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In 2001, The University of Southern Mississippi (USM) Libraries cataloging and acquisition units merged to become a larger totally integrated department, renamed Bibliographic Services. Historically, acquisitions and cataloging functions were managed separately, although initial pre-order cataloging procedures were in place since late 1993. Prior to the merger in 2001, cataloging staff selected and exported MARC records in advance of the ordering functions performed exclusively by acquisitions staff. Library administrative personnel, concerned with the persistent lag time from receipt of the order card to actual receipt of the item, mandated change. After implementing new procedures and streamlining workflow, a sample analysis of productivity and fill rates for two fiscal years, before change and after, demonstrated significantly that cataloging at point of order is desirable in providing faster delivery of new materials.  相似文献   

Institutions have sought to improve technical services workflows by merging some acquisitions and cataloging functions in different ways and with varying results. Those institutions’ experiences with the merging process contrast with the process implemented at UCLA. At UCLA a process of cataloging on receipt was planned and implemented in the Print Acquisitions Department, in cooperation with the Cataloging & Metadata Center. The process resulted in significantly faster delivery of print books from receipt to shelf for materials not batch packed for remote storage.  相似文献   

The authors describe their experience at the University of Washington Libraries automating monographic selection, acquisitions and rapid copy cataloging workflows through the use of a book vendor’s online selection and ordering database and OCLC’s PromptCat service. Benefits to selectors, acquisitions staff and copy cataloging staff are listed, and a checklist of issues to examine before beginning such a change is provided.  相似文献   


Documentation is the written record of activities, policies, and procedures within a certain organization or group. Libraries, especially technical services units, need to be more vigilant about documenting the important activities of their departments for current and future use. After looking at past library literature, this article highlights ways to incorporate documentation into acquisitions, serials, and cataloging units while emphasizing the importance of these activities and making sure all staff members are involved.  相似文献   

The University of Dayton Roesch Library reorganized the collection development and acquisitions departments during 1995 and 1996 in order to improve the collection and make the process of acquiring materials more responsive to the needs of students and faculty. The old organization was department-based, with teaching faculty controlling most of the materials budget. The Associate Director for Technical Services coordinated the funds and supervised acquisitions staff. Perceived imbalances in the collection, student and faculty dissatisfaction with the process, and the desire for public services librarians to have greater influence in collection decisions led to a major reorganization. The new model distributes budget authority among all librarians based on subjects rather than academic departments. It empowers librarians to make purchasing and weeding decisions within their subject areas. Book and periodical acquisitions are combined into a single support unit that reports to the Coordinator and Head of Collection Management. The new organization has streamlined acquisitions processes to make ordering simpler, and the time between ordering and receipt has been shortened. The new model shifts the emphasis from process to service.  相似文献   

In 1996 Griffith University Library undertook a major re-engineering of its Technical Services Section. Features of this re-engineering included automation of repetitive processes, vendor supply of USMARC records, and a partnership with the Blackwells Group for supply of shelf ready books and consolidation of serials. The outcome of this process was a reduction in staff numbers in the section from 34 to 17. The new section was organized into two self-managing teams, with each team responsible for all its own functions from acquisitions through cataloging. The change in the section was as much cultural as structural. Team members were actively encouraged to take responsibility for their own work areas and to participate in all decision-making processes. The concept of “continuous improvement” of work processes was emphasized, and a system of performance measurement put in place. Unit costs (i.e., the average cost of adding a book or serial issue to the collection) and labor productivity are measured on a quarterly basis, and turnaround time annually. The methodology for calculating these figures and their use as a management tool is outlined.  相似文献   

PromptCat is a new service offered by OCLC, in conjunction with monograph materials vendors, that provides libraries with a full bibliographic record from the OCLC Online Union Catalog (OLUC) simultaneous to the supply of materials from a vendor. The library's holdings are set automatically on the OLUC record. Because PromptCat eliminates the need for libraries to do individual title-by-title searching and record selection when materials are received, it will streamline local cataloging activities. It may also provide an impetus for libraries to reevaluate local editing practices and determine whether materials can be processed quickly upon receipt in acquisitions rather than in copy cataloging.This article addresses issues relating to PromptCat, including tests of the service conducted at The Ohio State University (OSU) and Michigan State University (MSU), an estimated cost/benefit analysis based on OSU's approval plan, and issues including coordination between OCLC, materials vendors, system vendors, and the library as well as workflow, organizational implications and staffing issues.  相似文献   

《Public Library Quarterly》2013,32(1-2):91-104

The Internet, as well as the proliferation of online resources available for purchase, has significantly changed collection management from selection to acquisitions to cataloging and processing. The nature of this work has become much more complex as our communities have become more culturally, ethnically, and linguistically diverse, as the number of information delivery mechanisms has increased, and as library consumers' expectations for speed of receipt of information have accelerated.  相似文献   

