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学风建设一直是高校教学管理研究中的一个非常重要的问题,但如何才能达到有效管理的目的、增强管理的实际效能,从而在本质上整体提升大学生学习的自觉性和有效性,仍是值得我们深入研究和探讨的。本文分析了新时期高等学校学风建设存在的主要问题和原因,从思想政治工作、学习动机教育、教风建设、激励机制、校园文化、学生科研、学习条件建设等方面提出了建设优良学风的基本途径。  相似文献   

儿童是谁?关于这个问题有两种社会学的解读路径.从社会来看儿童,儿童是社会文化的承载者、学校存在价值的体现者、家庭生命的延续者、同伴群体的生产者和自身社会化的承担者.从儿童来看社会,儿童是社会发展的见证者、享用者、参与者和接班人.  相似文献   

To what extent do teachers use questions to encourage deeper thinking and elicit fuller responses? How do teachers use the levels of questions and wait time as a teaching technique? How do teachers make space for students to talk together so that their thoughts are visible to other students? This article seeks to provide answers to these important questions through a review of the literature that begins with a study of the history of questioning, and then turns to the following topics: developing higher level thinking through questioning strategies; the role of wait time within the context of classroom climate and peer interactions; and higher order questioning strategies aligned with student achievement in reading and language arts. Although the author's frame of reference for how these issues play out is within the context of a school where students’ ability to articulate understanding and their own point of view is purposefully promoted and highly valued, the insights will have broad applicability across a full spectrum of schools.  相似文献   

For over half a century, all mutations were believed to be ‘random’, i.e. independent of their effects on the organism in a given environment. This belief was strengthened by experiments by Luria and Delbruck and Lederberg and Lederberg in the middle of the century. Recently, however, many experiments have provided evidence to the contrary. A hot debate therefore ensues at the central stage of evolutionary genetics.  相似文献   


A burgeoning body of literature discusses the process of being and becoming a doctoral scholar, suggesting that graduate students should move beyond performing the role of ‘good student’ and transform into doctoral scholars and stewards of the profession. More recently, research has been conducted to identify more commonly held competencies and attributes doctoral scholars should develop. Even so, clear models for developing scholarly identity and specific habits-of-mind are more difficult to identify. The literature ranges from discussing this process as a form of transformation or identity development, as a form of socialisation, as regulative epistemology, or as the development of a scholarly habitus. While it would be fruitful to derive a new model for scholarly dispositions, we look to perennial wisdom and metaphors of intellectual excellence and lifelong learning that already exist. In this paper we illuminate three Confucian notions, elaborating the development of scholarly dispositions and cultivating particular habits of mind, values, and ways of being. Confucian philosophy sets forth ideal ways of being, valuing, and knowing that are highly developed in their own right and add a more holistic understanding to the conversation of scholarly identity development.  相似文献   

Responding to the alarming numbers of dissatisfied members of the U.S. workforce, this article introduces a workable plan of action titled “The Whole PIE,” which is useful for members of the workforce at all levels, to enhance their internal locus of control and enhance the quality of life at work for themselves and others. Starting with actions geared toward personal (“P”) performance enhancement, and subsequently graduating to actions at the interactive (“I”) and external (“E”) level, the text leads the reader toward a comprehensive perspective (The Whole “PIE”) in which short‐term and long‐term actors and factors are considered in one's workplace performance.  相似文献   

提问是教学行为中一种重要的师生间的对话行为,是教师有效教学的基本能力,但并非所有教学中的提问都是有效的。文章针对当前课堂教学中提问的现状和存在的问题,探究有效提问,提出优化有效提问的相关策略,促进课堂教学行为发展。  相似文献   

从问题解决的心理过程来看,解决问题的关键在于建立合适于问题解决的问题空间的类型。而能否有效地解决问题,常常取决于问话者的提问方式。从心理空间的视域出发研究提问,我们可以为教学提问建立一套策略原则:依据提问的目的拟建问题空间的类型,依据问题解决的策略来选择提问方式。  相似文献   

Stability and control of floating bodies is a major aspect of navigation from ancient to modern times. It is indeed remarkable that Archimedean concepts continue to guide watercraft designers even after 2200 years! Extending Euclidean concept to solids, Archimedes solved the problem of a paraboloid floating stably but with its base inclined to the water surface. Here, we revisit Archimedes and present stability maps (A-maps) for paraboloid, solid cone and a prism. For a specific combination of geometry and specific gravity, these A-maps predict whether a solid floats vertically or in a tilted fashion; or, whether it is partially submerged.  相似文献   

文文 《海外英语》2007,(1):66-68
[1]弗拉基米尔极有可能天生爱笑.在逐渐了解他数年后,我得知他不仅慷慨大笑,而且一点也不担心你可能会拿走比你应该得到的更多东西而他或许会吃亏.的确,他经常会没有明显原因而大声笑起来,给人留下印象的是他的笑声,而非他本人.当他在喝一碗汤的过程中、站着排队或在汽车站的时候,他都有可能会大声笑起来.  相似文献   

Any attempt to alter the culture of higher education needs to start at the departmental level. Teaching portfolios provide a promising means to empower the department that wants to value teaching and learning. Portfolios provide faculty and chairs with the means to recognize good teaching while still promoting the values of the discipline. On the one hand, the appeal of teaching portfolios rests with the ability of faculty and their departments to recognize both disciplinary and local idiosyncrasies. On the other hand, portfolios provide prominence to what is common across disciplines — teaching and learning.John P. Murray is Associate Dean of Curriculum and Instruction at Genesee Community College in Batavia, New York. Dr. Murray holds a BA from SUNY Potsdam, a MA from Arizona State University, and a Ph.D. from Ohio State University. His current research interests include how administrators can improve teaching and the roles of department chairpersons.  相似文献   


Spirituality encourages the individual to make sense of oneself within a wider framework of meaning and see oneself as part of some larger whole. This article discusses Confucian spirituality by focusing on the spiritual ideals of dao (Way) and he (harmony). It is explained that the Way represents a shared vision of human excellence that is embodied in the guiding discourse inherited from one’s cultural predecessors. The Confucian Way covers all the manifestations of Zhou culture, including its knowledge base, values, beliefs and practices that have been passed down through the generations. The Way is achieved through harmony where human beings find inner peace as well as co-exist with one another and their surroundings. Harmony encompasses an appreciation of beauty, joy and ethical values that may be obtained from arts education. The essay further illustrates an application of Confucian spiritual ideals through music education in a school. A Confucian aim of learning, the article concludes, is one that fosters spiritual development and contests the performativity agenda and school culture.  相似文献   

Tertiary Education and Management - In this paper, I shall put forward a model which highlights key issues to be taken into account in an attempt to improve academic excellence by the means of...  相似文献   

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