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OBJECTIVE: To determine which areas of family functioning lay therapy intervention can improve in a home visitation program for first time mothers at high risk for parenting difficulties, including the potential for child abuse and neglect. METHODS: Families were assessed for risk of parenting difficulties using the Parent Readiness and Risk Assessment Checklists. Lay therapists completed the Scale of Family Functioning pre- and postintervention with 108 high risk families for whom they provided support, education, and referrals. RESULTS: Paired t tests were done to determine whether the eight categories of the Scale of Family Functioning improved from baseline to termination of the service. Four categories showed statistically significant improvement: social support (p = .001), self-esteem (p < .001), confidence as a parent (p < .001), and affective relationships (p = .003). CONCLUSIONS: Statistically significant improvement occurred in four of the eight categories on the Scale of Family Functioning indicating that home intervention programs can improve some categories of family functioning. Longer intervention and an increased focus on improving parent/infant interactions may be able to increase parental sensitivity and expectations. In this study, the categories of family conflict and stability/meeting basic needs were not amenable to change with lay therapy intervention.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: At 6 sites serving 21 communities, Alaska implemented Healthy Families Alaska, a home visitation program using paraprofessionals designed to decrease child abuse and neglect. The primary study objective was to compare changes over time in Child Protective Services outcomes by Healthy Families Alaska enrollment status. METHODS: Enrollment status was linked to birth certificates for birth years 1996-2002 which in turn was linked to the Alaska Child Protective Services database for outcome years 1996-2004. All children were followed through the study databases until age 2 years. RESULTS: There were 40,099 children born during 1996-2002 to residents of Healthy Families Alaska communities and 985 were enrolled in the program. Physical abuse referrals among enrolled children decreased from 73 to 42 per 1000 child-years of follow-up from 1996-1998 to 2000-2002 (p=.005); all of this decrease occurred among children who received 20 or more home visitations. This decrease may have been unrelated to program impact as a similar decrease in referral was seen among unenrolled high-risk children. Compared to unenrolled high-risk children, enrolled children had a modest decrease in the proportion with substantiated neglect but no difference in the proportion with neglect referral or physical abuse referral or substantiation. CONCLUSIONS: Little evidence exists that Alaska's home visitation program had a measurable impact on child maltreatment outcomes. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: Within Alaskan communities that had a home visitation program targeting families at high risk for child abuse, changes in Child Protective Services outcomes among children less than 2 years of age were followed over time by program enrollment status. Enrollment was associated with a substantial decrease in physical abuse referrals, but a similar decrease was seen among unenrolled high-risk children. No improvement was seen in physical abuse substantiation. A greater number of home visitations was not associated with fewer abuse outcomes. This work supports most of the recent literature, which questions the field effectiveness of home visitation programs. In combination with other studies, the current work may lead decision-makers and funding agencies to re-examine the usefulness of home visitation programs, particularly those using a methodology similar to that implemented in Alaska.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The primary purpose of this study was to use an ecological assessment model to obtain a better understanding of difficult situations that home visitors confront when implementing home visitation services. METHOD: A mixed method study was used which included conducting focus groups to identify specific situations faced by home visitors who implement the Healthy Families America model of child abuse and neglect prevention. The results of the focus groups were used to design a survey. The survey had 91 Healthy Families home visitors rate situations according to frequency and difficulty. RESULTS: The results revealed that situations that were ranked most difficult included working with families where there are limited resources, where family mental illness is present (e.g., threatening suicide), where there is substance use in the home, and where families are unmotivated. A factor analysis of the situations produced five factors that reflect the difficulty of doing home visitation: having a lack of clinical skill, addressing family difficulties, addressing parenting difficulties, resolving personal difficulties, and having a lack of experience. CONCLUSION: The situations identified in this study can assist in developing the competencies needed by home visitors. The factor analysis results can be conceptualized into an inventory for staff supervision, with workers completing the inventory to identify individual areas of training needs.  相似文献   

The seven dimensions of establishing a caring community at the University of Arkansas Nursery School are described. Key components include empathetic teacher–child and teacher–parent interactions, celebration of differences, and a responsive classroom environment.  相似文献   

