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Christopher Hurst started his own publishing company after learning how to acquire and sell books by working with various publishers.  相似文献   

In an interview at Allen Press, Lawrence, Kansas, Arly Allen discusses his company, trends in scientific journal publishing, the state of printing technology, and other issues.  相似文献   

周逢琴 《出版科学》2012,20(1):105-108
李宣龚以诗人身份供职商务印书馆,数十年间鞠躬尽瘁,在管理经营、出版古籍、推动商务旗下杂志改革以及刊刻近代诗人别集等方面,做出了独特的贡献。他集经济文章于一身,堪称商务最重要的管理者、出版人和文化守望者之一。  相似文献   

This study first reviews the writing of the management theorist Kenichi Ohmae, before assessing the potential application of his theory of global commercial maturation to the strategies adopted by the academic publishing company, Routledge, and its precursor imprints between 1960 and 2013. Based on the analysis of interviews carried out between 2011 and 2013 and supporting document analysis, the paper concludes that, with some caveats, the stages of globalization identified by Ohmae are of considerable explanatory value for students and analysts of global publishing as well as offering strategic insights to managers of academic publishing houses.  相似文献   

This interview was conducted at the American Library Association Annual Conference in Atlanta, GA, on July 2, 1991. Richard R. Rowe candidly comments on issues such as recent ventures announced by his company. The Faxon Company, scholarly publishing and intellectual communities; and skills for librarians.  相似文献   

The tension between commerce and culture has long been recognized as characteristic of the publishing industry. Publishers seek to put forth quality works of cultural significance yet are constrained by the need to earn a profit. This article is a case study of how this conflict played out at a postwar New York City company, Storm Publishers. Storm was a one-person operation run by Alexander Gode-von Aesch, a German immigrant best known for his work as a linguist and translator. Gode founded the company in 1947 to publish The End Is Not Yet, a pacifist novel by the German playwright Fritz von Unruh. Storm went on to publish a diverse array of scholarly and trade books until it was dissolved in 1958. The article analyzes how Gode pursued a number of strategies—relying on personal connections, developing relationships with celebrities, purchasing advertisements, soliciting reviews, cutting costs, generating subsidiary rights income, and sheer tenacity and audacity—in order to compete with larger and more established Manhattan publishers. It argues Gode harbored a contradictory attitude toward the culture–commerce dichotomy, asserting that his aim was to distribute quality works that could not make a profit while at the same time publishing books aimed at bolstering his balance sheet and lamenting others’ lack of sales. As the first history of Storm Publishers, the article sheds light on the midcentury New York publishing industry and how a small firm sought to claim a place in the postwar intellectual economy.  相似文献   

A case study of the commercial history of the academic publishing company, Routledge, between 1980 and 2010, with a focus on its global activities and structures. During this period, Routledge experienced changes in ownership, branding and location as well as in its subject disciplines and publishing formats. The company was also an early and continuing innovator in digital publishing. The study presents findings drawn from interviews with past and current managers, and supporting content analysis of documents and web pages. It concludes by identifying the continuities that underlay the many changes in academic publishing over the period, and by suggesting possible future research, including to test the explanatory value of Ohmae’s theories of globalization.  相似文献   

改进学术期刊出版流程,加快我国期刊数字化进程   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
学术期刊已进入数字化、网络化的时代。文章通过分析国外典型期刊出版商的出版流程,并结合高等教育出版社在期刊出版数字化流程的探索和实践,总结了实践过程中取得的成绩和存在的问题,提出需要从改进学术期刊出版流程的角度来加快我国期刊数字化进程。  相似文献   

选择3家不同类型的出版机构作为调研对象,采用定性研究方法,对我国出版机构数字化转型升级的现状进行调研、分析。发现不同类型出版机构的数字化转型过程不尽相同,但在数字出版系统的选择,数字出版编辑知识能力的培养和出版转型中面临相同的困难和挑战。数字化转型过程中机遇与挑战共存,既需要转变思想观念,探寻新的盈利模式,也需要大胆探索如何对现有出版流程进行重组,还面临着版权问题、数字出版人才培养问题、数字编辑资质认证等问题。  相似文献   

