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The aim of the present work was to analyze the influence of self-controlled task difficulty on motor learning. Participants had to intercept three targets falling at different velocities by displacing a stylus above a digitizer Task difficulty corresponded to racquet width. Half the participants (self-control condition) could choose the racquet width at the beginning of each trial. Each was paired with a participant from the yoked group. The self-control condition resulted in better performances and accuracy during immediate and delayed retention tests. These results confirm the advantage of a self-control condition on motor learning. They are discussed with reference to the challenge point hypothesis (Guadagnoli & Lee, 2004).  相似文献   


While questions of children's engagement in physical activity are being widely debated, little is known about how physical activity is valued and managed within families. This paper reports on qualitative data from a multi-method study on lower primary aged children. The focus of the broader study was to determine the relationships between young children's physical activity patterns, skills, and recreational interests, and their families' location, income, commitment to physical activity, and other responsibilities. Drawing on interviews with 12 purposively selected families, it was found that physical activity was highly valued across different family contexts, that children's engagement was shaped by their interests, friendships, and safety, and that issues such as income, family configuration, parental work commitments, and transport were potential barriers to further engagement.  相似文献   


This study investigated stimulus velocity effect on manual asymmetry during planning and execution of a complex coincidence-anticipation task. Left- and right-handers were required to press six buttons sequentially in conjunction with visual stimulus provided by a coincidence-anticipation device. Results showed that (1) stimulus velocity affected timing response and timing accuracy only for right-handers, who responded faster but less accurately in the fast stimulus velocity, (2) manual asymmetries for both handedness groups revealed a left-hand advantage for initiating the movement, and a preferred-hand advantage for movement time. The preferred-hand advantage in timing accuracy was only observed in the fast stimulus velocity. These findings are discussed in the framework of the hemispheric functional lateralisation.  相似文献   

Situational interest is the appealing effect of unique characteristics students recognize in a learning task during interaction with the task. It occurs when a learning task gives the learner a sense of novelty and challenge, demands high attention and exploration intention, and generates instant enjoyment during the person-task interaction. In this study, a repeated measure research design was used to examine the effects of task design on situational interest and the extent to which the effects were mediated by gender, grade, personal interest, and skill levels. Middle school students (N = 242) evaluated situational interest of four learning tasks with different cognitive and physical demands after having experienced the tasks in their physical education classes. Analyzed data showed that cognitive demand of a learning task played a critical role in generating situational interest. Grade levels, gender, and personal interest mediated the effects of task design on situational interest. But these mediation effects seemed rather limited. Physical skill levels had little influence on the effects of task design on situational interest. The findings seem to suggest that to enhance interestingness of a physical activity task, an option for physical educators may be to increase cognitive demand rather than reduce physical demand.  相似文献   


Allowing learners to control the number of practice trials has been shown to facilitate motor learning (Lessa & Chiviacowsky, 2015; Post et al., 2011; 2014). However, it is uncertain the extent to which prior findings were influenced by the combined effects of allowing participants to control both the pacing- and amount-of-practice. The present study examined the independent effects of self-controlled amount- and pacing-of-practice on learning a sequential timing task. Participants were assigned to a self-controlled-amount-of-practice (SCA), self-controlled-pacing-of-practice (SCP), yoked-amount-of-practice (YKA), or a yoked-pacing-of-practice (YKP) group. Participants completed acquisition, immediate retention/transfer and delayed retention/transfer. During acquisition, SCA controlled the number of acquisition blocks completed with a fixed inter-trial interval while SCP controlled the inter-trial interval with a fixed number of blocks. Yoked groups were matched to a self-control counterpart so the amount (YKA) and pacing (YKP) were equivalent. Self-control groups demonstrated lower absolute constant error during immediate-retention and lower absolute constant error and variable error during delayed retention (p < .05). For intrinsic motivation, SCA scored significantly higher than SCP for the subscale Interest/Enjoyment (p < .05). Findings indicated that self-control, regardless of type, facilitated motor learning. Further work is needed to continue to examine the relationship between controlling the amount and pacing of practice on skill acquisition.  相似文献   

This study examined judgments of learning and the long-term retention of a discrete motor task (golf putting) as a function of practice distribution. The results indicated that participants in the distributed practice group performed more proficiently than those in the massed practice group during both acquisition and retention phases. No significant differences in retention performance were found as a function of three retention intervals (1, 7, and 28 days). Echoing actual acquisition scores, participants in the distributed practice group predicted more proficient retention performance than did those in the massed practice group. Although all participants predicted more proficient performance than was actually achieved, the difference between predicted and actual performance failed to reach significance.  相似文献   

