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从觉知到协调:促进协作互动的有效方法和策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如何促进学习者有效地进行互动是虚拟协作学习活动中的一个重要的研究问题.本文在对国内外相关研究文献分析以及对华南师范大学认知与技术研究室近年来一系列研究成果归纳的基础上,采用校际协作学习活动认知建模的方式,并从觉知和协调关系的视角出发,提出了促进学习者协作互动的方法和策略.文章最后还探讨了觉知、交互和协调三者之间的内在联系.  相似文献   

As colleges continue to expand online offerings, student participation within courses should be assessed to ensure that teachers can best implement effective, responsible lesson plans. This study examined discourse in an online classroom in order to gauge student participation by observing student-to-student and student-to-instructor exchanges within the discussion board. Classroom discourse was analyzed using Stahl’s computer supported collaborative learning methodology. Data was collected to assess development of classroom dialogue through group collaboration, and to determine whether participants were interpreting previous posts and contributing to the development of the discussion topic. This study shows that students within the online classroom were able to construct deeper meanings in classroom dialogues through thoughtful and personal contributions, thereby reaching new understandings through collaborative discussion. This study contends that through insightful planning and guided responses, instructors can manage online classroom discussions to better direct student communications in order to improve collaborative learning and knowledge construction.  相似文献   

以系统功能语法为基础的批评性语篇分析因其巨大的实际应用价值,已被广泛使用于分析各种语篇。本文从概念功能的及物性,人际功能的情态系统以及消息来源三个方面对英国路透社关于欧洲债务危机对美国经济的影响这一新闻语篇进行了分析,旨在揭示看似客观公正的新闻语篇背后所隐藏的意识形态。  相似文献   

Development in the understanding and education of responsible citizenship is an important priority for higher education institutions. Evidence of this importance is expressed in the mission statements of many colleges and universities throughout the United States. As increasing numbers of students take advantage of distance education, it is essential to consider both the ways students can engage in experientially based learning environments that promote civic engagement as well as the manner by which institutions can fulfill this aspect of their missions. This article explores service-learning pedagogy delivered in an online format, specifically a case study describing the way one institution, University of Illinois at Springfield, successfully uses the Internet to provide such instruction.  相似文献   

Learning science interpreted in existing theoretical frameworks often means that students are assimilated, accommodated or enculturated from the entity of the vernacular world to the entity of the scientific world. However, there are some unsolved questions as to how students can best learn purely a new language or new knowledge of science. The purpose of this study is to conduct microanalysis of moment-to-moment interactions in order to understand how science language is taught and learned in details. Informed by Bakhtin’s dialogism, the analysis indicates that learning science is a process of appropriating authoritative discourse into internally persuasive discourse. Based on our analysis and findings, we propose the framework of discursive evolution to describe the process of teaching and learning the language of science. Four different stages of discursive evolution are identified to demonstrate the discursive changes during the course of science teaching and learning discourse: (a) using deictic references to connect scientific terminologies, (b) understanding science terminologies through its derivatives, (c) communicating science practices conventionally through science terminologies, and (d) communicating science practices innovatively through mutated science terminologies. The findings suggest that science teaching and learning comprise a heterogeneous process which draws on both science and non-science language and is a constantly evolving process. Understanding teaching and learning as a heterogeneous and constantly evolving process allows us to reunite the roles of teachers and students as mutually responsible collaborators rather than science knowledge givers and consumers.  相似文献   

何谓权力——从统治到互动   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
权力已经成为人文与社会科学研究中最为重要的概念之一,但不同学者对权力的理解存在极大的差异。回溯权力观的历史演变,我们可以总结出几条基本轨迹:自上而下的、消极的君主统治权逐渐让位于分散于社会不同阶层的、表现为多种形式的多元互动权力;绝对的、超越性的权力观被基于理性与权利的权力观所取代;权力场域由国家扩展至意识形态;与权力相联系的阶级概念受到阶层与利益团体概念的挑战;权力的生产性及其在主体形构中的角色开始受到重视;某些后现代主义学者开始主张以关系网络概念来解构权力。  相似文献   

In this rejoinder, I first provide a more detailed account of the discourse-focused professional development activities facilitated as part of the SMIT’N program, specifically addressing issues raised by van Zee with regard to the institute’s overall format, goals and development strategies. Next, I resort to Peter Medawar’s metaphorical view of inquiry as scientific storytelling to reflect about Bencze’s expressed opposition to “politely guided quasi-inductive science inquiry instruction” and highlight the need for science educators to give more careful consideration to oral classroom discourse. I then conclude by describing how guided science inquiry teaching can be conceived in terms of the theoretical notion of negative politeness.  相似文献   

教师自我评价策略:促进专业发展的角度   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基于新课程对教师开展自我评价促进专业发展的要求,在对自我评价促进教师专业发展的机理探究与教师进行自我评价和反思存在困难原因的理论剖析基础之上,构建了三个指导教师有效地进行自我评价的相应策略:一是解除"自我屏蔽",打破习惯思维和潜在信念;二是接受学生反馈,了解教学的"不同世界",超越自我循环;三是打开"教窀的门",邀请同行帮助进行自我评价,寻找外部参照.  相似文献   

Educators have used online technology in the past as information presentation tools and information storage tools to support learning. Researchers identify online technologies with large capacities and capabilities to enhance human learning in an interactive fashion. Online learning technology should move away from the use of computer technology as presentation and storage tools and advance to the next level by using them as interactive tools. Emerging technologies should be implemented with advanced and sound instruction to promote interactive learning by engaging learners in actively analysing information and knowledge construction and applying technology to support their decision‐making. Three dimensions of advanced, sound and interactive online technologies are purposed in this paper: instructional communication technology, cognitive technology and management technology. These thee dimensions engage learners in active online communication, knowledge construction and the exchange of mental models.

