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G2000's HR Execution Excellence was one of the innovative projects to receive the International Society for Performance Improvement (ISPI) Award of Excellence 2016. It is a continuous‐improvement project that applies holistic human performance improvement using an ISPI human performance technology model (ISPI, 2012) to streamline the front‐end and back‐end processes of a retail attendance system (RAS). Thus, it improved one of G2000's strategic capabilities: regulatory and social practices. During the process of developing the strategic capabilities and assembling the right combination of processes, knowledge, skills, and organizational fabric, working group and its system of play become critical. The question is how to reshape the work environment to sustain high performance from the strategic change. One way to position a change agent for success is by managing holistic requirements and intensely promoting and developing the bridge to the future.  相似文献   


The IMPEL2 Project is a JISC‐funded eLib Project based at the University of Northumbria at Newcastle. It has been engaged in a 2‐year (1996‐98) investigation of organisational and cultural change in the increasingly electronic environment in UK Higher Education HE. The selection of Case Study sites was purposive; some had participated in the previous IMPEL1 study. A qualitative methodology, using analysis of documentation, semi‐structured interviews and questionnaires, has been used to examine complex and sometimes sensitive issues.

Through Case Studies at 24 Universities and HE Colleges and over 300 interviews, with a range of academic staff, library and information services staff and computer services staff, the Project team has gained insights into the impacts of electronic information provision on academic and student users, the impacts of resource based learning and training, and considered the implications for the training and development of library staff.

This article gives some of the findings of the IMPEL2 Project on supporting students in resource based learning. It considers why it is beneficial to support students and highlights the recent changes in HE which make academic support of students vital to their success.

The article outlines the evidence of the IMPEL2 Project which suggests that certain kinds of support are needed including the provision of appropriate resources, access to these resources, the teaching of skills to students and the provision of on‐going advice, guidance and support. Finally the implications for academic staff are considered.  相似文献   

The Language for Professional Communication in Accounting project has changed teaching practice in a linguistically and culturally diverse postgraduate accounting program at Macquarie University in Australia. This paper reflects on the project’s interdisciplinary and collaborative approach to diversity in the classroom by tracing its growth and development and describing the way in which it is supporting the integration of professional communication skills and discipline‐specific content within the Master of Accounting program. In particular, the paper demonstrates that discipline specialists working in a continuous and collaborative relationship with English language specialists, to integrate and assess communication skills and enrich the curriculum, leads to better outcomes for students and staff. The paper contributes to a growing literature on approaches that integrate particular graduate attributes into programs with diverse student populations, rather than bolt‐on interventions by language specialists that have limited outcomes.  相似文献   

This study sought to compare the perceptions of Australian consultants, involved in a three year assignment in the South Pacific of the essential knowledge, attitudes and attributes, and skills needed for ‘effective’ consulting, with those of the client group and a third group of Asian and Pacific consumers and providers of consulting services. This latter group consisted of executive members, sub‐regional coordinators and program facilitators of the Asia South Pacific Bureau of Adult Education.

A two‐round questionnaire was employed to enable them to provide qualitative data on the knowledge, qualities and skills required of ‘effective’ consultants and then to rank order these items, and others obtained from an extensive literature search, to guide project managers and cross‐cultural trainers in the recruitment and preparation of consultants for effective outcomes. These guidelines seemed particularly urgent in the light of the 80% early return rate (premature return of consultants before project completion) at a cost of two billion dollars per annum (in the USA) and the evidence that fewer than one‐in‐three consultants receive cross‐cultural preparation before their departure and are generally recruited on the basis of strong success records at home.

The major findings that emerge are that there are statistically significant differences between the three groups as to the most important ‘competencies’ required for successful overseas consulting; that ‘cultural sensitivity’ is the most important attribute; ‘interpersonal’ and ‘teaching’ skills the most important skills, after ‘technical expertise'; that the composite ‘Mentikit’ effective consultant yielded by the literatureis quite different from that constructed from the survey responses; and that ‘home country success’ is unimportant compared with other traits and skills with major implications for culture‐general and culture‐specificcross‐cultural selection and training.  相似文献   

Recent government policy has emphasised links between the acquisition of social skills by children and young people and their educational attainment. This study aims to fill a gap in the literature about the contribution of school‐based group work programmes to developing children’s social skills. National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC) Children’s Services Practitioners ran four groups for a total of 38 Year Seven children from mixed ethnic backgrounds in two high schools in the North of England between 2004 and 2007, designed to improve children’s self‐esteem, social skills and behaviour. Parents were involved in identifying objectives and evaluating outcomes. The NSPCC’s aim was to deliver programmes jointly with non‐teaching staff and to train them to take responsibility for delivering future programmes. Pre‐intervention and post‐intervention Behaviour Rating Index for Children questionnaires identified small but significant improvements in teachers’ and parents’ assessments of children’s behaviour. Qualitative data referred to improvements in children’s self‐esteem. However, evaluation data showed that the groups struggled to cope with children with very disruptive behaviour, for whom a wider range of interventions and continuing support were required. Key variables included the quality of liaison between the NSPCC and school staff and the provision of suitable venues. Challenges included harmonising education and social work perspectives and expectations, and avoiding disruption to school curricula.  相似文献   


