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This paper is offered as a contribution to the larger task of providing a comprehensive study of South Africa's universities during the era of apartheid (1948-1990). Because of the centrality of the state to apartheid, the focus adopted is that of the role of the state in university affairs. The inadequacies of state theory in general are acknowledged, but, it is argued nonetheless, that the state warrants special consideration, provided the limits of this type of approach are firmly grasped. It is also suggested that the state's actual relations with the racially fragmented university system are best conceptualised in terms of Neave's notion of 'boundaries' which implies flux. Indeed, the interactions between the state and universities in South Africa were more volatile than is generally portrayed in the literature and were especially so during the 1980s as the state struggled unsuccessfully to overcome the popular challenge to White domination in general and to apartheid university education in particular.  相似文献   

Higher education has become the new star ship in the policy fleet for governments around the world. The public policy focus on higher education, in part, reflects a growing consensus in macroeconomics of 'new growth' or 'endogenous growth' theory, based on the work of Solow, Lucas and Romer that argues that the driving force behind economic growth is technological change (i.e. improvements in knowledge about how we transform inputs into outputs in the production process). Knowledge about technology and levels of information flow are now considered critical for economic development and can account for differential growth patterns. In short, universities are seen to be a key driver towards the knowledge economy. Accordingly, higher education institutions have been encouraged to develop links with industry and business in a series of new venture partnerships. This emphasis in higher education policy also accords with initiatives to promote greater entrepreneurial skills and activity within so-called national systems of innovation. This paper focuses upon the economic importance of higher education as a key component of the knowledge economy. It discusses the genealogy and contributing strands to the newly emerging discourse and considers universities in the knowledge-driven economy by reference to the UK White Paper Our Competitive Future. It also considers the arguments advanced by Joseph Stiglitz (ex-Chief Economist of the World Bank) for the 'analytics of the knowledge economy' and discusses universities in terms of 'knowledge cultures'. Finally, the paper provides a critique of the policy discourse of the knowledge economy as a basis of the new challenges facing universities under knowledge capitalism.  相似文献   

Friendship is a generative topic because it covers questions about the self and the social, so encompassing the political, public, personal and interpersonal negotiation of difference. Friends can embody the resistance as well as the enactment of 'fixing' positions as shown within recent ethnographic work on friendship as identity work (Hey, 1997 , 'The Company She Keeps' , Open University Press). Theorised as a practice about making up and breaking up--about coming to understandings and mis/understandings--friendship has been taken as a metaphor as well as a statement about the im/possibilities of citizenship (Hey, 2001, 'Dancing Round Hanbags', University of Lisbon). This collection of Discourse articles on re-theorising friendship is exceptionally timely as the authors contribute to debates about the regulation of childhood as well as new times social theory. They reveal friendship as the site of reflexivity and tradition and in so doing show it as one of the few social and interpersonal relations in which young children can exercise any form of social control. These accounts might then be said to provide a particularly useful reality check upon the competing versions of 'the private (subject)' found in contrasting accounts of late modernity. In this article I seek to set this work on relationship cultures against a brief discussion of the current provenance of the subject in recent social theory. In scanning high abstraction I argue for more modest explorations in the making of inter- and intra-subjectivity associated with feminist poststructuralist work on class, gender and social difference.  相似文献   

The economics of the open university   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  

大学排名的产生、发展有着深刻的历史、社会与现实背景,对大学及其利益相关者产生了广泛的影响。运用社会认同理论及分层理论对大学排名现象进行分析,可发现隐藏在其背后的真实原因。  相似文献   

制度性保障是大学社会责任履行机制的重要构成部分,然而当前我国大陆地区大学社会责任的制度设计与社会需求出现了严重的偏离。针对这一问题,在历史制度主义理论的指导下,以南开大学与台湾高雄科技大学大学社会责任制度设计的差异塑造过程为例,揭示了大陆高校与台湾高校社会责任制度设计出现差异的深层原因。研究发现,观念差异导致了大陆与台湾高校社会责任定位的不同;参与主体差异导致了两地大学社会责任运作模式的不同;权力的不对称性差异使得两地大学社会责任的制度选择过程呈现为“顶层设计”与“多主体参与”两种不同的决策方式。在此基础上,提炼了一些改善大陆大学社会责任制度化的意见,以期能够为促进我国大学社会责任的建设服务。  相似文献   

The case of the British colonial education 'lending' policy in Cyprus is very interesting, firstly, because Cyprus possessed cultural characteristics very different from those of almost all the other British colonies (African and Asian) and, secondly, because the colonial policy influenced to a great extent the post-colonial educational structures and practices in the island. This article will show that the British colonial education policy applied in Cyprus had the two main features of the colonial policy applied in almost all the other British colonies, namely, (a) it was an 'adapted education' policy and (b) it was very much dependent on the will of the governed people. There were, however, two essential differences: (a) the 'adapted education' policy was very elusive and took diverse forms, and (b) politics played a much more important role in Cyprus than in the other colonies in the formulation of this policy, both positively and negatively. The result was that the 'adapted education' policy explicitly applied during the first fifty years was later reversed and became an open and fervent policy of cultural and educational lending. The contention of the author is that this last policy was a form of implicit 'adapted education' policy .  相似文献   

