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"21世纪技能"是美国为了应对新世纪挑战而提出的教育改革的新思想,包含两个大系统:其一是"学生学业成果":在保留传统核心课程的基础上增加了跨学科的专题研究;学习与创新技能;信息、媒介与技术素养;生活与事业技能。其二是"支持系统",阐释了21世纪标准、评估、课程、教学、专业发展与学习环境。"21世纪技能"整合了21世纪社会与人的发展的需求,代表着美国当今教育改革的最新思路与发展走向。  相似文献   

21st century skills is a global network of corporate and governmental influences that promotes competences suited to fit the future knowledge economy. Through a discourse analysis of an influential Official Norwegian Report, ‘The School of the Future. Renewal of Subjects and Competences’ (NOU 2015:8), this paper explores how ideas of 21st century skills are translated into the Norwegian education policy context. Firstly, the paper analyses the context-specific reasons for receptiveness by investigating discursive warrants. Secondly, the paper identifies how the policy document constructs a set of preferred subject positions that constitute an image of an ideal student. Thirdly, the paper investigates the discursive framing of these subject positions. We find that the policy document constructs an image of an ideal student who is creative, responsible, cooperative, engaged, self-regulated and in complete control of herself, her learning and her future. This image draws on more pronounced neo-liberal discourses, but also well-established discourses in the Norwegian context, such as social democratic progressivism. This intertwining of discourses shows how traits of homogeneity related to global ideas, as well as heterogeneity related to the Norwegian policy context, are both visible in the Norwegian translation of 21st century skills.  相似文献   

以创新教育为核心的中国教育现代化是当前我国深化教育改革与发展的主要任务。创新教育与传统教育以知识为导向不同,更加强调学生能力的发展,也被称为"能力导向教育"。能力导向教育的落地首先需要明确能力导向教学范式的意涵、特征和应用模式。PISA测试作为一种国际公认的典型的能力测试范式,为能力导向教学范式提供了理论观照和实践指引。从PISA测试对学生能力培养要求来看,能力导向教学范式是一种以学生所掌握的学科知识为基础,将其与知识应用领域的真实情境相联系,旨在促进和发展学生的问题解决、批判性思维、社会沟通等核心素养和21世纪技能的教学范式。它具有基于真实的问题情境开展教学、学习过程由概念化转向模型化、聚焦高阶思维发展等主要特征。深入到教学实践领域,能力导向教学范式的典型模式是基于项目的学习,强调知识在真实问题情境中的运用和做中学的实践哲学。能力导向教学范式不仅能够在教学实践中真正改变知识导向占据主导地位、为应试而获取知识的教育现状,更有助于开拓以发展学生核心素养和21世纪技能为主导的创新人才培养新格局。  相似文献   

国外新世纪基础教育课程改革的共同特点   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为适应21世纪社会发展的需要,世界各国无一例外地实施以课程为核心的基础教育改革。这一新世纪的基础教育课程呈现出许多共同的特点。比如:课程改革全面关注学生的发展,实行课程编制,实施与评价一体化的整体改革,课程目标的统一性和多样性,课程结构的整合性和均衡性,课程内容的综合性和现实性,课程管理的民主化和规范化,等等。  相似文献   

The school operated by David Manson in 18th century Belfast was a centre of learning which represented a critical approach to traditional forms of education. Choice instead of coercion; encouragement rather than ridicule; achievement and recognition for all learners were the hallmarks of his method. Enjoyment in teaching and in learning was not just an aspiration but a reality. Play was not seen as mere diversion or leisure but as purposeful, enjoyable work imbued with creativity and success. An exploration of the role of play and enjoyment as a pedagogical philosophy presents interesting parallels with David Manson's experiments. This paper argues that teachers who provide engaging opportunities for collaborative learning and who place priority in developing a classroom culture where success and self-esteem take precedence over curriculum delivery discover that the delineation between ‘work’ and ‘play’ becomes less sharply defined. Manson's vision of a pedagogy of enjoyment has a timely relevance for the challenges and concerns of the teacher of the 21st century.  相似文献   