This paper emerged from the findings of a study investigating the efficacy of a staff development programme, called TRAC (Teaching, Reflection and Collaboration), offered through Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia. Participants in this study indicated an express need for academic staff developers to foster a range of skills when seeking to implement exemplary staff development programmes. One of the most crucial skills stipulated by participants was the ability for staff developers to offer development opportunities which effectively cater to the current hectic, competitive and outcome‐driven climate academics face. Other skills considered by participants to be pivotal for the development and implementation of exemplary staff development programmes included well‐developed human relation and interpersonal skills, facilitative skills and skills in co‐ordinating and networking.

This paper begins by ‘setting the scene’, briefly outlining the TRAC programme and the author's research experience of this programme. Subsequently, it discusses the skills required of the developer instigating such a programme. In doing this, it aims to encourage developers to reflect on the efficacy of their own skills with a view to making appropriate changes. Thus, in attempting to trigger change in developers’ practice, this paper represents a vehicle for ‘development of the developers.’  相似文献   

This is an account of a programme involving the application of action learning to the task of ‘blending personal development with development of an organisation's capability’. It was aimed at dismantling cross boundary barriers and extending cross boundary networks. It became clear that staff needed to reflect on their own effectiveness in current roles and, despite considerable ongoing change, begin to drive their own development in the organisation. The changes also demanded that they extend their knowledge and skills in confronting and solving problems. The programme designed to achieve these aims proved to be highly successful.  相似文献   

随着知识经济的发展,知识型员工对企业的生存和发展发挥日益重要的作用,如何吸引、挽留和激励知识型员工已经成为企业人力资源管理的重要内容。组织认同是个体与组织保持一致并归属于组织的一种认知,通过提升知识型员工的组织认同将显著提高知识型员工的忠诚度和敬业度,减少企业因知识型员工流失而造成的损失。根据目前知识型员工管理现状,文章以知识型员工组织认同为切入点,归纳知识型员工高专业认同而低组织认同的特殊性,分析造成知识型员工组织认同特殊性的知识型员工个性特征、工作特征和需求特征,并在此基础上提出培育知识型员工组织认同的有效途径,旨在指导企业知识型员工管理实践。  相似文献   

Growing pressure to restructure and reform tertiary education is encouraging university academics to use innovative practices that assist students to develop ‘employable’ skills. The hybrid approach described in this paper stimulated students to be self‐directed adult learners who maximized their learning of content and skills by means of problem‐based learning and action research strategies. The lecturer also operated as a reflective practitioner and role model by using an action research approach. This paper demonstrates the value of student empowerment, communication and leadership in autonomous learning groups. It outlines methods by which academic teaching staff can build continuous improvement into a university unit’s curriculum design and processes. These can be powerful additions to lecturers’ teaching strategies and to students’ learning experiences.  相似文献   


This paper reports on selected aspects of data, with special reference to science, derived from a survey of primary school teachers as part of the Leverhulme Primary Project at the University of Exeter.

A national sample of teachers (N = 901) across 152 schools was surveyed in order to ascertain teachers’ perceptions of competence and needs with respect to the new National Curriculum in the UK. Initially, data were collected in relation to ten subject areas and generic teaching skills, with provision made for free‐form responses concerning National Curriculum implementation.

Selected aspects of these data, principally related to the National Curriculum core area of science, were subjected to detailed further analysis and are reported. Variables identified from the survey findings, and of concern to science educators, included early subject specialism, years of teaching and gender. These were probed for relationships and significance. The tension between competing National Curriculum requirements for specialist subject knowledge and generalist teaching skills was explored.

Findings have implications for innovation in approaches to staff development to cater for perceived needs, teacher educators and curriculum alignment.  相似文献   


The paper addresses the questions of identity, ethics and organization for academic developers ('AD’ is used as an umbrella for academic staff development plus a number of other academic‐related professional university roles). It inquires into the degree of role differentiation between this occupational cluster and others that resemble it, outside as well as inside the universities. It argues, following Clark and Boyer, that ‘AD’ is both a scholarly and an academic pursuit, and adds that it is characterized uniquely by its focus on change and development, and that the nature of its ‘discipline’ is somewhat problematic. The paper examines the occupational freedoms of AD people and their special knowledge‐base, and argues for a ‘temptations‐based’ rather than a ‘virtues‐based’ approach to creating an ethical schema. It concludes with observations about how to achieve a firm professional identity for AD and recommends new organizational machinery to both politicize and defend the distinctive AD role in academia.  相似文献   

