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This research examined attentional bias toward exercise-related images using a visual probe task. It was hypothesized that more-active participants would display attentional bias toward the exercise-related images. The results showed that men displayed attentional bias for the exercise images. There was a significant interaction of activity level by gender, and simple slopes analysis showed that active women displayed attentional bias toward the exercise-related images and inactive women displayed attentional bias toward the control images. A similar analysis with explicit attention to the pictures as the outcome variable was not significant. These findings confirm that attention for exercise-related images can be captured automatically regardless of whether people report they are attending to them.  相似文献   

This study examined the effect of motivational primes on participants (N = 171) during a cycling task. Relative to participants primed with a controlled motivational orientation, it was hypothesized that participants primed for autonomous motivation would report greater feelings of enjoyment, effort, and choice in relation to the cycling activity and report greater exercise intentions. Members of the autonomous prime group were expected to exercise for longer, at a greater percentage of their heart rate maximum, and report lower levels of perceived exertion than those in the controlled prime condition. It was found that, relative to participants in the controlled prime group, those who received the autonomous prime enjoyed the exercise more, exercised at a greater percentage of heart rate maximum, and reported a lower rating of perceived exertion. Furthermore, participants experiencing the controlled prime exercised for less time and had lower intentions to exercise than did other participants. Results highlight the importance of automatic processes in activating motivation for exercise.  相似文献   

动物实验是运动生物科学的重要研究方法和途径,其伴随着运动生物科学的不断发展而发展.动物实验可以较好地控制影响因素,既可以对实验动物整体水平的综合反应进行研究,也可以对实验动物局部组织和器官进行离体研究,从而克服了人体实验多方面的局限性.随着新型测量技术的出现和生命科学研究方法的深入,运动与骨代谢研究的动物模型的复制方法、观察指标和研究领域在不断发展,将在骨质疏松的防治及骨健康相关问题的解决中发挥积极作用.  相似文献   

In two separate experiments, this study examined changes in motor pattern and performance accuracy when low-level throwers focused on internal variables, external variables, and/or velocity of throw. In Experiment 1 the task goal was to improve the throwing pattern. In Experiment 2 the task goal was to throw as accurately as possible at a target. The results of Experiment 1 indicated that increasing velocity was most effective for changing the throwing pattern, with external focus more effective than internal focus. The results of Experiment 2 indicated that external focus was the most accurate condition and increasing velocity was most effective for changing the throwing pattern.  相似文献   

Athletic performance requires the pacing of breathing with exercise, known as motor-respiratory coordination (MRC). In this study, we added cognitive and physical constraints while participants intentionally controlled their breathing locations during rhythmic arm movement. This is the first study to examine a cognitive constraint on MRC. Cognitive constraints included either instruction (Experiments 1 and 2) or signal detection (Experiment 1). Physical constraints were nonoptimal movement frequencies (Experiment 2). Instruction shifted breathing locations and both shifted and increased variability in the number of movements produced per breath (frequency ratio). Signal detection had no effect on MRC. Fast movement frequency resulted in higher, more variable frequency ratios. Cognitive and physical constraints can generate unnatural and variable breathing during athletic performance.  相似文献   

Performing and learning motor skills has been shown to be enhanced if the performer adopts an external relative to internal focus (or no focus) of attention (Wulf 2007). The present study examined the generalizability of this effect to top-level performers (balance acrobats). Participants performed a balance task (standing on an inflated rubber dish) under each of three attentional focus conditions: (a) external focus (i.e., minimize movements of the disk), (b) internal focus (i.e., minimize movements of the feet), and (c) control conditions (no focus instructions). While there were no differences between conditions in the amount of postural sway, the frequency of movement adjustments was higher in the control condition, relative to both external and internal focus conditions. This suggests that movement automaticity and postural stability were greatest when the balance experts were free to adopt their "normal" focus of attention. The finding implies that there may be a limit to the performance-enhancing effects of external focus instructions for top-level performers. The findings are discussed in terms of action control levels and possible changes in the optimal attentional focus with the performer's level of expertise.  相似文献   

Experiment 1 examined whether it is more advantageous to direct learners' attention to the external effects of their movements relative to other external cues. Two groups of participants hit tennis balls at a target, with one group focusing on the ball coming toward them (antecedent) and the other group focusing on the ball leaving the racket (effect). The effect group demonstrated more effective learning. Experiment 2 examined whether it is more beneficial if the movement effect is related to the movement technique, relative to other movement effects (e.g., outcome). Two groups of participants hit golf balls at a target. The attention of these groups was directed to the club or the ball trajectory, respectively. The club group showed more effective learning than the target group, suggesting that focusing on technique-related effects is more effective.  相似文献   

