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随着中国教育进入新时代,经济高质量发展、高等教育普及化推进、新兴城市快速发展等成为中国高等教育结构调整的重要动力,但与此同时,我国高等教育结构调整也面临着区域发展不均衡、"两级管理、两级办学"带来的阻力。整体提升高等教育层次结构,构建以人口布局为依托的高等教育布局结构,形成与国家和区域发展战略相适应的专业类型结构,探索与城市综合实力相匹配的现代化治理体系成为未来中国高等教育布局结构体系建设的战略选择。具体而言,未来我国高等教育应紧密结合区域发展和人口数量布局高等学校;加强学校分类建设与管理;对接产业转型升级,优化高等教育专业结构;加大高层次人才的培养力度;加强中西部高等教育的支持力度;提升各级教育行政部门的治理能力和治理水平;建立健全教育结构动态调整机制。  相似文献   

近年来,我国社会经济高速发展对于高层次人才的需求不断攀升,扩大博士培养规模成为大势所趋。根据已有文献,GDP总量、R&D投入力度等经济指标对于博士培养规模具有很强的预测作用。本文通过与西方发达五国在相关指标上的国际比较,并与我国的人才供求预测相结合,得出研究结论:我国目前一年的博士人才培养规模应保持在9万人左右为宜,其扩招幅度应与经济总量和R&D投入保持联动。同时,还提出了促进我国博士培养规模和质量同步提高的对策建议。  相似文献   

高校教师流动是教师个体、高校组织基于各自可支配资源与理想需求进行协同博弈、联合决策的结果。高校教师流动的合理性是不同主体针对特定岗位人员变动的价值判断问题。主体最优化需求得到满足、组织内部各岗位上人尽其才、区域内人力资本得到最大化释放、高等教育行业的应有效能得到发挥分别是个体、组织、地区、行业评判高校教师流动合理的重要标尺。"双一流"建设背景下的高校引才,需要在入选高校和非"双一流"高校的"零和博弈""合作共赢"间,在同质高校的"单打独斗""抱团取暖"间,在人才来源的"外引优先""内培为主"间,在既有人才的"择优而往""坚守情怀"间,在人才管理的"市场选择""政府调控"间做出多元统筹调和。  相似文献   

信息安全在俄罗斯国家安全体系中占有极其重要的地位,因此俄罗斯历来重视信息安全人才的培养和储备。俄罗斯信息安全人才培养具有完整的体系、清晰的标准和精准的市场对接。俄罗斯信息安全职业教育分为中等职业教育、高等职业教育和高教人员教育三个主要层次,人才培养和相关大纲、课程标准制定、职业教育活动的协调由俄联邦科学与高等教育部、联邦安全局、高校信息安全教育教学法联合会、技术与出口监督局共同完成,其做法对我国相关人才培养具有启示作用。  相似文献   

Even though colleges have long attempted to promote civic-mindedness among students, recently there have been strong calls for a return and rededication to this mission. Given the many social and political changes that have occurred since Pascarella et al. (J High Educ 59(4):412–437, 1988) in Higher education: Handbook of theory and research, study, the purpose of the present investigation was to extend their established line of inquiry by examining college’s influence on the civic values held by a more recent cohort of students. Using hierarchical linear modeling, we analyzed a sample obtained from the Cooperative Institutional Research Program, a nationally representative panel study of college students administered by the Higher Education Research Institute at the University of California, Los Angeles, which sample includes 12,738 undergraduate students from 106 four-year universities. Our findings mostly confirmed our theoretic conceptualization of collegiate influences on the civic values of students. As expected, those values were positively associated with students’ involvement in diverse activities. Institutional impacts, however, disappeared, except for structural diversity. University administrators and educators might find these results informative when developing institutional policies and practices to prepare students for good citizenship in the global society.  相似文献   

