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流动儿童是在当前户籍制度下人口流动的必然结果,他们在流入地受教育面临着诸多问题:在公立学校受到歧视,在民办子弟学校只能接受低质量的教育.流动儿童的高质量教育,对社会稳定和发展有着十分积极的现实意义.解决流动儿童面临的问题需要改革当前户籍制度,完善教育制度加强对流动儿童教育的倾斜,强化对流动人口和流动儿童的社会教育.  相似文献   

This article investigates the rapid expansion of private schooling in the Northern Areas of Pakistan during the period 1993–2003. Our observations are mainly based on a survey of about 40% of the total number of private schools in the Northern Areas in which we attested trends that are characteristic of many private schools elsewhere, both nationally and internationally. For instance, most of the parents are by no means wealthy, most think that private schools provide better quality than government schools, English-medium instruction is a key requirement, and all have pragmatic expectations of the benefits for their children both from private schooling and from English-medium education.  相似文献   

通常认为私立学校主要为中、上等收入家庭服务,然而最近的研究发现,发展中国家大量低收入家庭选择私立学校来获得教育服务.产生这种状况的原因在于公立学校教育质量不如人意,教育开支在私立学校和公立学校之间的差距并不大,以及公立学校的高限制性入学要求等.发展中国家应致力于改善低收入群体的受教育条件加大对低收入群体的教育补偿投资;优化教育投资分配比例;规范对私立学校的管理;提高公立学校的教育质量.  相似文献   

Children with moderate learning disabilities often fail to qualify for special education programs in public schools, but are ill-suited for placement in private schools concerned with the severely disabled. Parents of such children may place their hopes in the promises of private teachers or clinics. Yet the quality of services provided in the private sector varies widely. This paper describes a model program against which parents and private service providers can measure the strengths and weaknesses of the programs they are concerned with. The model places special emphasis on thorough evaluation, frequent reevaluation, staff accountability, program flexibility, and recognition of the parents’ role in the child’s education.  相似文献   

The separation between Church and State, private and public education, is blurring, and coming together, as the government gives families vouchers to attend private and religious schools. Religious groups are starting and supporting their own charter schools, and local jurisdictions (cities and counties) are providing free transportation and food services to children attending private schools. What emerges, and is the focus of this analysis, is the new “middle ground,” a “golden mean,” by which public schools learn diversity and choice while private/religious schools are helped by public programs and funds. The oldest, perhaps, was Lyndon Johnson's compromise with the Catholics to get Title 1 passed as part of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act that sends public school teachers into private schools to help children in need. This study examines the emergence of a middle group in public–private education, and how the policies are working and what's changing. It argues that the child is the center of education, and government and private agencies are changing and should come together to serve the clients, the children.  相似文献   

对3714名流动儿童城市就读学校进行了调查,运用多层线性模型对流动儿童城市就读学校效能的影响因素进行了实证分析。研究结果显示,在控制家庭背景因素后,流动儿童城市就读学校民工子弟学校与公办学校效能之间存在明显的组间差异,其中有7.14%的学校效能差异来自于这种组间差异,而且城市民工子弟学校效能的组内差异要明显大于公办学校,这反映了流动儿童的学业成就低落很大程度上受到了学校层面因素的影响;而在考虑学校层面与班级层面的因素后,学生的性别因素、家庭社会经济状况、家庭教育支出水平以及学生个体满意程度对流动儿童城市就读学校效能均有显著的正向影响。这说明改善流动儿童个体及其家庭社会经济状况是提高流动儿童城市就读学校效能的关键。  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the educational opportunities available to rural migrant children in Beijing. On the basis of fieldwork conducted in migrant communities in 2004–2005, I conclude that administrative and financial barriers, as well as discrimination, prevent migrant children from entering state schools. I discuss the quality of education available in unlicensed private schools, followed by an analysis of the possible reasons for the state's exclusion of migrant children from state schools and its hostility to migrants’ self-provision of education.  相似文献   

Using data from a census of private schools in one of Lagos, Nigeria’s administrative jurisdictions, this paper explores the linkages between a heterogeneous sector of private schools and issues of school access, affordability, quality, and ultimately social mobility for households at the bottom of the income distribution. Although a large private education market has buoyed Lagos’s growth towards near-universal primary enrolment, this heterogeneous school sector appears to be providing socially stratifying paths towards educational attainment. We apply Lucas’s theory of effectively maintained inequality to assess the extent to which access to higher quality education services within the private sector is determined by cost. We find that higher-cost private schools provide students with greater opportunities to study in institutions with higher quality inputs and increased potential for progression within the educational system. As such, it is highly likely that these schools are primarily accessible to students at the upper ends of the income distribution.  相似文献   

随着山西省民办学前教育事业的迅速发展,一些问题也随之凸显:政府对民办学前教育机构缺乏规划、监管;教师队伍良莠不齐、流动性大;民办幼儿团收费两极化;民办幼儿团出现"小学化"倾向.针对山西民办幼儿团发展中存在的问题及原因,文章提出强化政府职能、完善立法保障、加强制度监管、提升教育品质是民办幼儿园良性发展的保障.  相似文献   

A system of funding education through vouchers is not only a viable option for urban settings but it would be more likely than any other form of systemic restructuring to reduce inequity between advantaged and disadvantaged students, increase meaningful instances of choice in education, and improve the quality of education. Funding education through vouchers would make good economic sense because private schools presently educate children at roughly half the cost of public schools. In addition, the present form of state-controlled education is a violation of both the Establishment and Free Exercise clauses of the First Amendment. Finally, there has never been a full implementation of a voucher system. Therefore, no hard conclusions regarding the outcome of such implementation can be made.  相似文献   