To determine personal and clinical exercise-related attitudes and behaviors of freshmen U.S. medical students, we surveyed 1,906 entering freshman medical students (response rate = 87%; average age = 24 years) in 17 U.S. medical schools. Students reported a median of 45 min/day of exercise, 80 min/week each of mild and moderate exercise, and 100 min/week of strenuous exercise. Nearly all students (97.6%) engaged in some moderate or vigorous exercise in a typical week. Sixty-four percent complied with U.S. Department of Health and Human Services exercise recommendations. Most freshmen (79%) believed it would be highly relevant to their future practices to counsel patients about exercise; predictors included intention to provide primary care, excellent health, prevention emphasis by their personal physician, and performing more strenuous exercise.  相似文献   


In this study, we investigated the adjustments to posture, kinematic and temporal characteristics of performance made by lower limb amputees during the last few strides in preparation for long jump take-off. Six male unilateral trans-femoral and seven male unilateral trans-tibial amputees competing in a World Championships final were filmed in the sagittal plane using a 100-Hz digital video camera positioned so that the last three strides to take-off were visible. After digitizing using a nine-segment model, a range of kinematic variables were computed to define technique characteristics. Both the trans-femoral and trans-tibial athletes appeared to achieve their reduction in centre of mass during the flight phase between strides, and did so mainly by extending the flight time by increasing stride length, achieved by a greater flexion of the hip joint of the touch-down leg. The trans-tibial athletes appeared to adopt a technique similar to that previously reported for able-bodied athletes. They lowered their centre of mass most on their second last stride (?1.6% of body height compared with ?1.4% on the last stride) and used a flexed knee at take-off on the last stride, but they were less able to control their downward velocity at touch-down (?0.4 m · s?1). Both this and their restricted approach speed (8.9 m · s?1 at touch-down), rather than technique limitations, influenced their jump performance. The trans-femoral athletes lowered their centre of mass most on the last stride (?2.3% of body height compared with ?1.6% on the second last stride) and, as they were unable to flex their prosthetic knee sufficiently, achieved this by abducting their prosthetic leg during the support phase, which led to a large downward velocity at touch-down (?0.6 m · s?1). This, combined with their slower approach velocity (7.1 m · s?1 at touch-down), restricted their performance.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined attention processes in complex, sport-specific decision-making tasks without interdependencies from anticipation. Psychophysiological and performance data recorded from advanced and intermediate level basketball referees were compared. Event-related potentials obtained while judging game situations in foul recognition and a control task provided insight into focus of attention, selective attention, and processing strategy (top-down vs. bottom-up). Results showed task-specific effects for advanced referees in components influenced by attentional focus and selective attention. Experts also seemed to profit from superior top-down strategy and were able to evaluate the stimuli more rapidly. These findings are discussed in connection with current models in neurosciences and theories of referee research.  相似文献   


The effect of attentional focus on the perception of physical work was examined by using a work reproduction design. Subjects performed a fixed interval of work at either 50 or 75% of their predicted VO2 max, during which they were required either to solve a continuous flow of arithmetic problems or to perform in an unfilled control condition. On a subsequent trial, without a concomitant attention-demanding task, subjects were asked to reproduce the amount of work that they had previously performed. It was found that individuals in the control condition produced a significantly greater amount of work on the reproduction trial, while those in the attentional focus condition performed about the same amount as on the previous trial. No interaction was found between attentional focus and work load.  相似文献   

Grounded in self-determination theory (Deci & Ryan, 1985), the purpose of the present study was to examine whether amotivation, self-determined and controlling types of motivation could predict a range of exercise-related behaviours, cognitions and physical self-evaluations. Exercisers (n = 375) from ten health clubs in the North of England completed questionnaires measuring exercise motivation, exercise stages of change, number of relapses from exercise, future intention to exercise, barriers self-efficacy, physical self-worth and social physique anxiety. Controlling for age and sex, multiple and logistic regression analyses supported our hypotheses by showing self-determined motivation (i.e. intrinsic motivation and identified regulation) to predict more adaptive behavioural, cognitive and physical self-evaluation patterns than external regulation and amotivation. Introjected regulation was related to both adaptive and maladaptive outcomes. Furthermore, a multivariate analysis of variance revealed that exercisers in the maintenance stage of change displayed significantly more self-determined motivation to exercise than those in the preparation and action stages. The results illustrate the importance of promoting self-determined motivation in exercisers to improve the quality of their experiences, as well as to foster their exercise behaviour. Future research should examine the mechanisms that promote self-determined motivation in exercise.  相似文献   

