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20世纪80年代以来,学前教育市场化改革成为世界主要国家应对全球经济危机与社会文化变迁的重要教育政策选择,为这些国家解决学前教育可获得性、可支付性和质量问题提供了一种解决方案,但也隐含着诸多难以规避的风险与挑战。作为学前教育市场化改革“激进派”的典型代表,澳大利亚学前教育在20世纪末从社区供给模式转变为市场供给模式,在扩大学前教育资源的同时,保教领域的内在矛盾也日渐突出,如质量标准的提高造成服务成本上升,小微型保教机构因利润微薄纷纷倒闭,反而营造了有利于营利性企业垄断发展的环境;政府对学前教育社会服务的财政投入持续增长,但保教服务价格持续攀升,形成了“高补贴、高收费”的怪圈;学前教育质量改革受到“成本”和“效率”问责,保教服务“去专业化”现象凸显,学前教育质量改革前景不明。以澳大利亚的经验为镜鉴,我国学前教育改革要明确政府的治理角色,避免“市场中心主义”思想,坚持“育人为本”的价值取向,鼓励学前教育治理制度创新,去除市场化改革路径依赖。  相似文献   

Since the late 1980s, there has been a resurgence of regionalism in world politics. Prospects for new alliances are opened up often on a regional basis. In East and Southeast Asia, regionalization is becoming evident in higher education, with both awareness and signs of a rising ASEAN+3 higher education community. The quest for regional influence in Southeast Asia, however, has not been immune from controversies. One fact has been China’s growing soft power. As a systematically planned soft power policy, China is projecting soft power actively through higher education in the region. Yet, China-ASEAN relations in higher education have been little documented. Unlike the mainstay of the practices of internationalization in higher education that focuses overwhelmingly on educational exchange and collaboration with affluent Western countries, China’s interactions with ASEAN member countries in higher education are fulfilled by “quiet achievers,” mainly seen at the regional institutions in relatively less developed provinces such as Guangxi and Yunnan. This article selects regional higher education institutions in China’s much disadvantaged provinces to depict a different picture to argue that regionalization could contribute substantially to internationalization, if a variety of factors are combined properly.  相似文献   

Accelerating global flows of people and information have formed new communities and networks across social and political borders. Higher education is one such globalised knowledge community in which new patterns of knowledge, accreditation, research alliances, and social and professional relationships are emerging. In this paper I outline the push–pull dynamics of globalisation in higher education: the co-constitutive nature of local and global interests and educational formations; disjunctive flows of capital, information, people, and knowledge; and the new politics of knowledge capital as they affect academic research and the public archive of scholarly publishing and university libraries. I close with reflections on the differential consequences of globalisation on: the role of the nation state in higher education provision and reform; the role of education in nation building and national identity politics; and the governability of a global eduscape.  相似文献   

This article examines the various education policies in Southeast Asian countries, highlighting the underlining philosophies and current practices in the region. The conceptual framework of the presentation includes key concepts such as access and equity, unity and identity, quality and relevance, efficiency and effectiveness. Each of these key concepts will be analysed using a framework consisting of key questions, guiding philosophies, policy options as well as issues and challenges. The article reviews policies relating to questions such as “who get access to what kinds of education?”, “how to widen access?”, “how to ensure success?”, “what kinds of education for a multicultural society?”, “how to promote national integration and social cohesion through education?”, “how to improve quality of education?”, “how to manage and administer the school delivery system?”. It draws examples from different countries in the SEA region to illustrate the issues and challenges in formulating and implementing contemporary education policies.  相似文献   

This essay reminisces on the contributions of Professor Kazamias to my own thinking and assesses the imperative for comparative and international education to foster more complete and egalitarian societies across multiple historic and cultural contexts. “Paideia of the soul” is acknowledged as connected not only to the humanities but also to the social sciences, within which education is embedded. The broadening of the mind enabled by “paideia of the soul” challenges current trends toward a narrowing of the curricula in schools and encourages us to be reflexively critical of current global education policies and practices.  相似文献   

民族国家是现代化的政治前提,主要表现在民族国家为现代化提供了必要的制度前提、强大的发展动力和稳定的秩序保障。民族国家的建构则需要民族认同为其提供共同体意识支撑和政治合法性证明。而民族认同的形塑离不开公民教育,民族认同教育也因此构成公民教育的重要维度。民族认同的培育主要通过与公民教育相关的学校学科课程、活动课程以及校外的各种活动等得以实现。  相似文献   

本文主要以概览的视角回顾了在教育政策借鉴与传播(policy borrowing and lending)研究中的主要议题和趋势。政策借鉴与传播是一个在学术上依托于比较教育学和公共政策学的研究领域。在比较教育学中,针对“旅行式改革”(travelling reforms)、全球化教育政策的探索是一个经久不衰的研究课题。本文主要描述了政策借鉴与传播研究领域的历史,并讨论了四个新的研究趋势:第一,由双边框架向国际标准框架的转变;第二,学者们开始关注各国系统与个案背后的逻辑;第三,政策图景(policyscapes)概念对研究方法论的启示;第四,政策映射研究,即借鉴他国教育政策时的本土解读。  相似文献   