The law of Non-Original Malappropriate Eponymous Nomenclature (NOMEN) states that no phenomenon is named after its discoverer. However, eponymous terms are rife in the anatomical and medical literature. In this viewpoint commentary, the authors discuss the history of anatomical eponyms, explain the additional cognitive load imposed by eponyms that can negatively impact student learning and explore the view that eponyms are “pale, male and stale” in the socially conscious 21st century. The authors probe two of the most common arguments used to keep eponyms in anatomy education: (1) clinicians use them because they are easy, and (2) eponyms remind us of anatomy's history. Educators, clinicians and students need to work together to progress this movement and bring a modern lens to this discussion. Based on the arguments presented in this commentary, the authors propose that eponyms should be removed from anatomy curricula, textbooks and have no place in the anatomy classroom.  相似文献   

趋势与前景:新世纪师范教育发展探寻   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
新世纪的中国师范教育将在以下方面出现新发展、新变化 :减少办学层次、开放培养体系、完善课程结构、促进一体化教育、提高专业化水平、掌握信息技术、加强高师教师队伍建设  相似文献   

In the aftermath of the apartheid years the South African education system is being reformed and the curriculum transformed. One reason for doing so is that the old curriculum, apart from being the product of a universally discredited past, is also inappropriate for a developing economy in the 21st century. The new curriculum espouses outcomes based education. This shifts curricular emphasis from prescribed content knowledge to a learner centred, teacher facilitated, activity based style of education. Teachers must become adept at perceiving clues to a learner's thinking by observing science activities closely. The method of 'dynamic assessment' is discussed. It involves teachers eliciting clues or observing and interpreting learners' actions as a reflection of their concept development. By acting immediately when the learner is judged to be at a 'point of divergence' the teacher can pre-empt a conceptually costly meander. Teaching in this way requires confidence as well as good subject knowledge. The Primary Science Programme (PSP), where both authors are employed, is an in-service organisation. The PSP's work suggests that clear performance indicators which articulate distinctly what teachers must focus on is a powerful teaching and in-service mechanism. The new South African curriculum is discussed and shown to be demanding for teachers.  相似文献   

文章以现代教育理念及现代教育技术为依据,就钢琴课程的教改问题,从教学内容和课程体系两个方面展开讨论,在此基础上,提出了构建顺应21世纪教育发展趋势和新型人才需求的、富于科学性和立体感的高校钢琴课程结构框架。  相似文献   

本就21世纪高等教育人才培养的一些理论问题进行了初步的探索,对构建21世纪高等教育的人才培养模式具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

21世纪是知识与信息的时代,终身教育、终身学习是本世纪人生存的主要特征之一。人们的学习、工作、生活都离不开计算机,社会上对计算机应用人才的需求有极大市场。本文从培养目标、课程设置、人才培养过程中的教与学、实训基地建设与师资培养等四个方面,探讨了高职计算机应用人才的培养过程,以期使高职教育培养出满足社会需要、深受社会欢迎的高等应用型技术人才。  相似文献   

以现代教育理念及教学实际为基本依据,从钢琴教学法课程设立的必要性、建立原则、课程的设置以及注意事项这四个方面就高职音乐教育开设“钢琴教学法”课程展开讨论,以此构建出更加富于科学性和顺应二十一世纪钢琴普及教育发展需求的高职音乐教育课程的结构框架。  相似文献   

美国21世纪职业教育仍以杜戚的“从做中学”思想为指导,在具体实施过程中将强调“情境学习”。本文从实践需要与理论基础出发,简明讨论了“从做中学”和“情境学习”在美国21世纪的家庭、学校、工作地点以及社区等与职业教育密切相关的学习环境下的具体应用,从中探寻美国21世纪职业教育的主要发展趋势及可能实施的计划。  相似文献   

21世纪初,基础教育中的新音乐课程改革早已全面展开并以令人瞩目的速度向纵深推进,而作为为基础教育培养师资的高师音乐教育专业,在教学内容、教学方法、教学理念、课程设置等方面却出现了与基础教育的改革不相适应或与新音乐课程标准相脱节的现象。剖析高师音乐教育的现状,目前应从限制扩招、重新定位培养目标、构建新的课程设置体系以及音乐课程资源的重新开发等几方面着手进行全面改革,以期真正达到高师音乐教育人才培养与新音乐课程标准的统一。  相似文献   

