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每年韩国推出的电视剧数不胜数,大家往往是追完一部追另外一部。2014年已经过去。现在就让我们一起来盘点—下2014年的韩剧之“最”。  相似文献   

<正>一、教材分析人教版小学英语四年级上册六个单元所含话题都同小学生的生活密切相关,本课时是Unit 2 My schoolbag这个话题的第一课时,其内容是Part A Let’s learn,let’s talk。这是学生在学习了三年级上册Unit 1 Hello!和下册Unit 5 Where is my ruler?的基础上再次学习有关学习用品的话题,为学习四年级下册Unit 1 Our school做好了铺垫。二、学情分析本课时的教学对象是小学四年级的学生,该年龄段的学生已从三年级学习英语,他们好奇心强、爱动、好玩、好探究;在三年级  相似文献   

Ganguli  S. N. 《Resonance》2004,9(3):8-22
In this part we describe the chain of nuclear reactions that fuse protons into helium nuclei in the centres of stars. Neutrinos play an important role in the proton-proton chain and detection of these neutrinos is important for a direct insight into the processes taking place at the centre of the sun. Experiments for the detection of solar neutrinos and the emerging result from them, known as the Solar Neutrino Puzzle, are described. The puzzle refused to go away even with very carefully designed experiments. Its solution came from physics, by reviving the idea of neutrino oscillations, speculated many decades ago. Recent experiments have confirmed these ideas and have enriched our knowledge of these fundamental particles.  相似文献   

《经律异相》不仅是我国现存的第一部类书,具有重要的文献学价值,而且由于其编写时代明确,口语性强,也是中古汉语研究较为理想的语料。其异文数量众多,类型丰富,但学界迄今也没有给以足够的重视和认真的研究,分析其异文研究价值及其类型的成果至今尚未见到。  相似文献   

真理之川是从他的错误之沟渠中流过. --泰戈尔 科学向前推进,也就不断地把自己勾销. --雨果 每一次革命都迫使科学界推翻一种盛极一时的科学理论,以支持另一种与之不相容的理论.  相似文献   

一、选择题 1.跳远时,跳在洮坑里比跳在水泥地上安全,这是由于( ) A.人跳在沙坑的动量比跳在水泥地上小 B.人跳在沙坑的动量变化比跳在水泥地上小 C.人跳在沙坑受到的冲力比跳在水泥地上小 D.人跳在沙坑受到的冲量比跳在水泥地上小  相似文献   

以新牧1号苜蓿为研究材料,采用RT-PCR方法,设计特异引物,从新牧1号苜蓿中克隆获得MvDREB基因cDNA,测序结果该片段全长为651 bp,Genbank登录号为GU073286.生物信息学分析结果表明,该基因序列与紫花苜蓿核苷酸序列相似度达99%,编码216个氨基酸,MvDREB蛋白氨基酸序列分析比对显示该蛋白属于AP2/ERF家族的亲水性核蛋白,蛋白质分子量为24873.1,理论等电点pI为5.90,不稳定参数为45.07.  相似文献   

敦煌唐写本P.2529号卷子系现存敦煌写本《诗经》中篇幅最长者,并被认为是"依六朝善本"抄成。从文字学的角度予以考释,发现其中的"古文"、"籀文",不仅有利于对《毛诗》原文意义的理解,而且对研究汉字的古音、古义和最初的形义关系都有重要的实证意义。本字、源字、正字为准确理解诗句意义,厘清学界争议提供了有力的证据。此外,其中的通假字和简体字,对于研究古音通假和汉字形体的发展演变也具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Preparing Instructional Designers for Game-Based Learning: Part 2   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
As noted in part I of this article (published in TechTrends 54(3)), advances in technology continue to outpace research on the design and effectiveness of instructional (digital video) games. In general, instructional designers know little about game development, commercial video game developers know little about training, education and instructional design, and relatively little is understood about how to apply what we know about teaching and learning to optimize game-based learning. In Part I, a panel of recognized and emerging experts in the design of instructional (digital video) games set the context for this three part series and one of four panelists discussed what he believes instructional designers should know about instructional game design (Hirumi, Appleman, Rieber, Van Eck, 2010). In Part II, two faculty members who teach courses on instructional game design presents their perspectives on preparing instructional designers for game-based learning. Part III will present a fourth perspective along with conclusion that compares the four views.  相似文献   

