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This study examined how timing (i.e., relative maturity) and rate (i.e., how quickly infants attain proficiency) of A‐not‐B performance were related to changes in brain activity from age 6 to 12 months. A‐not‐B performance and resting EEG (electroencephalography) were measured monthly from age 6 to 12 months in 28 infants and were modeled using logistic and linear growth curve models. Infants with faster performance rates reached performance milestones earlier. Infants with faster rates of increase in A‐not‐B performance had lower occipital power at 6 months and greater linear increases in occipital power. The results underscore the importance of considering nonlinear change processes for studying infants’ cognitive development as well as how these changes are related to trajectories of EEG power.  相似文献   

国外教师情绪研究的视角转换与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自20世纪80年代以来,教师情绪逐渐得到研究者的重视,成为多学科研究的对象。这些研究表现出较为明显的阶段性特征,在第一阶段,研究者倾向于把教师情绪作为教师个人的内部心理特征,旨在确立教师情绪在教育中的价值;在第二阶段,研究者侧重从社会关系层面看待教师情绪,积极关注社会关系、政策改变与教师情绪体验之间的联系;在第三阶段,研究者开始把教师情绪的社会文化特征纳入研究之中,侧重从权力关系、情绪规则等研究教师情绪的塑造、转换和抵制。  相似文献   

Empirical work has shown how mathematics education exhibits certain tensions between its value as being practically useful to production and consumption on the one hand and in offering access to scarce resources on the other hand. These tensions can be ultimately traced to the contradictions in the way mathematical knowledge enhances the use value and exchange value of labour power, respectively. To understand this as a social psychological phenomenon, I look to two well-known theoretical perspectives on education, first that of the Marxist psychology of Vygotsky and activity theory (and contemporary cultural–historical activity theory) which I find tends to marginalise ‘exchange value’. Second, I look to Bourdieu’s sociology of education that tends to marginalise the use value. I then bring together these two perspectives in a joint theory of education as both development and re-production of labour power, in which use and exchange value both have their place (in commodity production). This helps explain where mathematics education might be critical.  相似文献   

Low power adder circuits ,SERF,10T-Ⅰ,10T-Ⅱ,10T-Ⅲ and a complementary adder (28T) at physical layout level are evaluated.Simulations based on the extracted adder circuit layouts are run to assess how various circuit setups can impact the speed and power consumption.In addition,impacts of output inveners on the circuit perfomance of modified SERF and 10T adders due to threshold loss problem are also examined.Differences among these adders are addressed and applications of these adders are suggested.  相似文献   

The knowledge value chain has multiple stakeholders such as researchers and policy-makers. These are conventionally knowledge producers and knowledge users, respectively. Knowledge producers and knowledge users sometimes have conflicting interests, expectations, concerns, and priorities. To mitigate these differences, one of the strategies used is knowledge co-production. However, at times the knowledge co-production process demonstrates the implications of the adage that ‘knowledge is power’. The manifestations of power or powerlessness are demonstrated in knowledge production and knowledge use/consumption. This paper discusses the metamorphosis of research approaches during a project and the concomitant adjustment of power relations and stakeholder expectations regarding knowledge production and consumption in the VakaYiko Project. It employs theoretical approaches from conventional research, applied research and participatory action research to analyse the concomitant negotiations for power. Power was demonstrated in decision-making with regard to how to undertake the study, composition of the research team, sampling of participants, and what to include/exclude in the research report. The data for this study were gathered through interviews with representatives of organisations that participated in the project and from the project research reports. The four key findings are that (1) the interface of knowledge producers and knowledge users is a site for the contestation of power because of competing priorities and lack of mutual understanding, (2) unresolved knowledge co-creation concerns inhibit the knowledge production process, (3) research uptake is not automatic; it is determined by several factors, and (4) project conceptualisation oversights translate to glitches at subsequent stages of the project.  相似文献   

增值税作为我国的第一大税种,其改革的重要性不言而喻。增值税由生产型转为消费型所带来的财政风险究竟有多大,抵扣模式应如何选择,应采取怎样的配套措施等,都应是深入研究和探讨的问题。  相似文献   