The cultivation of a caring community within an urban neighborhood public elementary school is viewed by some educators as an impossibility, by others as being in conflict with academic effectiveness, and by still others as unnecessary for the successful achievement of students. Nevertheless, a significant group of educators advocates schools as caring communities, particularly in meeting the needs of low-income urban students of color. The research reported in this article is grounded in the assumption that there is a relationship between school culture and student achievement. An ethnographic case study of one urban public elementary school that exhibited both a strong caring community and a push toward academic excellence resulted in an analysis of the underlying characteristics that existed in the school. The findings suggest that a climate of mutual trust and respect, fluid boundaries centered around an ethic of caring, and a schoolwide sense of ownership and responsibility for students were central to the cultivation of the school' s caring community. Adapted school structures also fostered an ethos of community and ownership. In addition, the school expanded the definition of effectiveness beyond standardized test scores by focusing broadly on student learning, the link between the success of the individual and the success of the group, and the role of affect in promoting student achievement.  相似文献   

作为综合实践活动课程的重要组成部分,社区服务与社会实践对学生的社会实践能力、社会责任感与人生价值的培养有重要的作用。然而,在实施中仍然存在着目标异化的问题,偏离了综合实践活动课程的理想。基于关怀伦理的视角,社区服务与社会实践应以关心他人关怀社会为核心价值追求;活动过程体现并反映关怀关系,关注关怀价值的实现;活动环境注重以关怀型师生关系为基础的关怀体系的建立。  相似文献   

日本家庭养老及其对我国的启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
日本人口老龄化的迅速发展,老年人口比例的增加,对日本的社会、经济产生了猛烈的冲击,导致了日本社会保障费用的迅速增加。为解决这一问题。国家提倡居家养老、继续发展家庭的养老功能,以缓解社会养老的压力,减轻政府的负担。汲取先行步入老龄化社会的日本在处理老龄化问题上的经验教训,扬长避短,采纳适合于我国国情的对策。使我国平稳的度过老龄化社会。  相似文献   

The planning and implementation of a teacher education programme for the original population of Canada must take into account five important elements: the participation of the community itself, the integration of their language and culture, decentralisation of administration, revision of admission criteria, and the quality of the program. An experiment of this kind, which was a success, was tried out at Mount Currie. The Mount Currie program, even though it could serve as a model for other programs, cannot without any modification be transposed to all the other communities. In fact, the program only corresponds to the particular needs of a particular community and of the persons who make it up.


OBJECTIVE: Home visitation has been shown to be effective in reducing rates of child maltreatment and in enhancing psychosocial outcomes in children and their parents. Even when available, however, it is underutilized by parents in some urban settings. We tested a supplemental 10-session group intervention for its ability to increase active participation in home visitation, enhance the quality of caregiving behavior of parents, and improve social developmental outcome in children. METHOD: A randomized controlled design was utilized, involving two separate cohorts of parents of 3- to 18-month old infants, totaling 148 parent-child dyads. The intervention focused on practical experience in promoting parent-infant attachment relationships. RESULTS: At 6 months follow-up, there was a substantial increase in the proportion of intervention group parents participating in home visitation, compared to parents in the control group (Fisher's exact p = .008). Parents in the intervention group exhibited a trend for improvement in their capacity to appropriately interpret infants' emotional cues (p = .08), independent of the effects of home visitation itself. Attrition in both the treatment and control groups was inversely associated with income and level of education. CONCLUSIONS: Group meetings may constitute an effective means of engaging stressed urban families in home visitation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Seeking to discern optimal programmatic strategies and inform the "universal versus targeted" debate in early home visitation services to prevent physical child abuse and neglect, a meta-analysis was conducted examining enrollment approaches in early home visitation studies and their reported outcomes. METHOD: Quantitative meta-analytic techniques were used to compare effect sizes from 19 controlled outcome studies across screening-based and population-based enrollment strategies. Effect sizes were calculated on protective services data and on child maltreatment related measures of parenting. RESULTS: On protective services report data, population-based studies reported a weighted mean effect size attributable to early home visitation of +3.72%, in comparison to -.07% for screening-based studies. On child maltreatment related measures of parenting, population-based studies reported a weighted mean effect size (r) attributable to early home visitation of +.092, in comparison to +.020 for screening-based studies. CONCLUSIONS: The findings indicate that population-based enrollment strategies appear favorable to screening-based ones in early home visitation programs seeking to prevent physical child abuse and neglect. It may be that psychosocial risk screens serve to enroll higher proportions of families for which early home visitation services are less likely to leverage change, and to exacerbate a mismatch between early home visitation service aims and family needs.  相似文献   