De la présentation à l’interaction:de nouveaux objectifs pour les technologies d’apprentissage en ligne

Les éducateurs ont par le passé utilisé les technologies en ligne comme outils de présentation de l’information ou comme outils d’archivage de l’information pour faciliter l’apprentissage. Les chercheurs voient les technologies en ligne comme des outils de grande capacité à fort potentiel susceptibles de stimuler l’apprentissage humain de façon interactive. Les technologies d’apprentissage en ligne devraient dépasser l’emploi de la technologie informatique à des fins de présentation et d’archivage et passer à un autre niveau en les utilisant comme outils interactifs. Les technologies émergentes devraient être mises en ?uvre avec des instructions avancées et solides pour pouvoir faciliter l’apprentissage interactif en amenant les apprenants à faire preuve de dynamisme pour analyser l’information, construire les connaissances et appliquer la technologie à leur propre prise de décision. Dans cet article on présente trois aspects des technologies en ligne interactives avancées et solides : la technologie de la communication éducative,la technologie cognitive et la technologie de gestion. Ces trois dimensions amènent les apprenants à communiquer activement en ligne,à construire leurs connaissances et à échanger des modèles intellectuels.

Von der Präsentation zur Interaktion: Neue Ziele für Online‐Lerntechnologien

Pädagogen haben die Online‐Technologien in der Vergangenheit zur Informationspräsentation und als Informationsspeicher zur Unterstützung von Lernen verwendet. Heute wünschen Forscher, die Möglichkeiten leistungsfähiger Online‐Technologien auch in interaktiver Weise beim menschlichen Lernen zu nutzen. Online ‐ Lehr‐ und Lerntechnologien sollten von ihrer Verwendung als Präsentations‐ und Speicher‐Werkzeugen zu interaktiv nutzbaren Computertechnologien neuer Generation weiterentwickelt werden. Neue Techniken sollten mit fortschrittlichen und soliden Anweisungen verbunden werden, um interaktives Lernen dadurch zu fördern, dass Lernende sich mit aktiver Informationsanalyse, Wissenskonstruktion und dem Anwenden von Technologie zur Entscheidungsfindung befassen. Drei Dimensionen von fortschrittlichen, verlässlichen und interaktiven Online‐Techniken werden in diesem Papier vorgestellt: Unterrichtskommunikationstechnik, kognitive Techniken und Management Technologien. Diese drei Dimensionen beschäftigen Lernende bei aktiver Online‐Kommunikation, Wissens Konstruktion und dem Austausch virtueller Modelle.  相似文献   

Small-group collaborative learning in whichstudents have opportunity for criticaldiscussion is a key element of effectiveteaching and learning in Higher Education. Providing this sort of education throughNetworked Learning (NL) is challenging. Research in Computer Mediated Communication(CMC) is revealing that facilitating effectiveuse of these tools depends on encouragingstudents to take many different dialogue roles.Our hypothesis was that asking post-graduatestudents to reflect on the kinds of role theyshould take in synchronous online discussionwould encourage adoption of such roles. A``role-play' activity was introduced topost-graduate students who used a VirtualLearning Environment (VLE) as part of theircourse. Initial results showed that bothdistance and face-to-face students, nativespeakers (NS) and non native speakers (NNS),working collaboratively on the same coursethrough the VLE, had comparable outcomes onessay assignments and that NNS and distancelearners slightly outperformed face-to-facestudents in their group work. Moreover, therewas evidence that the facilitation technique ofraising student awareness of roles waseffective in helping (at least some) studentsmanage synchronous online discussion moreeffectively, improving the overall coherence,focus and depth of discussion.  相似文献   

魏红 《南昌教育学院学报》2011,26(4):148-148,150
衔接是语篇分析的重要内容,是实现语义连贯的重要途径.本文通过分析衔接手段在语篇中的运用指出语篇衔接对于语篇的整体理解起着关键作用.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to reconstruct teacher-student acting to find out whether there are gender-specific methods of managing classroom situations and gender-related patterns of interaction. The findings reveal that over the long run the gender of the participants is immaterial. There are, however, gender-related modifications of the ordinary interaction patterns. They result from gender-specific practices on the part of the students and from the corresponding actions on the part of the teachers. Five types of gender-related modifications have been reconstructed. The methods which enable students to participate successfully in the interaction process have become more common for the boys than for the girls. Therefore the boys appear more mathematically competent than the girls.  相似文献   

通过对中国最具代表性的海报的多模态分析,比较不同时期中国本土海报受社会因素的影响所表现出的不同语篇特征。  相似文献   

From small group to public view: Mainstreaming the women's movement   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The public attention given to the contemporary women's movement in the past decade is due in part to rhetorical developments within the movement. A fantasy theme analysis of the women's movement of the early 1970's in a large Midwestern metropolitan area reveals an early but incomplete rhetoric, labelled here the pro‐woman line. This was followed by adaptations of the early concerns in a comprehensive social reality, labelled here the “mainstreaming” rhetorical vision. Alterations in key elements of the rhetoric, including the hero/ine, villain, plot, and underpinnings are examined to illustrate how the earlier movement issues were “mainstreamed” into prevailing social views.  相似文献   

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