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This paper provides a concise summary of selected topics of contemporary, primary and secondary education of black students in Southern Africa. The topics reviewed are: a) curricula, b) methods of instructional delivery, c) learning materials and equipment, d) examinations, e) enrollment and class sizes, f) teachers, g) teacher-student ratios, h) drop-out, failure and repeater rates, i) economic considerations, j) rural-urban discrepancies, k) racial and class issues, 1) female education, and m) language of instruction. The discussion begins with an acknowledgement of the enormous improvements that have been made in the field of education in Africa despite vast limitations of resources: economic, personnel, technological and material. In spite of these achievements, given the magnitude and complexity of educational development, a number of problems continue to exist. These problems are reviewed as are various recommendations for change.
Zusammenfassung Dieser Artikel gibt eine knappe Zusammenfassung von ausgewählten Themen über zeitgenössische Primar- und Sekundarbildung schwarzer Studenten im südlichen Afrika. Die behandelten Themen sind: a) Curricula, b) Lehrmethoden, c) Lernmaterialien und -ausrüstung, d) Prüfungen, e) Einschreibungen und Klassenraumgröße, f) Lehrer, g) Lehrer-Schüler-Quoten, h) vorzeitige Schulabgänger-, Mißerfolgs- und Wiederholquoten, i) wirtschaftliche Erwägungen, j) Diskrepanzen zwischen Stadt und Land, k) Rassen- und Klassenfragen, l) Bildung für Mädchen, und m) Unterrichtssprache. Die Diskussion beginnt mit einer Anerkennung der bedeutenden Verbesserungen, die in Afrika trotz der enormen Begrenzungen der Ressourcen, wie z.B. im Bereich Wirtschaft, Personal, Technologie und Material, in der Bildung erzielt wurden. Trotz dieser Leistungen bestehen einige Probleme hinsichtlich der Ausdehnung und Komplexität erzieherischer Entwicklung weiter. Diese Probleme werden ebenso wie unterschiedliche Empfehlungen für Veränderungen angesprochen.

Résumé Cet article fournit un bref résumé de quelques sujets portant sur l'éducation primaire et secondaire contemporaine d'élèves noirs en Afrique du Sud. Les sujets étudiés sont: a) les curriculums, b) les méthodes d'enseignement, c) le matériel et l'équipement scolaire, d) les examens, e) la scolarisation et les effectifs, f) les enseignants, g) les quotas enseignants-étudiants, h) les taux d'abandons, d'échec et de redoublement, i) les considérations économiques, j) les contradictions entre milieux ruraux et urbains, k) les problèmes raciaux et de classes sociales, l) l'éducation féminine et m) la langue d'enseignement. La discussion commence par une confirmation des progrès énormes réalisés en Afrique dans le domaine de l'éducation, en dépit de ressources fortement limitées dans les domaines économique, personnel, technologique et matériel. Malgré ces succès, un grand nombre de problémes persiste vu l'étendue et la complexité de l'extension de l'éducation. Ces problèmes sont étudiés de même que différentes propositions de changement.

Within the context of a brief history of information technology in teacher education (ITTE), current research on ITTE is reviewed. It is argued that ITTE research can be categorized into three paradigms: empirical, critical, and interpretive. The need for a clear, multi-paradigmatic approach for future work is emphasized. Examples of exemplary work are cited. Conclusions suggest needs for more sharing of information of “islands of excellence” in work on technology in teacher education, more case studies on diffusion of innovation, more emphasis on bias-related findings from critical theory, and more development and dissemination of resources and tools for using technology effectively in teacher education. Recommendations for further work in the area also include emphasizing instructional design (ID) work to create innovations and recognizing the need for grounded, reflective papers on innovative approaches that have been implemented and studied over several years.  相似文献   

新中国成立初期,中国共产党巩固和发展社会主义的历史实践孕育了热爱祖国、人民民主、社会平等和集体主义等社会主义价值观。中国共产党和中央人民政府通过马克思主义理论教育、扩大媒体宣传、加强制度建设和树立先进典型等途径,开展了形式多样的社会主义价值观教育促进这些观念的传播,调动党员干部和人民群众参与社会主义改造和建设的积极性。  相似文献   

This paper describes a small‐scale piece of research identifying which aspects of the EP role are considered valuable by SENCos and by EPs themselves. In addition, both groups were asked to identify whether they felt these aspects were uniquely offered by EPs or whether other professionals offered similar or identical services. The differences between responses from SENCos and from EPs were marked, with SENCos valuing ‘traditional’ EP roles while EPs themselves saw a much wider range of services as valuable to schools. Implications for the EP team in addressing these conflicting perspectives are discussed.  相似文献   

本文以李登辉和蔡元培的办学思想和实践为基础,比较复旦与北大精神气质的差异及表现,进而比较美国和欧洲对民国高等教育政策的影响。结论指出,中国和美国在认识论方面可以协调一致,架是文明对话中的沟通之桥。  相似文献   

