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The ??Medical Systems?? program was designed to introduce high school students to the world of advanced medicine. Its premise was to use an applied scientific discipline like medicine to encourage high-school students?? interest in basic science. This study compares the teen-aged graduates of ??Medical Systems?? with fourth and fifth-year medical students. It aims to identify the attitudes of these two groups towards medical science and basic sciences in medicine. The population included 94 graduates of ??Medical Systems?? from schools throughout Israel, who had also completed an advanced-level course in a basic science (biology, chemistry or physics), and 96 medical students from different Israeli universities. The students?? attitudes were measured using West et al.??s questionnaire (Med Educ 16(4):188?C191, 1982), which assesses both the attitude of the participants towards basic science knowledge, and their attitude towards their learning experience in medical school. Nine participants from each group were also interviewed using a semi-structured interview protocol. The results showed essential differences in the attitudes of the two groups. The high school students consider scientific knowledge far more essential for a physician than do the medical students, who also showed a far lower estimation of the effectiveness of their science studies.  相似文献   

拉祜族传统医药知识正面临着流失的危险,现有知识产权制度对它的保护又有种种局限,建议对其从以下方面进行特殊保护:侧重于对其开发利用中的权利保护,赋予传统医药知识权利人的专属权,权利内容主要包括传统医药知识使用人对原权利人的尊重,以及惠益分享问题。  相似文献   

彝族是我国古老的民族之一,主要居住在我国南方。在漫长的历史进程中,彝族先民在长期与自然界和疾病作斗争中,积累了丰富的医药知识,创造发明了自己的传统医药学,试图从神话传说、宗教文化、文献记载等几个文化方面对彝族医药的起源进行探究。  相似文献   

案例教学法在卫生法学专业法医学教学中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
法医学是一门应用医学,卫生法学是医学与法学交叉性专业,伴随着涉及法医学专业领域的诉讼案件的日益增多,对于将来从事法律工作的法学专业学生来说必须要具备一定的法医学知识。案例教学法是以学生为中心、理论联系实践、提高学生专业水平的好方法,是教学法改革的突破。建立以案例为基础的教学法,应用于法医学教学实践中,利用案例式考试和问卷对该教学法加以评估。案例教学法比传统的教学法在司法实践中有更突出的优势,不仅使学生能系统学习法医学的基本知识,更重要的是培养了学生运用所学知识解决实际问题的能力,真正实现了学以致用。  相似文献   

基因工程药物临床应用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:基因工程药物带来了治疗学的新突破,在临床治疗中日益发挥举足轻重的作用。基于现代生物技术的发展要求。促进基因工程药物的合理使用。方法:从本院药库药品明细帐上一获得基因工程药物有关信息,对本院近四年来基因工程药物的临床应用进行了统计分析。结果:基因工程药物临床应用品种逐年增加,销售金额不断增长,临床用途越来越广泛。结论:基因工程药物疗效确切、使用安全、不良反应少,在糖尿病、心血管疾病等方面具有广泛的应用前景。  相似文献   

目的通过对泸州地区市民用药现状的调查,了解市民用药意识与习惯、医学常识现状等。方法采用自行设计的网络问卷和纸质问卷,随机对432名市民进行调查。结果87.9%市民未正确处理过期药物;40.0%市民因服药期间有不良反应却未正确处理;48.3%~52.4%市民有不正确的服药行为,如漏服、擅改剂量等。结论泸州市民中存在安全用药不当的行为及隐患,相关部门应通过各种途径加强市民用药知识教育,从而实现节约医疗资源和提升市民健康水平的双重目标。  相似文献   

邢美娟 《中国科教创新导刊》2014,(5):152+154-152,154
祖国医学是我国优秀文化遗产中一颗璀璨的明珠,作为一名医学生,理应了解掌握祖国医学的基本常识与理论.在西医院校中,如何利用有限的课时为学生开启一扇探索祖国医学宝库的大门,是中医教学工作中的重要课题.本文作者结合中医教学实践中的体会,提出从端正态度、因材施教、激发兴趣、改变教学方法等方面突破中医传统教学模式,顺应时代要求,使中医学在新的历史环境中求得生存与发展.  相似文献   

微型化学实验的开发和开展是在绿色化学理念指导下的实验创新,是对研究性学习的探索和发展,使教师由知识的传播者转化为知识的创建者和研究者,使学生由单纯记住知识转化为使用知识和理解知识,让化学实验由“照方抓药”变为“开方抓药”,发展学生创造、思维、培养其决策的能力。  相似文献   

现代制造业对一个国家或地区的国民经济发展具有重大的带动作用,朝阳区现代制造业发展条件优越,在空间分布上呈现出计算机与软件信息、新型建材与医药、产品会展与营销、汽车与自动化机械四大产业聚群.在现代制造业建设过程中需要重点解决低端劳动力就业与土地价格机制问题.  相似文献   

目的:探讨多点触控虚拟解剖系统在耳鼻咽喉科教学中的应用。方法:选取苏州大学医学院临床医学专业本科生的两个班级学生(A和B班),A为对照组,B为观察组,对两组学生分别进行传统教学以及多点触控虚拟解剖系统教学并评估学习效果。结果:观察组学生中同意新教学模式可提高学习热情、提升实践水平、拉近师生关系、强化知识点记忆以及树立团队合作意识的人员数量显著大于对照组(P<0.05);且在理论知识、考试成绩方面优于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:多点触控虚拟解剖系统在耳鼻咽喉教学中的应用存在重要的意义与价值。  相似文献   