From an ecological point of view, motor learning emerges from the interplay of constraints on action, which shape behaviour towards the optimal solution, and practice, conceived as an active exploration of the work-space, to search this optimal solution. In the experiment reported here, we studied this interplay for a cyclical task performed on a ski-simulator. Our aim was to assess the respective effects of amplitude and practice on frequency variability and efficiency. On the basis of previous empirical findings, amplitude was expected, beyond a critical value, to constrain and stabilize the frequency of the movement. Three groups of participants practised during four sessions at three different amplitudes (15, 22.5 and 30 cm). The results showed that participants moving at large amplitude displayed more stable and more consistent frequencies. Nevertheless, there was no interaction effect between target amplitude and practice. On the other hand, movement economy and harmonicity increased with practice, but were not affected by amplitude. Finally, the results of transfer tests showed that the effects of large amplitude on frequency variability were not resistant to a subsequent decrease in target amplitude. These results suggest that constraints and practice act independently on motor behaviour, and that a high constraint could be detrimental to the development of effective search strategies.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the acute effects of manipulating exercise order when combining countermovement jumps and loaded parallel squats in a complex training session, and the acute effects of countermovement jumps and loaded parallel squats on sprinting performance. Eight rugby players participated in five trials, including two that involved performing loaded parallel squats followed by countermovement jumps or vice versa in a randomized cross-over design. Peak rate of force development and peak force were measured during countermovement jumps and loaded parallel squats. Peak power, jump height, and duration of amortization phase were also determined during the countermovement jumps. Peak force during squatting was significantly greater in both cross-over treatments (loaded parallel squats-countermovement jumps and countermovement jumps-loaded parallel squats) compared with the control (P 相似文献   

A four-component aiming movement was used to examine the relative effectiveness of part and whole practice. Following a pretest, participants were assigned to one of three practice groups. Participants in a "Whole" group practiced the four components together as a unit. A "No Overlap" group practiced the first two and last two components of the task, alternating every fifth trial. An "Overlap" group practiced the transition between the second and third components on every trial by alternating practice of the first three and last three components every five trials. Participants in all groups improved significantly from pretest to immediate posttest and maintained their performance over a 24-hr delay. Contrary to the "chunking hypothesis," participants in the No Overlap group improved as much as those in the other two groups. Kinematic data indicated that participants in all three groups learned to use response-produced feedback earlier in the individual movement trajectories. Moreover, participants appeared to acquire a general ability to make transitions between movement components rather than specific transitions. The results suggest that segmented or segmented "overlap" practice regimes may benefit learning movement sequences of short duration.  相似文献   

Background: Adventure education is an instructional model where students participate in adventurous activities to acquire physical, cognitive, and affective skills. It also has strong connections with cooperative learning. Parkour is a fast-growing sport practiced by thousands of youngsters all over the world. The media does not portray it as an educational content, but resourcefulness, maturity, cooperation, and respect are among its basic principles. It also appears to have a direct connection with risk-taking, self-discipline, and autonomy.

Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to assess students' ideas, views, and/or feelings after experiencing a parkour learning unit.

Participants and settings: The research project was conducted in an intact, sixth-grade physical education class in an elementary school located in the northern part of Spain. A total of 26 students with ages ranging between 11 and 12 years (mean age 11.4?±?0.6) participated in the study. There were 14 boys and 12 girls.

Data collection: At the end of the intervention programme, all participating students were asked to ‘Describe your feelings, your thoughts, and your ideas on the parkour learning unit that you just experience in physical education'.

Data analysis: MAXQDA 11, a qualitative software package, was used to assist with data management. All participants' answers were analysed via thematic content analysis and constant comparison.

Findings: Five major categories emerged from data analysis: enjoyment, fear, social skills, problem-solving skills, and integration. Our findings agree with previous researchers who believe that parkour could be considered an educational content due to all the different positive outcomes that it brings to the physical education class. It seems to promote the development of social and problem-solving skills in the students. Both are competences that should be encouraged and fostered in our youngsters. Furthermore, it is considered a fun activity, it promotes students' integration, and it teaches them how to cope with fear.

Conclusion: In contrast to popular views portrayed by the media, the sport of parkour can be a safe, educational content. School cannot turn its back on sports or contents whose popularity is rapidly increasing.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、逻辑分析法等,从影响中学生体育锻炼行为的动机因素出发,试图说明中学生的体育动机是影响其体育锻炼行为的内在动力因素.中学生个体内在因素(自我效能、期望价值、目标设定)、体育兴趣和社会支持(父母影响、学校支持)是关注的焦点,这些因素对个体的自我认知系统起到重要的影响作用,进而影响其体育锻炼行为的产生.  相似文献   