受传统学术组织的挤压而导致的生存与发展困境,几乎是世界范围内大学跨学科组织发展所面临的共同难题。基于伯顿?克拉克的三角协调模式搭建组织合法性分析框架,对密歇根大学社会研究所进行案例考察,结果表明,该跨学科组织广受赞誉、屹立不倒的成长逻辑蕴含在其对国家与国际合法性、市场与第三部门合法性以及学术合法性的共同追寻之中。它对国家与国际合法性的寻求主要凭借其基于国家公共利益的研究定位和广泛的跨国学术合作而实现,对市场与第三部门合法性的获取主要在于其满足了有关企业和私人基金会的研究诉求,对学术合法性的寻求则主要依靠其整合了多学科的专家学者权威以及推进了相关社会研究方法的专业化。研究结果对于应对大学跨学科组织的成长困境具有重要的启示意义。  相似文献   


Understanding and action are central themes in Hannah Arendt's thought and an idea that runs throughout her work is that whenever human beings act, they start processes. It is in this light that she saw education as a process whose aim is to make human beings feel at home in the world. Given the centrality of process in understanding action, early on in her work, Arendt reflected and drew upon the ideas of Alfred Whitehead, the philosopher of process. Education in his thought is an art and an adventure whose object should be to enable students to grasp the process of life itself and imagine different worlds. In this light, universities are crucial in creating conditions of possibility for imaginative learning and intellectual adventures. Taking action, process, imagination and adventure as my central ideas, in this paper, I make connections between Arendt and Whitehead in an attempt to think about education within and beyond ‘dark times’.  相似文献   

学科建设需要科学合理的评估体系,QS 学科排名是目前国内外普遍使用的评估标准。我国正在实施的“双一流”战略已把第三方评价纳入考核体系,QS 学科排名对我国的“双一流”建设具有重要的参考价值。 本文剖析了 2017 年 QS 学科排名在评估对象、评估指标及权重方面的最新进展,并基于此对我国北京大学、清华大学这两所顶尖大学的学科发展现状进行分析,通过比较发现,这两所高校学科发展速度较快,但与世界一流大学存在较大差距,且指标发展极不均衡。在分析的基础上,对我国顶尖大学的发展现状进行反思并提出建议。  相似文献   

高校女性教师是科技人才队伍的重要组成部分,是我国科技事业十分重要的力量,然而这一群体仍面临着人数较少、职业发展遭遇瓶颈、生育友好型环境有待提升等困境。研究基于科研自我效能感理论,运用混合研究方法,对上海6所高校204位工科女性教师开展问卷调查,并辅之以质性访谈,探索工科女性教师科研自我效能感现状及其影响因素。研究发现:工科女性教师的科研概念化能力、执行和汇报能力自我效能感水平相对较高;日均照顾子女和长辈的时间、对自身的领导能力和担任领导职位的自信程度等因素均对其科研自我效能感产生显著正向影响。基于上述结果,研究从国家和高校两个层面对工科女性教师人才的支持政策提出建议。  相似文献   

This paper discusses fundamental theoretical issues in relation to education on inclusion. These issues inform core decisions about initial teacher education courses and in‐service teacher‐training programmes on inclusion. International and local discussions and research in this area formed the background for the design and implementation of a 2‐year funded research project whose aim was to record teachers' knowledge, attitudes and skills in relation to inclusion before developing an in‐service training programme that suited their profiles. The paper focuses on Greek‐Cypriot teachers' perceptions of their initial and in‐service teacher education on inclusion in Cyprus, as revealed by survey and interview findings. The findings are discussed with reference to relevant literature from Cyprus and other countries in an attempt to draw connections between teacher education, local culture and international practice. The paper concludes with a discussion of the argument that in‐service training programmes on inclusion are of central importance, not only for Cyprus but also for other countries. We argue that teachers' initial education does not guarantee a shared understanding of inclusive education; therefore, in‐service teacher‐training programmes need to be carefully planned and delivered to all schoolteachers to address both theoretical and practical aspects of inclusive education effectively.  相似文献   

立足社会网络理论,结合班级个体交往过程中的情感“输入”与“输出”的支持关系,利用各种中心度和中心势测度指数,以X大学Y班级为例,分别从点度中心性、中间中心性两个方面对该团体的情感支持网络进行了相关分析,最后提出了提高团体凝聚力的一些启示和反思。  相似文献   