Inclusion has occupied the centre of attention in education in many countries for the past few decades, and it is the same in South Korea. Although most researchers and educators agree that inclusion is necessary for equal educational opportunities and social participation of students with disabilities, there are debates about the most effective and appropriate services for these students and how teachers should deliver these services. The purpose of this article is to introduce the educational system and the unique cultural situation in South Korea to the reader and to suggest future directions for successful inclusion. Inclusion can grow and be meaningful in South Korea if it is based on the thoughtful and sustained efforts of people who have the passion and compassion that inspires others to listen to different opinions. Finally, successful inclusion can come about when the government supports changes in the community and schools.  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to outline some new developments in a mature research program that sees administrative theory as cohering with natural science and uses a coherence theory of epistemic justification to shape the content and structure of administrative theory. Three main developments are discussed. First, the paper shows how to deal with the evaluation of theories (of, say, leadership) where there is a demand that a theory needs to be context relevant, but also comprehensive. The solution is to allow context to determine the scope of comprehensiveness. Second, the paper develops an argument structure employing a coherentist epistemology for how ethical claims can be incorporated into administrative theories. Finally, the paper, drawing on research in neuroscience, argues for the relevance of emotion in rational decision-making. Contrary to the belief that emotion compromises rationality, the paper argues that it is essential for rationality.  相似文献   

This study examines the literature on learner support with the aim of helping institutions of higher education plan and implement support services for distance learners. The following issues emerged as areas of particular importance to future research in distance learner support: 1) the lack of research on cost-effectiveness; 2) the lack of empirical research; and 3) the need for a learner-centered approach in designing and implementing learner support. These issues are discussed in detail to enhance our understanding the role of learner support in post-secondary level distance education programs. It is further argued that future research should focus more on developing and refining methods for cost-benefit analysis of learner support, developing a general framework of the learner support model in dual-mode institutions, and developing systematic methods to identify, analyze, synthesize, and assess the needs of distance learners.  相似文献   

Education in the early years is a key element in the Government's current strategy. Recently, the Department for Education and Skills (DfES) funded a major study of Effective Provision of Pre-School Education (EPPE). The Early Years Transition and Special Educational Needs (EYTSEN) Project developed from the EPPE research and was also funded by the DfES. The authors of this article, Brenda Taggart, Pam Sammons, Rebecca Smees, Kathy Sylva, Edward Melhuish, Iram Siraj-Blatchford, Karen Elliott and Ingrid Lunt, all worked on the EYTSEN Project, based at the Institute of Education, University of London. In this article, they provide a summary of the findings from the EYTSEN Project, reviewing the impact of pre-school provision on children said to be 'at risk' of developing special educational needs. They suggest that pre-school experience has a positive impact on cognitive attainment and social or behavioural development and that integrated centres (where education and care are fully combined) and nursery schools have the most positive influence among the different f o rms of pre-school provision. This paper also discusses the identification of special educational needs; quality in pre-school centres; parents' perspectives; and future developments. The article closes with a call for improved training for practitioners working in early years settings.  相似文献   

This essay will discuss the educational reforms in China since1978, explore the features and consequences of "the diploma disease"and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the actions taken toremedy the dilemma. It concludes with the argument that the educational reforms in China have made contributions to controlling the situation and developing the system while also giving rise to some negative effects. The success of the reforms remains open to time for testing.  相似文献   

A questionnaire devised to measure community mental-health center directors' perceptions of requisites for doctoral-level employment was mailed to 302 directors in Department of Health, Education and Welfare Region IV (southeastern United States); 117 (39%) returned completed questionnaires. The data are discussed, and a model is proposed for the training of doctoral-level counseling-community psychologists.  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is twofold: (a) to present the results of a study examining the current status of performance evaluations for school psychologist and (b) to use those findings to inform future directions. A content analysis of a national sample of 36 performance appraisal rubrics was conducted to examine their alignment with the professional standards established by the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP). Among the rubrics reviewed, 88.9% featured eight or more of the NASP domains of practice, yet only 56% of the rubrics featured all 10 domains, suggesting variability in the degree to which the rubrics aligned with the standards of practice, particularly for rubrics developed at the district-level. The results of this study informed the development of a 360-evaluation process based on the Framework for Personnel Evaluation of School Psychologists Utilizing the NASP Practice Model and Morrison's four key principles for evaluating the performance of school psychologists.  相似文献   

Educational technology at the crossroads: New mindsets and new directions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Educational technology seems to be suffering from an identity crisis. Many exciting things are happening in the field, but increasingly we educational technologists find ourselves on the sidelines in our own ballgame. People from other disciplines are taking an interest in educational technology, but they show little interest in our knowledge base (often even little awareness that it exists!) and little interest in our professional organizations and publications. Why is this happening? What can we do about it? To what extent might our mindset be the problem? What new directions do we need to pursue to improve the health and value of our field? These are the central issues which this article discusses.  相似文献   

With the implementation of teacher performance pay in 2009 in China, teacher performance evaluation has become a heated topic. This research study follows up on two previous studies of teacher evaluation in China and continues the dialog by analyzing the latest trends in the context of teacher performance pay. There were two sources of information for this article: academic journal articles and teacher evaluation practices of two schools from Beijing. Seven themes were derived from a content analysis of the academic journal articles: (a) studies on teacher evaluation within the context of curriculum reform, (b) methods of teacher evaluation, (c) studies of miscellaneous responses, (d) studies on developmental teacher evaluation, (e) studies on teacher performance evaluation, (f) studies on teacher effectiveness, and (g) philosophical thoughts of teacher evaluation. The two cases of teacher evaluation practices revealed some changes since the implementation of teacher performance pay, such as a more comprehensive teacher evaluation system.  相似文献   

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