对上海市农民工学龄儿童与城市学龄儿童的生活习惯及健康等进行比较分析,得出以下结论:城市学龄儿童的饮食习惯显著好于农民工学龄儿童,但在食物摄取方面,城市学龄儿童对高蛋白、高脂肪类食物的摄取频率显著高于农民工学龄儿童;在身体活动方面,农民工学龄儿童每天活动时间显著多于城市学龄儿童,学习压力与城市儿童相比较小;农民工学龄儿童超重肥胖率、近视率显著低于城市学龄儿童,但农民工男学龄儿童的超重肥胖率同样处于较高水平。  相似文献   

Karate is a martial art that partly depends on subjective scoring of complex movements. Principal component analysis (PCA)-based methods can identify the fundamental synergies (principal movements) of motor system, providing a quantitative global analysis of technique. In this study, we aimed at describing the fundamental multi-joint synergies of a karate performance, under the hypothesis that the latter are skilldependent; estimate karateka’s experience level, expressed as years of practice. A motion capture system recorded traditional karate techniques of 10 professional and amateur karateka. At any time point, the 3D-coordinates of body markers produced posture vectors that were normalised, concatenated from all karateka and submitted to a first PCA. Five principal movements described both gross movement synergies and individual differences. A second PCA followed by linear regression estimated the years of practice using principal movements (eigenpostures and weighting curves) and centre of mass kinematics (error: 3.71 years; R2 = 0.91, P ? 0.001). Principal movements and eigenpostures varied among different karateka and as functions of experience. This approach provides a framework to develop visual tools for the analysis of motor synergies in karate, allowing to detect the multi-joint motor patterns that should be restored after an injury, or to be specifically trained to increase performance.  相似文献   

This study examined age-related differences in the role of visual proprioception during a lower limb interceptive action and how this varies as a function of skill and practice. In Experiment 1, skilled and less-skilled 8-, 10-, and 12-year-old boys controlled a soccer ball using their preferred foot under full vision and when sight of the effector was occluded. With the exception of the high-skilled 12-year-olds and low-skilled 8-year-olds, participants showed a decrement in peformance when denied access to visual proprioception. In Experiment 2, the effect of practicing under different informational constraints was examined for 12 year-old boys. Children performed varying amounts of practice under full vision, or in a condition where sight of the foot was occluded, before being transferred to the alternative viewing condition. Participants who practiced under occluded viewing conditions showed greater relative improvement in performance over practice and transfer sessions compared with a full vision control group. Some support is provided for the manipulation of visual informational constraints as an effective pedagogical approach to motor learning.  相似文献   

目的:对长沙市120名中学男生进行台阶试验、1 000 m跑、12 min跑、跑台最大摄氧量(VO2 max)的测试,计算各指标之间的相关系数,寻找评价心血管功能的有效指标.结果:1)随着年龄的增长,中学男生的身体形态指标、耐力素质、最大摄氧量绝对值呈现递增趋势,且存在板显著性差异(P<0.0001);但初二年级男生的台阶指教低于初一年级,且有显著性差异(P<0.01);2)台阶指数与VO2 max、VO2 max/kg、1 000 m跑、12 min跑的相关系数低(|r|<0.2);1 000 m 跑与 VO2 max的相关系数r=-0.662(P<0.0001);12 min跑与VO2 max的相关系数r=0.625(P<0.0001);3)台阶指教与身高、体重的相关系数分别为r=0.369、r=0.336.结论:1)台阶指数作为评价学生心血管功能指标,与VO2 max、VO2 max/kg的相关性低,且不能有效反映以VO2 max为代表的心脏功能增龄性变化规律;2)同为心血管功能评价指标,台阶指数与替代项目1 000 m跑的相关性低且具有较大范围的差异;3)建议用12 min跑取代台阶指数,作为评价中学生耐力素质及心血管功能的指标之一.  相似文献   

In the present study, an attempt was made to examine the nature and persistence of bilateral transfer of a throwing skill for a large sample of male and female children. One hundred sixty children ages 6, 8, 10, and 12 years were randomly assigned to either an experimental or control group with an equal number of boys and girls in each group. The experiment lasted 2 days and consisted of a pretest, a practice phase, an immediate transfer test, and a delayed transfer test. On the pretest, each participant performed 10 trials of a novel one-hand throwing task. Following the pretest, participants in the experimental group practiced the skill with the hand opposite the one used during the pretest until they had successfully reached a designated criterion for their age. Participants in the control group performed a balancing activity. Following the practice phase, all participants performed immediate (10 min later) and delayed (24 hr later) transfer tests under the same conditions as the pretest. The results revealed no group differences on the pretest but significantly higher throwing accuracy for the experimental group than the control group on both transfer tests. In addition, boys' throwing accuracy was significantly superior to the girls. It was concluded that bilateral transfer of throwing accuracy can be both a temporary and relatively persistent phenomenon for children and the superior throwing accuracy for boys is consistent with similar gender differences in throwing distance and throwing velocity (Thomas & French, 1985).  相似文献   

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