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A very important part of Hangzhou, the WestLake is where the provincial government sits.The district occupies an area of 316 sq km witha population of about 700,000. The ZhijiangState Tourism Resort and Hangzhou High-TechIndustry Development Zone are loca…  相似文献   

人物略传 柳传志,联想控股有限公司董事长,联想集团有限公司董事局主席,联想投资、融科智地、弘毅投资董事长.1944年生于江苏镇江市一个律师家庭.1984年,柳传志与其他10名计算所员工以20万元人民币创办了中科院计算所新技术发展公司(联想前身).  相似文献   

<正>宁绍友、蒋明琼夫妇生活在位于中国西南部的四川省的德阳市。他们唯一的孩子宁宇去年参军,成为了一名消防员。而宁宇服役的地方在中国北方的天津市。8月12日,天津港瑞海公司危险品仓库发生火灾,入伍不满一年的宁宇与15名战友,被派去增援,就在准备灭火时,现场突发剧烈爆炸。冲在队伍最前面的宁宇和4名战友牺牲,其余11人全部受伤。截至8月17日,火灾的死亡人数已上升至114人,其中39人  相似文献   

栗子 《文化交流》2016,(8):60-63
正2016年9月,二十国集团领导人将相聚在杭州这座美丽的东方名城。为让各国宾客领略杭州历史文化的独特韵味,展示中国传统艺术的悠远魅力,"天下第一名社"西泠印社分别于6月和8月在北京和杭州举办系列活动。百余年岁月来,西泠印社跨越国别、地域,一直肩负着守护和传承传统文化艺术的历史使命,这是几代印人共同的信念。"在今天社会文化急速转型的背景下,如何把西泠印社这份‘坚守’和‘传承’告诉大众,是我们这一代社员  相似文献   

正在杭州,有一个人远近闻名,他就是曾获全国劳动模范、浙江道德模范、"最美浙江人"、"浙江骄傲人物"等荣誉的杭州公交28路3-4808号车司机孔胜东。2015年10月,他又荣获了第五届全国道德模范称号。三十年义务修车时光孔胜东永远忘不了那个焦心推车的夜晚。30年前的那天,他骑着自行车回家,半路上车被利器扎破了胎。焦急的他四处寻不到修车点,只好推车步行数公里、大汗淋漓地回了家。1986年初,共青团浙江省委向团员青年发出"振团威、树新风,为社会风气根本好转作贡献"的倡议,要求每  相似文献   

《现代企业文化》:您好寇老师,非常感谢您接受我们的采访。前段时间,百度老总李彦宏给员工发了一封内部邮件,邮件中表示,百度已经站在了变革的十字路口,要"鼓励狼性,淘汰小资"。一时间激起各方面的争论。您怎样看待李彦宏此举?寇北辰:在国际竞争环境日益加剧的趋势下,任何一个行业都无法脱离  相似文献   

在当今时代,拥有漫长海岸线的国家,没有远洋运输船队是不可想象的。就连那些内陆国家也在千方百计地寻找自己的出海口。毕竟,我们生存的地球70%以上是海洋。中国最大的船舶运输公司——中国远洋运输集团,  相似文献   

人物略传 张瑞敏,海尔集团党委书记、董事局主席、首席执行官.1949年生于山东省莱州市,"文革"的"老三届",后接父亲班当了工人.1984年受命,接手青岛电冰箱总厂.  相似文献   

近日,腾讯悄然在QQ商城上线了团购服务,第一次团购的内容是一个5.7折的电饭煲.在团购的13个小时只剩3小时的时候,这次团购的购买件数才达到团购的最低标准20件.而一直到结束之时,这个数字也只是从20跳到了23.如此冷淡的场景,和美团等团购先驱网站动辄就在几小时之内就将上万的产品销售一空的热闹场景形成了鲜明对比.第一天推出团购就险些"流产",腾讯的抄袭,再次遭遇滑铁卢.  相似文献   