潘斌 《成才之路》2020,(2):72-73
新课改是以提高学生科学素养、促进学生全面发展为突破口的。培养适应21世纪科学技术和社会可持续发展及符合时代要求的高素质的建设者,是教师的责任。中职教师在实用化学教学中应采取以下策略培养学生的科学能力:激发学习兴趣,培养学生的自学能力;激发学习动机,提升学生的思维能力;通过问题引导,培养学生的探究能力。  相似文献   

New learning approaches are now required to meet changing needs and develop appropriate skills and capabilities, often addressed as 21st century skills. In the last decade, design thinking has gained in popularity in higher education. This article describes the design thinking approach, its principles and models, various design thinking tools and their application in pedagogy. It presents the findings of an international study evaluating the creation and implementation of a culture‐based blended‐learning course for adult learners who are developing their 21st century skills by applying innovative teaching/learning methodologies, such as case studies, webquests and design thinking tools. Two hundred and twenty‐seven learners participated in the course and responded to a questionnaire to evaluate the learning platform, the English course developed, the teaching/learning methodologies applied and the development of their 21st century skills applying innovative learning tools. The findings highlight the benefits of the design thinking approach to skills development and point to the impact of the course content and layout and certain design thinking tools applied in developing 21st century skills.  相似文献   

Anatomical education has been undergoing reforms in line with the demands of medical profession. The aim of the present study is to assess the impact of a traditional method like cadaveric dissection in teaching/learning anatomy at present times when medical schools are inclining towards student‐centered, integrated, clinical application models. The article undertakes a review of literature and analyzes the observations made therein reflecting on the relevance of cadaveric dissection in anatomical education of 21st century. Despite the advent of modern technology and evolved teaching methods, dissection continues to remain a cornerstone of anatomy curriculum. Medical professionals of all levels believe that dissection enables learning anatomy with relevant clinical correlates. Moreover dissection helps to build discipline independent skills which are essential requirements of modern health care setup. It has been supplemented by other teaching/learning methods due to limited availability of cadavers in some countries. However, in the developing world due to good access to cadavers, dissection based teaching is central to anatomy education till date. Its utility is also reflected in the perception of students who are of the opinion that dissection provides them with a foundation critical to development of clinical skills. Researchers have even suggested that time has come to reinstate dissection as the core method of teaching gross anatomy to ensure safe medical practice. Nevertheless, as dissection alone cannot provide uniform learning experience hence needs to be complemented with other innovative learning methods in the future education model of anatomy. Anat Sci Educ 10: 286–299. © 2016 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

香港新高中课程改革:背景、构架与经验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了配合新学制的改革,香港在21世纪伊始启动了新高中课程改革,并于2009年9月开始正式实施。从香港新高中课程的架构来看,香港新高中课程以全人教育、多元发展、终身学习为理念,旨在照顾学生的不同兴趣、需要、性向及能力,培养香港未来一代具备广阔的知识基础、高度的适应力、独立思考及终身学习的能力,在课程架构、课程改革实施策略等方面形成了自己的特色和经验。  相似文献   

In an effort to increase student readiness for college and career, many States have adopted new academic standards encouraged by education reform advocates. These standards are commonly referred to as the Common Core Standards. Schools from States that have adopted the Common Core Standards have been compelled to significantly restructure their existing curriculum and adjust how they teach that curriculum. These requirements can be particularly onerous for rural schools. Neoliberalism is the underlying political philosophy undergirding these changes in the current school reform movement and is similar to the political philosophy that drove the changes in agricultural policies in the mid 20th century. Neoliberal political and economic philosophy as it correlates to education policy is buttressed by three values: (1) education fosters economic growth; (2) education policy modeled on efficiency and business practices; (3) high stakes testing to measure what a student has learned. These values have created an educational policy structure that attempts to quantify student learning, teacher effectiveness and school district value. By understanding the similarities between agricultural policies in the mid 20th century and current education policies, rural schools and communities will be able to change the narrative surrounding the education of their children.  相似文献   

21世纪,在我国随着市场经济的不断完善,社会全面发展对高等教育无论深度和广度上都提出了更高的要求.因此,高等教育既充满了机遇,又面临着新的挑战.坚持以科学发展观统领高校发展的一切工作,是高校一项极为重要且既现实又深远的课题.  相似文献   

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