目的 :了解中药治疗上呼吸道感染的退热效果及毒负作用。方法 :选择急性发热或伴有身冷乏力、咳嗽咽痛头疼及全身酸痛并能坚持服用中药的中青年患者 15 4例为对象 ,对不同意用中药的 197例投以西药作对比观察。结果 :中药组与西药组平均治愈好转时间相比较无显著差异 (P >0 .0 5 )。结论 :西药退热来的快、维持时间短、反跳明显 ,负作用大。中药退热稍慢、但疗效稳固、反跳少负作用小 ,可谓中药治疗上呼吸道感染既经济又实惠、既安全又有效。  相似文献   

近代以来,利用西方科学对中医的解释、验证和改造,使人们对中医的认识存在着普遍的误区。中医是医道,而不仅是医学;是和人之道,而不仅是治病之学;是过程之道,而不仅是结构之学;是化变之道,而不仅是功能之学。中华医道超越科学,并可包客人体科学。科学概念的西化与神化,不仅是中华医道的灾难,而且是人类文明的灾难。随着现代科学革命的深化和人类认识的回归,中医智慧对人类未来的重要价值将日渐体现,对科学主义的狭隘的批判和揭示将日益深刻,对人类文明的未来具有重要的指示性价值。  相似文献   

基础医学整合式创新实验教学课程体系构建   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
基础医学实验教学涉及多个二级学科的理论和技术。医学教育国际化趋势要求学生具备跨学科综合思维和创造能力。在医学教育国际标准中国本土化试点班尝试构建了新的基础医学理论和实验教学课程体系,由学科基本知识与技能训练、跨学科器官系统综合实验、以问题为导向的探索设计性实验。为医学生创新能力培养提供了宽阔的空间。  相似文献   

On acquiring expertise in medicine   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

Science performance is determined, to a large extent, by what students already know about science (i.e., science knowledge) and what techniques or methods students use in performing science tasks (i.e., cognitive strategies). This study describes and compares science knowledge, science vocabulary, and cognitive strategy use among four diverse groups of elementary students: (a) monolingual English Caucasian, (b) African-American, (c) bilingual Spanish, and (d) bilingual Haitian Creole. To facilitate science performance in culturally and linguistically congruent settings, the study included student dyads and teachers of the same language, culture, and gender. Science performance was observed using three science tasks: weather phenomena, simple machines, and buoyancy. Data analysis involved a range of qualitative methods focusing on major themes and patterns, and quantitative methods using coding systems to summarize frequencies and total scores. The findings reveal distinct patterns of science knowledge, science vocabulary, and cognitive strategy use among the four language and culture groups. The findings also indicate relationships among science knowledge, science vocabulary, and cognitive strategy use. These findings raise important issues about science instruction for culturally and linguistically diverse groups of students.  相似文献   

Self-formed out-of-class study groups may benefit student learning; however, few researchers have quantified the relationship between study group use and achievement or described changes in study group usage patterns over a semester. We related study group use to performance on content exams, explored patterns of study group use, and qualitatively described student perceptions of study groups. A pre- and posttest were used to measure student content knowledge. Internet-based surveys were used to collect quantitative data on exam performance and qualitative data on study group usage trends and student perceptions of study groups. No relationship was found between gains in content knowledge and study group use. Students who participated in study groups did, however, believe they were beneficial. Four patterns of study group use were identified: students either always (14%) or never (55%) used study groups, tried but quit using them (22%), or utilized study groups only late in the semester (9%). Thematic analysis revealed preconceptions and in-class experiences influence student decisions to utilize study groups. We conclude that students require guidance in the successful use of study groups. Instructors can help students maximize study group success by making students aware of potential group composition problems, helping students choose group members who are compatible, and providing students materials on which to focus their study efforts.  相似文献   

王茜 《海外英语》2014,(10):18-18
你认识多少个英文单词?五百个?一千个?两千个?有只鹦鹉竟然可以掌握950个英文单词,真是叫人难以置信。这是一只非洲灰鹦鹉,名字叫N'kisi。不可思议的鸟儿 N’kisi真是一只让人吃惊的小鸟。它不但可以自己创造语句,还会结合语境选词,甚至完整地造句。不仅如此.它还对刚果地区的六种方言有所了解。  相似文献   

在原有中医儿科学和西医儿科学两门学科的教学内容和教学时数比例不变的情况下 ,将这两门学科按疾病系统进行有机的重新整合 ,形成新的中西结合儿科学 ,通过对带教指导老师及受试学生的问卷调查 ,表明该方法能使学生在接受中西医两套儿科知识方面起到相辅相成、融会贯通的作用。  相似文献   

思维导图运用图文并重的方式,把各级主题的关系用相互隶属、相关联的层级图表现出来。在中医儿科教学中应用思维导图,有助于师生构建知识框架,引领教学,有助于学生自主学习,提高学习效率。  相似文献   

现代医学发展要求更合理的医学教育模式,医学知识的更新和社会的发展对医学生的整体素养提出更高的要求;为做一个合格的医学工作者,医学生要加强医学知识和人文知识的学习,树立健康的价值观念。  相似文献   

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