This paper discusses a range of issues concerning the idea of “brain drain” within the context of recent thinking on transnational mobility. It argues that the traditional analyses of brain drain are not sufficient, and that we can usefully approach the topic from a postcolonial perspective concerned with issues of identity, national affiliations, and deterritorialisation of cultures. Based on interviews conducted with international students from India and China in Australian and American universities, this paper analyses the ways in which student subjectivities and career aspirations relate to the dilemmas of globalisation: the opportunities provided by the new knowledge economy and global labour markets on the one hand, and the perceptions of national and community loyalties on the other.  相似文献   

“Learner agency for what?” is one of the key questions addressed in this article and the response distinguishes between more self-interested responses and answers that suggest a wider orientation towards global transformation. The context is that of education at global centres of international development studies and the mid-career professionals worldwide—whether practitioners, activists or academicians—who undertake courses of studies at such centres in order to gain insights and abilities related to social transformation that earlier education at conventional universities did not expose them to. Since such global centres tend to be located in the “Global North” but are largely attended by experienced people from the “Global South,” the article examines these binary distinctions and how learners navigate the geo-political fault lines that the binaries represent. The pedagogical dynamic is explored in terms of the “wicked problems” that international development studies wrestle with and that can be approached using the experience of learners from across the continents in interaction with formal knowledge. One hundred twenty-four in-depth interviews with protagonists from 27 countries who attended one of the oldest centre of development studies in Europe open windows onto global transformation during the second half of the 20th century and illustrate both insights and challenges for learners who are struggling towards positive change around universal rights and well-being across the planet. Traditional universities are urged to learn from pedagogies at global centres of international development studies in order to gain relevance in their societies and the world around them.  相似文献   

安德森在20世纪90年代提出了著名的“想象共同体”的概念,在“想象共同体”的建构过程中大众传播媒介发挥着重要的作用。这其中电视媒介通过仪式化对重大事件的展现来不断重复建构国家认同,电视媒介通过对于重要事件的现场直播来增强国家凝聚力;通过“共享历史”来不断唤起民族的集体记忆,延续文化传承与身份认同;通过征用现存的民族文化符号来建构国家认同;通过节庆传播建构国家形象,实现国家认同。  相似文献   

In the field of international adult education, mass literacy campaigns enjoyed wide support in the 20th century, when they were seen as a way to increase the participation of previously marginalised and excluded populations in national development. Cuba’s 1961 campaign achieved iconic status, but was only one of many successful campaigns in Latin America, Africa and Asia. In the 1990s, while mass literacy campaigns continued in many countries, scholarly interest in them declined under the influence of World Bank empirical critiques of their effectiveness and increasing postmodern scepticism towards the socialist “grand narrative” of liberation which underpinned some of the more famous examples. Recently, the mass campaign model has gained new impetus through Cuba’s international literacy missions, which use an approach known by its Spanish name, Yo, Sí Puedo [Yes, I Can]. This paper reports on the deployment of this model in two very different settings, one being a national literacy campaign in Timor-Leste, a newly-independent island nation in the Asia–Pacific; and the other a pilot campaign in an Aboriginal community in Australia. The authors have utilised participatory action research methods to evaluate the model in both countries, and locate their comparative analysis in the theoretical tradition of popular education.  相似文献   

东盟安全合作框架对中国地缘政治安全的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
东南亚联盟国家的安全合作形式和机制是亚太地区区域性合作的成功典范,从地缘政治的角度来看,东盟作为距离中国最近的一个有较大影响的国际组织,其安全合作对于中国的国家安全必然产生得要影响,但东盟国家由于其内在条件的局限,以及近年以及示南亚因遭受金融危机的打击,对于中国这样一个地区大国,尚不原意采取公开对抗的态度,因此,东盟不是中国的对手,更非敌人,而是我们可以长期进行俣作的伙伴,也是稳定我国周边环境的一道不可或缺的屏障。  相似文献   

Mindful of local, regional and national differences, it is now time to begin an international dialogue on how global challenges necessitate new models for practice. It is becoming clear that “globalization” involves more than economic structures and processes. Worldwide, one finds similar consumeroriented lifestyles. There are growing challenges concerning children, youth, families, and their environments. New, relational-ecological ways of thinking, talking, and acting are needed, and they may lead to value-committed, culturally responsive models for practice. Increasingly, the roles of professional and citizen cannot be separated. Members of the global community need a new world ethic, and professionals in physical education, sport sciences, health, recreation, and other helping professions share responsibilities for helping to create this ethic, together with the educational structures and opportunities that may nurture it.  相似文献   