A survey of selected library materials jobbers, cataloging agents, and library consortia shows that communication standards, vendor and library automation, and new partnerships among vendors and libraries are leading to greater opportunities for outsourcing acquisitions, cataloging, and collection development. Currently libraries can depend on vendors for preorder searching, verification, and claiming functions as well as copy and original cataloging. Libraries can receive shelf-ready materials from jobbers or cataloging agents; those that collect mainstream materials have the most options; others must shop among vendors. Collection development is the function least changed by automation, but materials jobbers are orienting more electronic services towards this area. Librarians should become full partners in the development of contract services. To do this, librarians must understand the evolving roles of the traditional partners and the costs and risks involved.  相似文献   

In 1993, the administration of the Wright State University Libraries decided to outsource its cataloging operations to improve the quality and reduce the costs of cataloging. A number of alternatives were considered and rejected; outsourcing was deemed to be the most appropriate solution for WSU. The decision was influenced by the business management literature that advocates radical reengineering of processes. Although some acquisitions processes have been performed for years by vendors, these processes should be reexamined and questioned, especially with the rise of electronic publishing. Increased outsourcing of acquisitions may be one answer. Even with outsourcing, acquisitions managers will still be required, but they will need a broad set of skills and qualities to face the new electronic environment. These skills are outlined and discussed.  相似文献   

Automation of vendor files and integrated library systems are changing (a) the process of collection development, (b) the role of the collection developer, (c) the relationship between libraries and vendors, and even (d) the library's organization. By combining files in the bibliographer's workstation, paraprofessional staff can select the core collection; professionals will focus on expensive or fringe titles. Programmed or mechanical selection can replace staff decisions in acquiring the core titles. Automation may increase successful cooperative collection development and expand the responsibilities of collection developers. Professional roles will change to include more policy, preservation, evaluation, and process assignments. Collection development activities may be decentralized and combined with reference and cataloging subject groups or become part of acquisitions processing teams.  相似文献   

The importance of Internet resources in public services work is a frequently discussed topic. But access to and effective use of Internet resources is crucial to current and future work of technical services personnel. The workshop examines commonly used Internet procedures and explores Internet tools available for acquisitions and cataloging personnel.  相似文献   


The availability and use of electronic cartographic resources is growing rapidly and has affected all aspects of map librarianship: acquisitions, reference and information services, and cataloging. Map librarians are questioning current practices, juggling priorities, shifting focus, and changing procedures as electronic cartographic materials become a larger part of their map collections. Cataloging practices are no exception to this transformation. This paper presents a preliminary examination of current cataloging rules, guidelines, and practices for electronic cartographic material, focusing on access points.  相似文献   

Demand-driven acquisitions (DDA) of electronic books (ebooks) has been a favored method of acquisitions in academic libraries for a number of years. Despite careful consideration and planning ahead of implementation, snags and hiccups may erupt in the acquisitions and cataloging workflow while executing a DDA pilot. Technical Services must remain attentive, collaborative, and flexible in order to redress known issues and anticipate potential ones. DDA is ultimately a worthwhile endeavor that has the potential to replace traditional bibliographer ebook title selection, particularly when the long-term integrity of a collections budget is in question.  相似文献   

近年来不断有新的佛教图书馆建成,并得到了当地其他图书馆在技术和业务上的大力帮助。而图书编目工作中的图书著录、分类法的选择、主题标引、编目合作、人员培训等项工作都还处于刚刚起步阶段,因此要注重佛教图书编目的自动化、标准化、规范化建设,以期实现佛教文献的共建共享。  相似文献   

Cataloging oral histories presents many difficulties, especially for catalogers who have primarily worked with published materials and for institutions without funds or staff dedicated to managing oral history collections. Methods for cataloging oral histories can vary widely among institutions. In this article I examine the issues and considerations involved in providing intellectual access to oral history interviews and offer a possible cataloging method to libraries holding unprocessed oral history materials. The cataloging procedures discussed here have worked well from a workflow standpoint as one of the initial steps to create access to oral histories at Columbus State University, a medium-sized academic library.  相似文献   

The evolutionary change that has occurred in the workflow, job assignments, and organization of the acquisitions department at the University Libraries of Notre Dame during the past four years is described. Many changes have occurred not through an administrative mandate but through staff initiative. Convergence is illustrated by the merging of functions through internal reorganization and by collaboration with other departments in carrying out critical functions. The means by which change occurred and the factors most influential in bringing it about are examined. The perceptions of support staff who have been the active agents of change are reported. Finally, the authors speculate about what such methods of meeting the challenge of a changing environment can contribute to academic libraries seeking their “preferred future.”  相似文献   

The article relates the problems and challenges encountered when Colorado State University Libraries (CSUL) began receiving and processing Marcive Shipping List Service (SLS) records; describes the associated procedures, work flows, and quality control measures; and provides an analysis of SLS. Based on CSUL's experience, it is strongly suggested that quality control be given a high priority to ensure that problems resulting from the integration of SLS with Marcive US Government Printing Office (GPO) cataloging and any in-house records are identified and resolved at the point of receipt. Having new titles immediately available online through multiple access points and with the correct location and format is an invaluable service for library users.  相似文献   

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