Research suggests that students entering Higher Education are doing so with greater expectations around their graduate employability. Students’ volunteering activities have been of interest to academics, but the impact of these activities on learning, employability and student satisfaction has been neglected. The current study investigated whether students who volunteered felt it benefited them, whether they felt they were more employable and whether they perceived their course as satisfying in combination with their volunteering. This small-scale qualitative study used a sample of psychology undergraduate students in focus groups (n = 11), and also a number of psychology graduate interviews (n = 6) from one UK university. Thematic analysis produced several key themes including students’ motivations to begin volunteering, which were mainly career-oriented; their motivations to continue, which included rewarding feelings and personal development; the impact of volunteering on their psychology degree, which included situated learning; and their perceptions of their volunteering and its impact on their employability. The findings indicated many reasons for both starting and continuing with volunteering activities with a clear narrative among this sample that volunteering enhanced their employment and postgraduate prospects. Findings are discussed in line with the current context of Higher Education and the implications for both students and Higher Education Institutions.  相似文献   

课堂教学是形塑学生发展核心素养的主要渠道,构建学生核心素养根基于紧密渗入时空的教学实践之中。所有学生都是具有认知能力的行动者,其认知能力嵌入实践意识,在日常教学生活中能够在话语层面上描述他们的行为及理由。教师作为能动者的任务在于促使学生发挥能动作用,而不是代替学生来主宰教学活动。学生在教学实践中一方面构建作为能动者发展的核心素养,同时构建与自身紧密联系的教学制度,二者的互动在广阔时空范围内表现为能动者与教学制度的结构二重性。传统课堂向现代课堂的结构转型,经历了两次历史性的"翻转",为课堂教学落实学生发展核心素养提供了制度保障。  相似文献   

The Institute for Studies in Research and Higher Education, a part of the Norwegian Research Council for Science and Humanities, has published a report entitled “Norwegian Students and Graduates in 1977”. The following information is based on this report.  相似文献   

美国是融合教育发展较为完善的国家之一,制定和遵循政策是其高标准开展融合教育的一贯原则。1975年以来,美国系列联邦教育法律始终贯彻融合教育理念,其法案中关于融合教育政策演变目标从人本补偿走向全人发展,参与主体实现了权力博弈与责任分担并进,治理结构从扁平形式走向扁平实质,运行机制从制度“面”发展到制度“体”。数年来,在政策推动下,美国提高了融合程度和教育质量、构筑了多元主体支持保障体系、推动了教师资格认证和教育惩戒制度的有效运行。  相似文献   

中国高等教育学会高等教育评估分会2006年学术年会的主题是“高等教育质量多元化与高教评估改革”。会议讨论了我国高等教育大众化阶段高等教育质量多元化的问题,分析了高等教育质量多元化对高教评估改革的影响,探讨适合中国高等教育发展的高等教育质量观和多元化评价体系,交流了各级各类学校在高教评估方面的经验。  相似文献   

Closing loops     
Roger Brown, the Chair of the Editorial Advisory Board, and I are delighted that John Aubrey Douglass, Senior Research Fellow of the Center for Studies in Higher Education at the University of California Berkeley, has agreed to edit this special issue of perspectives. The papers arise out of contributions to a Symposium in September 2004 on UK and US Higher Education Funding and Access, organised by the Oxford Centre for Higher Education Policy Studies (OxCHEPS) and the Center for Studies in Higher Education at the University of California Berkeley campus. It was co‐chaired by John and David Palfreyman, the Director of OxCHEPS, and it is a pleasure and privilege to publish some of the main papers.

We are indebted to the AUA, the Sutton Trust, the Higher Education Policy Institute, the Rothermere Institute, the Institute for Governmental Studies (UC Berkeley), the Center for British Studies (UC Berkeley), and the University of California Office of the President, all of whom provided support for the Symposium.

John’s first paper sets the scene on the UK funding environment and student support, and provides a context for those that follow. Ed.  相似文献   

Alexander W. Astin is professor of higher education at the University of California, Los Angeles, and director of the Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA. He has served as director of research for both the American Council on Education and the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. For the past twenty-five years he has directed the Cooperative Institutional Research Program, an ongoing national study of some seven million students, 200,000 faculty and staff, and 1,300 higher education institutions. Dr. Astin has authored seventeen books and two hundred other publications in the field of higher education. His newest book, Assessment for Excellence: The Philosophy and Practice of Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, was published by ACE-Macmillan in January, 1991.  相似文献   

知识精英是引领社会进步的中坚力量,在我国高等教育大众化的今天,精英教育仍然是高等教育发展的重要内容。文章分析了高等教育大众化进程中坚持实施精英教育的必要性,指出分类指导是高校实施精英教育的必要前提,并阐明高水平研究型大学是承担精英教育的主体。  相似文献   

The information below is based on the recently published survey of the research projects of the Pedagogical Research Centre for Higher Education in Budapest, for the period 1976‐1980.