This paper describes portfolio development by pre-service art teachers in a secondary teaching programme at California State University, Los Angeles, USA. A portfolio reflects knowledge, skills, and beliefs about teaching in general and teaching art specifically. It displays one’s learning experiences as they are collected, organized, and refined to provide a critical framework and rich portrayal of one’s best work. The article addresses the questions of what a portfolio in art education is, what its goals are, how one creates a portfolio, how one assesses portfolios once they are developed, what the issues and challenges surrounding the use of portfolios as assessment tools are, and finally, some likely future developments of portfolio assessment in teacher education.  相似文献   

从优化教学内容、丰富课堂组织形式、改革评价机制等分析了"研讨式教学模式",认为对中国古代文学课程实施"研讨式教学模式",既坚持对学生传统文学知识和文化素养的培育,也注重对学生实际能力的提升,提出在教改实践过程中需要以作品为基础,以能力培养为中心,注意凸显课程的特色。  相似文献   

The Open University has been working with the University of Fort Hare on its Distance Education Project since 1997, helping to develop its innovative distance education programme for primary teachers in the Eastern Cape. Recently the OU has been involved in researching the impact of this programme on teachers’ perceptions of their practice and their classroom practice. This case study explores the context in which the programme was developed, the philosophy that underpinned its development, its structure, materials and the role played by the Open University. Using preliminary findings of teacher‐learner perceptions of the programme, the case study examines the effectiveness of the teacher support and their responses to the programme. Initial findings from questionnaires and semi‐structured interviews highlight the cohesive and holistic impact of the programme. The focus on context and culture in developing the programme is seen as significant by all teacher‐learners in challenging and motivating different ways of thinking about their teaching, learning and their practice.  相似文献   

Job rotations have existed as a means of developing individual knowledge and skills since the industrial revolution, and in today's dynamic global workplace, they afford organizations an opportunity to manage changing psychological work contracts and employee desires for self‐managed careers. Through the systematic mining of psychology, business, management, and educational databases, this literature review provides a summary of job rotation practices, individual and organizational benefits, likely costs associated with job rotations, and implications for practitioners. Findings indicate that while employees seek learning and marketability over job security and stability, organizations strive to maintain continuity and internal growth and development of their workforce. Job rotations can appease both individuals and organizations through enhanced knowledge and skills, facilitation of greater job satisfaction, and identification of individual strengths for optimal organizational performance. However, these benefits come at a price to the individual and the organization in the form of increased work/life conflict, potentially higher training costs, and possible lower work unit morale. Conclusions are presented on the practical implications and recommendations for implementing job rotations and integrating the practice into performance improvement models.  相似文献   


Over the years, a variety of frameworks, models and literacies have been developed to guide teacher educators in their efforts to build digital capabilities in their students, that will support them to use new and emerging technologies in their future classrooms. Generally, these focus on advancing students’ skills in using ‘educational’ applications and digitally-sourced information, or understanding effective blends of pedagogical, content and technological knowledge seen as supporting the integration of digital resources into teaching, to enhance subject learning outcomes. Within teacher education institutions courses developing these capabilities are commonly delivered as standalone entities, or there is an assumption that they will be generated by technology’s integration in other disciplines or through mandated assessment. However, significant research exists suggesting the current narrow focus on subject-related technical and information skills does not prepare students adequately with the breadth of knowledge and capabilities needed in today’s classrooms, and beyond. This article presents a conceptual framework introducing an expanded view of teacher digital competence (TDC). It moves beyond prevailing technical and literacies conceptualisations, arguing for more holistic and broader-based understandings that recognise the increasingly complex knowledge and skills young people need to function ethically, safely and productively in diverse, digitally-mediated environments. The implications of the framework are discussed, with specific reference to its interdisciplinary nature and the requirement of all faculty to engage purposefully and deliberately in delivering its objectives. Practical suggestions on how the framework might be used by faculty, are presented.



Good teaching can be construed from two perspectives. From one point of view, teaching is seen as a developmental process in which the individual acquires knowledge and skills through practice. Recognition is then based on the teacher meeting specified proficiency criteria as measured by such procedures as student evaluation of teaching questionnaires and colleague appraisal. A second perspective is to view good teaching in terms of instructional achievements. Here judgements are often based on a teacher's portfolio submission where assessments are made on the extent to which the teacher has contributed to the quality of teaching within the institution. This paper describes developments at the University of New South Wales in recognizing and rewarding good teaching based on the second perspective, and on how teaching staff are assisted in developing teaching portfolios to document teaching achievements. These developments are discussed in relation to the issues of what constitutes evidence for ‘good teaching’ and concerns that teaching staff have raised about the process of documenting teaching.  相似文献   

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