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定量研究和定性研究是教育研究的两大基本范式。近年来,由于认识到教育研究对象的特殊性质,日益强调定量研究与定性研究相“整合”,希望通过两种方法的整合来消除单纯一种研究方法带来的偏蔽,以更好地把握教育活动本质。但问题首先在于二者能否“整合”。其实定量研究和定性研究是明显不同的两种研究范式,有各自的活动边界和独特的品质追求。性质不同的研究范式是难以整合的;教育研究的独特性要求二者的“结合”,即综合运用两种研究范式。  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

文章从双语教学的定性、定位、定量三方面为切入点,对双语教学活动的规律进行了分析,对双语教学基础理论研究的范围进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Little is known about Asian American women administrators in the public schools. The study sought to understand the pathways of Asian American women to school leadership. In-depth interviews and researcher reflective memos were the primary data sources. The participants included 15 Asian American female school administrators in two states. We found that the women's career trajectories were similar yet unique; they were manifestation of the women's intersected experiences of gender, race–ethnicity, and age, situated in particular time and place. Often than not, the women had to negotiate their leadership aspiration and advancement through raced and gendered expectations. Others' encouragement and mentoring were instrumental for the women's development of self-knowledge and demystification of the leadership process. Most women taught at least 10–15 years before entering leadership. The women of earlier generations had far less career mobility and slim, if not absent, mentoring opportunities.  相似文献   

数据驱动的教育研究范式转型使得质性研究与量化研究间的鸿沟日益加深。作为一种融合定性与定量分析的新兴教育研究方法,量化民族志有助于构建两种研究范式间的桥梁,从而更好地探究教育境脉中数据背后的深层含义。该方法的提出缘于对体现专长的认知框架进行建模的需要,融合了民族志、会话分析、统计学、数据挖掘等方法和技术,通过分析真实场域中学习者的言行举止实现对其认知框架的深描。其实质是构建由理论层面的意义和实证层面的数据所构成的实证研究闭环,以消解质性研究偏于主观、量化研究偏于表面的不足,并建立起两种研究话语间的联系。量化民族志注重构建"境脉中的理论"和实现"理论饱和",并提供了半自动编码软件nCoder和认知网络分析两种研究工具,以确保建模结果的可靠性和可解释性。该方法主要被用于学科教学和跨学科学习中的高阶能力评估,其应用场景呈现出多学科交叉和多模态数据整合的势态,其方法论体系也日趋完善。  相似文献   

定量研究与定性研究是教育评估中运用的主要方法,通过对这两种研究方法进行比较,理清这两种研究方法的区别与联系,以便能更深刻地了解这两种研究方法,准确地把握其各自的优势及局限性,教育评估的特点和功能决定了在评估中只有将两者合理地结合使用,才能使教育评估达到预期的目的。  相似文献   

There has been much discussion about quantitative and qualitative approaches to research in different disciplines. In the behavioural and social sciences, these two paradigms are compared to reveal their relative strengths and weaknesses. But the debate about both traditions has commonly taken place in academic books. It is hard to find an article that deals with the generic issues related to the quantitative and qualitative divide by drawing on distinguished research literature. Interested in addressing this need, this article aims to explain the essential characteristics of quantitative and qualitative research approaches with an emphasis on their underlying epistemological, theoretical, and methodological differences. It elucidates the research design issues and concepts in relation to both research paradigms, from planning research to collecting and analyzing data, and reporting findings. The criteria that are used to evaluate research strategies and findings are also discussed.  相似文献   

This article emphasises two major themes that address the influence of the Asian American Movement: (1) encouraging students to broaden the discourse on race and ethnic relations by redefining categories and challenging prevalent assumptions; (2) an increased tolerance and frequency in course offerings that examine and centralise the histories, literature and political underpinnings of Asian Americans and ethnic (i.e. Japanese) specific communities, which has equipped students to engage in discourse and community action. Countering dominant narratives through unification and education is the means by which Asian American students fought for representation and fair treatment.  相似文献   


In this article the results from two studies on essay writing are contrasted. One uses a qualitative method and the other a quantitative one. The qualitative study is rich in detail but, for those of a quantitative disposition, it lacks sufficient quantitative information. We are not told, for example, what proportion of the students involved are men or women, traditional-entry or mature, and what disciplines they are studying. The quantitative study provides details of this kind, but it does, however, have problems of its own. Internal inconsistencies in the data reveal that the validity of some of the findings is questionable. The article concludes by suggesting the necessity for combining - or sequentially chaining - different methods in research of this kind.  相似文献   

心理学研究方法中的定量研究与定性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
心理学研究所采用的主要的两种方法是定量研究与定性研究。根据定量研究与定性研究的定义、特点、操作技术与方法,这两种研究方法具有良好的发展前景,必然会结合在一起。  相似文献   