This article considers the role of the storyteller of religious narrative, not as presenter but as custodian of the narrative. Two case studies are examined. In the first it is shown how a storyteller can operate deliberately to attack and vitiate the received tradition about their chosen subject. In the second it is shown how an established religious story can be forced to illustrate counter-values to those of its originating tradition. From these it is argued that in religious education more attention needs to be paid to the power of the storyteller and the ethical issues that arise from the use and abuse of narrative.  相似文献   

This article explores the localisation of the global and European discourse of educational governance in the Greek education system through the changes that have been introduced in the field of education administration since 2009 by the then socialist government. Our research aims to contribute to the critical policy literature on the spreading marketisation and privatisation in the governing of education around the world and in Europe – through the adoption of New Public Management and Educational Leadership models. In developing our theoretical perspective, we use the Foucauldian concepts of governmentality and discourse, and in order to conceptualise power and control relations in the organisation, transmission, acquisition, and evaluation of pedagogical knowledge, we draw on Bernstein's theory of symbolic control. Our study has examined how the field of education administration is governed through power and knowledge transformations. We trace these transformations by analysing systematically the pedagogic discourse through which the global governance discourse is relayed and becomes a ‘regime of truth’ within public policy and practice in Greece. We argue that such changes have significant implications for everyday educational practice and for the kinds of knowledge that are considered legitimate, and they may affect educational professionals' subjectivities in fundamental ways.  相似文献   

Through a self-study methodology, six doctoral students and a professor examine how our semester long doctoral level class became a transformative space for all participants. We investigate how each individual was able to participate in the construction of a powerful and meaningful learning community, which led to a re-visioning of ourselves as women and teacher educators. Feminist pedagogy and positioning theory provide a guiding framework for both the class and our own reflective research. Our findings include, but are not limited to, showing how negotiating the curriculum led to a doctoral class becoming a safe space and how this negotiation led to transferring democratic practices to our teaching and the tensions associated with that. This work contributes to the field of teacher education as it focuses on the importance of fostering classroom and school cultures where knowledge production is facilitated through democratized practices. Our study highlights the value of creating a learning community where all members, both students and teacher, share power, privilege, and voice. It is in these types of positive educational environments that true meaning making and change can occur.  相似文献   

迎接数字化校园的挑战-教育变革模型及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
数字化校园会改变学校的很多方面。如何应对诸多教育变革、有序高效地发挥数字化校园的威力,是很多学校都关心的问题。本文介绍了国外有关教育变革的研究成果,这些研究可以用来指导学校更好地制订相关政策、设计教师培训、推动技术应用。  相似文献   

余斌 《教学与研究》2007,23(3):49-56
斯蒂德曼对马克思劳动价值理论的非难源于他本人对马克思劳动价值理论和生产价格理论的错误理解."价值总量"与"生产价格总量"只是同一个数量的不同表现方式,它们不可能不相等;而总剩余价值量等于总利润则是劳动价值理论关于利润的定义式,这两个量也不可能不相等.从而,价值转形理论的数学难题只是一个伪问题,可以休矣.  相似文献   

马克思、恩格斯认为科技的价值在于:科学技术是直接的生产力,是生产力的首要的力量;科学技术大幅度地提高着劳动生产率,极大地促进着社会生产的发展;是生产关系的基础;决定着阶级的划分,决定着统治和从属的关系,决定着国家、政治、法律,是唯物主义和人科学的基础;科学技术的发展导致生产关系的变革和社会变革,是历史的有力的杠杆,是最高意义上的革命力量。科技价值的主体基础主要是工人阶级和人类社会的利益与需要。科技价值的实现机制主要是科技的物化、智力化和生产过程的实际运用。马克思、恩格斯科技价值观具有中介性、社会性、合力性和革命性等特点,是社会历史观、价值观与科技观的统一。  相似文献   

The practice of critical policy analysis often emphasizes the importance of historicizing the present. However, there is very little guidance for critical policy analysts on the methodical production of histories. In this paper, I meet this need by arguing for the use of methodologies embedded in the production of both cultural histories and microhistories. I show how the historical narratives that are produced by critical policy analysts must be able to reveal patterns of long-term social interactions and domination, while simultaneously showing how people on a smaller temporal scale still disrupt and bend these social structures to their needs. Most importantly, I argue that using such methodologies allows critical policy analysts to practice a form of historicizing that explicitly adheres to an epistemological stance that emphasizes the social construction of knowledge through power relationships.  相似文献   

