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The motor control of 49 unmedicated boys clinically diagnosed with ADHD, case‐matched with 49 non‐ADHD boys, was assessed while playing Crash Bandicoot I, a SonyTM Playstation platform computer video game. In Crash Bandicoot participants control the movements of a small‐animated figure through a hazardous jungle environment. Operationally defined measures of motor control were designated by (1) the stage of the game completed (ie, the number of obstacles successfully passed) before losing the figure's ‘life’, (2) the level of complexity that the stage represented and (3) the time taken to get to that point during the video game play. These measures were assessed under contrasting conditions of low or high working memory and distracter loads. Four tasks were administered (totalling 12 trials), incorporating both with and without distracter conditions. For those trials with the distracter, a segment of the television show The Simpsons was simultaneously played on a television screen adjacent to the computer game monitor. A 5‐way MANOVA revealed that ADHD boys took less time to complete their trials under the direct condition (ie, no working memory load) on Crash Bandicoot, compared to their matched non‐ADHD peers. When the task required additional working memory, however, the ADHD boys took significantly longer. Cumulative frequency plots of game performance revealed that in terms of the number of obstacles completed, the control participants successfully navigated more obstacles on the low working memory load task than the ADHD participants, but that the performance of the two groups was less distinguishable on the high working memory load task. The findings have implications for assessment and management of children with ADHD.  相似文献   

The Christian family is a deeply rooted theological way of being in the world with others. It is a functional domain from where initial and life-long lessons emerge. In rich ways, it helps foster human identity, development, ethical formation, autonomy, and communal responsibility amid a greater understanding of Christ's actualizing presence in the daily rhythms of life. The author presents the notion of family as incarnationally rooted in Christ's humanity and as an educative lens into better living the Gospel with others. The focus is on today's Christian families with young children and the implications for the religious education of these families within the rich tradition of the Church as a human organization.  相似文献   


The international marketing of higher education is a global phenomenon in which more than 50 countries compete. USA enjoys the largest market share. However, the market place is highly competitive with many players seeking a place in the international club. Increasing competitive practices calls for increasing market research especially in the area of consumer behaviour and student motivations. In this research area this paper explores the differences in behavioural motivations of international students choosing an overseas university in which to study. The method used in the research is Fishbein's and Ajzen's multi-attribute Theory of Planned Behaviour model. From a sample of Taiwanese students, representing the Chinese Diaspora countries, the intentions of students to study in USA, UK and Australia are examined. Three research questions are explored and the outcome demonstrates the usefulness and the insights that can be gained from the application of the model of Theory of Planned Behaviour in a higher education marketing context.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of history in power relations which suppress Indigenous knowledges. History is located as being about power and about how the powerful maintain their power. The paper further examines the Bering Strait theory/myth and ways that discourses in history combine with discourses in science to devalue Indigenous knowledges. The “truth” of science is challenged and examples of manipulation of scientific knowledge are provided, including discussions of a Canadian Broadcasting Corporation made for television production A people's history and an Internet website provided by the American government. These production activities supported by the Canadian and American governments are considered educational activities engaged in the practice of cultural representation in which dominant discourses about Indigenous peoples are presented. The paper challenges dominant misrepresentations of discourses about Indigenous peoples in a discussion of educational practices emphasizing the need of Indigenous peoples to control education and cultural representations. The paper concludes that it is a responsibility of society to educate all students to understand that any portrayal of history comes from a particular vantage point and to understand that dominant society privileges some representations and disadvantages others. If we teach in a critical way and challenge dominant discourses we can begin to create a society in which all persons in Canada and the USA, including Indigenous peoples, have a role to play.  相似文献   

用创新思维培养动画角色设计人才   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
动画角色是动画片的精神与灵魂,是动画片成功与否的关键。动画角色设计人才的培养,除了需要掌握造型的基础技法外,创新能力的培养在不断发展的动画产业与市场需求中更是刻不容缓。  相似文献   

This article is concerned with the relationships between children's understanding of the organisation of television time and their sense of what it means to be a child. It is based on qualitative data gathered in one inner city primary school, as part of a broader research project investigating the changing nature of children's media cultures. The article suggests that the notion of time is a crucial aspect of the ways in which children define their relationship with television. It analyses three related aspects of this phenomenon: firstly, children's perceptions of the institutional definitions embodied in the practice of television scheduling; secondly, their notions of psychological development, based partly on the structure of the schedule and partly on their own ‘reading histories'; and thirdly, the place of their television viewing in the scheduling and organisation of family life.  相似文献   