定性与定量研究在教育研究过程中的整合   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育领域研究方法在研究范式的发展上表现为定性研究范式与定量研究范式的并存互补,定性、定量研究是研究者分别通过非数字和数字的信号来表征教育现象的方法.定性、定量研究是贯穿教育研究的两条主线,二者的整合,对于科学地揭示教育现象和规律起着重要作用.本文将从定性与定量方法在教育研究中整合的必要性、整合的应用范围和整合的具体方面分别进行阐述,并针对整合后所带来的新问题,提出一些解决的措施.  相似文献   

在社会人文科学的研究领域里长期存在着两种截然不同并长期对立的研究范式———质性研究与量化研究。这两种研究方法起源的历史社会背景以及哲学基础、操作方法都全然不同,当然它们各自都有着自身的优点与不足。随着时代的不断进步以及人们认识的不断深入,这两种研究方式相互辉映,并有相互整合之势。二者从最初的相互对立到现今的整合态势对于建构心理学的科学性与人文性并重的大心理学等都具有深远的影响和重要的意义。  相似文献   

教育研究中量化与质性方法之争的当下语境分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
阎光才 《教育研究》2006,27(2):47-53
20世纪80年代以来,西方教育研究领域中颇为激烈的量化与质性研究范式之争,其表是方法论之争,其里却有着浓厚的政治立场与意识形态冲突色彩。正是因为这种激进立场的介入,人们过于夸大了两者间的范式差异,而漠视了其中存在的相容性。教育与其他社会科学研究所面对的社会现实是主观建构与客观型构的统一,量化与质性方法并不存在必然对立,而是具有相容性和相互补充解释的作用。  相似文献   

亚裔美国文学批评,主要是在反叛欧洲文学的基础上发展的。其主要内容为对美国传统文学批评进行研究,并提出不同观点,但研究中心主要为美国文学理念。由于亚裔美国文学批评在发展中坚信,亚裔美国人的族裔认同为美国民族认同的一部分,在发展文学批评思想中,应将亚裔美国批评思想予以认同并诠释,以此作为美国民族认同,并将美国传统文学批评理念进行完善以及诠释。基于此,主要对亚裔美国文学批评中的民族思想进行研究,以期使更多的人能够了解亚裔美国批评文化,以此提升其在国际文学中的地位,并为未来批评文学发展提供相关的理论依据。  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationships among demographics, parent and peer attachment, school satisfaction, and student engagement behavior in a 1‐year longitudinal study of secondary‐school students. Statistically significant cross‐sectional differences in school satisfaction were observed, based on grade, but not on race, gender, or socioeconomic status. Level of school satisfaction did not moderate the relationships between parent and peer satisfaction and negative student engagement behaviors at Time 2 (controlling for Time 1). School satisfaction did account for significant incremental variance across all levels of parent and peer attachment relationships, although predicting a larger proportion of variance for withdrawal behavior than for resistance/aggression behavior. Adolescents' appraisals of their school satisfaction appear to be an independent predictor of their school engagement behaviors, regardless of the quality of their parent or peer attachment relationships. Limitations of the study as well as implications for future research and educational practice are discussed. © 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Inthestudiesofsecondlanguageteachingandlearning ,generallytwomajorapproachesareadopted :thequalitativeand quantitativeapproaches.Theterms“qualitative”and”quantitative”arederivedfromanthropology ,eachrepresentingaspecialresearchmethodintheanthropologicals…  相似文献   

质的研究与量的研究是社会科学研究领域的两大范式。教育学者对于教育研究中应采用质的研究还是量的研究更为科学有着激烈的论争,同时也企图寻找结合的路径。但通过分析教育研究者在实践中对质的研究与量的研究的运用,看到的却是教育研究者对方法论及其方法的忽视。因此涵养科学精神才是教育研究者必须且迫切的选择。  相似文献   


This article details the process and analysis of a case study, conducted over a six week period, involving an outdoor education class in an all-boys Catholic, New Zealand secondary school. The questions explored by the case study were the subjective meanings of adventure experiences in outdoor education and the benefits of qualitative research for assessing the value of outdoor education. The methodological techniques used were observation, involving some researcher participation, and in-depth interviewing. Subsequent data analysis was based upon theories of experiential education and adventure education, and concepts of leisure and human agency. The results of the study suggest that the meanings participants make of their experiences, and the value they derive from them, exceed those that may conventionally be sought and measured as an improvement in self-concept. These findings suggest that learning through adventure is potentially valuable as a holistic and life-long form of activity that enhances the capacity to enjoy and engage in living. This is an important extension beyond its often limited and compartmentalised applications, which are rationalised by specific outcome based objectives. A qualitative methodology was indispensable to an inquiry of this kind and warrants further attention in the process of understanding the meanings of adventure and learning.  相似文献   

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