_brea晚st. A.to B.for )又;肠龙’。play baskethall. C .Yes,he d…  相似文献   

(满分:100分) 1.听力(20分) A.听对话,选出与图画内容相符的选项。(共5小题,每小题1分)…令鹭纂_ A BC 2一场一馨‘囊A vBC 3‘粉象嘀4.建乡瞿鳖卜/一雀馨呱ABC 5’渗一骑一叠一A一BC B.听句子,选择正确的答语·。(共5小题,每小题1分) 6 .A.Of eourse.B.That’5 all right. C.Not at all.Please do.D.1 don’t know. 7 .A.Size M.B.The blue one. C .The eottonone.D.The right one. 8 .A.The radio says it will be windy. B .It’5 very hotherein、ummer. Cl’d like to swim tomorrow. D .1 like the weather. 9 .A…  相似文献   

一、词汇(15分) A)根据句意和汉语提示写出所缺单词 l一Happy birthday!Here‘5 a littll_(礼物)fbry、)u.一oh,it’5 lovely,thanks a lot- 2一x don‘t know he:_(地址),Can you Shownle on the maP?一Sure. 3.一What eol()ur would you like,light orangeor (深色的)brown?  相似文献   

BD 笔试部分 按要求写出下列词的相应形式。 milk. 1.no(同音词) _2.bus(复数) —5011】e A .They are C .There 15 2 .Are there It has There are here(反义词) sheep(复数) eraserS In the Pencil一box? 5.she(名词性物主代词)_ 6.let us(缩略式)_ 7.son(对应词)_ 5.they(宾格)_ 9.man(复数)_10.us(单数)_ A.盯ter You must nOW- A.滋ter 一Whieh B .some look C .mueh your mother. 内j4 B, girl 15 like your C .at D. D .any She 15 111 the same sister? n.单项选择。 1.一What’5 in the box? 一The one A .with 一Mayl…  相似文献   

一、根据首字母及释意写单词(5分) 1 .F the 211(、nth which has 28 or 29 davs 2 .t_wantingl,est or to relax 3 .1)一、()t free 4.。1 sth.tohaveafterdinner 5 .5 a time table 二、选择最佳答案(10分) ()1 .Naney_a new jaeket tod叮· A,P一,t,‘,n B.wear ()2一_  相似文献   

喊二竺探罗’A .No problemC .The same to you.C .1 thirlk 50D .1’m sor一yB .That’5 all dght.D .An(1 you?eo]our Peneil?.—Hao Hai山),,91、the}。estf()()t},all playe一111 C}11,1:1 .1 thirlk.—.(人连市)2.—Can 1 borrow your —_.(甘肃省) A .Thanks a lot B.No,it’5 mine C .Yes,here you are D.1 have one3.—? —June 1 st.(甘肃省) A .What day 15 it today B .when 15 ehildren’5 Day C .What time 15 it now D .Whieh day 15 it一oday4.—Weleome baek to sehool,boys and girls. —_.(四川省) A .eert…  相似文献   

(满分:100分)Ⅰ.听力。(20分)A)听力辨图:根据你所听到的内容,选择相对应的图片。(共5小题,每小题1分)1._____2._____3._____4._____5._____B)情景反应:根据你所听到的句子,选择最佳答案。(共5小题,每小题1分)6.A.It’s on the desk.B.It’s in the chair.C.No,it isn’t.7.A.Yes,it is.B.Yes,they are.C.No,it isn’t8.A.How are you?B.Fine,thank you.C.How do you do?9.A.Here you are.B.It’s an English-Chinese dictionary.C.Oh,here it is.10.A.It’s a backpack.B.Yes,it is.C.They are books.C)对话理解:根据你所听…  相似文献   

热点句七:That’5 all right. 今年全国有两个省直接考查了 That’5 all rig!:t这一口语表达(答案leeZ An): 1一1脚es,1 am sony 1 used your eomPuter when you are away this moming. 一_·(2 005福建卷) A.叨,at’5 all right B.It,5 a Pleasum C.You are weleome D.Don’t mention it 2一Hello,Mr. Smith.This 15肠rry Jaekson.1 am在rraid 1 won’t be able 10 a州ve on time for tl一e meeting in your of- fic已 一_.跳’n wait for you. (2 005江西卷) A.HurTy uP C.Cheer up B.No doubt D.刀山’5 allri咖 值得说明的是…  相似文献   

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