Lagos is home to 12,098 private schools catering to 57% of the state's enrolled children, from ultra-rich to relatively poor households, with many schools targeting those of lower socio-economic status. Government schools were intended to provide a just and equitable option for all; however, they have not kept pace with demand in terms of both capacity and quality, causing concerned parents to look elsewhere. This paper draws on original household survey data to investigate why parents living in slums would put considerable strain on their household budgets to access fee-paying primary education for their children, and discusses the equity implications of this situation. Context is provided through data from the first comprehensive private school census in Lagos during the school year 2010–2011. It is found that parents choose private schools because government schools are perceived to be failing (or too far from home), but also that they have higher expectations than can be provided by private schools run on incredibly tight budgets with often untrained teachers. It is highly questionable then how under such circumstances social justice can be served through this scenario.  相似文献   

Using longitudinal data, this study examined the enrolment status of individual children left behind in the global trend towards ‘quality education’. The study identified common characteristics among dropouts as well as the existence of children who managed to complete primary education but could not progress smoothly. Among them, some children’s grade levels were lowered by more than two years when they transferred from public to private schools, and their grade levels increased by one or more years when they transferred from private to public schools. These surprising enrolment patterns provide evidence of an ignorance about systematic learning.  相似文献   

随着我国教育事业的逐步发展,民办教育已经成为我国教育体系中的一个重要组成部分。2003年《民办教育促进法》的颁布实施,更是预示着民办高校的春天即将来临。民办高校的灵魂是教师,建立一支高素质的教师队伍直接影响到民办高校的办学质量和发展前景。有效的激励能够调动他们的积极性和创造性,提高工作效率,从而促进学校的发展。  相似文献   

In Spain, the exercise of choice by parents of a suitable school for their children is not practised by all families in the same way. The evidence shows that an increasing social polarisation and a substantial disequilibrium in schooling are taking place in compulsory education. There is a high concentration of immigrant students in public schools in contrast with what happened in the centros concertados (private schools with public funding). This situation is especially unbalanced in some Autonomous Communities, such as the Community of Madrid, Catalonia, Valencia and Andalusia. The inequalities in the distribution of students in the network of public schools and private schools financed by public funds are producing significant responses from parents, teachers, experts, and also from other social groups. Some of the proposals made by different experts and by the Spanish Ministry of Education are analysed in order to reach to a quality education in more equitable conditions for all students.  相似文献   

自20世纪60年代开始,智利政府在国内推行经济改革的同时,对原有的高等教育体制进行了重大改革,并取得了显著的成效。智利通过大力发展私立教育,确立了私立教育主导型的办学模式;通过多渠道筹措经费和实行教育成本回收制度,较好地解决了教育经费投入不足的问题;通过制定和完善教育法,以法律的方式保障了大学的自主权;通过设立高等教育全国理事会,加强了对高等教育质量的监控与评估。  相似文献   

This paper examines a range of issues concerned with the process of choosing schools in the private and state sectors at the primary/pre‐preparatory stage and at the time of transfer to secondary/senior school. The findings indicate that choices about schools are made at different times and in different ways by parents who use the state and private sectors. One of the key findings is that the process of choosing a school begins earlier in the private than in the state sector; another is that quality of education is cited more frequently as one of the ‘top three’ essential factors by parents of children in the private sector. At both the primary and transfer to secondary stages, very high percentages of parents consider it essential that their child should be happy. A discussion of the different notions that private school and the state school parents may have of ‘happiness’ is offered.  相似文献   

Scholars disagree on the extent to which low-fee private schools can adequately supply education to poor children in developing countries. This article contributes to the debate with a qualitative study in the Chinese context where privatization of education intersects with rural-urban migration. Using grounded theory approach, I examine how these schools aid or hinder migrant children’s settlement and integration in the host city. Fieldwork in the country’s interior region reveals that migrant schools are oriented toward meeting the immediate needs of migrant families but at the cost of children’s future prospects. The conclusion discusses implications for equitable urbanization.  相似文献   

Low-cost private schools (LCPS) are widespread in Kenya, particularly in urban areas. This study examines the reasons that parents send children to fee-charging schools in a context of free public primary education. Drawing on parent survey and interview data, as well as interviews with national policy makers, we found that parents who chose LCPS for their children were more driven by quality concerns than were public school parents. We also present data on the costs of the school types, compared to household income. Despite being termed ‘low cost’, the fees charged by schools primarily serving the poor were often a heavy burden on families. We conclude with recommendations for maximising the impact of LCPS on educational access and quality.  相似文献   

This paper intends to analyse the empirical and historical evidence, gathered by recent research, on the privatization process of the argentine educational system. In the 1960s, two main changes occurred: an increase in the private sector enrolment and an increasing deregulation of private schools along with a hyper-regulation of public schools. Additionally, a significant mutation of the demand profile served by the private and public sector can be observed. Such a mutation is closely related to the socio-economic characteristics of the families sending their children to either sector. The article suggests that the process of privatization of the argentine education meant a switch from a state quasi-monopoly system to a dual public/private system, where the social sectors with higher purchasing power are able to choose to ‘exit’ from the public sector to the private and, by doing so, consolidating an educational environment of their own.  相似文献   

流动人口子女义务教育问题分析:教育财政视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
流动人口子女义务教育问题均与教育财政体制有着密切的关系。从财政角度看,可以采取以下解决措施:明确政府对于解决流动人口子女义务教育问题的财政责任,加强财政部门与教育部门之间的配合,加强上级政府的财政转移支付。对流动人口中贫困家庭孩子实行特殊资助政策,部分地补偿他们在公立学校的学习成本。在政府财政约束条件下,通过一定的财政政策扶持打工子弟学校,改进其办学条件,提高其教学质量。  相似文献   

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