快速发展的三岁前儿童教育与看护是法国教育的特色之一,其特点主要体现在经费投入的多元主体参与、机构设置的多元化、重视保育与养护、师资培养多样性与高规格等方面。借鉴法国三岁前儿童教育与看护的发展经验,中国0-3岁婴幼儿的早期教育要从鼓励融资的多方参与、建构多样性的早教机构体系、回归早期教育的本真、加强师资培训等方面采取措施,以推动中国婴幼儿早期教育事业的发展。  相似文献   


This qualitative study focuses on Portage home visiting. In‐depth interviews were conducted with 12 Portage home visitors which were transcribed and analysed according to the procedures of Grounded Theory. The following three main themes were identified: the ethos of the Portage model of early intervention; the process of Portage home visiting; and the Portage home visitor as a family supporter. A proposed model of the factors that influence the Portage practice of family support is derived from the data. The discussion addresses the relationship of these findings to the management of Portage home visiting and highlights the use of qualitative methodology in researching the early education of children with special needs.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to explore the manner in which a community college district planned to implement a systematic outcomes-based assessment program review process in order to have results inform institutional, district, and state policy discussions. Data derived from this grounded theory study indicated that there was not a shared conceptualization across institutional and district leadership for the identification of the audience that would use the data generated from the program review process. This finding is typical for many institutions, particularly as leadership desires to honor the individual uniqueness of each college.  相似文献   


In the spring of 2002 we conducted a structure-focused case study at 4 North Carolina community colleges to understand how selected senior campus leaders assessed a new legislatively-mandated institutional-accountability program. Using confidential interviews and document analysis we collected, analyzed, and interpreted data that revealed clear differences in how leaders regarded the accountability program. These distinct, campus-specific perspectives are characterized as “bureaucratic meddling,” “benign intrusion,” “an opportunity to demonstrate accountability,” and “the divided leaders.” Despite these distinct perspectives, however, we also found 2 overarching themes that illuminated common reactions to the accountability program. First, leaders at 3 of the 4 institutions reported that performance ratings under the accountability program were instrumental in prompting changes in instructional programs or staffing. Second, faculty leaders at 3 institutions exhibited an apathy or unawareness of state indicators, even though some state funding was linked to measures regarding student performance.  相似文献   

Dual-enrollment programs have been proposed as a useful way to ease students’ transition from high school to community college. Several studies have shown that dual enrollment produces positive effects for students, but less is known about the mechanisms these programs use to support student success. Symbolic interactionism suggests that clarity of the role of a college student may help students transition into this role with more ease. With new legislation allowing students to use Pell Grants to attend dual-enrollment programs, and other proposed policies to increase attendance at community college, research on the mechanisms that make dual enrollment successful is well-timed. This study takes a mixed method approach with an online survey (N = 101) and a series of focus groups (N = 15) to explore the experiences of dual-enrollment students from several high schools and one community college. Findings suggest that dual enrollment helped to enhance participants’ clarity of the college-student role, including who attends college, what skills are required, what college can lead to, and their own self-identification as college students. Sources of role expectations for these students included self-reflection and peer, family, teacher, and structural expectations. Students highlighted strengths and weaknesses of the dual-enrollment program in which they were enrolled. These findings have implications for practice, including the potential for dual enrollment to support low-income and first-generation college students in their transition to higher education.  相似文献   

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