internet的发展,带来了Web动画.现在的Web动画不仅是一种技术而且是一种艺术.我们从标题广告开始,探索Web动画.网络动画从诞生到今天,时间并不长.人们从卡通动画中受到启发,经过2D,3D等一步步的完善,最终创建了艺术的新境界.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to consider the ways in which Arendt's writings on totalitarianism act as a warning sign for political and miseducational circumstances in the USA. Because the term totalitarianism has been used imprudently (largely in the mass media) to express repressive conditions in so-called models of democracy, this paper seeks to both clarify and raise questions concerning its meaning as a form of nation-state-sanctioned power and/or economic-technological force. This analysis draws largely from Arendt's definition of totalitarianism expressed as an antipolitical phenomenon characterized by terror-ruled ideological indoctrination which destroys both the public realm and the private identities. I contend that analyses of twentieth-century totalitarianism are significant to today's unprecedented questions and circumstances germinating in and having significance beyond the USA. I also describe the difficulty of action under extreme conditions. In the last analysis, I deliberate on the site of education as a totalitarian coercion.  相似文献   

发展动漫产业是福建拓展生产性服务业的必然选择   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国家“十一五”规划纲要第一次提出“拓展生产性服务业”并明确指出“发展动漫产业”。文章分析了相关的概念、关系与条件,认为动漫产业是拓展生产性服务业的重要组成部分,发展动漫产业将成为福建省拓展生产性服务业的必然选择。  相似文献   

Noting that differences and inequality of education exist in the United States of America, this paper presents two model educational programs that address the iniquities in American public education. The first model is a collaborative effort of a public school in an urban northeast community, the Robert L. Ford Elementary School of Lynn, Massachusetts, USA and a public supported college of higher education, Salem State College, Salem, Massachusetts, USA, whose joint venture is known as The Partnership for the Educational Village Project. The second model utilizes technology to outreach families and child care providers through a televised distance learning project that was nationally presented by its producer, Mass Interactions, and a US Department of Education Star School Grant. The Ford School's principal (head teacher) forged the partnership with the college to create a 'full service school' that provides multiple avenues of support to the school's children, their families, and community. The distance learning programs, entitled 'Taking the First Steps: Parents as Teachers' and 'Building Bridges for Excellence in the Early Grades: Home/School Partnership', were conceived as two live and interactive television series that promoted literacy development in preschool and primary school-aged children in their homes. Both educational models recognize the paramount role families and communities play in the education of children. To compensate and overcome the plight of poverty and disenfranchisement, educational endeavors need to respect the parental role, offer new structures for engaging the family and community in the education of their youth, and provide options as a foundation for sound schooling practices. The two educational models in this paper face these challenges of contemporary society. The paper illustrates how the models define and exemplify initiatives that attempt to transform society to accept social responsibility for educating the whole 'village'.  相似文献   

This paper critically discusses MacIntyre's thesis that education is essentially a contested concept. In order to contextualise my discussion, I discuss both whether rival educational traditions of education found in MacIntyre's work – which I refer to as instrumental and non-instrumental justifications of education – can be rationally resolved using MacIntyre's framework, and whether a shared meaning of education is possible as a result. I conclude that MacIntyre's synthesis account is problematic because the whole notion that there are rationally negotiable ways in which to compromise or harmonise opposing justifications of education found in instrumental and non-instrumental forms of education is troubling – the reason being that these are cultural disagreements about human flourishing that are not neutral-free, and due to a lack of care distinguishing between the common uses of the term ‘education’, and its looser usages to mean something like school learning that embraces a range of aims and goals that are often incompatible. In this light, it is argued that the contestability card has been unnecessarily overemphasised, and brings to our attention the complex ways in which we interpret education and what it means to be educated.  相似文献   


This article considers the place of news media-particularly television news-in young people's political socialisation. Following a brief sketch of debates about young people's apparent indifference to politics and to news media, it provides a critical review of previous research in this field. It argues that researchers have often operated with a functionalist notion of socialisation and an unduly narrow conception of political understanding. The second part of the article provides a summary of some key themes raised by the author's own research into young people's interpretations of television news. It focuses particularly on the question of young people's apparent cynicism about politics, and on the characteristics of 'critical viewing'. The article concludes with a call for media education as a crucial dimension of political education and contemporary citizenship.  相似文献   

Literate behaviours are changing with new technological and commercial reworkings of popular fictions. Today's young people are acquiring new skills and strategies to deal with the enormous onslaught of secondary texts associated with many major fictions. This article discusses such developments in the context of three stories: Harry Potter, The Lord of the Rings and The Simpsons. It investigates the potential for new approaches to literacy as displayed by particular young readers.  相似文献   

This paper analyses the use of a television film, David Leland's Flying into the Wind, in O Level English Literature examinations in 1986. This is the first use of television material in an examination of this kind. After studying the video as part of a two‐year course, candidates were shown part of the television film during the examination and asked to comment upon it. An analysis of candidates' responses suggests television is a suitable medium for use in public examinations, as well as a popular choice with the candidates themselves. Certain aspects of the candidates' responses suggest the importance of visual imagery, and this in turn may have implications for theories concerning how we understand television. Finally, the subsequent use of Flying into the Wind and the current use of Gregory's Girl in GCSE examinations, and the place of television in the new National Curriculum orders are briefly considered.  相似文献   