在学术职业聘任中,并不是所有好学校的毕业生都能留在好学校工作,有的教师流动到了比求学院校稍差的院校工作,呈现出“高毕低就”现象。利用全国28所公立高校2744位专任教师的调查数据,使用倾向性得分匹配的方法,实证分析了我国学术职业中的“高毕低就”对教师学术职业发展的影响。结果显示,高校教师从毕业到就业的过程中,院校层次、学科等级的“高毕低就”率分别为51.3%和63.9%。这种“高毕低就”进一步影响到了高校教师学术职业的发展。相比之下,“高毕低就”教师的科研生产显著更少,但职称晋升速度无明显差异。教师就职院校的层次对学术职业发展的直接影响较弱。只有教师进入“985工程”院校和A++级学科时,就职院校才能促进其科研生产,增加职业收入,加速职称晋升。  相似文献   

This paper presents research on participant learning processes in challenge course workshops using the framework known as Cultural-Historical Activity Theory (CHAT). CHAT views learning as a shared, social process rather than as an individual event. Participants' experiencing and learning was mediated by the physical and social conditions of the experience and by the contributions of other participants. The concept of mediation suggests that the meaning participants make of experience is not an individual event, but instead is enacted as a creative, collaborative process using cultural and institutional tools. The recognition that people's physical, social and reflective learning processes are mediated, challenges longstanding assumptions about the radical autonomy of learners, about ‘direct experience,’ and about the centrality of independent, cognitive reflection in experiential learning. Empirical data showing processes of mediation are presented, and the implications for research and theory are discussed.  相似文献   

This article explores the university-assisted community school approach as it has been developed at the University of Pennsylvania with its school and community partners in West Philadelphia since 1985, as well as adapted nationally. The approach is grounded in John Dewey's theory that the neighborhood school can function as the core neighborhood institution that provides comprehensive services, galvanizes other community institutions and groups, and helps solve the myriad problems schools and community confront in a rapidly changing world. Building on Dewey's ideas, the authors argue that all colleges and universities should make solving the problem of the American schooling system a very high institutional priority; their contributions to its solution should count heavily both in assessing their institutional performance (by themselves and others) and be a critical factor when responding to their requests for renewed or increased resources and financial support. Providing concrete examples from over 20 years of work in West Philadelphia, as well as from initiatives across the country, this article explores the potential of developing university-assisted community schools as an effective approach for school reform, pre-Kindergarten through higher education.  相似文献   

大学德育是一个常说常新的话题,也可以说是一个问题,很多高校包括教育行政部门也在采取种种举措推进德育工作。但是解决问题的前提是深刻的透视问题,廓清有关问题的论阈。大学德育也是如此,文章将从本题论的角度审视该问题,并试图拟出解决问题的路径。  相似文献   

At present, people throughout our country are conscientiously studying and implementing a series of important directives from Chairman Mao regarding the problem of theory and other issues. The study serves as a further impetus to all our undertakings. As with everything else in the country, an excellent situation has developed on the education front. From the "July 21" Workers' University in Shanghai to Ch'ao-yang Agricultural Institute in Liaoning Province, from the Communist Labor University in Kiangsi to schools in Tachai, both north and south of the Yangtze River, and both within and beyond the Great Wall, newborn things of the revolution in education are emerging everywhere like fresh flowers blooming one after another. Through various experimentation and tests, a brand-new system of proletarian education is on the way to being fully established and solidified. It was on July 27, 1968, that workers' and soldiers' Mao Tse-tung Thought propaganda teams began to move into educational institutes. Since then, Peking and Tsinghua universities, guided by Chairman Mao's revolutionary line, have vigorously forged ahead with the revolution in education. On their campuses, the broad masses of workerpeasant-soldier students are rapidly growing up and the ranks of intellectuals are undergoing a profound change.  相似文献   

Families have been getting more and more involved in their children’s education. This paper presents findings of a study investigating family involvement in their members’ undergraduate studies attending a state (non-fee-paying) and a private (fee-paying) university in Cyprus. The data presented in the paper were collected via online logs completed by administrative personnel in the two universities documenting incidents of family involvement. The data analysis demonstrates how similarly the phenomenon manifests in both universities and suggests that where the two universities differ is more in the intensity of the various modes of family involvement. It also projects students’ desires and encouragement of their family’s involvement and their families’ intervention to protect or guide them. The findings of the study are discussed in view of cultural and societal norms and changes about parenthood and the relationship between families and their university age members in a marketized higher education context.  相似文献   

One sees various efforts in developed as well as in developing economies to seek a greater participation of lower‐income students in their nation's leading universities. Once lower‐income students do enroll in a highly selective institution, what happens to them? How well do they do academically when compared to their more wealthy counterparts? How integrated are they into the academic community and in their satisfaction with their choice and sense of support by the institution and fellow students? These are crucial questions, if and when élite universities in various parts of the world become more representative of their general population; the stated desire of most of these institution, virtually all of which are nationally funded entities that must justify their public subsidies. This paper explores the divide between poor and rich students, first comparing a group of selective US institutions and their number and percentage of Pell Grant recipients and then, using institutional data and results from the University of California, Student Experience in the Research University Survey (SERU Survey), presenting an analysis of the high percentage of low‐income undergraduate students within the University of California system; who they are, their academic performance and quality of their undergraduate experience.  相似文献   

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