In Foucault's view,power is in everywhere,especially in place where meaning is produced.It's the same in advertisement.In this paper,I will try to analyse the production of truth and how the power is used as strategies.  相似文献   

品牌就是力量。品牌的力量来自其内涵的价值和由此所挖掘的价值。文章试图从中国女性报刊文化品牌分析入手,分析和探讨如何形成品牌的本质价值,实现品牌的社会价值,提升品牌的经济(产业)价值,在中国文化产业品牌中迸发自己的力量,彰显独有的影响,扛起中国文化产业发展的大旗。  相似文献   

This article combines a global, national and local perspective to study the effects if educational changes over the last 20 years on the relationship between head teachers, teachers and parents in France. Five kinds of transformations - decentralization, marketization, accountability, managerialism and professionalization - are examined in terms of their impact on definitions of the social and professional identities of educational agents and on the redistribution of power among them. The first section of the paper examines main shifts in policy and practice that these transformations were designed to produce from the perspective of policy-makers. The second section analyses the interaction between these global discourses and transformations of French educational models and realities at the level of the nation state. The third section shows how reform projects interact in very different ways with school realities in two contrasting local settings.  相似文献   

Alternative assessment is an increasingly common and popular discourse in education. The potential value and benefit of alternative assessment practices are premised on significant changes in assessment practices. Many alternative assessment practices seek and promise alternatives to tests and examinations. However, labelling a practice as ‘Alternative Assessment’ in itself is not a guarantee of meaningful departure from existing practice. Such alternative assessment practices risk retaining and perpetuating the same limitations and adverse consequences of tests and examinations they claim to avoid. Recent developments in the assessment system in Singapore have given rise to increased attention to alternative assessment as a means of alleviating negative effects of testing and high stakes examinations. The success or limitations of these attempts are helpful in understanding how alternative assessment can be understood and used in different ways, and how each way of experiencing alternative assessment may be more suited to supporting learning than others. In this article, the results of a phenomenographic study on teachers’ experiences of alternative assessment in Singapore are presented. Three conceptions of alternative assessment are identified, each depicting a particular way of understanding and using alternative assessment in schools. These findings are subsequently examined in terms of the potential for teachers to understand and use alternative assessment to enhance students learning in sustainable ways.  相似文献   

我国媒介事件中的伦理问题表现在传媒改变新闻生产模式,预设新闻价值;传媒报道方式有违新闻专业主义标准;媒介权力越位。解决我国媒介事件中伦理问题的对策是确立伦理原则,完善媒介事件报道手法;构建新闻伦理的实践机制,强化传媒他律形式;实现传媒伦理道德的内化,强化传媒自律形式。  相似文献   

Feedback is important for learning. However, there are different types of feedback, and not all feedback is effective. Here we introduce recursive feedback (RF), which occurs when tutors observe their pupils use what they have been taught. Two experiments examined the value of RF during learning by teaching. In the first study adults taught another adult face to face about human biology. Those participants who observed their pupil interact with an examiner exhibited superior learning relative to individuals in several control conditions that included elements of learning by teaching but not RF. The second study examined whether RF benefits extend to teaching computerized teachable agents in regular classrooms. High school students played games in which they induced logical rules. Students taught their agent the governing rules. They received RF when they observed their teachable agent play a prediction game against a second competitor agent. On a posttest, these students exhibited greater abilities to use logic to solve novel problems compared to students in control conditions who received direct feedback by playing against the competitor agent themselves. RF may further generalize to nonteaching situations that also involve a production–appropriation cycle, such as do-it-yourself projects in which people have a chance to learn from how other people take up their handiwork.  相似文献   

Learning the value of environmental signals and using that information to guide behavior is critical for survival. Stress in childhood may influence these processes, but how it does so is still unclear. This study examined how stressful event exposures and perceived social isolation affect the ability to learn value signals and use that information in 72 children (8–9 years; 29 girls; 65.3% White). Stressful event exposures and perceived social isolation did not influence how children learned value information. But, children with high stressful event exposures and perceived social isolation were worse at using that information. These data suggest alterations in how value information is used, rather than learned, may be one mechanism linking early experiences to later behaviors.  相似文献   

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