Employing a dramatistic system based upon the critical frameworks of Kenneth Burke and Northrop Frye, a quantitative and qualitative analysis of primetime network television series from the 1974–1975 season through the 1998–1999 season is presented. A total of 1,365 series are classified as either ironic, mimetic, leader‐centered, romantic, or mythical communication systems, and then examined for their value orientation. It is concluded that during the last half of the 1970s, prime‐time television series promoted the value of individualism as a primary standard for resolving symbolic conflicts. In the first half of the 1980s, they promoted idealism and authority. In the last half of the 1980s and early 1990s, prime‐time series promoted the use of authority as the predominant conflict‐resolution value. In the mid‐and late‐1990s, primetime television series primarily featured alternating‐if not paradoxical‐values of individuality and authority as central standards for resolving symbolic conflicts.  相似文献   

动漫形象品牌运营是动漫产业可持续发展的根本保证。《山猫和吉咪》动漫在其形象品牌运营过程中大胆创新,立足于创建国际化的动漫企业,提出了"国外包围国内"、"先衍生品后动画片"的品牌运营路线,在有效推广动漫形象品牌的同时获得了极大的成功,为中国动漫形象品牌运营发展提供了宝贵的经验,即先走国家产业规划型和市场主导型相结合的动画形象品牌运营道路,然后进入市场主导型动画形象品牌运营模式。中国的动漫产业要真正形成产业链,必须在打造动漫形象品牌、促进品牌营销上下功夫。  相似文献   


Using the stories of two autonomous public schools in Australia, this paper demonstrates how commercialisation can simultaneously position schools as both consumer and for-profit producer. Drawing on Foucault's articulation of discourse as that which constitutes and makes available what is possible to be said, done and imagined, the paper illustrates how the current marketised articulation of education is allowing for new possibilities of commercialisation in schools. Together these stories demonstrate that there are creative ways that these schools have embraced their autonomy, while relying on market solutions to acquire the resources they deem necessary for their students and their communities. However, it also shows how these resources and the attainment for them are inextricably constituted by the market orientation of education more broadly and how this presents potential dangers for what schools may be and become as a result.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned to demonstrate the usefulness of the theory of Bourdieu, including the concepts of field, logics of practice and habitus, to understanding relationships between media and policy, what Fairclough has called the ‘mediatization’ of policy. Specifically, the paper draws upon Bourdieu’s accessible account of the journalistic field as outlined in On television and journalism. The usefulness of this work is illustrated through a case study of a recent Australian science policy, The chance to change. As this policy went through various iterations and media representations, its naming and structure became more aphoristic. This is the mediatization of contemporary policy, which often results in policy as sound bite. The case study also shows the cross‐field effects of this policy in education, illustrating how today educational policy can be spawned from developments in other public policy fields.  相似文献   

In this review of three recent books on higher education, Alexander Sidorkin shows how the disinterested discourse that appears to be anticapitalist and anticommercial is actually a way of obtaining income from state subsidies. What links the books under review—Cary Nelson's No University Is an Island: Saving Academic Freedom, Frank Donoghue's The Last Professors: The Corporate University and the Fate of the Humanities, and Jennifer Washburn's University, Inc.: The Corporate Corruption of Higher Education—is their critical evaluation of the corporatization and commercialization of higher education. In his analysis of this common theme, Sidorkin considers discourse as a means of production, and he maintains that the semiotic fields produced by discourse may create inflationary bubbles unless they engage in innovative discursive practices. Higher education is shaped by the trend toward massification, which makes the innovative discourse essential. Sidorkin concludes that the discursive energy of proponents of higher education should be focused on solving the numerous problems that arise from the massification of higher education rather than trying to reverse the trend and return to some golden age of academia.  相似文献   

This paper draws on the concept of parental involvement, popular among educators and policy‐makers, in investigating differences in level of attained education by family background. The question is if parental involvement in children's schooling at age 14 acts as a mediator between family resources and mid‐life level of attained education. Using structural equation modeling we analyze longitudinal survey and register data of a Swedish metropolitan cohort born in 1953 (n = 3300). Several of the commonly used indicators of involvement are investigated, distinguishing between parents' involvement beliefs, such as educational aspirations and agreement with school curriculum, and involvement practices, such as reading children's schoolbooks and helping with homework. We find that parents' educational aspirations are an important mediator between family resources and attained level of education, while other involvement forms are related to academic performance only. We also find that parental involvement is greater in families with more resources, which leads us to warn against developments turning more responsibility for children's schooling over to parents. Unless sensitive to the diverse family contexts this might increase the importance of family resources for children's educational outcomes.  相似文献   

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