This institute is one of the four central educational research institutions in Hungary, the other three being the National Institute of Education, the Educational Research Institute at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Popular Education.  相似文献   

根据中国引文数据库Chinese Citation Database所提供的统计数据,采用文献计量学、数值比较和按类统计的方法对影响因子排名靠前的8种中国教育类期刊在2006-2010年间引文进行了数据统计,研究成果可为教育学研究提供一些量化数据的参考,同时也为用户提供全面翔实的期刊被引和引用数据。结果表明:《教育研究》是人文、社科权威级期刊;《高等教育研究》、《中国高教研究》、《中国高等教育》、《高等工程教育研究》是教育类核心期刊中的佼佼者,具有一流的学术水平和学术影响,在教育学领域中有着绝对的影响力;《中国大学教学》、《北京大学教育评论》、《教师教育研究》在教育学界也有着非常高的学术地位。  相似文献   

Alexander Astin gives an update on what the Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA is learning about volunteerism and community service on campus. What promotes participation? Who benefits? How does participation affect leadership development?  相似文献   

增加学生的自主选择性是新一轮高考综合改革的价值取向之一。作为首批高考综合改革试点省份,上海市和浙江省在其具体的改革实施方案中都充分体现了“选择性”理念,具体措施包括扩大学生对考试科目的自主选择权,由学生自主选择考试次数,探索“先选专业再选学校”的志愿填报方式等。但这些改革举措的实施也产生了相应的问题,包括学生自主选科后如何实施与之配套的教学组织形式改革,如何化解走班制引出的课程管理与教师和教室配置问题,如何设计更科学合理的选考科目赋分制计分方式,如何避免多次考试机会可能带来的学业负担加重与资源浪费问题,如何应对科目选考与大学专业报考挂钩以及“先选专业再选学校”填报志愿改革产生的问题等。应对上述问题的举措包括以下几个方面:高中学校和地方教育主管部门应统筹规划高考综改背景下的高中教育整体改革及实施方案;高校应依据培养目标及时出台相关招生政策,以最大限度地满足学生的选择需求,并做好招生宣传工作;地方政府应肩负起有效组织高考综改试点实施的评估与改进的主体责任,履行应有的管理职能。  相似文献   

北高师教育研究科成立前后,中国教育界正在进行“高师改大”与“废止高师”的争辩,其中如何安置“教育科”,是争论的核心问题之一.主张废止高师者,主张模仿哥伦比亚大学师范学院的办学模式,设置“教育科”于大学.在高师地位受到威胁的情况下,北高师设置了教育研究科.其动议是陈宝泉乃至整个北高师对教育研究及教育学术专门人才培养的一贯重视,其现实出发点是争“教育精神唯一的机关”,为高师升格为大学作准备,而其形式和具体内容则是来自哥伦比亚大学师范学院.教育研究科设置之后,卷入“校长风潮”,遭遇诸多复杂的现实问题.  相似文献   

转型期俄罗斯高等师范教育的观念、结构、培养方向都发生明显的变化,呈现出鲜明的特点。通过分析研究俄罗斯高等师范教育改革的特点和取得的成就,并与我国的高等师范教育相比较,对我国高等师范教育的发展具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

教学评价是体育教学的重要组成部分,对体育教学过程进行科学、准确的评价,关系到教师的教学积极性和学生学习的主动性的发挥,还便于教师探明、调节和改善体育教学活动。在高职院的体育教学中,我们只有很好地了解和掌握教学评价这个信息反馈机制,才能保证顺利地完成一定的教学任务。  相似文献   

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