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Social workers practice in rapidly changing and complex environments where they encounter challenges that include increasing evidence-based practice requirements, a shifting information landscape, and diminishing workplace resources. To address these challenges, social workers need to engage in lifelong learning. The purpose of this article is to explore conceptual elements and assumptions underlying lifelong learning; propose social work specific approaches to lifelong learning; present a conceptual model to orient social work educators to the possibilities inherent in lifelong learning for practice, with inclusion of suggested practice behavior; and offer a research agenda for practice.  相似文献   

The Future Something Project (FSP), a two‐year action research project, was devised to nurture the creative and technological talent of small groups of young people at risk by creating a structured network, mentored and driven by creative professionals exploring innovative ways for the two distinct target groups to work together. The project practice is located within the new field of interaction design and takes a social and critical approach to art and design pedagogy. The external research team found that one valuable way of looking at the FSP enterprise was through the social theory of communities of practice (CoPs) developed in the 1990s by Lave and Wenger. The creation of a learning community as a pedagogical strategy is central to the conception and practice of this project. This article, therefore, sets out to apply an existing theory to a new art and design context together with more general thoughts on learning communities. It explores the potential of new technologies and different settings to effect learning within structured networks and local and virtual communities of practice.  相似文献   

面向未来的学习观   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
学习创新首先是学习观念的更新。适应未来经济、社会、科技发展和人的个性发展对高级专门人才的要求,大学生应该努力建立以全面学习观、自主学习观、创新学习观、终身学习观为主要内容的新的基本学习观。它以终身学习的理念(终身学习观)为导向,经学什么(全面学习观)到如何学(自主学习观),最终实现创新学习的目标(创新学习观),从而构成一个有机联系、彼此呼应的学习观念体系。  相似文献   

Reflections on Project Work and Problem-based Learning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is difficult to define and compare project-organized learning and problem-based learning both at a theoretical and a practical level, but there is a need for clarification outlimng differences and similarities for both institutions practising and institutions planning to implement some of these educational ideas. Both project work and problem-based learning emphasize the learning process instead of the teaching process; however, the focus on different aspects of the learning process forms a fruitful base for mutual inspiration and development—like a creative couple challenging the learning process of tomorrow.  相似文献   

Skills for Work in the Future: A Youth Perspective   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  


当前职教课改的主流方向之一是构建以工作任务为中心、以项目课程为主体的职教课程模式。这里所说的项目课程从整体规划、需求分析、工作任务分析直到组织教学实施、课程评价,需要较长的时间,是长周期课程,而由于开发、实施工作的现实性、复杂性以及工作世界的较大可变性等问题,长周期课程的开发、实施存在较大风险。如何更好地发挥长周期项目课程的优势,并且弥补其不足,是螺旋型长周期项目课程和螺旋型短周期项目课程相结合的"双螺旋生存期模型"试图解决的问题。  相似文献   

为了培养学生在未来社会生活的能力,芬兰将现象式学习作为未来人才培养的解决方案.现象式学习受芬兰教育理念的长期影响,经历了萌芽期、成长期和发展期三个阶段,是以真实世界现象为学习起点,从学习者前理解出发,在具身探究和社会参与中修正对现象的认识,进而创造多重表征意义的新型学习方式.现象式学习通过开展跨学科教学、构建开放性学习空间、采用设计导向型教学法、创设真实与虚拟学习场域、组建多元教学团队等方式组织实施.该学习方式对我国跨学科教学具有以下启示意义:应关注知识的涉身性与多元性、重视身体作用并赋予学生鲜活体验、通过构建跨学科共同体等方式推进跨学科教学实践.  相似文献   

在教育神经科学领域,我们需要可靠的脑科学知识为学与教奠定坚实的基础。在教学实践中,应该尊重学生的兴趣以及他们独特的学习通路。在教育神经科学中,我们已经创建了一种通用的量表来评估孩子们的认知发展以及他们在校学习,这种评价重视对学生学习的支持与促进。在教育神经科学的研究中,重要的是,科学家与教育工作者相互合作,建立研究型学校,将心智、脑与教育领域的知识联系起来,以支持并促进学生的学习。  相似文献   

This paper describes a three-campus collaborative, distributed learning program that delivers social work education to remote rural and desert communities in California via distance learning modalities. This “Pathway Program” provides accredited social work education for a career ladder beginning with advising and developing an academic plan and leading to BSW and MSW degrees. The paper offers assessment data on the Pathway Program and also suggests the potential for major changes in social work education. Questions about the nature of the university, the role of the faculty member, and the future of social work students in the twenty-first century are discussed.  相似文献   

Describes a doctoral‐level assignment that uses a genogram format to trace academic lineage and uncover historical themes that continue to influence the student's professional development.  相似文献   

未来教育家培养工程中的制度设计与课程安排   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对免费师范生的培养要作为未来教育家奠基性系统工程,在人才培养模式、课程体系和培养实践等方面实施全新的设计。完整的人才培养模式由纵向学习时限模式和横向培养过程模式构成。纵向时限模式采取4+2本硕一体化的制度设计。其招生对象是推荐免试的优秀本科毕业生,学习方式是在职攻读。横向培养过程模式的实践表达是:厚基础、精专业、强能力、高素质。本科阶段的课程结构采取四大模块。教育硕士阶段的课程安排应是专业理论和教育能力的双提高设计。课程体系本硕连贯。  相似文献   

习近平终身学习观指的是习近平总书记在学习和工作中形成的与终身学习相关的系统的新思想与重要观点,是中国共产党人集体智慧的结晶,是马克思主义中国化的最新成果之一。习近平终身学习观以终身学习内涵、终身学习内容与终身学习路径为主线,阐明终身学习是一种时代责任、一种精神追求、一种生活方式,是文明传承之途、人生成长之梯、政党巩固之基、国家兴盛之要,并以其终身性与持续性、战略性与时代性等特性引领时代学习。强调应以思想引领性的科学理论、工作实务的科学知识和古今中外的历史文化为主要学习内容。要求坚定学习方向和终身学习理念,巧用方法与技巧,并在践行终身学习中持续提升,以学习成就未来。  相似文献   

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