一.选择题1.一位同学在百米赛跑中,测得他在跑过50m处时的瞬时速度为6m/s,16s末他到达终点,到达终点时的瞬时速度为7.5m/s,则在这位同学跑完全程的过程中他的平均速度大小为()A.6m/sB.6.25m/sC.6.75m/sD.7.5m/s2.一物体以2m/s2的加速度做匀加速直线运动,已知它在第2s内的位移为12m。则物体在前2s内运动时的初速度为()A.0B.8m/sC.9m/sD.10m/s3.一辆汽车以速度v匀速行驶了全程的一半路程,然后匀减速行驶完了另一半路程后恰好静止,则汽车在全程的平均速度为()A.2vB.23vC.32vD.3v4.甲、乙、丙三辆汽车同时以相同的速度经过某一路标,此后甲…  相似文献   

第Ⅰ卷 (选择题 共 36分 )  一、选择题 :本大题共 1 2小题 ,每小题 3分 ,共 36分。在每小题给出的四个选项中 ,有的小题只有一个选项正确 ,有的小题有多个选项正确。1 .如图 1所示 ,A和B是两个大小相同的带电介质小球 ,它们是用等长绝缘细线悬挂在水平杆上 ,若在两球球心连  相似文献   


In part 1 of this paper we presented the theory of an integrative geragogy. Integrative geragogy is a basic part of educational gerontology, dealing especially with the oldest of the old, mentally handicapped elderly people, and their potentials. In part 2 the context between theory and practice of an integrative geragogy shall be explained. We will discuss various types of geragogical interventions. First, the binding of personal, social and environmental aspects involved in all types of geragogical interventions are outlined. Second, geragogical implications at the old age have to be legitimated. The several ways of legitimating integrative geragogy will be expounded in order to justify the existence and intervention strategies of this discipline. Third, the paradigm of quality in relation to the integrative geragogy needs to be underlined.  相似文献   

Xiao Ge 《海外英语》2008,(1):52-54
In Part One of this series on holidays, we talked about important holidays up to the month of September. Today, as promised, we'll pick up where we left off and take a look at holidays in the fall and winter months.……  相似文献   

丁玲,在跨越半个世纪的漫长的文学道路上,创作出了许许多多的人物:农民、革命者、知识分子、士兵等等,都曾走入她的笔端,这些人物至今仍然具有极大的魅力。但其中最为引人注目、最为成功的还是一系列女性形象,尤其是知识女性形象的塑造。丁玲以她女性特有的细腻情感、敏锐视角,深入到女性形象的内心世界,以这些女性在现代社会的沉沦、挣扎、痛苦、不幸,以及她们对生、对爱、对美的追求、困惑,对死的叩问为艺术视界,向我们展现了半个多世纪以来女性的命运,展现了她们对自由、解放的不息追求、奋斗足迹。  相似文献   

The notion of biosystem organization is poorly understood by students and so its exploitation as an integrative concept is far from complete. In an attempt to go some way towards removing this problem, this paper presents a framework for analysing and describing biosystem organization. Taking biosystems to be models, the nature of the modelling process is reviewed from one perspective in the philosophy of science. Some important themes involved in biosystem modelling are identified and examined in some detail. One category, the systemic metaphors, is examined more fully and examples are described. The paper concludes with a look at some educational implications of this approach.  相似文献   

This article, the second of a two‐part series, describes a case study application of the ROI Methodology™. In this case, a structured coaching program was implemented as part of a comprehensive performance improvement solution designed to improve efficiency, customer satisfaction, and revenue growth for Nations Hotel Corporation. This case study provides critical insights into how a project was systemically designed, delivered, and measured to create performance value, including a return on investment.  相似文献   

In this article the author argues that the somewhat laissez‐faire attitude to curriculum reforms of the 1960s and 1970s led to their demise. The Bains Report (1972) marked recognition of the need for management techniques to promote corporate objectives successfully. A synthesis of the work of Schwab (1969), Everard (1982), Shipman (1983) and Dalin (1978) leads the author to suggest a simple ‘systems approach to management’ as a realistic framework for curriculum innovation. In conclusion, the author stresses that this model will not guarantee success, but provides a systematic approach for would‐be innovators.  相似文献   


This is the second part of a paper which focuses on the idea of chemical change (see Johnson 2000). The reported data comes from a study which explored the development of children's concept of a substance (ages 11-14). It examines the use of the ideas of elements, compounds and the bonding between atoms to explain chemical change and the intersection of these ideas with 'basic' particle ideas. Evidence is presented which suggests that the particle ideas were the means by which the pupils came to acknowledge the phenomenon of chemical change, having been unmoved by a macroscopic approach which identified substances by melting and boiling point. Furthermore, a basic particle model in which individual particles still retained the macroscopic properties of the substance was found to inhibit an understanding of chemical change. Findings with respect to a burning candle are reported in a separate section. Important implications for teaching are discussed.  相似文献   

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