<中国学校卫生>杂志创刊以来,经历了艰苦的创业、发展之路,如今中国学校卫生杂志社已是一个拥有1个营养研究中心、1家独资公司、1家股份公司和2个国家级学会挂靠单位的刊社.这靠的是始终坚持紧紧围绕儿少卫生专业这条主线,牢牢抓住2大主业--事业与产业,以事业发展产业,以产业促进事业的发展思路和实际运作,为探索科技期刊的办刊模式积累了一定的经验.  相似文献   

周荣庭  陈果 《出版科学》2007,15(1):71-73
本文从出版社如何开展网络营销入手,引出搜索引擎营销这一利器,通过翔实、具体的例子阐明了出版社应该如何实施搜索引擎营销策略,详细介绍了搜索引擎导向的广告投放策略、搜索引擎导向的网站优化策略、搜索引擎导向的网站推广策略、搜索引擎导向的信息收集策略.  相似文献   

创立并利用杂志品牌开展多种经营   总被引:19,自引:10,他引:9  
马劲 《编辑学报》2004,16(1):69-71
<中国药房>杂志白手起家,历经13年,已发展成为具有一定规模的杂志社,并有3家控股公司和1家参股公司.这靠的是"办出刊物特色,创立并利用杂志品牌,开展多种经营"的发展思路和实际运作,为探索科技期刊的办刊模式积累了一定经验.  相似文献   

文章阐述了知识网络和知识链接的概念及相互关系,研究了不同类型的知识网络及特点.论文研究了信息资源最为丰富的出版商、图书馆和数据库商三种类型的知识服务模式,它们反映了目前知识链接和知识服务的发展趋势.  相似文献   

The author offers a formula for valuing a publishing business based on net sales and the nature of the business (e.g., scientific and technical versus mass-market paperback). Further factors to be considered are the history of profitability, future profitability, the balance sheet, staff, and fit between the company being bought and the purchaser’s existing business. Martin P. Levin, Esq., is counsel to the New York law firm of Cowan, Liebowitz and Latman, where he specializes in mergers and acquisitions in the publishing industry. He was admitted to the Bar in 1984 after having served as president, book publishing, of the Times Mirror Company for seventeen years, acquiring and supervising publishing subsidiaries.  相似文献   

对出版发行规模较大的民营企业而言,如果要继续做大做强,保持在行业的领先地位,要迈过三道“坎”:完成产品结构调整;改变产权结构单一的现状;调整单一的资本结构。  相似文献   

At a time when customer focus is an aim in many publishing companies, this paper looks at how people in publishing organizations think about customers, why they think like this and what this might mean to the products the company produces. It suggests that views of the customer are often internally constructed and become a self‐fulfilling prophecy, which could lead to publishers missing out on opportunities. The conclusion is that more and different interactions with customers are needed if publishers are to become truly customer focused.  相似文献   

毛泽东在《中国社会各阶级的分析》中专门提到"焦作煤矿工人他们特别能战斗"。河南省档案馆对中福公司档案进行整理与开发并与中州古籍出版社、河南电影电视制作集团合作,开展《中福公司档案史料汇编》编纂和文献纪录片《他们特别能战斗》拍摄项目。中共河南省委办公厅、河南省档案局与上述三家参建单位共同启动了新闻发布暨研讨会,旨在让历史说话,用史实发言,协同打造文化产品,为谱写新时代中原更加出彩的绚丽篇章作出新贡献。  相似文献   

休·赫夫纳是美国著名男性杂志《花花公子》的始办人,在过去的50多年里,他不仅使《花花公子》杂志成为美国和全世界范围内销量最好的男性杂志,成为世界色情杂志的代表,而且不断涉足图书出版、广播电视、网络服务及商标授权、娱乐业等领域,建立起了庞大的出版帝国。在巨大的成功背后,赫夫纳也为世界出版业带来了巨大的启示。  相似文献   

魏寅 《出版科学》2009,17(6):94-96
从时代眼光、办刊风格、编辑理念、服务意识和非凡魄力等方面,全面深入地发掘和再现美国杂志出版史上的杰出编辑——《纽约客》首任主编哈罗德&#183;罗斯的出版活动和编辑风采。  相似文献   

杨洪升 《出版科学》2007,15(6):72-79,83
缪荃孙好古若痴,终生勤于编刻丛书.在选本上,他注重罕见之书,以及习见之书版本后出转精者,注重乡邦文献,以及有价值的零星小品与讲究实学的典籍.所刻各书,在校雠上用功甚巨,在辑佚方面也取得了很大成就.他刻书有严谨的校刻程序,所刻丛书质量皆高.  相似文献   

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