人们常说的一句话是“先做人,再做事”,而裴生荣则一直奉行“先做事,再做人”的原则.  相似文献   

While originally Lacan seconds Heidegger's contention that ‘anxiety has no object’, in the early 1960s, he dismisses his own earlier position as a childish reassurance and argues, to the contrary, that ‘anxiety is not without an object’. With particular attention to his use of the double negative, ‘not without’, this essay examines this turning point in Lacan's thinking in order to explain the opposition between his psychoanalytic critical theory and Derrida's deconstruction. The arguments that Lacan brings to bear on his work of the 1950s closely approximate those that Derrida levels against Heidegger in the formulation of his own concept of ‘the aporia of the impossible’. Indeed, as commentators often emphasise, the formal logic of Lacan's later thinking is strictly isomorphic with Derrida's philosophy; and their respective concepts of anxiety and aporia are frequently misconstrued, accordingly, as simply identical. However, insofar as Lacan discerns a content in this formal negativity, contesting the idealism of his earlier theory and reasserting the materialist objectivity of the Freudian ‘lost object,’ as intractably Real, the two do not coincide. On the contrary, Lacan's repudiation of Heidegger's concept of anxiety extends equally to Derrida's aporia, as if, for Derrida, Heidegger's existential phenomenology were not reassuring enough.  相似文献   

Elena Aronova 《Minerva》2012,50(3):307-337
The Congress for Cultural Freedom is remembered as a paramount example of the “cultural cold wars.” In this paper, I discuss the ways in which this powerful transnational organization sought to promote “science studies” as a distinct – and politically relevant – area of expertise, and part of the CCF broader agenda to offer a renewed framework for liberalism. By means of its Study Groups, international conferences and its periodicals, such as Minerva, the Congress developed into an influential forum for examining the ways Big Science impacted the relations between science, society, and politics, thus constituting a semi-institutional niche for Science Studies before its professionalization within academia during the 1970s. I argue that the Congress contributed to the construction of public space in which the relations between science, society and politics were debated, and science was reconceptualized as a social activity. The vision of “science studies” the CCF-associated intellectuals promulgated was different from the science studies we know today. Yet, this alternative vision, in which the issues of science politics appeared inseparable from those of science policy, science organization, and science governance, constituted the “pre-history” of science studies today.  相似文献   

In the popular FOX TV reality show, American Idol, the judges, who are presumably experts in evaluating singing effort, have no voting power when the field is narrowed to the top 24 contestants. It is only the votes of viewers that count. In the 2007 season of the show, one of the judges, Simon Cowell, threatened to quit the show if a contestant, Sanjaya Malakar, who was clearly a low-ability contestant, won the competition. He was concerned that the show was becoming a popularity contest instead of a singing contest. Is this a problem? Not necessarily. I show that, under certain conditions, making success in the contest dependent on a contestant’s popularity and not solely on her singing ability or performance, could paradoxically increase aggregate singing effort. It may be optimal to give the entire voting power to the viewers whose evaluation of singing effort is noisier.  相似文献   

《孟子·公孙丑上》第二章即“养气章” ,是《孟子》中很难理解的一章 ,其疑难集中在“不得于言 ,勿求于心 ;不得于心 ,勿求于气。”①一句的理解上 ,古往今来学术界争论不断。本文试图从“言”字的解释入手 ,以“义”为核心 ,对“不得于言 ,勿求于心 ;不得于心 ,勿求于气”进行一种新的阐释 ,并分析孟子之不动心与告子之不动心的不同。文中涉及“勇”、“气”、“不动心” ;“养勇”、“养气”、“养浩然之气”等范畴 ,有必要先作探讨。“勇”意为“不畏难”、“不畏惧” ,经过长期反复“勇”的磨练 ,形成较稳定的个人气质 ,即“气” ,在这…  相似文献   

<正>时光荏苒,转眼之间,《文化学刊》已经走过整整十个年头了。这十年间,《文化学刊》以自己的深沉博大的家国情怀,高瞻远瞩的学术眼光,孜孜不倦的探索精神,走向世界的文化追求,参与着中国和世界的文化建设,成绩斐然,有目共睹。从创刊起,《文化学刊》的主编曲彦斌先生及其全体同仁,就以高度的热情,积极主动的责任感,强烈的精  相似文献   

Duantang Neighborhood lies in the southern end of Ningbo, Zhejiang Province. It occupies an area of 5.97 square kilometers and is the first entry of the Hangzhou-Ningbo Expressway to the downtown Ningbo. With 4 administrative villages and 8 communities under its jurisdiction, Duantang is a typical area where the urban and rural areas meet. It's the gateway to Haishu District of Ningbo.  相似文献   

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