以对抗性项目运动员参加竞技比赛过程中出现注意瞬脱现象为切人点,以注意相关理论模型为依据,分析与探讨对抗性项目运动员参加竞技比赛过程中注意瞬脱现象的行为特征,为教练员提高指导绩效提供帮助和支持.结果表明,对抗性项目运动员参加竞技比赛时出现注意瞬脱时间点晚,持续时间短;对抗性项目运动员对注意瞬脱的认知加工具有"节省化"的特点;对抗性项目运动员对刺激注意的延长时间所用的心理资源占用量相对较低.这些特征提示,根据不同的运动项目,改变注意瞬脱出现的时间点,减少注意瞬脱持续的时间,减轻注意瞬脱的程度,从而提高运动员的注意转换能力,促进运动员所掌握技术、战术的稳定发挥是十分必要的.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationship between coping strategies and attentional bias after a sport competition. We administered the Ways of Coping Checklist (Paulhan, Nuissier, Quintard, Cousson, & Bourgeois, 1994) to 145 athletes immediately after they had participated in a sport competition. We also assessed attentional bias using a dot probe detection task. Results revealed that emotion-focused coping strategies led athletes to orient their attention away from threat, whereas athletes who adopted problem-focused coping strategies focused their attention toward threat. More precisely, problem-focused coping strategies are related to a facilitated detection of threat, not to disengagement difficulties. The vigilance attentional bias seems to be a compensatory strategy to cope with a stressful situation, such as sport competition.  相似文献   

In this longitudinal study, we assessed the frequency of birth dates for boys selected for the Football Association National School. Birthdays were divided into three periods of the year: January to April, May to August and September to December. We compared data over a 5 year period and concluded that there is indeed a bias towards selecting older children. Furthermore, analysis of separate data revealed a shift of bias when comparing two different start dates, namely September and January. Our findings show that the youngest children from the January start date (born September to December) are selected significantly more often than the youngest children from the September start date (born May to August). Interestingly, even when the influence of body mass was reduced, the selection bias towards the older players remained.  相似文献   

In this longitudinal study, we assessed the frequency of birth dates for boys selected for the Football Association National School. Birthdays were divided into three periods of the year: January to April, May to August and September to December. We compared data over a 5 year period and concluded that there is indeed a bias towards selecting older children. Furthermore, analysis of separate data revealed a shift of bias when comparing two different start dates, namely September and January. Our findings show that the youngest children from the January start date (born September to December) are selected significantly more often than the youngest children from the September start date (born May to August). Interestingly, even when the influence of body mass was reduced, the selection bias towards the older players remained.  相似文献   

After more than 35 years of investigation, research on attentional focus in endurance activity is still mired by a lack of consensus. Specific challenges relate to the conceptualisation of association and dissociation, and discrepancies in methodology, research design, and data collection techniques. This review addresses previously unresolved issues that may limit research findings in this field. Initial concerns include how the endpoint of exercise tasks is defined, how pace is controlled, and the subjects employed within research investigations. An additional objective is to provide direction for future investigations. Traditional views of attentional focus may be limited in their explanatory value. We present a new working model of attentional focus in endurance activity that may more precisely categorise cognitive processes. Finally, research on this topic needs to be grounded in a recognised framework that captures the dynamic nature of human cognition. We propose that existing perspectives are recognised, such as the parallel processing model of pain and the mindfulness approach, and in addition we propose a metacognitive perspective be explored. Means of integrating these conceptual frameworks are suggested to further enhance the understanding of attentional processes in endurance activity.  相似文献   

Over the past 15 years, research on focus of attention has consistently demonstrated that an external focus (i.e., on the movement effect) enhances motor performance and learning relative to an internal focus (i.e., on body movements). This article provides a comprehensive review of the extant literature. Findings show that the performance and learning advantages through instructions or feedback inducing an external focus extend across different types of tasks, skill levels, and age groups. Benefits are seen in movement effectiveness (e.g., accuracy, consistency, balance) as well as efficiency (e.g., muscular activity, force production, cardiovascular responses). Methodological issues that have arisen in the literature are discussed. Finally, our current understanding of the underlying mechanisms of the attentional focus effect is outlined, and directions for future research are suggested.  相似文献   

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