Research on policy borrowing is a well-established research area of comparative education. Over the past 20 years or so it gained prominence among globalization scholars. Of great interest is not so much the question of which reforms “travel” internationally, and which ones are homebound, but rather why traveling reforms resonate in a given context and at a specific moment, and how they are subsequently translated or locally adapted. In addition to issues of reception and translation, questions on the politics and economics of policy transfer are central to this research area. Empirical studies have shown that borrowing reforms from other countries, from other sectors within a country, or from “international standards” broadly defined often help coalition-building in a country. Policy borrowing also helps to mobilize financial resources, especially when it is preceded by political talk of falling behind some international standards or “best practices.” Therefore, the methods of inquiry used, the type of research questions asked, and the conclusions drawn in this body of research tend to address political and economic aspects of educational reform. Arguably, a transnational perspective is indispensable to carry out this kind of intellectual project. The academic preoccupation with policy borrowing has helped to formulate the contours of comparative policy studies. The article provides a brief overview of the main tenets of policy borrowing research and then focuses specifically on three aspects: policy reception, policy projection, and the rise of the global education industry as a new actor and beneficiary of global education policy.  相似文献   

构建中国—东盟高等教育共同体,推进"一带一路"倡议与东盟发展规划对接,建立更为紧密的中国—东盟命运共同体,具有深远的区域价值和全球意义。中国与东盟国家人文交流源远流长,双边高等教育领域的合作框架与机制陆续建立,务实合作取得突出成果,为构建高等教育共同体奠定了良好基础。面向建设人类命运共同体的新使命,面对错综复杂的国际新形势,构建中国—东盟高等教育共同体还存在顶层设计滞后、体制机制不健全、政策法规缺漏、教育形势复杂等诸多不适应。为此,构建中国—东盟高等教育共同体,要始终坚持政府引导、民间主体、社会参与原则,强化顶层设计、基层行动、中介监测,注重策略谋划,规范工作流程,推进中国—东盟高等教育共同体建设走深走实,有序运行。  相似文献   

外高加索地区是“一带一路”倡议重要的沿线区域,语言服务在双方共建“一带一路”和实现“五通”中起着重要作用。借助于文献法、比较分析法和归纳法对“一带一路”倡议下外高加索地区的语言教育服务现状进行了研究,发现存在语言服务规划待完善、非通用语言人才培养不足、汉语国际教育力量偏弱、师资团队建设待改进等问题,提出了加强宏观战略指导与政策规划、实施多元化汉语国际人才培养模式、加强双方高校教育合作和人才联合培养、优化教学提高语言人才培养质量、优化师资队伍建设等应对策略与建议。  相似文献   

Immanuel Kant envisioned a kind of respect in which one recognizes each human (1) as being not fully comprehensible by any human understanding, (2) as being an end in him‐ or herself, and (3) as being a potential source of moral law. In this essay, Gregory Lewis Bynum uses this conception of respect as a lens with which to examine African American education rights on three levels: the individual level (the level of individual persons' moral experience and moral significance), the community level (the level of the formation and sustaining of social groups that have value for humanity), and the global level (the level of a universal community of humanity). Bynum's goal in this examination is to strengthen our practical understanding of African Americans' right to education defined, in accordance with international human rights documents, as the right to an education that supports the full development of the human personality in a manner that respects students' “cultural identity, language, and values.”  相似文献   

How much is hegemony and how much is self-determination in the higher education systems in Southeast Asia? This paper argues that while the question of centre and periphery is still relevant to the analysis of international university systems, the analytical frameworks from which it has arisen may lose viability in the long term. Southeast Asian states are making use of higher education to act in ways that will contribute to the altering of their peripheral position in the global economic and political system. While changes in Southeast Asian higher education are closely tied to global markets and follow what sometimes appears to be a dependent pattern of adaptations driven by Western developed economies, the paper argues that there is also a significant amount of resistance. As Southeast Asian countries adapt in ways that help embed economic globalisation within their national landscape, the manner in which the adaptation occurs is more selective, open, and democratic than before. Moreover, while global communication with core (centre) university systems has been more open and transparent, the system is closed to direct intervention from the outside, making hegemony a less plausible explanation for the manner in which the system is reacting within the new global environment of financial interdependency.  相似文献   

为了提高比较教育研究的质量,必须充实教育的“区域研究(area studies)”,区域研究的特色在于:不将区域进行分割而是作为一个整体来把握;采用非单一的,跨学科的方法;研究对象一般选择“现代”的主题,重视田野研究(利用人类学的方法进行实地调查)。开展教育的“区域研究”对于提高比较教育研究的质量至关重要。  相似文献   

This article reports on the ways that 77 students in an international studies programme constructed meanings for global citizenship. The focus was on their personal meanings for the topic and how they articulated a global identity with their national civic beliefs. Data were collected from online discussion boards, written essays and 20 interviews. A key finding was that the students' political language for global citizenship, examined here in terms of purpose, membership and relationship with national citizenship, was predominantly a moral commitment framed in universal language. A second finding was that the students understood global citizenship as a heterogeneous and complex affiliation shaped by a range of sources. The implication is that citizenship education emphasizing a narrow notion of patriotism may encourage students to disengage from civic life because it does not represent their lived experiences and identities. Insights for making citizenship education practices more inclusive are discussed.  相似文献   

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